.TH "LIGHTNING-LISTFUNDS" "7" "" "" "lightning-listfunds" .SH NAME lightning-listfunds - Command showing all funds currently managed by the c-lightning node .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlistfunds\fR .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBlistfunds\fR RPC command displays all funds available, either in unspent outputs (UTXOs) in the internal wallet or funds locked in currently open channels\. .SH RETURN VALUE On success two arrays will be returned: \fIoutputs\fR with funds currently locked onchain in UTXOs and \fIchannels\fR with funds readily spendable in channels\. Each entry in \fIoutputs\fR will include: .RS .IP \[bu] \fItxid\fR .IP \[bu] \fIoutput\fR (the index of the output in the transaction) .IP \[bu] \fIvalue\fR (the output value in satoshis) .IP \[bu] \fIamount_msat\fR (the same as \fIvalue\fR, but in millisatoshi with \fImsat\fR appended) .IP \[bu] \fIaddress\fR .IP \[bu] \fIscriptpubkey\fR (the ScriptPubkey of the output, in hex) .IP \[bu] \fIstatus\fR (whether \fIunconfirmed\fR, \fIconfirmed\fR, or \fIspent\fR) .IP \[bu] \fIreserved\fR (whether this is UTXO is currently reserved for an in-flight tx) .RE Each entry in \fIchannels\fR will include: .RS .IP \[bu] \fIpeer_id\fR - the peer with which the channel is opened\. .IP \[bu] \fIshort_channel_id\fR - as per BOLT 7 (representing the block, transaction number and output index of the channel funding transaction)\. .IP \[bu] \fIchannel_sat\fR - available satoshis on our node’s end of the channel (values rounded down to satoshis as internal storage is in millisatoshi)\. .IP \[bu] \fIour_amount_msat\fR - same as above, but in millisatoshis with \fImsat\fR appended\. .IP \[bu] \fIchannel_total_sat\fR - total channel value in satoshi .IP \[bu] \fIamount_msat\fR - same as above, but in millisatoshis with \fImsat\fR appended\. .IP \[bu] \fIfunding_txid\fR - funding transaction id\. .IP \[bu] \fIfunding_output\fR - the index of the output in the funding transaction\. .IP \[bu] \fIconnected\fR - whether the channel peer is connected\. .IP \[bu] \fIstate\fR - the channel state, in particular \fICHANNELD_NORMAL\fR means the channel can be used normally\. .RE .SH AUTHOR Felix \fI is mainly responsible\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-newaddr\fR(7), \fBlightning-fundchannel\fR(7), \fBlightning-withdraw\fR(7) .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR