/* This file was generated by generate-wire.py */ /* Do not modify this file! Modify the .csv file it was generated from. */ /* Original template can be found at tools/gen/impl_template */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef SUPERVERBOSE #define SUPERVERBOSE(...) #endif const char *gossipd_wire_name(int e) { static char invalidbuf[sizeof("INVALID ") + STR_MAX_CHARS(e)]; switch ((enum gossipd_wire)e) { case WIRE_GOSSIPD_INIT: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_INIT"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_TIME: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_TIME"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REQUEST: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REQUEST"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REPLY: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REPLY"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REQUEST: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REQUEST"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REPLY: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REPLY"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REQUEST: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REQUEST"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REPLY: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REPLY"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING_REPLY: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING_REPLY"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_MAX_SCIDS_ENCODE_SIZE: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_MAX_SCIDS_ENCODE_SIZE"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE_REPLY: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE_REPLY"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_LOCAL_CHANNEL_CLOSE: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_LOCAL_CHANNEL_CLOSE"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT_REPLY: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT_REPLY"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_PAYMENT_FAILURE: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_PAYMENT_FAILURE"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_OUTPOINT_SPENT: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_OUTPOINT_SPENT"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SUPPRESS: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SUPPRESS"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE_REPLY: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE_REPLY"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS_REPLY: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS_REPLY"; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_NEW_BLOCKHEIGHT: return "WIRE_GOSSIPD_NEW_BLOCKHEIGHT"; } snprintf(invalidbuf, sizeof(invalidbuf), "INVALID %i", e); return invalidbuf; } bool gossipd_wire_is_defined(u16 type) { switch ((enum gossipd_wire)type) { case WIRE_GOSSIPD_INIT:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_TIME:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REQUEST:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REPLY:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REQUEST:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REPLY:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REQUEST:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REPLY:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING_REPLY:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_MAX_SCIDS_ENCODE_SIZE:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE_REPLY:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_LOCAL_CHANNEL_CLOSE:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT_REPLY:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_PAYMENT_FAILURE:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_OUTPOINT_SPENT:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SUPPRESS:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE_REPLY:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS_REPLY:; case WIRE_GOSSIPD_NEW_BLOCKHEIGHT:; return true; } return false; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_INIT */ /* Initialize the gossip daemon. */ u8 *towire_gossipd_init(const tal_t *ctx, const struct chainparams *chainparams, const struct feature_set *our_features, const struct node_id *id, const u8 rgb[3], const u8 alias[32], const struct wireaddr *announcable, u32 *dev_gossip_time, bool dev_fast_gossip, bool dev_fast_gossip_prune) { u16 num_announcable = tal_count(announcable); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_INIT); towire_chainparams(&p, chainparams); towire_feature_set(&p, our_features); towire_node_id(&p, id); towire_u8_array(&p, rgb, 3); towire_u8_array(&p, alias, 32); towire_u16(&p, num_announcable); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_announcable; i++) towire_wireaddr(&p, announcable + i); if (!dev_gossip_time) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_u32(&p, *dev_gossip_time); } towire_bool(&p, dev_fast_gossip); towire_bool(&p, dev_fast_gossip_prune); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_init(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, const struct chainparams **chainparams, struct feature_set **our_features, struct node_id *id, u8 rgb[3], u8 alias[32], struct wireaddr **announcable, u32 **dev_gossip_time, bool *dev_fast_gossip, bool *dev_fast_gossip_prune) { u16 num_announcable; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_INIT) return false; fromwire_chainparams(&cursor, &plen, chainparams); *our_features = fromwire_feature_set(ctx, &cursor, &plen); fromwire_node_id(&cursor, &plen, id); fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, rgb, 3); fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, alias, 32); num_announcable = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case announcable *announcable = num_announcable ? tal_arr(ctx, struct wireaddr, num_announcable) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_announcable; i++) fromwire_wireaddr(&cursor, &plen, *announcable + i); if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *dev_gossip_time = NULL; else { *dev_gossip_time = tal(ctx, u32); **dev_gossip_time = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); } *dev_fast_gossip = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); *dev_fast_gossip_prune = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_TIME */ /* In developer mode */ u8 *towire_gossipd_dev_set_time(const tal_t *ctx, u32 dev_gossip_time) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_TIME); towire_u32(&p, dev_gossip_time); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_dev_set_time(const void *p, u32 *dev_gossip_time) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_TIME) return false; *dev_gossip_time = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REQUEST */ /* Pass JSON-RPC getnodes call through */ u8 *towire_gossipd_getnodes_request(const tal_t *ctx, const struct node_id *id) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REQUEST); if (!id) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_node_id(&p, id); } return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_getnodes_request(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct node_id **id) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REQUEST) return false; if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *id = NULL; else { *id = tal(ctx, struct node_id); fromwire_node_id(&cursor, &plen, *id); } return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REPLY */ u8 *towire_gossipd_getnodes_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const struct gossip_getnodes_entry **nodes) { u32 num_nodes = tal_count(nodes); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REPLY); towire_u32(&p, num_nodes); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) towire_gossip_getnodes_entry(&p, nodes[i]); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_getnodes_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct gossip_getnodes_entry ***nodes) { u32 num_nodes; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETNODES_REPLY) return false; num_nodes = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case nodes *nodes = num_nodes ? tal_arr(ctx, struct gossip_getnodes_entry *, num_nodes) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) (*nodes)[i] = fromwire_gossip_getnodes_entry(*nodes, &cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REQUEST */ /* Pass JSON-RPC getroute call through */ u8 *towire_gossipd_getroute_request(const tal_t *ctx, const struct node_id *source, const struct node_id *destination, struct amount_msat msatoshi, u64 riskfactor_millionths, u32 final_cltv, u64 fuzz_millionths, const struct exclude_entry **excluded, u32 max_hops) { u16 num_excluded = tal_count(excluded); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REQUEST); /* Source defaults to "us" */ if (!source) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_node_id(&p, source); } towire_node_id(&p, destination); towire_amount_msat(&p, msatoshi); towire_u64(&p, riskfactor_millionths); towire_u32(&p, final_cltv); towire_u64(&p, fuzz_millionths); towire_u16(&p, num_excluded); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_excluded; i++) towire_exclude_entry(&p, excluded[i]); towire_u32(&p, max_hops); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_getroute_request(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct node_id **source, struct node_id *destination, struct amount_msat *msatoshi, u64 *riskfactor_millionths, u32 *final_cltv, u64 *fuzz_millionths, struct exclude_entry ***excluded, u32 *max_hops) { u16 num_excluded; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REQUEST) return false; /* Source defaults to "us" */ if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *source = NULL; else { *source = tal(ctx, struct node_id); fromwire_node_id(&cursor, &plen, *source); } fromwire_node_id(&cursor, &plen, destination); *msatoshi = fromwire_amount_msat(&cursor, &plen); *riskfactor_millionths = fromwire_u64(&cursor, &plen); *final_cltv = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); *fuzz_millionths = fromwire_u64(&cursor, &plen); num_excluded = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case excluded *excluded = num_excluded ? tal_arr(ctx, struct exclude_entry *, num_excluded) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_excluded; i++) (*excluded)[i] = fromwire_exclude_entry(*excluded, &cursor, &plen); *max_hops = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REPLY */ u8 *towire_gossipd_getroute_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const struct route_hop **hops) { u16 num_hops = tal_count(hops); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REPLY); towire_u16(&p, num_hops); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_hops; i++) towire_route_hop(&p, hops[i]); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_getroute_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct route_hop ***hops) { u16 num_hops; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETROUTE_REPLY) return false; num_hops = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case hops *hops = num_hops ? tal_arr(ctx, struct route_hop *, num_hops) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_hops; i++) (*hops)[i] = fromwire_route_hop(*hops, &cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REQUEST */ u8 *towire_gossipd_getchannels_request(const tal_t *ctx, const struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id, const struct node_id *source, const struct short_channel_id *prev) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REQUEST); if (!short_channel_id) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_short_channel_id(&p, short_channel_id); } if (!source) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_node_id(&p, source); } if (!prev) towire_bool(&p, false); else { towire_bool(&p, true); towire_short_channel_id(&p, prev); } return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_getchannels_request(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct short_channel_id **short_channel_id, struct node_id **source, struct short_channel_id **prev) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REQUEST) return false; if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *short_channel_id = NULL; else { *short_channel_id = tal(ctx, struct short_channel_id); fromwire_short_channel_id(&cursor, &plen, *short_channel_id); } if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *source = NULL; else { *source = tal(ctx, struct node_id); fromwire_node_id(&cursor, &plen, *source); } if (!fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen)) *prev = NULL; else { *prev = tal(ctx, struct short_channel_id); fromwire_short_channel_id(&cursor, &plen, *prev); } return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REPLY */ u8 *towire_gossipd_getchannels_reply(const tal_t *ctx, bool complete, const struct gossip_getchannels_entry **nodes) { u32 num_channels = tal_count(nodes); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REPLY); towire_bool(&p, complete); towire_u32(&p, num_channels); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) towire_gossip_getchannels_entry(&p, nodes[i]); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_getchannels_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, bool *complete, struct gossip_getchannels_entry ***nodes) { u32 num_channels; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GETCHANNELS_REPLY) return false; *complete = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); num_channels = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case nodes *nodes = num_channels ? tal_arr(ctx, struct gossip_getchannels_entry *, num_channels) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_channels; i++) (*nodes)[i] = fromwire_gossip_getchannels_entry(*nodes, &cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_PING */ /* Ping/pong test. Waits for a reply if it expects one. */ u8 *towire_gossipd_ping(const tal_t *ctx, const struct node_id *id, u16 num_pong_bytes, u16 len) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING); towire_node_id(&p, id); towire_u16(&p, num_pong_bytes); towire_u16(&p, len); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_ping(const void *p, struct node_id *id, u16 *num_pong_bytes, u16 *len) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING) return false; fromwire_node_id(&cursor, &plen, id); *num_pong_bytes = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); *len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_PING_REPLY */ u8 *towire_gossipd_ping_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const struct node_id *id, bool sent, u16 totlen) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING_REPLY); towire_node_id(&p, id); /* False if id in gossip_ping was unknown. */ towire_bool(&p, sent); /* 0 == no pong expected */ towire_u16(&p, totlen); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_ping_reply(const void *p, struct node_id *id, bool *sent, u16 *totlen) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_PING_REPLY) return false; fromwire_node_id(&cursor, &plen, id); /* False if id in gossip_ping was unknown. */ *sent = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); /* 0 == no pong expected */ *totlen = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_MAX_SCIDS_ENCODE_SIZE */ /* Set artificial maximum reply_channel_range size. Master->gossipd */ u8 *towire_gossipd_dev_set_max_scids_encode_size(const tal_t *ctx, u32 max) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_MAX_SCIDS_ENCODE_SIZE); towire_u32(&p, max); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_dev_set_max_scids_encode_size(const void *p, u32 *max) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SET_MAX_SCIDS_ENCODE_SIZE) return false; *max = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE */ /* Given a short_channel_id */ u8 *towire_gossipd_get_stripped_cupdate(const tal_t *ctx, const struct short_channel_id *channel_id) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE); towire_short_channel_id(&p, channel_id); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_get_stripped_cupdate(const void *p, struct short_channel_id *channel_id) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE) return false; fromwire_short_channel_id(&cursor, &plen, channel_id); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE_REPLY */ u8 *towire_gossipd_get_stripped_cupdate_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *stripped_update) { u16 stripped_update_len = tal_count(stripped_update); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE_REPLY); towire_u16(&p, stripped_update_len); towire_u8_array(&p, stripped_update, stripped_update_len); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_get_stripped_cupdate_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, u8 **stripped_update) { u16 stripped_update_len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_STRIPPED_CUPDATE_REPLY) return false; stripped_update_len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case stripped_update *stripped_update = stripped_update_len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, stripped_update_len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *stripped_update, stripped_update_len); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_LOCAL_CHANNEL_CLOSE */ /* gossipd->master: we're closing this channel. */ u8 *towire_gossipd_local_channel_close(const tal_t *ctx, const struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_LOCAL_CHANNEL_CLOSE); towire_short_channel_id(&p, short_channel_id); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_local_channel_close(const void *p, struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_LOCAL_CHANNEL_CLOSE) return false; fromwire_short_channel_id(&cursor, &plen, short_channel_id); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT */ /* Gossipd->master get this tx output please. */ u8 *towire_gossipd_get_txout(const tal_t *ctx, const struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT); towire_short_channel_id(&p, short_channel_id); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_get_txout(const void *p, struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT) return false; fromwire_short_channel_id(&cursor, &plen, short_channel_id); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT_REPLY */ /* master->gossipd here is the output */ u8 *towire_gossipd_get_txout_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id, struct amount_sat satoshis, const u8 *outscript) { u16 len = tal_count(outscript); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT_REPLY); towire_short_channel_id(&p, short_channel_id); towire_amount_sat(&p, satoshis); towire_u16(&p, len); towire_u8_array(&p, outscript, len); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_get_txout_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id, struct amount_sat *satoshis, u8 **outscript) { u16 len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_TXOUT_REPLY) return false; fromwire_short_channel_id(&cursor, &plen, short_channel_id); *satoshis = fromwire_amount_sat(&cursor, &plen); len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case outscript *outscript = len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *outscript, len); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_PAYMENT_FAILURE */ /* master->gossipd an htlc failed with this onion error. */ u8 *towire_gossipd_payment_failure(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *error) { u16 len = tal_count(error); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_PAYMENT_FAILURE); towire_u16(&p, len); towire_u8_array(&p, error, len); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_payment_failure(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, u8 **error) { u16 len; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_PAYMENT_FAILURE) return false; len = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case error *error = len ? tal_arr(ctx, u8, len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(&cursor, &plen, *error, len); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_OUTPOINT_SPENT */ /* master -> gossipd: a potential funding outpoint was spent */ u8 *towire_gossipd_outpoint_spent(const tal_t *ctx, const struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_OUTPOINT_SPENT); towire_short_channel_id(&p, short_channel_id); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_outpoint_spent(const void *p, struct short_channel_id *short_channel_id) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_OUTPOINT_SPENT) return false; fromwire_short_channel_id(&cursor, &plen, short_channel_id); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_DEV_SUPPRESS */ /* master -> gossipd: stop gossip timers. */ u8 *towire_gossipd_dev_suppress(const tal_t *ctx) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SUPPRESS); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_dev_suppress(const void *p) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_SUPPRESS) return false; return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK */ /* master -> gossipd: do you have a memleak? */ u8 *towire_gossipd_dev_memleak(const tal_t *ctx) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_dev_memleak(const void *p) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK) return false; return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY */ u8 *towire_gossipd_dev_memleak_reply(const tal_t *ctx, bool leak) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY); towire_bool(&p, leak); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_dev_memleak_reply(const void *p, bool *leak) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY) return false; *leak = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE */ /* master -> gossipd: please rewrite the gossip_store */ u8 *towire_gossipd_dev_compact_store(const tal_t *ctx) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_dev_compact_store(const void *p) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE) return false; return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE_REPLY */ /* gossipd -> master: ok */ u8 *towire_gossipd_dev_compact_store_reply(const tal_t *ctx, bool success) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE_REPLY); towire_bool(&p, success); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_dev_compact_store_reply(const void *p, bool *success) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_DEV_COMPACT_STORE_REPLY) return false; *success = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS */ /* master -> gossipd: get route_info for our incoming channels */ u8 *towire_gossipd_get_incoming_channels(const tal_t *ctx) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_get_incoming_channels(const void *p) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS) return false; return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS_REPLY */ /* gossipd -> master: here they are. */ u8 *towire_gossipd_get_incoming_channels_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const struct route_info *public_route_info, const bool *public_deadends, const struct route_info *private_route_info, const bool *private_deadends) { u16 num_public = tal_count(public_deadends); u16 num_private = tal_count(private_deadends); u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS_REPLY); towire_u16(&p, num_public); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_public; i++) towire_route_info(&p, public_route_info + i); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_public; i++) towire_bool(&p, public_deadends[i]); towire_u16(&p, num_private); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_private; i++) towire_route_info(&p, private_route_info + i); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_private; i++) towire_bool(&p, private_deadends[i]); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_get_incoming_channels_reply(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, struct route_info **public_route_info, bool **public_deadends, struct route_info **private_route_info, bool **private_deadends) { u16 num_public; u16 num_private; const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS_REPLY) return false; num_public = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case public_route_info *public_route_info = num_public ? tal_arr(ctx, struct route_info, num_public) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_public; i++) fromwire_route_info(&cursor, &plen, *public_route_info + i); // 2nd case public_deadends *public_deadends = num_public ? tal_arr(ctx, bool, num_public) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_public; i++) (*public_deadends)[i] = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); num_private = fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen); // 2nd case private_route_info *private_route_info = num_private ? tal_arr(ctx, struct route_info, num_private) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_private; i++) fromwire_route_info(&cursor, &plen, *private_route_info + i); // 2nd case private_deadends *private_deadends = num_private ? tal_arr(ctx, bool, num_private) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_private; i++) (*private_deadends)[i] = fromwire_bool(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } /* WIRE: GOSSIPD_NEW_BLOCKHEIGHT */ /* master -> gossipd: blockheight increased. */ u8 *towire_gossipd_new_blockheight(const tal_t *ctx, u32 blockheight) { u8 *p = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u16(&p, WIRE_GOSSIPD_NEW_BLOCKHEIGHT); towire_u32(&p, blockheight); return memcheck(p, tal_count(p)); } bool fromwire_gossipd_new_blockheight(const void *p, u32 *blockheight) { const u8 *cursor = p; size_t plen = tal_count(p); if (fromwire_u16(&cursor, &plen) != WIRE_GOSSIPD_NEW_BLOCKHEIGHT) return false; *blockheight = fromwire_u32(&cursor, &plen); return cursor != NULL; } // SHA256STAMP:9ac18b60ff39a11d7871d17a660aa9661a49d2585abe25d0ba0e048c32ac02eb