#include /* To reach into io_plan: not a public header! */ #include #include #include #include #include #include struct json_stream { #if DEVELOPER /* tal_arr of types (JSMN_OBJECT/JSMN_ARRAY) we're enclosed in. */ jsmntype_t *wrapping; #endif /* How far to indent. */ size_t indent; /* True if we haven't yet put an element in current wrapping */ bool empty; /* Who is writing to this buffer now; NULL if nobody is. */ struct command *writer; /* Who is io_writing from this buffer now: NULL if nobody is. */ struct io_conn *reader; struct io_plan *(*reader_cb)(struct io_conn *conn, struct json_stream *js, void *arg); void *reader_arg; size_t len_read; /* Current command's output. */ MEMBUF(char) outbuf; }; /* Realloc helper for tal membufs */ static void *membuf_tal_realloc(struct membuf *mb, void *rawelems, size_t newsize) { char *p = rawelems; tal_resize(&p, newsize); return p; } struct json_stream *new_json_stream(const tal_t *ctx, struct command *writer) { struct json_stream *js = tal(ctx, struct json_stream); js->writer = writer; js->reader = NULL; membuf_init(&js->outbuf, tal_arr(js, char, 64), 64, membuf_tal_realloc); #if DEVELOPER js->wrapping = tal_arr(js, jsmntype_t, 0); #endif js->indent = 0; js->empty = true; return js; } struct json_stream *json_stream_dup(const tal_t *ctx, struct json_stream *original) { size_t num_elems = membuf_num_elems(&original->outbuf); char *elems = membuf_elems(&original->outbuf); struct json_stream *js = tal_dup(ctx, struct json_stream, original); membuf_init(&js->outbuf, tal_dup_arr(js, char, elems, num_elems, 0), num_elems, membuf_tal_realloc); membuf_added(&js->outbuf, num_elems); return js; } bool json_stream_still_writing(const struct json_stream *js) { return js->writer != NULL; } void json_stream_close(struct json_stream *js, struct command *writer) { /* FIXME: We use writer == NULL for malformed: make writer a void *? * I used to assert(writer); here. */ assert(js->writer == writer); js->writer = NULL; } /* FIXME: This, or something prettier (io_replan?) belong in ccan/io! */ static void adjust_io_write(struct io_conn *conn, ptrdiff_t delta) { conn->plan[IO_OUT].arg.u1.cp += delta; } /* Make sure js->outbuf has room for len */ static void mkroom(struct json_stream *js, size_t len) { ptrdiff_t delta = membuf_prepare_space(&js->outbuf, len); /* If io_write is in progress, we shift it to point to new buffer pos */ if (js->reader) adjust_io_write(js->reader, delta); } static void js_written_some(struct json_stream *js) { /* Wake the stream reader. FIXME: Could have a flag here to optimize */ io_wake(js); } void json_stream_append_part(struct json_stream *js, const char *str, size_t len) { mkroom(js, len); memcpy(membuf_add(&js->outbuf, len), str, len); js_written_some(js); } void json_stream_append(struct json_stream *js, const char *str) { json_stream_append_part(js, str, strlen(str)); } static void json_stream_append_vfmt(struct json_stream *js, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { size_t fmtlen; va_list ap2; /* Make a copy in case we need it below. */ va_copy(ap2, ap); /* Try printing in place first. */ fmtlen = vsnprintf(membuf_space(&js->outbuf), membuf_num_space(&js->outbuf), fmt, ap); /* Horrible subtlety: vsnprintf *will* NUL terminate, even if it means * chopping off the last character. So if fmtlen == * membuf_num_space(&jcon->outbuf), the result was truncated! */ if (fmtlen >= membuf_num_space(&js->outbuf)) { /* Make room for NUL terminator, even though we don't want it */ mkroom(js, fmtlen + 1); vsprintf(membuf_space(&js->outbuf), fmt, ap2); } membuf_added(&js->outbuf, fmtlen); js_written_some(js); va_end(ap2); } void PRINTF_FMT(2,3) json_stream_append_fmt(struct json_stream *js, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); json_stream_append_vfmt(js, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } static void check_fieldname(const struct json_stream *js, const char *fieldname) { #if DEVELOPER size_t n = tal_count(js->wrapping); if (n == 0) /* Can't have a fieldname if not in anything! */ assert(!fieldname); else if (js->wrapping[n-1] == JSMN_ARRAY) /* No fieldnames in arrays. */ assert(!fieldname); else /* Must have fieldnames in objects. */ assert(fieldname); #endif } static void js_append_indent(struct json_stream *js) { static const char indent_buf[] = " "; size_t len; for (size_t i = 0; i < js->indent * 2; i += len) { len = js->indent * 2; if (len > sizeof(indent_buf)-1) len = sizeof(indent_buf)-1; /* Use tail of indent_buf string. */ json_stream_append(js, indent_buf + sizeof(indent_buf) - 1 - len); } } static void json_start_member(struct json_stream *js, const char *fieldname) { /* Prepend comma if required. */ if (!js->empty) json_stream_append(js, ", \n"); else json_stream_append(js, "\n"); js_append_indent(js); check_fieldname(js, fieldname); if (fieldname) json_stream_append_fmt(js, "\"%s\": ", fieldname); js->empty = false; } static void js_indent(struct json_stream *js, jsmntype_t type) { #if DEVELOPER tal_arr_expand(&js->wrapping, type); #endif js->empty = true; js->indent++; } static void js_unindent(struct json_stream *js, jsmntype_t type) { assert(js->indent); #if DEVELOPER assert(tal_count(js->wrapping) == js->indent); assert(js->wrapping[js->indent-1] == type); tal_resize(&js->wrapping, js->indent-1); #endif js->empty = false; js->indent--; } void json_array_start(struct json_stream *js, const char *fieldname) { json_start_member(js, fieldname); json_stream_append(js, "["); js_indent(js, JSMN_ARRAY); } void json_array_end(struct json_stream *js) { json_stream_append(js, "\n"); js_unindent(js, JSMN_ARRAY); js_append_indent(js); json_stream_append(js, "]"); } void json_object_start(struct json_stream *js, const char *fieldname) { json_start_member(js, fieldname); json_stream_append(js, "{"); js_indent(js, JSMN_OBJECT); } void json_object_end(struct json_stream *js) { json_stream_append(js, "\n"); js_unindent(js, JSMN_OBJECT); js_append_indent(js); json_stream_append(js, "}"); } void PRINTF_FMT(3,4) json_add_member(struct json_stream *js, const char *fieldname, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; json_start_member(js, fieldname); va_start(ap, fmt); json_stream_append_vfmt(js, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } /* This is where we read the json_stream and write it to conn */ static struct io_plan *json_stream_output_write(struct io_conn *conn, struct json_stream *js) { /* For when we've just done some output */ membuf_consume(&js->outbuf, js->len_read); /* Get how much we can write out from js */ js->len_read = membuf_num_elems(&js->outbuf); /* Nothing in buffer? */ if (js->len_read == 0) { /* We're not doing io_write now, unset. */ js->reader = NULL; if (!json_stream_still_writing(js)) return js->reader_cb(conn, js, js->reader_arg); return io_out_wait(conn, js, json_stream_output_write, js); } js->reader = conn; return io_write(conn, membuf_elems(&js->outbuf), js->len_read, json_stream_output_write, js); } struct io_plan *json_stream_output_(struct json_stream *js, struct io_conn *conn, struct io_plan *(*cb)(struct io_conn *conn, struct json_stream *js, void *arg), void *arg) { assert(!js->reader); js->reader_cb = cb; js->reader_arg = arg; js->len_read = 0; return json_stream_output_write(conn, js); }