/* This plugin covers both sending and receiving offers */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct pubkey32 id; u32 cltv_final; static struct command_result *finished(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, void *unused) { return command_hook_success(cmd); } static struct command_result *sendonionmessage_error(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *err, void *unused) { plugin_log(cmd->plugin, LOG_BROKEN, "sendoniomessage gave JSON error: %.*s", json_tok_full_len(err), json_tok_full(buf, err)); return command_hook_success(cmd); } struct command_result *WARN_UNUSED_RESULT send_onion_reply(struct command *cmd, const char *jsonbuf, const jsmntok_t *replytok, const char *replyfield, const u8 *replydata) { struct out_req *req; size_t i; const jsmntok_t *t; plugin_log(cmd->plugin, LOG_DBG, "sending reply %s = %s", replyfield, tal_hex(tmpctx, replydata)); /* Send to requester, using return route. */ req = jsonrpc_request_start(cmd->plugin, cmd, "sendonionmessage", finished, sendonionmessage_error, NULL); /* Add reply into last hop. */ json_array_start(req->js, "hops"); json_for_each_arr(i, t, replytok) { size_t j; const jsmntok_t *t2; plugin_log(cmd->plugin, LOG_DBG, "hops[%zu/%i]", i, replytok->size); json_object_start(req->js, NULL); json_for_each_obj(j, t2, t) json_add_tok(req->js, json_strdup(tmpctx, jsonbuf, t2), t2+1, jsonbuf); if (i == replytok->size - 1) { plugin_log(cmd->plugin, LOG_DBG, "... adding %s", replyfield); json_add_hex_talarr(req->js, replyfield, replydata); } json_object_end(req->js); } json_array_end(req->js); return send_outreq(cmd->plugin, req); } static struct command_result *onion_message_call(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params) { const jsmntok_t *om, *invreqtok, *invtok; om = json_get_member(buf, params, "onion_message"); invreqtok = json_get_member(buf, om, "invoice_request"); if (invreqtok) { const jsmntok_t *replytok; replytok = json_get_member(buf, om, "reply_path"); if (replytok && replytok->size > 0) return handle_invoice_request(cmd, buf, invreqtok, replytok); else plugin_log(cmd->plugin, LOG_DBG, "invoice_request without reply_path"); } invtok = json_get_member(buf, om, "invoice"); if (invtok) { const jsmntok_t *replytok; replytok = json_get_member(buf, om, "reply_path"); return handle_invoice(cmd, buf, invtok, replytok); } return command_hook_success(cmd); } static const struct plugin_hook hooks[] = { { "onion_message", onion_message_call }, }; struct decodable { const char *type; struct bolt11 *b11; struct tlv_offer *offer; struct tlv_invoice *invoice; struct tlv_invoice_request *invreq; }; static struct command_result *param_decodable(struct command *cmd, const char *name, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *token, struct decodable *decodable) { char *likely_fail = NULL, *fail; jsmntok_t tok; /* BOLT #11: * * If a URI scheme is desired, the current recommendation is to either * use 'lightning:' as a prefix before the BOLT-11 encoding */ tok = *token; if (json_tok_startswith(buffer, &tok, "lightning:") || json_tok_startswith(buffer, &tok, "LIGHTNING:")) tok.start += strlen("lightning:"); decodable->offer = offer_decode(cmd, buffer + tok.start, tok.end - tok.start, plugin_feature_set(cmd->plugin), NULL, json_tok_startswith(buffer, &tok, "lno1") ? &likely_fail : &fail); if (decodable->offer) { decodable->type = "bolt12 offer"; return NULL; } decodable->invoice = invoice_decode(cmd, buffer + tok.start, tok.end - tok.start, plugin_feature_set(cmd->plugin), NULL, json_tok_startswith(buffer, &tok, "lni1") ? &likely_fail : &fail); if (decodable->invoice) { decodable->type = "bolt12 invoice"; return NULL; } decodable->invreq = invrequest_decode(cmd, buffer + tok.start, tok.end - tok.start, plugin_feature_set(cmd->plugin), NULL, json_tok_startswith(buffer, &tok, "lnr1") ? &likely_fail : &fail); if (decodable->invreq) { decodable->type = "bolt12 invoice_request"; return NULL; } /* If no other was likely, bolt11 decoder gives us failure string. */ decodable->b11 = bolt11_decode(cmd, tal_strndup(tmpctx, buffer + tok.start, tok.end - tok.start), plugin_feature_set(cmd->plugin), NULL, NULL, likely_fail ? &fail : &likely_fail); if (decodable->b11) { decodable->type = "bolt11 invoice"; return NULL; } /* Return failure message from most likely parsing candidate */ return command_fail_badparam(cmd, name, buffer, &tok, likely_fail); } static void json_add_chains(struct json_stream *js, const struct bitcoin_blkid *chains) { json_array_start(js, "chains"); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(chains); i++) json_add_sha256(js, NULL, &chains[i].shad.sha); json_array_end(js); } static void json_add_onionmsg_path(struct json_stream *js, const char *fieldname, const struct onionmsg_path *path, const struct blinded_payinfo *payinfo) { json_object_start(js, fieldname); json_add_pubkey(js, "node_id", &path->node_id); json_add_hex_talarr(js, "enctlv", path->enctlv); if (payinfo) { json_add_u32(js, "fee_base_msat", payinfo->fee_base_msat); json_add_u32(js, "fee_proportional_millionths", payinfo->fee_proportional_millionths); json_add_u32(js, "cltv_expiry_delta", payinfo->cltv_expiry_delta); json_add_hex_talarr(js, "features", payinfo->features); } json_object_end(js); } static void json_add_blinded_paths(struct json_stream *js, struct blinded_path **paths, struct blinded_payinfo **blindedpay) { size_t n = 0; json_array_start(js, "paths"); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(paths); i++) { json_object_start(js, NULL); json_add_pubkey(js, "blinding", &paths[i]->blinding); json_array_start(js, "path"); for (size_t j = 0; j < tal_count(paths[i]->path); j++) { json_add_onionmsg_path(js, NULL, paths[i]->path[j], n < tal_count(blindedpay) ? blindedpay[n] : NULL); n++; } json_array_end(js); json_object_end(js); } json_array_end(js); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - MUST reject the invoice if `blinded_payinfo` does not contain * exactly as many `payinfo` as total `onionmsg_path` in * `blinded_path`. */ if (blindedpay && n != tal_count(blindedpay)) json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_invalid_blinded_payinfo", "invoice does not have correct number of blinded_payinfo"); } static const char *recurrence_time_unit_name(u8 time_unit) { /* BOLT-offers #12: * `time_unit` defining 0 (seconds), 1 (days), 2 (months), 3 (years). */ switch (time_unit) { case 0: return "seconds"; case 1: return "days"; case 2: return "months"; case 3: return "years"; } return NULL; } static void json_add_offer(struct json_stream *js, const struct tlv_offer *offer) { struct sha256 offer_id; merkle_tlv(offer->fields, &offer_id); json_add_sha256(js, "offer_id", &offer_id); if (offer->chains) json_add_chains(js, offer->chains); if (offer->currency) { const struct iso4217_name_and_divisor *iso4217; json_add_stringn(js, "currency", offer->currency, tal_bytelen(offer->currency)); if (offer->amount) json_add_u64(js, "amount", *offer->amount); iso4217 = find_iso4217(offer->currency, tal_bytelen(offer->currency)); if (iso4217) json_add_num(js, "minor_unit", iso4217->minor_unit); else json_add_string(js, "warning_offer_unknown_currency", "unknown currency code"); } else if (offer->amount) json_add_amount_msat_only(js, "amount_msat", amount_msat(*offer->amount)); if (offer->send_invoice) json_add_bool(js, "send_invoice", true); if (offer->refund_for) json_add_sha256(js, "refund_for", offer->refund_for); /* BOLT-offers #12: * A reader of an offer: *... * - if `node_id`, `description` or `signature` is not set: * - MUST NOT respond to the offer. */ if (offer->description) json_add_stringn(js, "description", offer->description, tal_bytelen(offer->description)); else json_add_string(js, "warning_offer_missing_description", "offers without a description are invalid"); if (offer->vendor) json_add_stringn(js, "vendor", offer->vendor, tal_bytelen(offer->vendor)); if (offer->features) json_add_hex_talarr(js, "features", offer->features); if (offer->absolute_expiry) json_add_u64(js, "absolute_expiry", *offer->absolute_expiry); if (offer->paths) json_add_blinded_paths(js, offer->paths, NULL); if (offer->quantity_min) json_add_u64(js, "quantity_min", *offer->quantity_min); if (offer->quantity_max) json_add_u64(js, "quantity_max", *offer->quantity_max); if (offer->recurrence) { const char *name; json_object_start(js, "recurrence"); json_add_num(js, "time_unit", offer->recurrence->time_unit); name = recurrence_time_unit_name(offer->recurrence->time_unit); if (name) json_add_string(js, "time_unit_name", name); json_add_num(js, "period", offer->recurrence->period); if (offer->recurrence_base) { json_add_u64(js, "basetime", offer->recurrence_base->basetime); if (offer->recurrence_base->start_any_period) json_add_bool(js, "start_any_period", true); } if (offer->recurrence_limit) json_add_u32(js, "limit", *offer->recurrence_limit); if (offer->recurrence_paywindow) { json_object_start(js, "paywindow"); json_add_u32(js, "seconds_before", offer->recurrence_paywindow->seconds_before); json_add_u32(js, "seconds_after", offer->recurrence_paywindow->seconds_after); if (offer->recurrence_paywindow->proportional_amount) json_add_bool(js, "proportional_amount", true); json_object_end(js); } json_object_end(js); } /* offer_decode fails if node_id or signature not set */ json_add_pubkey32(js, "node_id", offer->node_id); json_add_bip340sig(js, "signature", offer->signature); } static void json_add_fallback_address(struct json_stream *js, const struct chainparams *chain, u8 version, const u8 *address) { char out[73 + strlen(chain->bip173_name)]; /* Does extra checks, in particular checks v0 sizes */ if (segwit_addr_encode(out, chain->bip173_name, version, address, tal_bytelen(address))) json_add_string(js, "address", out); else json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_fallbacks_address_invalid", "invalid fallback address for this version"); } static void json_add_fallbacks(struct json_stream *js, const struct bitcoin_blkid *chains, struct fallback_address **fallbacks) { const struct chainparams *chain; /* Present address as first chain mentioned. */ if (tal_count(chains) != 0) chain = chainparams_by_chainhash(&chains[0]); else chain = chainparams_for_network("bitcoin"); json_array_start(js, "fallbacks"); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(fallbacks); i++) { size_t addrlen = tal_bytelen(fallbacks[i]->address); json_object_start(js, NULL); json_add_u32(js, "version", fallbacks[i]->version); json_add_hex_talarr(js, "hex", fallbacks[i]->address); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - for the bitcoin chain, if the invoice specifies `fallbacks`: * - MUST ignore any `fallback_address` for which `version` is * greater than 16. * - MUST ignore any `fallback_address` for which `address` is * less than 2 or greater than 40 bytes. * - MUST ignore any `fallback_address` for which `address` does * not meet known requirements for the given `version` */ if (fallbacks[i]->version > 16) { json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_fallbacks_version_invalid", "invoice fallback version > 16"); } else if (addrlen < 2 || addrlen > 40) { json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_fallbacks_address_invalid", "invoice fallback address bad length"); } else if (chain) { json_add_fallback_address(js, chain, fallbacks[i]->version, fallbacks[i]->address); } json_object_end(js); } json_array_end(js); } static void json_add_b12_invoice(struct json_stream *js, const struct tlv_invoice *invoice) { if (invoice->chains) json_add_chains(js, invoice->chains); if (invoice->offer_id) json_add_sha256(js, "offer_id", invoice->offer_id); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - MUST reject the invoice if `msat` is not present. */ if (invoice->amount) json_add_amount_msat_only(js, "amount_msat", amount_msat(*invoice->amount)); else json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_missing_amount", "invoices without an amount are invalid"); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - MUST reject the invoice if `description` is not present. */ if (invoice->description) json_add_stringn(js, "description", invoice->description, tal_bytelen(invoice->description)); else json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_missing_description", "invoices without a description are invalid"); if (invoice->vendor) json_add_stringn(js, "vendor", invoice->vendor, tal_bytelen(invoice->vendor)); if (invoice->features) json_add_hex_talarr(js, "features", invoice->features); if (invoice->paths) { /* BOLT-offers #12: * - if `blinded_path` is present: * - MUST reject the invoice if `blinded_payinfo` is not * present. * - MUST reject the invoice if `blinded_payinfo` does not * contain exactly as many `payinfo` as total `onionmsg_path` * in `blinded_path`. */ if (!invoice->blindedpay) json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_missing_blinded_payinfo", "invoices with blinded_path without blinded_payindo are invalid"); json_add_blinded_paths(js, invoice->paths, invoice->blindedpay); } if (invoice->quantity) json_add_u64(js, "quantity", *invoice->quantity); if (invoice->send_invoice) json_add_bool(js, "send_invoice", true); if (invoice->refund_for) json_add_sha256(js, "refund_for", invoice->refund_for); if (invoice->recurrence_counter) { json_add_u32(js, "recurrence_counter", *invoice->recurrence_counter); if (invoice->recurrence_start) json_add_u32(js, "recurrence_start", *invoice->recurrence_start); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - if the offer contained `recurrence`: * - MUST reject the invoice if `recurrence_basetime` is not * set. */ if (invoice->recurrence_basetime) json_add_u64(js, "recurrence_basetime", *invoice->recurrence_basetime); else json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_missing_recurrence_basetime", "recurring invoices without a recurrence_basetime are invalid"); } if (invoice->payer_key) json_add_pubkey32(js, "payer_key", invoice->payer_key); if (invoice->payer_info) json_add_hex_talarr(js, "payer_info", invoice->payer_info); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - MUST reject the invoice if `timestamp` is not present. */ if (invoice->timestamp) json_add_u64(js, "timestamp", *invoice->timestamp); else json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_missing_timestamp", "invoices without a timestamp are invalid"); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - MUST reject the invoice if `payment_hash` is not present. */ if (invoice->payment_hash) json_add_sha256(js, "payment_hash", invoice->payment_hash); else json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_missing_payment_hash", "invoices without a payment_hash are invalid"); /* BOLT-offers #12: * * - if the expiry for accepting payment is not 7200 seconds after * `timestamp`: * - MUST set `relative_expiry` */ if (invoice->relative_expiry) json_add_u32(js, "relative_expiry", *invoice->relative_expiry); else json_add_u32(js, "relative_expiry", 7200); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - if the `min_final_cltv_expiry` for the last HTLC in the route is * not 18: * - MUST set `min_final_cltv_expiry`. */ if (invoice->cltv) json_add_u32(js, "min_final_cltv_expiry", *invoice->cltv); else json_add_u32(js, "min_final_cltv_expiry", 18); if (invoice->fallbacks) json_add_fallbacks(js, invoice->chains, invoice->fallbacks->fallbacks); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - if the offer contained `refund_for`: * - MUST reject the invoice if `payer_key` does not match the invoice * whose `payment_hash` is equal to `refund_for` * `refunded_payment_hash` * - MUST reject the invoice if `refund_signature` is not set. * - MUST reject the invoice if `refund_signature` is not a valid * signature using `payer_key` as described in * [Signature Calculation](#signature-calculation). */ if (invoice->refund_signature) { json_add_bip340sig(js, "refund_signature", invoice->refund_signature); if (!invoice->payer_key) json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_refund_signature_missing_payer_key", "Can't have refund_signature without payer key"); else if (!bolt12_check_signature(invoice->fields, "invoice", "refund_signature", invoice->payer_key, invoice->refund_signature)) json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_refund_signature_invalid", "refund_signature does not match"); } else if (invoice->refund_for) json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_refund_missing_signature", "refund_for requires refund_signature"); /* invoice_decode checked these */ json_add_pubkey32(js, "node_id", invoice->node_id); json_add_bip340sig(js, "signature", invoice->signature); } static void json_add_invoice_request(struct json_stream *js, const struct tlv_invoice_request *invreq) { if (invreq->chains) json_add_chains(js, invreq->chains); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - MUST fail the request if `payer_key` is not present. * - MUST fail the request if `chains` does not include (or imply) a supported chain. * - MUST fail the request if `features` contains unknown even bits. * - MUST fail the request if `offer_id` is not present. */ if (invreq->offer_id) json_add_sha256(js, "offer_id", invreq->offer_id); else json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_request_missing_offer_id", "invoice_request requires offer_id"); if (invreq->amount) json_add_amount_msat_only(js, "amount_msat", amount_msat(*invreq->amount)); if (invreq->features) json_add_hex_talarr(js, "features", invreq->features); if (invreq->quantity) json_add_u64(js, "quantity", *invreq->quantity); if (invreq->recurrence_counter) json_add_u32(js, "recurrence_counter", *invreq->recurrence_counter); if (invreq->recurrence_start) json_add_u32(js, "recurrence_start", *invreq->recurrence_start); if (invreq->payer_key) json_add_pubkey32(js, "payer_key", invreq->payer_key); else json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_request_missing_payer_key", "invoice_request requires payer_key"); if (invreq->payer_info) json_add_hex_talarr(js, "payer_info", invreq->payer_info); /* BOLT-offers #12: * - if the offer had a `recurrence`: * - MUST fail the request if there is no `recurrence_counter` field. * - MUST fail the request if there is no `recurrence_signature` field. * - MUST fail the request if `recurrence_signature` is not correct. */ if (invreq->recurrence_signature) { json_add_bip340sig(js, "recurrence_signature", invreq->recurrence_signature); if (invreq->payer_key && !bolt12_check_signature(invreq->fields, "invoice_request", "recurrence_signature", invreq->payer_key, invreq->recurrence_signature)) json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_request_invalid_recurrence_signature", "Bad recurrence_signature"); } else if (invreq->recurrence_counter) { json_add_string(js, "warning_invoice_request_missing_recurrence_signature", "invoice_request requires recurrence_signature"); } } static struct command_result *json_decode(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct decodable *decodable = talz(cmd, struct decodable); struct json_stream *response; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_req("string", param_decodable, decodable), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); response = jsonrpc_stream_success(cmd); json_add_string(response, "type", decodable->type); if (decodable->offer) json_add_offer(response, decodable->offer); if (decodable->invreq) json_add_invoice_request(response, decodable->invreq); if (decodable->invoice) json_add_b12_invoice(response, decodable->invoice); if (decodable->b11) json_add_bolt11(response, decodable->b11); return command_finished(cmd, response); } static void init(struct plugin *p, const char *buf UNUSED, const jsmntok_t *config UNUSED) { struct pubkey k; rpc_scan(p, "getinfo", take(json_out_obj(NULL, NULL, NULL)), "{id:%}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_pubkey, &k)); if (secp256k1_xonly_pubkey_from_pubkey(secp256k1_ctx, &id.pubkey, NULL, &k.pubkey) != 1) abort(); rpc_scan(p, "listconfigs", take(json_out_obj(NULL, "config", "cltv-final")), "{cltv-final:%}", JSON_SCAN(json_to_number, &cltv_final)); } static const struct plugin_command commands[] = { { "offer", "payment", "Create an offer to accept money", "Create an offer for invoices of {amount} with {description}, optional {vendor}, internal {label}, {quantity_min}, {quantity_max}, {absolute_expiry}, {recurrence}, {recurrence_base}, {recurrence_paywindow}, {recurrence_limit} and {single_use}", json_offer }, { "offerout", "payment", "Create an offer to send money", "Create an offer to pay invoices of {amount} with {description}, optional {vendor}, internal {label}, {absolute_expiry} and {refund_for}", json_offerout }, { "decode", "utility", "Decode {string} message, returning {type} and information.", NULL, json_decode, }, }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setup_locale(); /* We deal in UTC; mktime() uses local time */ setenv("TZ", "", 1); plugin_main(argv, init, PLUGIN_RESTARTABLE, true, NULL, commands, ARRAY_SIZE(commands), NULL, 0, hooks, ARRAY_SIZE(hooks), NULL); }