#include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS START */ /* Generated stub for amount_asset_is_main */ bool amount_asset_is_main(struct amount_asset *asset UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "amount_asset_is_main called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for amount_asset_to_sat */ struct amount_sat amount_asset_to_sat(struct amount_asset *asset UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "amount_asset_to_sat called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for amount_sat */ struct amount_sat amount_sat(u64 satoshis UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for amount_sat_add */ bool amount_sat_add(struct amount_sat *val UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_add called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for amount_sat_eq */ bool amount_sat_eq(struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_eq called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for amount_sat_greater_eq */ bool amount_sat_greater_eq(struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_greater_eq called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for amount_sat_sub */ bool amount_sat_sub(struct amount_sat *val UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat a UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat b UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_sub called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for amount_sat_to_asset */ struct amount_asset amount_sat_to_asset(struct amount_sat *sat UNNEEDED, const u8 *asset UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "amount_sat_to_asset called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for amount_tx_fee */ struct amount_sat amount_tx_fee(u32 fee_per_kw UNNEEDED, size_t weight UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "amount_tx_fee called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire */ const u8 *fromwire(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, void *copy UNNEEDED, size_t n UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_amount_sat */ struct amount_sat fromwire_amount_sat(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_fail */ void *fromwire_fail(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_fail called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_sha256 */ void fromwire_sha256(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, struct sha256 *sha256 UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_sha256 called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_tal_arrn */ u8 *fromwire_tal_arrn(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, size_t num UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_tal_arrn called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_u16 */ u16 fromwire_u16(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_u16 called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_u32 */ u32 fromwire_u32(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_u32 called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for is_anchor_witness_script */ bool is_anchor_witness_script(const u8 *script UNNEEDED, size_t script_len UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "is_anchor_witness_script called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for pubkey_to_der */ void pubkey_to_der(u8 der[PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN] UNNEEDED, const struct pubkey *key UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "pubkey_to_der called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for pubkey_to_hash160 */ void pubkey_to_hash160(const struct pubkey *pk UNNEEDED, struct ripemd160 *hash UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "pubkey_to_hash160 called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for script_push_bytes */ void script_push_bytes(u8 **scriptp UNNEEDED, const void *mem UNNEEDED, size_t len UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "script_push_bytes called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for scriptpubkey_p2wsh */ u8 *scriptpubkey_p2wsh(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 *witnessscript UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "scriptpubkey_p2wsh called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_amount_sat */ void towire_amount_sat(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct amount_sat sat UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_amount_sat called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_sha256 */ void towire_sha256(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct sha256 *sha256 UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_sha256 called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_u16 */ void towire_u16(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, u16 v UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_u16 called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_u32 */ void towire_u32(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, u32 v UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_u32 called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_u8_array */ void towire_u8_array(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const u8 *arr UNNEEDED, size_t num UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_u8_array called!\n"); abort(); } /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS END */ const char extended_tx[] = "02000000000101b5bef485c41d0d1f58d1e8a561924ece5c476d86cff063ea10c8df06136e" "b31d00000000171600144aa38e396e1394fb45cbf83f48d1464fbc9f498fffffffff014033" "0f000000000017a9140580ba016669d3efaf09a0b2ec3954469ea2bf038702483045022100" "f2abf9e9cf238c66533af93f23937eae8ac01fb6f105a00ab71dbefb9637dc9502205c1ac7" "45829b3f6889607961f5d817dfa0c8f52bdda12e837c4f7b162f6db8a701210204096eb817" "f7efb414ef4d3d8be39dd04374256d3b054a322d4a6ee22736d03b00000000"; static void hexeq(const void *p, size_t len, const char *hex) { char *tmphex = tal_hexstr(NULL, p, len); if (!streq(hex, tmphex)) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected '%s' got '%s'", hex, tmphex); abort(); } tal_free(tmphex); } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { common_setup(argv[0]); chainparams = chainparams_for_network("bitcoin"); struct bitcoin_tx *tx; tx = bitcoin_tx_from_hex(NULL, extended_tx, strlen(extended_tx)); assert(tx); /* Canonical results from Nichola Dorier's * http://n.bitcoin.ninja/checktx * With much thanks! */ assert(tx->wtx->num_inputs == 1); assert(tx->wtx->num_outputs == 1); reverse_bytes(tx->wtx->inputs[0].txhash, sizeof(tx->wtx->inputs[0].txhash)); hexeq(tx->wtx->inputs[0].txhash, sizeof(tx->wtx->inputs[0].txhash), "1db36e1306dfc810ea63f0cf866d475cce4e9261a5e8d1581f0d1dc485f4beb5"); assert(tx->wtx->inputs[0].index == 0); /* This is a p2sh-p2wpkh: */ /* ScriptSig is push of "version 0 + hash of pubkey" */ hexeq(tx->wtx->inputs[0].script, tx->wtx->inputs[0].script_len, "16" "00" "144aa38e396e1394fb45cbf83f48d1464fbc9f498f"); /* Witness with 2 items */ assert(tx->wtx->inputs[0].witness); assert(tx->wtx->inputs[0].witness->num_items == 2); hexeq(tx->wtx->inputs[0].witness->items[0].witness, tx->wtx->inputs[0].witness->items[0].witness_len, "3045022100f2abf9e9cf238c66533af93f23937eae8ac01fb6f105a00ab71dbe" "fb9637dc9502205c1ac745829b3f6889607961f5d817dfa0c8f52bdda12e837c" "4f7b162f6db8a701"); hexeq(tx->wtx->inputs[0].witness->items[1].witness, tx->wtx->inputs[0].witness->items[1].witness_len, "0204096eb817f7efb414ef4d3d8be39dd04374256d3b054a322d4a6ee22736d0" "3b"); tal_free(tx); common_shutdown(); return 0; }