#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* stdin == requests, 3 == peer, 4 == gossip */ #define REQ_FD STDIN_FILENO #define PEER_FD 3 #define GOSSIP_FD 4 struct state { struct crypto_state cs; u64 gossip_index; struct pubkey next_per_commit[NUM_SIDES]; /* Initially temporary, then final channel id. */ struct channel_id channel_id; /* Funding and feerate: set by opening peer. */ u64 funding_satoshis, push_msat; u32 feerate_per_kw; struct bitcoin_txid funding_txid; u16 funding_txout; /* Secret keys and basepoint secrets. */ struct secrets our_secrets; /* Our shaseed for generating per-commitment-secrets. */ struct sha256 shaseed; struct channel_config localconf, *remoteconf; /* Limits on what remote config we accept */ u32 max_to_self_delay; u64 min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat; struct channel *channel; const struct chainparams *chainparams; }; /* For negotiation failures: we can still gossip with client. */ static void negotiation_failed(struct state *state, bool send_error, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; const char *errmsg; u8 *msg; va_start(ap, fmt); errmsg = tal_vfmt(state, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); /* Make sure it's correct length for towire_. */ tal_resize(&errmsg, strlen(errmsg)+1); /* We don't send error in response to their error packet. */ if (send_error) { /* Tell peer we're bailing on this channel. */ msg = towire_errorfmt(errmsg, &state->channel_id, "%s", errmsg); sync_crypto_write(&state->cs, PEER_FD, take(msg)); } /* Tell master we should return to gossiping. */ msg = towire_opening_negotiation_failed(state, &state->cs, state->gossip_index, (const u8 *)errmsg); wire_sync_write(REQ_FD, msg); fdpass_send(REQ_FD, PEER_FD); fdpass_send(REQ_FD, GOSSIP_FD); tal_free(state); exit(0); } static void check_config_bounds(struct state *state, const struct channel_config *remoteconf) { u64 capacity_msat; u64 reserve_msat; /* BOLT #2: * * The receiving node MUST fail the channel if `to_self_delay` is * unreasonably large. */ if (remoteconf->to_self_delay > state->max_to_self_delay) negotiation_failed(state, true, "to_self_delay %u larger than %u", remoteconf->to_self_delay, state->max_to_self_delay); /* BOLT #2: * * The receiver MAY fail the channel if `funding_satoshis` is too * small, and MUST fail the channel if `push_msat` is greater than * `funding_satoshis` * 1000. The receiving node MAY fail the channel * if it considers `htlc_minimum_msat` too large, * `max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat` too small, `channel_reserve_satoshis` * too large, or `max_accepted_htlcs` too small. */ /* We accumulate this into an effective bandwidth minimum. */ /* Overflow check before capacity calc. */ if (remoteconf->channel_reserve_satoshis > state->funding_satoshis) negotiation_failed(state, true, "Invalid channel_reserve_satoshis %"PRIu64 " for funding_satoshis %"PRIu64, remoteconf->channel_reserve_satoshis, state->funding_satoshis); /* Consider highest reserve. */ reserve_msat = remoteconf->channel_reserve_satoshis * 1000; if (state->localconf.channel_reserve_satoshis * 1000 > reserve_msat) reserve_msat = state->localconf.channel_reserve_satoshis * 1000; capacity_msat = state->funding_satoshis * 1000 - reserve_msat; if (remoteconf->max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat < capacity_msat) capacity_msat = remoteconf->max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat; if (remoteconf->htlc_minimum_msat * (u64)1000 > capacity_msat) negotiation_failed(state, true, "Invalid htlc_minimum_msat %"PRIu64 " for funding_satoshis %"PRIu64 " capacity_msat %"PRIu64, remoteconf->htlc_minimum_msat, state->funding_satoshis, capacity_msat); if (capacity_msat < state->min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat) negotiation_failed(state, true, "Channel capacity with funding %"PRIu64" msat," " reserves %"PRIu64"/%"PRIu64" msat," " max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat %"PRIu64 " is %"PRIu64" msat, which is below %"PRIu64" msat", state->funding_satoshis * 1000, remoteconf->channel_reserve_satoshis * 1000, state->localconf.channel_reserve_satoshis * 1000, remoteconf->max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat, capacity_msat, state->min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat); /* We don't worry about how many HTLCs they accept, as long as > 0! */ if (remoteconf->max_accepted_htlcs == 0) negotiation_failed(state, true, "max_accepted_htlcs %u invalid", remoteconf->max_accepted_htlcs); /* BOLT #2: * * It MUST fail the channel if `max_accepted_htlcs` is greater * than 483. */ if (remoteconf->max_accepted_htlcs > 483) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "max_accepted_htlcs %u too large", remoteconf->max_accepted_htlcs); } /* We always set channel_reserve_satoshis to 1%, rounded up. */ static void set_reserve(u64 *reserve, u64 funding) { *reserve = (funding + 99) / 100; } /* BOLT #2: * * A sending node MUST ensure `temporary_channel_id` is unique from any other * channel id with the same peer. */ static void temporary_channel_id(struct channel_id *channel_id) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(*channel_id); i++) channel_id->id[i] = pseudorand(256); } /* We have to handle random gossip message and pings. */ static u8 *read_next_peer_msg(struct state *state, const tal_t *ctx) { for (;;) { u8 *msg = sync_crypto_read(ctx, &state->cs, PEER_FD); if (!msg) return NULL; if (fromwire_peektype(msg) == WIRE_PING) { u8 *pong; if (!check_ping_make_pong(ctx, msg, &pong)) { status_trace("Bad ping message"); return tal_free(msg); } if (pong && !sync_crypto_write(&state->cs, PEER_FD, take(pong))) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_PEER_IO, "Sending pong"); } else if (is_gossip_msg(msg)) { /* We relay gossip to gossipd, but don't relay from */ if (!wire_sync_write(GOSSIP_FD, take(msg))) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_PEER_IO, "Relaying gossip message"); } else if (fromwire_peektype(msg) == WIRE_ERROR) { struct channel_id chanid; char *err = sanitize_error(msg, msg, &chanid); /* BOLT #1: * * The channel is referred to by `channel_id`, unless * `channel_id` is 0 (i.e. all bytes are 0), in which * case it refers to all channels. * ... * The receiving node: * - upon receiving `error`: * - MUST fail the channel referred to by the error * message. * - if no existing channel is referred to by the * message: * - MUST ignore the message. */ if (channel_id_is_all(&chanid)) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "Error packet: %s", err); if (structeq(&chanid, &state->channel_id)) negotiation_failed(state, false, "Error packet: %s", err); } else { return msg; } } } static u8 *funder_channel(struct state *state, const struct pubkey *our_funding_pubkey, const struct basepoints *ours, u32 max_minimum_depth, u64 change_satoshis, u32 change_keyindex, u8 channel_flags, const struct utxo *utxos, const struct ext_key *bip32_base) { struct channel_id id_in; u8 *msg; struct bitcoin_tx *tx; struct basepoints theirs; struct pubkey their_funding_pubkey, changekey; secp256k1_ecdsa_signature sig; u32 minimum_depth; const u8 *wscript; struct bitcoin_tx *funding; const struct utxo **utxomap; set_reserve(&state->localconf.channel_reserve_satoshis, state->funding_satoshis); temporary_channel_id(&state->channel_id); if (state->funding_satoshis > MAX_FUNDING_SATOSHI) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_MASTER_IO, "funding_satoshis must be < 2^24, not %"PRIu64, state->funding_satoshis); /* BOLT #2: * * The sender MUST set `push_msat` to equal or less than to 1000 * * `funding_satoshis`. */ if (state->push_msat > 1000 * state->funding_satoshis) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_MASTER_IO, "push-msat must be < %"PRIu64, 1000 * state->funding_satoshis); msg = towire_open_channel(state, &state->chainparams->genesis_blockhash, &state->channel_id, state->funding_satoshis, state->push_msat, state->localconf.dust_limit_satoshis, state->localconf.max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat, state->localconf.channel_reserve_satoshis, state->localconf.htlc_minimum_msat, state->feerate_per_kw, state->localconf.to_self_delay, state->localconf.max_accepted_htlcs, our_funding_pubkey, &ours->revocation, &ours->payment, &ours->delayed_payment, &ours->htlc, &state->next_per_commit[LOCAL], channel_flags); if (!sync_crypto_write(&state->cs, PEER_FD, msg)) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_PEER_IO, "Writing open_channel: %s", strerror(errno)); state->remoteconf = tal(state, struct channel_config); msg = read_next_peer_msg(state, state); if (!msg) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_PEER_IO, "Reading accept_channel: %s", strerror(errno)); /* BOLT #2: * * The receiver MUST fail the channel if `funding_pubkey`, * `revocation_basepoint`, `htlc_basepoint`, `payment_basepoint` or * `delayed_payment_basepoint` are not valid DER-encoded compressed * secp256k1 pubkeys. */ if (!fromwire_accept_channel(msg, NULL, &id_in, &state->remoteconf->dust_limit_satoshis, &state->remoteconf ->max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat, &state->remoteconf ->channel_reserve_satoshis, &state->remoteconf->htlc_minimum_msat, &minimum_depth, &state->remoteconf->to_self_delay, &state->remoteconf->max_accepted_htlcs, &their_funding_pubkey, &theirs.revocation, &theirs.payment, &theirs.delayed_payment, &theirs.htlc, &state->next_per_commit[REMOTE])) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "Parsing accept_channel %s", tal_hex(msg, msg)); /* BOLT #2: * * The `temporary_channel_id` MUST be the same as the * `temporary_channel_id` in the `open_channel` message. */ if (!structeq(&id_in, &state->channel_id)) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "accept_channel ids don't match: sent %s got %s", type_to_string(msg, struct channel_id, &id_in), type_to_string(msg, struct channel_id, &state->channel_id)); /* BOLT #2: * * The receiver MAY reject the `minimum_depth` if it considers it * unreasonably large. * * Other fields have the same requirements as their counterparts in * `open_channel`. */ if (minimum_depth > max_minimum_depth) negotiation_failed(state, true, "minimum_depth %u larger than %u", minimum_depth, max_minimum_depth); check_config_bounds(state, state->remoteconf); /* Now, ask create funding transaction to pay those two addresses. */ if (change_satoshis) { if (!bip32_pubkey(bip32_base, &changekey, change_keyindex)) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_MASTER_IO, "Bad change key %u", change_keyindex); } utxomap = to_utxoptr_arr(state, utxos); funding = funding_tx(state, &state->funding_txout, utxomap, state->funding_satoshis, our_funding_pubkey, &their_funding_pubkey, change_satoshis, &changekey, bip32_base); bitcoin_txid(funding, &state->funding_txid); state->channel = new_initial_channel(state, &state->funding_txid, state->funding_txout, state->funding_satoshis, state->funding_satoshis * 1000 - state->push_msat, state->feerate_per_kw, &state->localconf, state->remoteconf, ours, &theirs, our_funding_pubkey, &their_funding_pubkey, LOCAL); if (!state->channel) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "could not create channel with given config"); /* BOLT #2: * * ### The `funding_created` message * * This message describes the outpoint which the funder has created * for the initial commitment transactions. After receiving the * peer's signature, it will broadcast the funding transaction. */ tx = initial_channel_tx(state, &wscript, state->channel, &state->next_per_commit[REMOTE], REMOTE); sign_tx_input(tx, 0, NULL, wscript, &state->our_secrets.funding_privkey, our_funding_pubkey, &sig); status_trace("signature %s on tx %s using key %s", type_to_string(trc, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature, &sig), type_to_string(trc, struct bitcoin_tx, tx), type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, our_funding_pubkey)); msg = towire_funding_created(state, &state->channel_id, &state->funding_txid, state->funding_txout, &sig); if (!sync_crypto_write(&state->cs, PEER_FD, msg)) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_PEER_IO, "Writing funding_created: %s", strerror(errno)); /* BOLT #2: * * ### The `funding_signed` message * * This message gives the funder the signature they need for the first * commitment transaction, so they can broadcast it knowing they can * redeem their funds if they need to. */ msg = read_next_peer_msg(state, state); if (!msg) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_PEER_IO, "Writing funding_signed: %s", strerror(errno)); if (!fromwire_funding_signed(msg, NULL, &id_in, &sig)) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "Parsing funding_signed: %s", tal_hex(msg, msg)); /* BOLT #2: * * This message introduces the `channel_id` to identify the channel, which * is derived from the funding transaction by combining the * `funding_txid` and the `funding_output_index` using big-endian * exclusive-OR (ie. `funding_output_index` alters the last two * bytes). */ derive_channel_id(&state->channel_id, &state->funding_txid, state->funding_txout); if (!structeq(&id_in, &state->channel_id)) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &id_in, "funding_signed ids don't match: expceted %s got %s", type_to_string(msg, struct channel_id, &state->channel_id), type_to_string(msg, struct channel_id, &id_in)); /* BOLT #2: * * The recipient MUST fail the channel if `signature` is incorrect. */ tx = initial_channel_tx(state, &wscript, state->channel, &state->next_per_commit[LOCAL], LOCAL); if (!check_tx_sig(tx, 0, NULL, wscript, &their_funding_pubkey, &sig)) { peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "Bad signature %s on tx %s using key %s", type_to_string(trc, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature, &sig), type_to_string(trc, struct bitcoin_tx, tx), type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &their_funding_pubkey)); } /* BOLT #2: * * Once the channel funder receives the `funding_signed` message, they * must broadcast the funding transaction to the Bitcoin network. */ return towire_opening_funder_reply(state, state->remoteconf, tx, &sig, &state->cs, state->gossip_index, &theirs.revocation, &theirs.payment, &theirs.htlc, &theirs.delayed_payment, &state->next_per_commit[REMOTE], minimum_depth, &their_funding_pubkey, &state->funding_txid, state->feerate_per_kw); } /* This is handed the message the peer sent which caused gossip to stop: * it should be an open_channel */ static u8 *fundee_channel(struct state *state, const struct pubkey *our_funding_pubkey, const struct basepoints *ours, u32 minimum_depth, u32 min_feerate, u32 max_feerate, const u8 *peer_msg) { struct channel_id id_in; struct basepoints theirs; struct pubkey their_funding_pubkey; secp256k1_ecdsa_signature theirsig, sig; struct bitcoin_tx *their_commit, *our_commit; struct bitcoin_blkid chain_hash; u8 *msg; const u8 *wscript; u8 channel_flags; state->remoteconf = tal(state, struct channel_config); /* BOLT #2: * * The receiver MUST fail the channel if `funding_pubkey`, * `revocation_basepoint`, `htlc_basepoint`, `payment_basepoint` or * `delayed_payment_basepoint` are not valid DER-encoded compressed * secp256k1 pubkeys. */ if (!fromwire_open_channel(peer_msg, NULL, &chain_hash, &state->channel_id, &state->funding_satoshis, &state->push_msat, &state->remoteconf->dust_limit_satoshis, &state->remoteconf->max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat, &state->remoteconf->channel_reserve_satoshis, &state->remoteconf->htlc_minimum_msat, &state->feerate_per_kw, &state->remoteconf->to_self_delay, &state->remoteconf->max_accepted_htlcs, &their_funding_pubkey, &theirs.revocation, &theirs.payment, &theirs.delayed_payment, &theirs.htlc, &state->next_per_commit[REMOTE], &channel_flags)) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, NULL, "Bad open_channel %s", tal_hex(peer_msg, peer_msg)); /* BOLT #2: * * The receiving node MUST reject the channel if the `chain_hash` value * within the `open_channel` message is set to a hash of a chain * unknown to the receiver. */ if (!structeq(&chain_hash, &state->chainparams->genesis_blockhash)) { negotiation_failed(state, true, "Unknown chain-hash %s", type_to_string(peer_msg, struct bitcoin_blkid, &chain_hash)); } /* BOLT #2 FIXME: * * The receiving node ... MUST fail the channel if `funding-satoshis` * is greater than or equal to 2^24 */ if (state->funding_satoshis > MAX_FUNDING_SATOSHI) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "funding_satoshis %"PRIu64" too large", state->funding_satoshis); /* BOLT #2: * * The receiving node ... MUST fail the channel if `push_msat` is * greater than `funding_satoshis` * 1000. */ if (state->push_msat > state->funding_satoshis * 1000) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "push_msat %"PRIu64 " too large for funding_satoshis %"PRIu64, state->push_msat, state->funding_satoshis); /* BOLT #2: * * The receiver MUST fail the channel if it considers `feerate_per_kw` * too small for timely processing, or unreasonably large. */ if (state->feerate_per_kw < min_feerate) negotiation_failed(state, true, "feerate_per_kw %u below minimum %u", state->feerate_per_kw, min_feerate); if (state->feerate_per_kw > max_feerate) negotiation_failed(state, true, "feerate_per_kw %u above maximum %u", state->feerate_per_kw, max_feerate); set_reserve(&state->localconf.channel_reserve_satoshis, state->funding_satoshis); check_config_bounds(state, state->remoteconf); msg = towire_accept_channel(state, &state->channel_id, state->localconf.dust_limit_satoshis, state->localconf .max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat, state->localconf.channel_reserve_satoshis, state->localconf.htlc_minimum_msat, minimum_depth, state->localconf.to_self_delay, state->localconf.max_accepted_htlcs, our_funding_pubkey, &ours->revocation, &ours->payment, &ours->delayed_payment, &ours->htlc, &state->next_per_commit[LOCAL]); if (!sync_crypto_write(&state->cs, PEER_FD, take(msg))) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_PEER_IO, "Writing accept_channel: %s", strerror(errno)); msg = read_next_peer_msg(state, state); if (!msg) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_PEER_IO, "Reading funding_created: %s", strerror(errno)); if (!fromwire_funding_created(msg, NULL, &id_in, &state->funding_txid, &state->funding_txout, &theirsig)) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "Parsing funding_created"); /* BOLT #2: * * The sender MUST set `temporary_channel_id` the same as the * `temporary_channel_id` in the `open_channel` message. */ if (!structeq(&id_in, &state->channel_id)) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &id_in, "funding_created ids don't match: sent %s got %s", type_to_string(msg, struct channel_id, &state->channel_id), type_to_string(msg, struct channel_id, &id_in)); state->channel = new_initial_channel(state, &state->funding_txid, state->funding_txout, state->funding_satoshis, state->push_msat, state->feerate_per_kw, &state->localconf, state->remoteconf, ours, &theirs, our_funding_pubkey, &their_funding_pubkey, REMOTE); if (!state->channel) peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "could not create channel with given config"); /* BOLT #2: * * The recipient MUST fail the channel if `signature` is incorrect. */ their_commit = initial_channel_tx(state, &wscript, state->channel, &state->next_per_commit[LOCAL], LOCAL); if (!check_tx_sig(their_commit, 0, NULL, wscript, &their_funding_pubkey, &theirsig)) { peer_failed(PEER_FD, &state->cs, &state->channel_id, "Bad signature %s on tx %s using key %s", type_to_string(trc, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature, &theirsig), type_to_string(trc, struct bitcoin_tx, their_commit), type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &their_funding_pubkey)); } /* BOLT #2: * * This message introduces the `channel_id` to identify the channel, * which is derived from the funding transaction by combining the * `funding_txid` and the `funding_output_index` using big-endian * exclusive-OR (ie. `funding_output_index` alters the last two * bytes). */ derive_channel_id(&state->channel_id, &state->funding_txid, state->funding_txout); /* BOLT #2: * * ### The `funding_signed` message * * This message gives the funder the signature they need for the first * commitment transaction, so they can broadcast it knowing they can * redeem their funds if they need to. */ our_commit = initial_channel_tx(state, &wscript, state->channel, &state->next_per_commit[REMOTE], REMOTE); sign_tx_input(our_commit, 0, NULL, wscript, &state->our_secrets.funding_privkey, our_funding_pubkey, &sig); /* We don't send this ourselves: channeld does, because master needs * to save state to disk before doing so. */ msg = towire_funding_signed(state, &state->channel_id, &sig); return towire_opening_fundee_reply(state, state->remoteconf, their_commit, &theirsig, &state->cs, state->gossip_index, &theirs.revocation, &theirs.payment, &theirs.htlc, &theirs.delayed_payment, &state->next_per_commit[REMOTE], &their_funding_pubkey, &state->funding_txid, state->funding_txout, state->funding_satoshis, state->push_msat, channel_flags, state->feerate_per_kw, msg); } #ifndef TESTING int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 *msg, *peer_msg; struct state *state = tal(NULL, struct state); struct privkey seed; struct basepoints our_points; struct pubkey our_funding_pubkey; u32 minimum_depth, max_minimum_depth; u32 min_feerate, max_feerate; u64 change_satoshis; u32 change_keyindex; u8 channel_flags; struct utxo *utxos; struct ext_key bip32_base; u32 network_index; subdaemon_setup(argc, argv); status_setup_sync(REQ_FD); msg = wire_sync_read(state, REQ_FD); if (!fromwire_opening_init(msg, NULL, &network_index, &state->localconf, &state->max_to_self_delay, &state->min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat, &state->cs, &state->gossip_index, &seed)) master_badmsg(WIRE_OPENING_INIT, msg); tal_free(msg); state->chainparams = chainparams_by_index(network_index); /* We derive everything from the one secret seed. */ if (!derive_basepoints(&seed, &our_funding_pubkey, &our_points, &state->our_secrets, &state->shaseed)) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Secret derivation failed, secret = %s", type_to_string(trc, struct privkey, &seed)); if (!per_commit_point(&state->shaseed, &state->next_per_commit[LOCAL], 0)) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_INTERNAL_ERROR, "First per_commitment_point derivation failed," " secret = %s", type_to_string(trc, struct privkey, &seed)); status_trace("First per_commit_point = %s", type_to_string(trc, struct pubkey, &state->next_per_commit[LOCAL])); msg = wire_sync_read(state, REQ_FD); if (fromwire_opening_funder(state, msg, NULL, &state->funding_satoshis, &state->push_msat, &state->feerate_per_kw, &max_minimum_depth, &change_satoshis, &change_keyindex, &channel_flags, &utxos, &bip32_base)) msg = funder_channel(state, &our_funding_pubkey, &our_points, max_minimum_depth, change_satoshis, change_keyindex, channel_flags, utxos, &bip32_base); else if (fromwire_opening_fundee(state, msg, NULL, &minimum_depth, &min_feerate, &max_feerate, &peer_msg)) msg = fundee_channel(state, &our_funding_pubkey, &our_points, minimum_depth, min_feerate, max_feerate, peer_msg); else status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_MASTER_IO, "neither funder nor fundee: %s", tal_hex(msg, msg)); /* Write message and hand back the fd. */ wire_sync_write(REQ_FD, msg); fdpass_send(REQ_FD, PEER_FD); fdpass_send(REQ_FD, GOSSIP_FD); status_trace("Sent %s with fd", opening_wire_type_name(fromwire_peektype(msg))); tal_free(state); return 0; } #endif /* TESTING */