#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define status_trace(fmt, ...) \ do { printf((fmt) ,##__VA_ARGS__); printf("\n"); } while(0) static bool in_bench = 0; /* We use made-up pubkeys, so don't try to format them. */ static char *fake_type_to_string_(const tal_t *ctx, const char *typename, union printable_types u) { /* We *do* call this at end of route setup. */ if (streq(typename, "struct pubkey")) { size_t n; memcpy(&n, u.pubkey, sizeof(n)); return tal_fmt(ctx, "pubkey-#%zu", n); } return type_to_string_(ctx, typename, u); } /* Only used on setup: if it was in benchmark run, we'd need the real one */ static int fake_pubkey_cmp(const struct pubkey *a, const struct pubkey *b) { assert(!in_bench); return memcmp(a, b, sizeof(*a)); } #define pubkey_cmp fake_pubkey_cmp #define type_to_string_ fake_type_to_string_ #include "../routing.c" #undef type_to_string_ struct broadcast_state *new_broadcast_state(tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED) { return NULL; } /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS START */ /* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_announcement */ bool fromwire_channel_announcement(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, size_t *plen UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *node_signature_1 UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *node_signature_2 UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *bitcoin_signature_1 UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *bitcoin_signature_2 UNNEEDED, u8 **features UNNEEDED, struct sha256_double *chain_hash UNNEEDED, struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *node_id_1 UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *node_id_2 UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *bitcoin_key_1 UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *bitcoin_key_2 UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_announcement called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_update */ bool fromwire_channel_update(const void *p UNNEEDED, size_t *plen UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *signature UNNEEDED, struct sha256_double *chain_hash UNNEEDED, struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id UNNEEDED, u32 *timestamp UNNEEDED, u16 *flags UNNEEDED, u16 *cltv_expiry_delta UNNEEDED, u64 *htlc_minimum_msat UNNEEDED, u32 *fee_base_msat UNNEEDED, u32 *fee_proportional_millionths UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_update called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_node_announcement */ bool fromwire_node_announcement(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, size_t *plen UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *signature UNNEEDED, u8 **features UNNEEDED, u32 *timestamp UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *node_id UNNEEDED, u8 rgb_color[3] UNNEEDED, u8 alias[32] UNNEEDED, u8 **addresses UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_node_announcement called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_u8 */ u8 fromwire_u8(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_u8 called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for fromwire_wireaddr */ bool fromwire_wireaddr(const u8 **cursor UNNEEDED, size_t *max UNNEEDED, struct wireaddr *addr UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_wireaddr called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for queue_broadcast */ void queue_broadcast(struct broadcast_state *bstate UNNEEDED, const int type UNNEEDED, const u8 *tag UNNEEDED, const u8 *payload UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "queue_broadcast called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_pubkey */ void towire_pubkey(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct pubkey *pubkey UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_pubkey called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_short_channel_id */ void towire_short_channel_id(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, const struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_short_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); } /* Generated stub for towire_u16 */ void towire_u16(u8 **pptr UNNEEDED, u16 v UNNEEDED) { fprintf(stderr, "towire_u16 called!\n"); abort(); } /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS END */ const void *trc; /* Updates existing route if required. */ static struct node_connection *add_connection(struct routing_state *rstate, const struct pubkey *from, const struct pubkey *to, u32 base_fee, s32 proportional_fee, u32 delay) { struct node_connection *c = get_or_make_connection(rstate, from, to); c->base_fee = base_fee; c->proportional_fee = proportional_fee; c->delay = delay; c->active = true; memset(&c->short_channel_id, 0, sizeof(c->short_channel_id)); c->flags = get_channel_direction(from, to); return c; } static struct pubkey nodeid(size_t n) { struct pubkey id; memset(&id, 0, sizeof(id)); memcpy(&id, &n, sizeof(n)); return id; } static void populate_random_node(struct routing_state *rstate, u64 n) { struct pubkey id = nodeid(n); /* Create up to 2 random channels. */ if (n < 1) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { struct pubkey randnode = nodeid(pseudorand(n)); add_connection(rstate, &id, &randnode, pseudorand(100), pseudorand(100), pseudorand(144)); add_connection(rstate, &randnode, &id, pseudorand(100), pseudorand(100), pseudorand(144)); } } static void run(const char *name) { int status; switch (fork()) { case 0: execlp(name, name, NULL); exit(127); case -1: err(1, "forking %s", name); default: wait(&status); if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) errx(1, "%s failed", name); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { static const struct sha256_double zerohash; const tal_t *ctx = trc = tal_tmpctx(NULL); struct routing_state *rstate; size_t num_nodes = 100, num_runs = 1; struct timemono start, end; size_t num_success; struct pubkey me = nodeid(0); bool perfme = false; const double riskfactor = 0.01 / BLOCKS_PER_YEAR / 10000; secp256k1_ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN); rstate = new_routing_state(ctx, &zerohash, &me); opt_register_noarg("--perfme", opt_set_bool, &perfme, "Run perfme-start and perfme-stop around benchmark"); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc > 1) num_nodes = atoi(argv[1]); if (argc > 2) num_runs = atoi(argv[2]); if (argc > 3) opt_usage_and_exit("[num_nodes [num_runs]]"); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) populate_random_node(rstate, i); in_bench = true; if (perfme) run("perfme-start"); start = time_mono(); num_success = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_runs; i++) { struct pubkey from = nodeid(pseudorand(num_nodes)); struct pubkey to = nodeid(pseudorand(num_nodes)); u64 fee; struct node_connection **route, *nc; nc = find_route(ctx, rstate, &from, &to, pseudorand(100000), riskfactor, &fee, &route); num_success += (nc != NULL); tal_free(route); } end = time_mono(); if (perfme) run("perfme-stop"); printf("%zu (%zu succeeded) routes in %zu nodes in %"PRIu64" msec (%"PRIu64" nanoseconds per route)", num_runs, num_success, num_nodes, time_to_msec(timemono_between(end, start)), time_to_nsec(time_divide(timemono_between(end, start), num_runs))); tal_free(ctx); secp256k1_context_destroy(secp256k1_ctx); opt_free_table(); return 0; }