lightning-checkmessage -- Command to check a signature is from a node ===================================================================== SYNOPSIS -------- **checkmessage** *message* *zbase* \[*pubkey*\] DESCRIPTION ----------- The **checkmessage** RPC command is the counterpart to **signmessage**: given a node id (*pubkey*), signature (*zbase*) and a *message*, it verifies that the signature was generated by that node for that message (more technically: by someone who knows that node's secret). As a special case, if *pubkey* is not specified, we will try every known node key (as per *listnodes*), and verification succeeds if it matches for any one of them. Note: this is implemented far more efficiently than trying each one, so performance is not a concern. RETURN VALUE ------------ On correct usage, an object with attribute *verified* will be returned. If *verified* is true, the signature was generated by the returned *pubkey* for that given message. *pubkey* is the one specified as input, or if none was specified, the known node which must have produced this signature. If *verified* is false, the signature is meaningless. *pubkey* may also be returned, which is they *pubkey* (if any) for which this signature would be valid. This is usually not useful. AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <<>> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-signmessage(7) RESOURCES --------- Main web site: <>