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common/gossmap: helper to map the gossip store.

I went overboard on optimization.  I am so sorry:
1. Squeezed channel min/max into 16 bits.
2. Uses mmap and leaves node_ids in the file.
3. Uses offsets instead of pointers where possible.
4. Uses custom free-list to allocate inside arrays.
5. Ignores our autogenerated marshalling code in favor of direct derefs.
6. Carefully aligns everything so we use minimal ram.

The result is that the current gossip_store:
 - load time (-O3 -flto laptop): 40msec
 - load time (-g laptop i.e. DEVELOPER=0): 60msec
 - load time (-O0 laptop i.e. DEVELOPER=1): 110msec
 - Total memory: 2.6MB:
   - 1.5MB for the array of channels
   - 512k for the channel htable to map scid -> channel.
   - 320k for the node htable to map nodeid -> node.
   - 192k for the array of channels inside each node
   - 94k for the array of nodes

Signed-off-by: Rusty Russell <>
Rusty Russell 4 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 831
  3. 130
  4. 151


@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ COMMON_SRC_NOGEN := \
common/json_tok.c \
common/key_derive.c \
common/keyset.c \
common/gossmap.c \
common/memleak.c \
common/msg_queue.c \
common/node_id.c \
@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ ALL_OBJS += $(COMMON_OBJS)
common/gen_htlc_state_names.h: common/htlc_state.h ccan/ccan/cdump/tools/cdump-enumstr
ccan/ccan/cdump/tools/cdump-enumstr common/htlc_state.h > $@
common/gossip_store.o: gossipd/gossip_store_wiregen.h
check-makefile: check-common-makefile


@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
#include <assert.h>
#include <ccan/bitops/bitops.h>
#include <ccan/crypto/siphash24/siphash24.h>
#include <ccan/endian/endian.h>
#include <ccan/err/err.h>
#include <ccan/htable/htable_type.h>
#include <ccan/mem/mem.h>
#include <ccan/ptrint/ptrint.h>
#include <ccan/tal/str/str.h>
#include <common/gossip_store.h>
#include <common/gossmap.h>
#include <common/node_id.h>
#include <common/pseudorand.h>
#include <common/type_to_string.h>
#include <common/utils.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <gossipd/gossip_store_wiregen.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wire/gen_peer_wire.h>
/* We need this global to decode indexes for hash functions */
static struct gossmap *map;
/* This makes an htable of indices into our array. */
static struct short_channel_id chanidx_id(const ptrint_t *pidx);
static bool chanidx_eq_id(const ptrint_t *pidx,
struct short_channel_id scid)
struct short_channel_id pidxid = chanidx_id(pidx);
return short_channel_id_eq(&pidxid, &scid);
static size_t scid_hash(const struct short_channel_id scid)
return siphash24(siphash_seed(), &scid, sizeof(scid));
HTABLE_DEFINE_TYPE(ptrint_t, chanidx_id, scid_hash, chanidx_eq_id,
static struct node_id nodeidx_id(const ptrint_t *pidx);
static bool nodeidx_eq_id(const ptrint_t *pidx, const struct node_id id)
struct node_id pidxid = nodeidx_id(pidx);
return node_id_eq(&pidxid, &id);
static size_t nodeid_hash(const struct node_id id)
return siphash24(siphash_seed(), &id, PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN);
HTABLE_DEFINE_TYPE(ptrint_t, nodeidx_id, nodeid_hash, nodeidx_eq_id,
struct gossmap {
/* The file descriptor and filename to monitor */
int fd;
int st_dev, st_ino;
const char *fname;
/* The memory map of the file: u8 for arithmetic portability */
u8 *mmap;
/* map_end is where we read to so far, map_size is total size */
size_t map_end, map_size;
/* Map of node id -> node */
struct nodeidx_htable nodes;
/* Map of short_channel_id id -> channel */
struct chanidx_htable channels;
/* Array of nodes, so we can use simple index. */
struct gossmap_node *node_arr;
/* Array of chans, so we can use simple index */
struct gossmap_chan *chan_arr;
/* Linked list of freed ones, if any. */
u32 freed_nodes, freed_chans;
/* Accessors for the gossmap */
static void map_copy(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset,
void *dst, size_t len)
assert(offset < map->map_size);
assert(offset + len <= map->map_size);
if (map->mmap)
memcpy(dst, map->mmap + offset, len);
else {
/* Yeah, we'll crash on I/O errors. */
if (pread(map->fd, dst, len, offset) != len)
static u8 map_u8(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset)
u8 u8;
map_copy(map, offset, &u8, sizeof(u8));
return u8;
static u16 map_be16(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset)
be16 be16;
map_copy(map, offset, &be16, sizeof(be16));
return be16_to_cpu(be16);
static u32 map_be32(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset)
be32 be32;
map_copy(map, offset, &be32, sizeof(be32));
return be32_to_cpu(be32);
static u64 map_be64(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset)
be64 be64;
map_copy(map, offset, &be64, sizeof(be64));
return be64_to_cpu(be64);
static void map_nodeid(const struct gossmap *map, size_t offset,
struct node_id *id)
map_copy(map, offset, id, sizeof(*id));
/* These values can change across calls to gossmap_check. */
u32 gossmap_max_node_idx(const struct gossmap *map)
return tal_count(map->node_arr);
u32 gossmap_max_chan_idx(const struct gossmap *map)
return tal_count(map->chan_arr);
/* Each channel has a unique (low) index. */
u32 gossmap_node_idx(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *node)
assert(node - map->node_arr < tal_count(map->node_arr));
return node - map->node_arr;
u32 gossmap_chan_idx(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *chan)
assert(chan - map->chan_arr < tal_count(map->chan_arr));
return chan - map->chan_arr;
/* htable can't handle NULL values, so we add 1 */
static struct gossmap_chan *ptrint2chan(const ptrint_t *pidx)
return map->chan_arr + ptr2int(pidx) - 1;
static ptrint_t *chan2ptrint(const struct gossmap_chan *chan)
return int2ptr(chan - map->chan_arr + 1);
static struct gossmap_node *ptrint2node(const ptrint_t *pidx)
return map->node_arr + ptr2int(pidx) - 1;
static ptrint_t *node2ptrint(const struct gossmap_node *node)
return int2ptr(node - map->node_arr + 1);
static struct short_channel_id chanidx_id(const ptrint_t *pidx)
return gossmap_chan_scid(map, ptrint2chan(pidx));
static struct node_id nodeidx_id(const ptrint_t *pidx)
struct node_id id;
gossmap_node_get_id(map, ptrint2node(pidx), &id);
return id;
struct gossmap_node *gossmap_find_node(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct node_id *id)
ptrint_t *pi = nodeidx_htable_get(&map->nodes, *id);
if (pi)
return ptrint2node(pi);
return NULL;
struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_find_chan(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct short_channel_id *scid)
ptrint_t *pi = chanidx_htable_get(&map->channels, *scid);
if (pi)
return ptrint2chan(pi);
return NULL;
static fp16_t u64_to_fp16(u64 val, bool round_up)
u16 mantissa_bits, mantissa, exponent;
if (val == 0)
return 0;
/* How many bits do we need to represent mantissa? */
mantissa_bits = bitops_hs64(val) + 1;
/* We only have 11 bits, so if we need more, we will round. */
if (mantissa_bits > 11) {
exponent = mantissa_bits - 11;
mantissa = (val >> exponent);
/* If we're losing bits here, we're rounding down */
if (round_up && (val & ((1ULL << exponent)-1))) {
if (mantissa == (1 << 11)) {
mantissa >>= 1;
/* huge number? Make it max. */
if (exponent >= 32) {
exponent = 31;
mantissa = (1 << 11)-1;
} else {
exponent = 0;
mantissa = val;
assert((mantissa >> 11) == 0);
return (exponent << 11) | mantissa;
static u32 init_node_arr(struct gossmap_node *node_arr, size_t start)
size_t i;
for (i = start; i < tal_count(node_arr) - 1; i++) {
node_arr[i].nann_off = i + 1;
node_arr[i].chan_idxs = NULL;
node_arr[i].nann_off = UINT_MAX;
node_arr[i].chan_idxs = NULL;
return start;
/* Freelist links through node_off of unused entries. */
static struct gossmap_node *next_free_node(struct gossmap *map)
size_t f;
if (map->freed_nodes == UINT_MAX) {
/* Double in size, add second half to free list */
size_t n = tal_count(map->node_arr);
tal_resize(&map->node_arr, n * 2);
map->freed_nodes = init_node_arr(map->node_arr, n);
f = map->freed_nodes;
map->freed_nodes = map->node_arr[f].nann_off;
return &map->node_arr[f];
static u32 new_node(struct gossmap *map)
struct gossmap_node *node = next_free_node(map);
assert(node->chan_idxs == NULL);
node->nann_off = 0;
node->num_chans = 0;
return gossmap_node_idx(map, node);
static void remove_node(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_node *node)
u32 nodeidx = gossmap_node_idx(map, node);
if (!nodeidx_htable_del(&map->nodes, node2ptrint(node)))
node->nann_off = map->freed_nodes;
node->chan_idxs = NULL;
node->num_chans = 0;
map->freed_nodes = nodeidx;
static void node_add_channel(struct gossmap_node *node, u32 chanidx)
node->chan_idxs = realloc(node->chan_idxs,
node->num_chans * sizeof(*node->chan_idxs));
node->chan_idxs[node->num_chans-1] = chanidx;
static u32 init_chan_arr(struct gossmap_chan *chan_arr, size_t start)
size_t i;
for (i = start; i < tal_count(chan_arr) - 1; i++) {
chan_arr[i].cann_off = i + 1;
chan_arr[i].scid_off = 0;
chan_arr[i].cann_off = UINT_MAX;
chan_arr[i].scid_off = 0;
return start;
/* Freelist links through scid of unused entries. */
static struct gossmap_chan *next_free_chan(struct gossmap *map)
size_t f;
if (map->freed_chans == UINT_MAX) {
/* Double in size, add second half to free list */
size_t n = tal_count(map->chan_arr);
tal_resize(&map->chan_arr, n * 2);
map->freed_chans = init_chan_arr(map->chan_arr, n);
f = map->freed_chans;
map->freed_chans = map->chan_arr[f].cann_off;
return &map->chan_arr[f];
static struct gossmap_chan *new_channel(struct gossmap *map,
u32 cannounce_off,
u32 scid_off,
u32 n1idx, u32 n2idx)
struct gossmap_chan *chan = next_free_chan(map);
chan->cann_off = cannounce_off;
chan->scid_off = scid_off;
memset(chan->half, 0, sizeof(chan->half));
chan->half[0].nodeidx = n1idx;
chan->half[1].nodeidx = n2idx;
node_add_channel(map->node_arr + n1idx, gossmap_chan_idx(map, chan));
node_add_channel(map->node_arr + n2idx, gossmap_chan_idx(map, chan));
chanidx_htable_add(&map->channels, chan2ptrint(chan));
return chan;
static void remove_chan_from_node(struct gossmap *map,
struct gossmap_node *node,
u32 chanidx)
size_t i;
if (node->num_chans == 1) {
remove_node(map, node);
for (i = 0; node->chan_idxs[i] != chanidx; i++)
assert(i < node->num_chans);
memmove(node->chan_idxs + i,
node->chan_idxs + i + 1,
sizeof(node->chan_idxs[0]) * (node->num_chans - i - 1));
void gossmap_remove_chan(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_chan *chan)
u32 chanidx = gossmap_chan_idx(map, chan);
if (!chanidx_htable_del(&map->channels, chan2ptrint(chan)))
remove_chan_from_node(map, gossmap_nth_node(map, chan, 0), chanidx);
remove_chan_from_node(map, gossmap_nth_node(map, chan, 1), chanidx);
chan->cann_off = map->freed_chans;
chan->scid_off = 0;
map->freed_chans = chanidx;
void gossmap_remove_node(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_node *node)
while (node->num_chans != 0)
gossmap_remove_chan(map, gossmap_nth_chan(map, node, 0, NULL));
/* BOLT #7:
* 1. type: 256 (`channel_announcement`)
* 2. data:
* * [`signature`:`node_signature_1`]
* * [`signature`:`node_signature_2`]
* * [`signature`:`bitcoin_signature_1`]
* * [`signature`:`bitcoin_signature_2`]
* * [`u16`:`len`]
* * [`len*byte`:`features`]
* * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`]
* * [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`]
* * [`point`:`node_id_1`]
* * [`point`:`node_id_2`]
static void add_channel(struct gossmap *map, size_t cannounce_off)
/* Note that first two bytes are message type */
const size_t feature_len_off = 2 + (64 + 64 + 64 + 64);
size_t feature_len;
size_t scid_off;
struct node_id node_id[2];
struct gossmap_node *n[2];
u32 nidx[2];
feature_len = map_be16(map, cannounce_off + feature_len_off);
scid_off = cannounce_off + feature_len_off + 2 + feature_len + 32;
map_nodeid(map, scid_off + 8, &node_id[0]);
map_nodeid(map, scid_off + 8 + PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN, &node_id[1]);
/* We carefully map pointers to indexes, since new_node can move them! */
n[0] = gossmap_find_node(map, &node_id[0]);
if (n[0])
nidx[0] = gossmap_node_idx(map, n[0]);
nidx[0] = new_node(map);
n[1] = gossmap_find_node(map, &node_id[1]);
if (n[1])
nidx[1] = gossmap_node_idx(map, n[1]);
nidx[1] = new_node(map);
new_channel(map, cannounce_off, scid_off, nidx[0], nidx[1]);
/* Now we have a channel, we can add nodes to htable */
if (!n[0])
node2ptrint(map->node_arr + nidx[0]));
if (!n[1])
node2ptrint(map->node_arr + nidx[1]));
/* BOLT #7:
* 1. type: 258 (`channel_update`)
* 2. data:
* * [`signature`:`signature`]
* * [`chain_hash`:`chain_hash`]
* * [`short_channel_id`:`short_channel_id`]
* * [`u32`:`timestamp`]
* * [`byte`:`message_flags`]
* * [`byte`:`channel_flags`]
* * [`u16`:`cltv_expiry_delta`]
* * [`u64`:`htlc_minimum_msat`]
* * [`u32`:`fee_base_msat`]
* * [`u32`:`fee_proportional_millionths`]
* * [`u64`:`htlc_maximum_msat`] (option_channel_htlc_max)
static void update_channel(struct gossmap *map, size_t cupdate_off)
/* Note that first two bytes are message type */
const size_t scid_off = cupdate_off + 2 + (64 + 32);
const size_t message_flags_off = scid_off + 8 + 4;
const size_t channel_flags_off = message_flags_off + 1;
const size_t cltv_expiry_delta_off = channel_flags_off + 1;
const size_t htlc_minimum_off = cltv_expiry_delta_off + 2;
const size_t fee_base_off = htlc_minimum_off + 8;
const size_t fee_prop_off = fee_base_off + 4;
const size_t htlc_maximum_off = fee_prop_off + 4;
struct short_channel_id scid;
struct gossmap_chan *chan;
struct half_chan hc;
u8 chanflags;
scid.u64 = map_be64(map, scid_off);
chan = gossmap_find_chan(map, &scid);
if (!chan)
errx(1, "update for channel %s not found!",
type_to_string(tmpctx, struct short_channel_id, &scid));
hc.htlc_min = u64_to_fp16(map_be64(map, htlc_minimum_off), true);
/* I checked my node: 60189 of 62358 channel_update have
* htlc_maximum_msat, so we don't bother setting the rest to the
* channel size (which we don't even read from the gossip_store, let
* alone give up precious bytes to remember) */
if (map_u8(map, message_flags_off) & 1)
= u64_to_fp16(map_be64(map, htlc_maximum_off), false);
hc.htlc_max = 0xFFFF;
hc.base_fee = map_be32(map, fee_base_off);
hc.proportional_fee = map_be32(map, fee_prop_off);
hc.delay = map_be16(map, cltv_expiry_delta_off);
/* Check they fit */
if (hc.base_fee != map_be32(map, fee_base_off)
|| hc.proportional_fee != map_be32(map, fee_prop_off)
|| hc.delay != map_be16(map, cltv_expiry_delta_off)) {
warnx("channel_update %s ignored: fee %u/%u cltv %u too large",
type_to_string(tmpctx, struct short_channel_id, &scid),
map_be32(map, fee_base_off),
map_be32(map, fee_prop_off),
map_be16(map, cltv_expiry_delta_off));
chanflags = map_u8(map, channel_flags_off);
hc.enabled = !(chanflags & 2);
/* Preserve this */
hc.nodeidx = chan->half[chanflags & 1].nodeidx;
chan->half[chanflags & 1] = hc;
static void remove_channel_by_deletemsg(struct gossmap *map, size_t del_off)
struct short_channel_id scid;
struct gossmap_chan *chan;
/* They can delete things we don't know about, since they also
* get their length marked with the deleted bit */
/* Note that first two bytes are message type */
scid.u64 = map_be64(map, del_off + 2);
chan = gossmap_find_chan(map, &scid);
if (!chan)
gossmap_remove_chan(map, chan);
struct short_channel_id gossmap_chan_scid(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_chan *c)
struct short_channel_id scid;
scid.u64 = map_be64(map, c->scid_off);
return scid;
/* BOLT #7:
* 1. type: 257 (`node_announcement`)
* 2. data:
* * [`signature`:`signature`]
* * [`u16`:`flen`]
* * [`flen*byte`:`features`]
* * [`u32`:`timestamp`]
* * [`point`:`node_id`]
* * [`3*byte`:`rgb_color`]
* * [`32*byte`:`alias`]
* * [`u16`:`addrlen`]
* * [`addrlen*byte`:`addresses`]
static void node_announcement(struct gossmap *map, size_t nann_off)
const size_t feature_len_off = 2 + 64;
size_t feature_len;
struct gossmap_node *n;
struct node_id id;
feature_len = map_be16(map, nann_off + feature_len_off);
map_nodeid(map, nann_off + feature_len_off + 2 + feature_len + 4, &id);
n = gossmap_find_node(map, &id);
n->nann_off = nann_off;
static bool map_catchup(struct gossmap *map)
size_t reclen;
bool changed = false;
for (; map->map_end + sizeof(struct gossip_hdr) < map->map_size;
map->map_end += reclen) {
struct gossip_hdr ghdr;
size_t off;
u16 type;
map_copy(map, map->map_end, &ghdr, sizeof(ghdr));
reclen = (be32_to_cpu(ghdr.len)
+ sizeof(ghdr);
if (be32_to_cpu(ghdr.len) & GOSSIP_STORE_LEN_DELETED_BIT)
/* Partial write, this can happen. */
if (map->map_end + reclen > map->map_size)
off = map->map_end + sizeof(ghdr);
type = map_be16(map, off);
add_channel(map, off);
else if (type == WIRE_CHANNEL_UPDATE)
update_channel(map, off);
remove_channel_by_deletemsg(map, off);
else if (type == WIRE_NODE_ANNOUNCEMENT)
node_announcement(map, off);
changed = true;
return changed;
static bool load_gossip_store(struct gossmap *map)
struct stat st;
map->fd = open(map->fname, O_RDONLY);
if (map->fd < 0)
return false;
fstat(map->fd, &st);
map->st_dev = st.st_dev;
map->st_ino = st.st_ino;
map->map_size = st.st_size;
/* If this fails, we fall back to read */
map->mmap = mmap(NULL, map->map_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, map->fd, 0);
if (map->mmap == MAP_FAILED)
map->mmap = NULL;
if (map_u8(map, 0) != GOSSIP_STORE_VERSION) {
if (map->mmap)
munmap(map->mmap, map->map_size);
errno = EINVAL;
return false;
/* Since channel_announcement is ~430 bytes, and channel_update is 136,
* node_announcement is 144, and current topology has 35000 channels
* and 10000 nodes, let's assume each channel gets about 750 bytes.
* We halve this, since often some records are deleted. */
chanidx_htable_init_sized(&map->channels, st.st_size / 750 / 2);
nodeidx_htable_init_sized(&map->nodes, st.st_size / 2500 / 2);
map->chan_arr = tal_arr(map, struct gossmap_chan, st.st_size / 750 / 2 + 1);
map->freed_chans = init_chan_arr(map->chan_arr, 0);
map->node_arr = tal_arr(map, struct gossmap_node, st.st_size / 2500 / 2 + 1);
map->freed_nodes = init_node_arr(map->node_arr, 0);
map->map_end = 1;
return true;
static void destroy_map(struct gossmap *map)
if (map->mmap)
munmap(map->mmap, map->map_size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(map->node_arr); i++)
bool gossmap_refresh(struct gossmap *map)
struct stat st;
/* If file has changed, move to it. */
if (stat(map->fname, &st) != 0)
err(1, "statting %s", map->fname);
if (map->st_ino != st.st_ino || map->st_dev != st.st_dev) {
if (!load_gossip_store(map))
err(1, "reloading %s", map->fname);
return true;
/* If file has gotten larger, try rereading */
if (st.st_size == map->map_size)
return false;
if (map->mmap)
munmap(map->mmap, map->map_size);
map->map_size = st.st_size;
map->mmap = mmap(NULL, map->map_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, map->fd, 0);
if (map->mmap == MAP_FAILED)
map->mmap = NULL;
return map_catchup(map);
struct gossmap *gossmap_load(const tal_t *ctx, const char *filename)
map = tal(ctx, struct gossmap);
map->fname = tal_strdup(map, filename);
if (load_gossip_store(map))
tal_add_destructor(map, destroy_map);
map = tal_free(map);
return map;
void gossmap_node_get_id(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_node *node,
struct node_id *id)
/* We extract nodeid from first channel. */
int dir;
struct gossmap_chan *c = gossmap_nth_chan(map, node, 0, &dir);
map_nodeid(map, c->scid_off + 8 + PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN*dir, id);
struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_nth_chan(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_node *node,
u32 n,
int *which_half)
struct gossmap_chan *chan;
assert(n < node->num_chans);
assert(node->chan_idxs[n] < tal_count(map->chan_arr));
chan = map->chan_arr + node->chan_idxs[n];
if (which_half) {
if (chan->half[0].nodeidx == gossmap_node_idx(map, node))
*which_half = 0;
else {
assert(chan->half[1].nodeidx == gossmap_node_idx(map, node));
*which_half = 1;
return chan;
struct gossmap_node *gossmap_nth_node(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_chan *chan,
int n)
assert(n == 0 || n == 1);
return map->node_arr + chan->half[n].nodeidx;
size_t gossmap_num_nodes(const struct gossmap *map)
return nodeidx_htable_count(&map->nodes);
static struct gossmap_node *node_iter(const struct gossmap *map, size_t start)
for (size_t i = start; i < tal_count(map->node_arr); i++) {
if (map->node_arr[i].chan_idxs != NULL)
return &map->node_arr[i];
return NULL;
struct gossmap_node *gossmap_first_node(const struct gossmap *map)
return node_iter(map, 0);
struct gossmap_node *gossmap_next_node(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_node *prev)
return node_iter(map, prev - map->node_arr + 1);
size_t gossmap_num_chans(const struct gossmap *map)
return chanidx_htable_count(&map->channels);
static struct gossmap_chan *chan_iter(const struct gossmap *map, size_t start)
for (size_t i = start; i < tal_count(map->chan_arr); i++) {
if (map->chan_arr[i].scid_off != 0)
return &map->chan_arr[i];
return NULL;
struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_first_chan(const struct gossmap *map)
return chan_iter(map, 0);
struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_next_chan(const struct gossmap *map,
struct gossmap_chan *prev)
return chan_iter(map, prev - map->chan_arr + 1);
bool gossmap_chan_capacity(const struct gossmap_chan *chan,
int direction,
struct amount_msat amount)
if (amount.millisatoshis /* Raw: fp16 compare */
< fp16_to_u64(chan->half[direction].htlc_min))
return false;
if (amount.millisatoshis /* Raw: fp16 compare */
> fp16_to_u64(chan->half[direction].htlc_max))
return false;
return true;
/* Get the announcement msg which created this chan */
u8 *gossmap_chan_get_announce(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_chan *c)
u16 len = map_be16(map, c->cann_off);
u8 *msg = tal_arr(ctx, u8, len);
map_copy(map, c->cann_off, msg, len);
return msg;
/* Get the announcement msg (if any) for this node. */
u8 *gossmap_node_get_announce(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_node *n)
u16 len = map_be16(map, n->nann_off);
u8 *msg = tal_arr(ctx, u8, len);
map_copy(map, n->nann_off, msg, len);
return msg;


@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#include "config.h"
#include <bitcoin/short_channel_id.h>
#include <ccan/typesafe_cb/typesafe_cb.h>
#include <common/amount.h>
struct node_id;
/* 5 bit exponent, 11 bit mantissa approximations of min/max */
typedef u16 fp16_t;
struct gossmap_node {
/* Offset in memory map for node_announce, or 0. */
u32 nann_off;
u32 num_chans;
u32 *chan_idxs;
struct gossmap_chan {
u32 cann_off;
/* Technically redundant, but we have a hole anyway. */
u32 scid_off;
/* two nodes we connect (lesser idx first) */
struct half_chan {
/* Top bit indicates it's enabled */
u32 enabled: 1;
u32 nodeidx : 31;
fp16_t htlc_min, htlc_max;
/* millisatoshi. */
u64 base_fee : 24;
/* millionths */
u64 proportional_fee : 20;
/* Delay for HTLC in blocks. */
u64 delay : 20;
} half[2];
static inline u64 fp16_to_u64(fp16_t val)
return ((u64)val & ((1 << 11)-1)) << (val >> 11);
struct gossmap *gossmap_load(const tal_t *ctx, const char *filename);
/* Call this before using to ensure it's up-to-date. Returns true if something
* was updated. Note: this can scramble node and chan indexes! */
bool gossmap_refresh(struct gossmap *map);
/* Each channel has a unique (low) index. */
u32 gossmap_node_idx(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *node);
u32 gossmap_chan_idx(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *chan);
/* Every node_idx/chan_idx will be < these.
* These values can change across calls to gossmap_check. */
u32 gossmap_max_node_idx(const struct gossmap *map);
u32 gossmap_max_chan_idx(const struct gossmap *map);
/* Find node with this node_id */
struct gossmap_node *gossmap_find_node(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct node_id *id);
/* Find chan with this short_channel_id */
struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_find_chan(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct short_channel_id *scid);
/* Get the short_channel_id of this chan */
struct short_channel_id gossmap_chan_scid(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_chan *c);
/* Given a struct node, get the node_id */
void gossmap_node_get_id(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_node *node,
struct node_id *id);
/* Do we have any values for this halfchannel ? */
static inline bool gossmap_chan_set(const struct gossmap_chan *chan, int dir)
return chan->half[dir].htlc_max != 0;
/* Get the announcement msg which created this chan */
u8 *gossmap_chan_get_announce(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_chan *c);
/* Get the announcement msg (if any) for this node. */
u8 *gossmap_node_get_announce(const tal_t *ctx,
const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_node *n);
/* Given a struct node, get the nth channel, and tell us if we're half[0/1].
* n must be less than node->num_chans */
struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_nth_chan(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_node *node,
u32 n,
int *which_half);
/* Given a struct chan, get the nth node, where n is 0 or 1. */
struct gossmap_node *gossmap_nth_node(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_chan *chan,
int n);
/* Can this channel send this amount? */
bool gossmap_chan_capacity(const struct gossmap_chan *chan,
int direction,
struct amount_msat amount);
/* Remove a channel from the map (warning! realloc can move gossmap_chan
* and gossmap_node ptrs!) */
void gossmap_remove_chan(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_chan *chan);
/* Remove node (by removing all its channels) */
void gossmap_remove_node(struct gossmap *map, struct gossmap_node *node);
/* Unsorted iterate through (do not add/remove channels or nodes!) */
size_t gossmap_num_nodes(const struct gossmap *map);
struct gossmap_node *gossmap_first_node(const struct gossmap *map);
struct gossmap_node *gossmap_next_node(const struct gossmap *map,
const struct gossmap_node *prev);
/* Unsorted iterate through (do not add/remove channels or nodes!) */
size_t gossmap_num_chans(const struct gossmap *map);
struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_first_chan(const struct gossmap *map);
struct gossmap_chan *gossmap_next_chan(const struct gossmap *map,
struct gossmap_chan *prev);


@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../gossmap.c"
/* Generated stub for amount_asset_extract_value */
u8 *amount_asset_extract_value(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, struct amount_asset *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_asset_extract_value called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_asset_is_main */
bool amount_asset_is_main(struct amount_asset *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_asset_is_main called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_asset_to_sat */
struct amount_sat amount_asset_to_sat(struct amount_asset *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_asset_to_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat */
struct amount_sat amount_sat(u64 satoshis UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_add */
bool amount_sat_add(struct amount_sat *val UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_add called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_eq */
bool amount_sat_eq(struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_eq called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_greater_eq */
bool amount_sat_greater_eq(struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_greater_eq called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_sub */
bool amount_sat_sub(struct amount_sat *val UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED,
struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_sub called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_sat_to_asset */
struct amount_asset amount_sat_to_asset(struct amount_sat *sat UNNEEDED, const u8 *asset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_to_asset called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for amount_tx_fee */
struct amount_sat amount_tx_fee(u32 fee_per_kw UNNEEDED, size_t weight UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "amount_tx_fee called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire */
const u8 *fromwire(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, void *copy UNNEEDED, size_t n UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_amount_sat */
struct amount_sat fromwire_amount_sat(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_bool */
bool fromwire_bool(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_bool called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_fail */
void *fromwire_fail(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_fail called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_secp256k1_ecdsa_signature */
void fromwire_secp256k1_ecdsa_signature(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED,
secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *signature UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_secp256k1_ecdsa_signature called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_sha256 */
void fromwire_sha256(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, struct sha256 *sha256 UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_sha256 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_tal_arrn */
u8 *fromwire_tal_arrn(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, size_t num UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_tal_arrn called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_u16 */
u16 fromwire_u16(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_u16 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_u32 */
u32 fromwire_u32(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_u32 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_u64 */
u64 fromwire_u64(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_u64 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_u8 */
u8 fromwire_u8(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_u8 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for node_id_cmp */
int node_id_cmp(const struct node_id *a UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "node_id_cmp called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for siphash_seed */
const struct siphash_seed *siphash_seed(void)
{ fprintf(stderr, "siphash_seed called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire */
void towire(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const void *data UNNEEDED, size_t len UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_amount_sat */
void towire_amount_sat(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct amount_sat sat UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_bool */
void towire_bool(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, bool v UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_bool called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_secp256k1_ecdsa_signature */
void towire_secp256k1_ecdsa_signature(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED,
const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *signature UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_secp256k1_ecdsa_signature called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_sha256 */
void towire_sha256(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct sha256 *sha256 UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_sha256 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_u16 */
void towire_u16(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, u16 v UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_u16 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_u32 */
void towire_u32(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, u32 v UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_u32 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_u64 */
void towire_u64(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, u64 v UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_u64 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_u8 */
void towire_u8(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, u8 v UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_u8 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_u8_array */
void towire_u8_array(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const u8 *arr UNNEEDED, size_t num UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_u8_array called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for type_to_string_ */
const char *type_to_string_(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const char *typename UNNEEDED,
union printable_types u UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "type_to_string_ called!\n"); abort(); }
int main(void)
/* 5 bit exponent, 11 bit mantissa. */
u32 exponent, mantissa;
/* These can be represented exactly. */
for (exponent = 0; exponent < (1 << 5); exponent++) {
for (mantissa = 0; mantissa < (1 << 11); mantissa++) {
u64 v = ((u64)mantissa << exponent);
assert(fp16_to_u64(u64_to_fp16(v, false)) == v);
assert(fp16_to_u64(u64_to_fp16(v, true)) == v);
/* Now check round up vs down (don't use exponent 32, since that will
* overflow). */
for (exponent = 1; exponent < (1 << 5) - 1; exponent++) {
/* Too many bits: will require rounding */
mantissa = (1 << 11) + 1;
u64 v = ((u64)mantissa << exponent);
assert(fp16_to_u64(u64_to_fp16(v, false))
== ((u64)(mantissa - 1) << exponent));
assert(fp16_to_u64(u64_to_fp16(v, true))
== ((u64)(mantissa + 1) << exponent));
assert(u64_to_fp16((1ULL << (31 + 11)), false) == 65535);
assert(u64_to_fp16((1ULL << (31 + 11)), true) == 65535);
/* Round up works, even if it causes overflow. */
assert(fp16_to_u64(u64_to_fp16(0xffffffff, true)) == (1ULL << 32));