From d93ce12afa56e80df4265d7c9d9554ffa0195504 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christian Decker <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 17:15:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] gossip: Broadcasting and handling gossip messages

 daemon/Makefile       |   2 +
 daemon/lightningd.c   |   4 +
 daemon/p2p_announce.c | 322 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 daemon/p2p_announce.h |  17 +++
 daemon/peer.c         |   1 +
 5 files changed, 346 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 daemon/p2p_announce.c
 create mode 100644 daemon/p2p_announce.h

diff --git a/daemon/Makefile b/daemon/Makefile
index 06cced233..fa7aca974 100644
--- a/daemon/Makefile
+++ b/daemon/Makefile
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ DAEMON_SRC :=					\
 	daemon/netaddr.c			\
 	daemon/opt_time.c			\
 	daemon/output_to_htlc.c			\
+	daemon/p2p_announce.c			\
 	daemon/packets.c			\
 	daemon/pay.c				\
 	daemon/peer.c				\
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ DAEMON_HEADERS :=				\
 	daemon/netaddr.h			\
 	daemon/opt_time.h			\
 	daemon/output_to_htlc.h			\
+	daemon/p2p_announce.h			\
 	daemon/packets.h			\
 	daemon/pay.h				\
 	daemon/peer.h				\
diff --git a/daemon/lightningd.c b/daemon/lightningd.c
index f1aab72a2..dd73facfa 100644
--- a/daemon/lightningd.c
+++ b/daemon/lightningd.c
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "lightningd.h"
 #include "log.h"
 #include "opt_time.h"
+#include "p2p_announce.h"
 #include "peer.h"
 #include "routing.h"
 #include "secrets.h"
@@ -552,6 +553,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	if (dstate->config.use_irc)
+	/* set up P2P gossip protocol */
+	setup_p2p_announce(dstate);
 	log_info(dstate->base_log, "Hello world!");
 	/* If we loaded peers from database, reconnect now. */
diff --git a/daemon/p2p_announce.c b/daemon/p2p_announce.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1fcc85744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/p2p_announce.c
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+#include "daemon/chaintopology.h"
+#include "daemon/log.h"
+#include "daemon/p2p_announce.h"
+#include "daemon/packets.h"
+#include "daemon/peer.h"
+#include "daemon/routing.h"
+#include "daemon/secrets.h"
+#include "daemon/timeout.h"
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <ccan/tal/str/str.h>
+#include <ccan/tal/tal.h>
+#include <secp256k1.h>
+u8 ipv4prefix[] = {
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+	0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF
+/* Read an IP from `srcip` and convert it into the dotted
+ * notation. Handles both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and converts
+ * accordingly. We differentiate the two by using the RFC 4291
+ * IPv4-mapped IPv6 format */
+static char* read_ip(const tal_t *ctx, const struct ipv6 *srcip)
+	char tempaddr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+	if (memcmp(srcip, ipv4prefix, sizeof(ipv4prefix)) == 0) {
+		inet_ntop(AF_INET, srcip + 12, tempaddr, sizeof(tempaddr));
+	}else{
+		inet_ntop(AF_INET6, srcip, tempaddr, sizeof(tempaddr));
+	}
+	return tal_strdup(ctx, tempaddr);
+/* Serialize the IP address in `srcip` into a 16 byte
+ * representation. It handles both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses, prefixing
+ * IPv4 addresses with the prefix described in RFC 4291. */
+static void write_ip(struct ipv6 *dstip, char *srcip)
+	if (!strchr(srcip, ':')) {
+		memcpy(dstip, ipv4prefix, sizeof(ipv4prefix));
+		inet_pton(AF_INET, srcip, dstip);
+	} else {
+		inet_pton(AF_INET6, srcip, dstip);
+	}
+static void broadcast(struct lightningd_state *dstate,
+		      int type, u8 *pkt,
+		      struct peer *origin)
+	struct peer *p;
+	list_for_each(&dstate->peers, p, list) {
+		if (state_is_normal(p->state) && origin != p)
+			queue_pkt_nested(p, type, pkt);
+	}
+static bool add_channel_direction(struct lightningd_state *dstate,
+				  const struct pubkey *from,
+				  const struct pubkey *to,
+				  const int direction,
+				  const struct channel_id *channel_id
+	)
+	struct node_connection *c = get_connection(dstate, from, to);
+	if (c){
+		/* Do not clobber connections added otherwise */
+		memcpy(&c->channel_id, channel_id, sizeof(c->channel_id));
+		c->flags = direction;
+		printf("Found node_connection via get_connection");
+		return false;
+	}else if(get_connection_by_cid(dstate, channel_id, direction)) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	half_add_connection(dstate,
+			    from,
+			    to,
+			    channel_id, direction);
+	return true;
+void handle_channel_announcement(
+	struct peer *peer,
+	const struct msg_channel_announcement *msg)
+	u8 *serialized;
+	bool forward = false;
+	if (!msg)
+		return;
+	//FIXME(cdecker) Check signatures, when the spec is settled
+	//FIXME(cdecker) Check chain topology for the anchor TX
+	log_debug(peer->log, "Received channel_announcement for channel %d:%d:%d",
+			  msg->channel_id.blocknum,
+			  msg->channel_id.txnum,
+			  msg->channel_id.outnum
+		);
+	forward |= add_channel_direction(peer->dstate, &msg->node_id_1,
+					 &msg->node_id_2, 0, &msg->channel_id);
+	forward |= add_channel_direction(peer->dstate, &msg->node_id_2,
+					 &msg->node_id_1, 1, &msg->channel_id);
+	if (!forward){
+		log_debug(peer->log, "Not forwarding channel_announcement");
+		return;
+	}
+	serialized = towire_channel_announcement(msg, msg);
+	broadcast(peer->dstate, WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT, serialized, peer);
+	tal_free(msg);
+void handle_channel_update(struct peer *peer, const struct msg_channel_update *msg)
+	if (!msg)
+		return;
+	u8 *serialized;
+	struct node_connection *c;
+	log_debug(peer->log, "Received channel_update for channel %d:%d:%d(%d)",
+		  msg->channel_id.blocknum,
+		  msg->channel_id.txnum,
+		  msg->channel_id.outnum,
+		  msg->flags & 0x01
+		);
+	c = get_connection_by_cid(peer->dstate, &msg->channel_id, msg->flags & 0x1);
+	if (!c) {
+		log_debug(peer->log, "Ignoring update for unknown channel %d:%d:%d",
+			  msg->channel_id.blocknum,
+			  msg->channel_id.txnum,
+			  msg->channel_id.outnum
+			);
+		return;
+	} else if (c->last_timestamp >= msg->timestamp) {
+		log_debug(peer->log, "Ignoring outdated update.");
+		return;
+	}
+	//FIXME(cdecker) Check signatures
+	serialized = towire_channel_update(msg, msg);
+	c->last_timestamp = msg->timestamp;
+	c->delay = msg->expiry;
+	c->htlc_minimum_msat = msg->htlc_minimum_msat;
+	c->base_fee = msg->fee_base_msat;
+	c->proportional_fee = msg->fee_proportional_millionths;
+	c->active = true;
+	log_debug(peer->log, "Channel %d:%d:%d(%d) was updated.",
+		  msg->channel_id.blocknum,
+		  msg->channel_id.txnum,
+		  msg->channel_id.outnum,
+		  msg->flags
+		);
+	broadcast(peer->dstate, WIRE_CHANNEL_UPDATE, serialized, peer);
+	tal_free(msg);
+void handle_node_announcement(
+	struct peer *peer, const struct msg_node_announcement *msg)
+	u8 *serialized;
+	struct sha256_double hash;
+	struct node *node;
+	if (!msg)
+		return;
+	log_debug_struct(peer->log,
+			 "Received node_announcement for node %s",
+			 struct pubkey, &msg->node_id);
+	serialized = towire_node_announcement(msg, msg);
+	sha256_double(&hash, serialized + 64, tal_count(serialized) - 64);
+	if (!check_signed_hash(&hash, &msg->signature, &msg->node_id)) {
+		log_debug(peer->dstate->base_log,
+			  "Ignoring node announcement, signature verification failed.");
+		return;
+	}
+	node = get_node(peer->dstate, &msg->node_id);
+	if (!node) {
+		log_debug(peer->dstate->base_log,
+			  "Node not found, was the node_announcement preceeded by at least channel_announcement?");
+		return;
+	} else if (node->last_timestamp >= msg->timestamp) {
+		log_debug(peer->dstate->base_log,
+			  "Ignoring node announcement, it's outdated.");
+		return;
+	}
+	node->last_timestamp = msg->timestamp;
+	if (node->hostname)
+		node->hostname = tal_free(node->hostname);
+	node->hostname = read_ip(node, &msg->ipv6);
+	node->port = msg->port;
+	memcpy(node->rgb_color, msg->rgb_color, 3);
+	broadcast(peer->dstate, WIRE_NODE_ANNOUNCEMENT, serialized, peer);
+	tal_free(msg);
+static void broadcast_channel_update(struct lightningd_state *dstate, struct peer *peer)
+	struct msg_channel_update *msg;
+	struct txlocator *loc;
+	u8 *serialized;
+	msg = tal(peer, struct msg_channel_update);
+	loc = locate_tx(msg, dstate, &peer->anchor.txid);
+	msg->timestamp = timeabs_to_timeval(time_now()).tv_sec;
+	msg->channel_id.blocknum = loc->blkheight;
+	msg->channel_id.txnum = loc->index;
+	msg->channel_id.outnum = peer->anchor.index;
+	msg->flags = pubkey_cmp(&dstate->id, peer->id) > 0;
+	msg->expiry = dstate->config.min_htlc_expiry;
+	msg->htlc_minimum_msat = 1;
+	msg->fee_base_msat = dstate->config.fee_base;
+	msg->fee_proportional_millionths = dstate->config.fee_per_satoshi;
+	/* Avoid triggering memcheck */
+	memset(&msg->signature, 0, sizeof(msg->signature));
+	serialized = towire_channel_update(msg, msg);
+	privkey_sign(dstate, serialized + 64, tal_count(serialized) - 64, &msg->signature);
+	serialized = towire_channel_update(msg, msg);
+	broadcast(dstate, WIRE_CHANNEL_UPDATE, serialized, NULL);
+	tal_free(msg);
+static void broadcast_node_announcement(struct lightningd_state *dstate)
+	u8 *serialized;
+	/* Are we listeing for incoming connections at all? */
+	if (!dstate->external_ip || !dstate->portnum)
+		return;
+	struct msg_node_announcement *msg = tal(dstate, struct msg_node_announcement);
+	msg->timestamp = timeabs_to_timeval(time_now()).tv_sec;
+	msg->node_id = dstate->id;
+	write_ip(&msg->ipv6, dstate->external_ip);
+	msg->port = dstate->portnum;
+	memset(&msg->rgb_color, 0x00, 3);
+	serialized = towire_node_announcement(msg, msg);
+	privkey_sign(dstate, serialized + 64, tal_count(serialized) - 64, &msg->signature);
+	serialized = towire_node_announcement(msg, msg);
+	broadcast(dstate, WIRE_NODE_ANNOUNCEMENT, serialized, NULL);
+	tal_free(msg);
+static void broadcast_channel_announcement(struct lightningd_state *dstate, struct peer *peer)
+	struct msg_channel_announcement *msg = tal(peer, struct msg_channel_announcement);
+	struct txlocator *loc;
+	u8 *ser;
+	loc = locate_tx(msg, dstate, &peer->anchor.txid);
+	msg->channel_id.blocknum = loc->blkheight;
+	msg->channel_id.txnum = loc->index;
+	msg->channel_id.outnum = peer->anchor.index;
+	if (pubkey_cmp(&dstate->id, peer->id) > 0) {
+		msg->node_id_1 = *peer->id;
+		msg->node_id_2 = dstate->id;
+		msg->bitcoin_key_1 = *peer->id;
+		msg->bitcoin_key_2 = dstate->id;
+	} else {
+		msg->node_id_2 = *peer->id;
+		msg->node_id_1 = dstate->id;
+		msg->bitcoin_key_2 = *peer->id;
+		msg->bitcoin_key_1 = dstate->id;
+	}
+	//FIXME(cdecker) actually sign this packet, currently not pinned down in spec
+	ser = towire_channel_announcement(msg, msg);
+	broadcast(dstate, WIRE_CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT, ser, NULL);
+	tal_free(msg);
+static void announce(struct lightningd_state *dstate)
+	struct peer *p;
+	int nchan = 0;
+	new_reltimer(dstate, dstate, time_from_sec(6), announce, dstate);
+	list_for_each(&dstate->peers, p, list) {
+		if (state_is_normal(p->state)) {
+			broadcast_channel_announcement(dstate, p);
+			broadcast_channel_update(dstate, p);
+			nchan += 1;
+		}
+	}
+	/* No point in broadcasting our node if we don't have a channel */
+	if (nchan > 0)
+		broadcast_node_announcement(dstate);
+void announce_channel(struct lightningd_state *dstate, struct peer *peer)
+	broadcast_channel_announcement(dstate, peer);
+	broadcast_channel_update(dstate, peer);
+	broadcast_node_announcement(dstate);
+void setup_p2p_announce(struct lightningd_state *dstate)
+	new_reltimer(dstate, dstate, time_from_sec(30), announce, dstate);
diff --git a/daemon/p2p_announce.h b/daemon/p2p_announce.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc8848828
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/p2p_announce.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include "lightningd.h"
+#include "wire/gen_wire.h"
+void setup_p2p_announce(struct lightningd_state *dstate);
+/* Handlers for incoming messages */
+void handle_channel_announcement(struct peer *peer, const struct msg_channel_announcement *announce);
+void handle_channel_update(struct peer *peer, const struct msg_channel_update *update);
+void handle_node_announcement(struct peer *peer, const struct msg_node_announcement *node);
+/* Used to announce the existence of a channel and the endpoints */
+void announce_channel(struct lightningd_state *dstate, struct peer *peer);
diff --git a/daemon/peer.c b/daemon/peer.c
index 063abd984..8d04241a1 100644
--- a/daemon/peer.c
+++ b/daemon/peer.c
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "names.h"
 #include "netaddr.h"
 #include "output_to_htlc.h"
+#include "p2p_announce.h"
 #include "packets.h"
 #include "pay.h"
 #include "peer.h"