#include <assert.h>
#include <ccan/mem/mem.h>
#include <ccan/opt/opt.h>
#include <ccan/read_write_all/read_write_all.h>
#include <ccan/short_types/short_types.h>
#include <ccan/str/hex/hex.h>
#include <ccan/tal/grab_file/grab_file.h>
#include <ccan/tal/str/str.h>
#include <common/amount.h>
#include <common/json.h>
#include <common/json_helpers.h>
#include <common/sphinx.h>
#include <common/utils.h>
#include <common/version.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <secp256k1.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define ASSOC_DATA_SIZE 32

static void do_generate(int argc, char **argv,
			const u8 assocdata[ASSOC_DATA_SIZE])
	const tal_t *ctx = talz(NULL, tal_t);
	int num_hops = argc - 2;
	struct pubkey *path = tal_arr(ctx, struct pubkey, num_hops);
	u8 rawprivkey[PRIVKEY_LEN];
	struct secret session_key;
	struct secret *shared_secrets;
	struct sphinx_path *sp;

	const u8* tmp_assocdata =tal_dup_arr(ctx, u8, assocdata,
					  ASSOC_DATA_SIZE, 0);
	memset(&session_key, 'A', sizeof(struct secret));

	sp = sphinx_path_new_with_key(ctx, tmp_assocdata, &session_key);

	for (int i = 0; i < num_hops; i++) {
		size_t klen = strcspn(argv[2 + i], "/");
		if (hex_data_size(klen) == PRIVKEY_LEN) {
			if (!hex_decode(argv[2 + i], klen, rawprivkey, PRIVKEY_LEN))
				errx(1, "Invalid private key hex '%s'",
				     argv[2 + i]);

			if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(secp256k1_ctx,
						       rawprivkey) != 1)
				errx(1, "Could not decode pubkey");
		} else if (hex_data_size(klen) == PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN) {
			if (!pubkey_from_hexstr(argv[2 + i], klen, &path[i]))
				errx(1, "Invalid public key hex '%s'",
				     argv[2 + i]);
		} else {
			     "Provided key is neither a pubkey nor a privkey: "
			     argv[2 + i]);

		/* /<hex> -> raw hopdata. /tlv -> TLV encoding. */
		if (argv[2 + i][klen] != '\0' && argv[2 + i][klen] != 't') {
			const char *hopstr = argv[2 + i] + klen + 1;
			u8 *data = tal_hexdata(ctx, hopstr, strlen(hopstr));

			if (!data)
				errx(1, "bad hex after / in %s", argv[1 + i]);
			sphinx_add_raw_hop(sp, &path[i], SPHINX_RAW_PAYLOAD,
		} else {
			struct short_channel_id scid;
			struct amount_msat amt;
			bool use_tlv = streq(argv[1 + i] + klen, "/tlv");

			/* FIXME: support secret and and total_msat */
			memset(&scid, i, sizeof(scid));
			amt.millisatoshis = i; /* Raw: test code */
			if (i == num_hops - 1)
				sphinx_add_final_hop(sp, &path[i],
						     amt, i, amt, NULL);
				sphinx_add_nonfinal_hop(sp, &path[i],
							&scid, amt, i);

	struct onionpacket *res = create_onionpacket(ctx, sp, &shared_secrets);

	u8 *serialized = serialize_onionpacket(ctx, res);
	if (!serialized)
		errx(1, "Error serializing message.");
	printf("%s\n", tal_hex(ctx, serialized));

static struct route_step *decode_with_privkey(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *onion, char *hexprivkey, const u8 *assocdata)
	struct privkey seckey;
	struct route_step *step;
	struct onionpacket *packet;
	enum onion_type why_bad;
	u8 shared_secret[32];
	if (!hex_decode(hexprivkey, strlen(hexprivkey), &seckey, sizeof(seckey)))
		errx(1, "Invalid private key hex '%s'", hexprivkey);

	packet = parse_onionpacket(ctx, onion, TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE, &why_bad);

	if (!packet)
		errx(1, "Error parsing message: %s", onion_type_name(why_bad));

	if (!onion_shared_secret(shared_secret, packet, &seckey))
		errx(1, "Error creating shared secret.");

	step = process_onionpacket(ctx, packet, shared_secret, assocdata,
	return step;


static void do_decode(int argc, char **argv, const u8 assocdata[ASSOC_DATA_SIZE])
	const tal_t *ctx = talz(NULL, tal_t);
	u8 serialized[TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE];
	struct route_step *step;

	if (argc != 4)
		opt_usage_exit_fail("Expect an filename and privkey with 'decode' method");

	char *hextemp = grab_file(ctx, argv[2]);
	size_t hexlen = strlen(hextemp);

	// trim trailing whitespace
	while (isspace(hextemp[hexlen-1]))

	if (!hex_decode(hextemp, hexlen, serialized, sizeof(serialized))) {
		errx(1, "Invalid onion hex '%s'", hextemp);

	const u8* tmp_assocdata =tal_dup_arr(ctx, u8, assocdata,
					  ASSOC_DATA_SIZE, 0);
	step = decode_with_privkey(ctx, serialized, tal_strdup(ctx, argv[3]), tmp_assocdata);

	if (!step || !step->next)
		errx(1, "Error processing message.");

	printf("payload=%s\n", tal_hex(ctx, step->raw_payload));
	if (step->nextcase == ONION_FORWARD) {
		u8 *ser = serialize_onionpacket(ctx, step->next);
		if (!ser)
			errx(1, "Error serializing message.");
		printf("next=%s\n", tal_hex(ctx, ser));

static char *opt_set_ad(const char *arg, u8 *assocdata)
	if (!hex_decode(arg, strlen(arg), assocdata, ASSOC_DATA_SIZE))
		return "Bad hex string";
	return NULL;

static void opt_show_ad(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], const u8 *assocdata)
	hex_encode(assocdata, ASSOC_DATA_SIZE, buf, OPT_SHOW_LEN);

 * Run an onion encoding/decoding unit-test from a file
static void runtest(const char *filename)
	const tal_t *ctx = tal(NULL, u8);
	bool valid;
	char *buffer = grab_file(ctx, filename);
	const jsmntok_t *toks, *session_key_tok, *associated_data_tok, *gentok,
		*hopstok, *hop, *payloadtok, *pubkeytok, *typetok, *oniontok, *decodetok;
	const u8 *associated_data, *session_key_raw, *payload, *serialized, *onion;
	struct secret session_key, *shared_secrets;
	struct pubkey pubkey;
	struct sphinx_path *path;
	size_t i;
	enum sphinx_payload_type type;
	struct onionpacket *res;
	struct route_step *step;
	char *hexprivkey;

	toks = json_parse_input(ctx, buffer, strlen(buffer), &valid);
	if (!valid)
		errx(1, "File is not a valid JSON file.");

	gentok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "generate");
	if (!gentok)
		errx(1, "JSON object does not contain a 'generate' key");

	/* Unpack the common parts */
	associated_data_tok = json_get_member(buffer, gentok, "associated_data");
	session_key_tok = json_get_member(buffer, gentok, "session_key");
	associated_data = json_tok_bin_from_hex(ctx, buffer, associated_data_tok);
	session_key_raw = json_tok_bin_from_hex(ctx, buffer, session_key_tok);
	memcpy(&session_key, session_key_raw, sizeof(session_key));
	path = sphinx_path_new_with_key(ctx, associated_data, &session_key);

	/* Unpack the hops and build up the path */
	hopstok = json_get_member(buffer, gentok, "hops");
	json_for_each_arr(i, hop, hopstok) {
		payloadtok = json_get_member(buffer, hop, "payload");
		typetok = json_get_member(buffer, hop, "type");
		pubkeytok = json_get_member(buffer, hop, "pubkey");
		payload = json_tok_bin_from_hex(ctx, buffer, payloadtok);
		json_to_pubkey(buffer, pubkeytok, &pubkey);
		if (!typetok || json_tok_streq(buffer, typetok, "legacy")) {
			type = SPHINX_V0_PAYLOAD;
		} else {
		sphinx_add_raw_hop(path, &pubkey, type, payload);
	res = create_onionpacket(ctx, path, &shared_secrets);
	serialized = serialize_onionpacket(ctx, res);

	if (!serialized)
		errx(1, "Error serializing message.");

	oniontok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "onion");

	if (oniontok) {
		onion = json_tok_bin_from_hex(ctx, buffer, oniontok);
		if (!memeq(onion, tal_bytelen(onion), serialized,
			     "Generated does not match the expected onion: \n"
			     "generated: %s\n"
			     "expected : %s\n",
			     tal_hex(ctx, serialized), tal_hex(ctx, onion));
	printf("Generated onion: %s\n", tal_hex(ctx, serialized));

	decodetok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "decode");

	json_for_each_arr(i, hop, decodetok) {
		hexprivkey = json_strdup(ctx, buffer, hop);
		printf("Processing at hop %zu\n", i);
		step = decode_with_privkey(ctx, serialized, hexprivkey, associated_data);
		serialized = serialize_onionpacket(ctx, step->next);
		if (!serialized)
			errx(1, "Error serializing message.");
		printf("  Type: %d\n", step->type);
		printf("  Payload: %s\n", tal_hex(ctx, step->raw_payload));
		printf("  Next onion: %s\n", tal_hex(ctx, serialized));
		printf("  Next HMAC: %s\n", tal_hexstr(ctx, step->next->mac, HMAC_SIZE));


/* Tal wrappers for opt. */
static void *opt_allocfn(size_t size)
	return tal_arr_label(NULL, char, size, TAL_LABEL("opt_allocfn", ""));

static void *tal_reallocfn(void *ptr, size_t size)
	if (!ptr)
		return opt_allocfn(size);
	tal_resize_(&ptr, 1, size, false);
	return ptr;

static void tal_freefn(void *ptr)

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	const char *method;
	u8 assocdata[ASSOC_DATA_SIZE];
	memset(&assocdata, 'B', sizeof(assocdata));

	secp256k1_ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY |

	opt_set_alloc(opt_allocfn, tal_reallocfn, tal_freefn);
	opt_register_arg("--assoc-data", opt_set_ad, opt_show_ad,
			 "Associated data (usu. payment_hash of payment)");
	opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit,
			   "\n\n\tdecode <onion_file> <privkey>\n"
			   "\tgenerate <pubkey1> <pubkey2> ...\n"
			   "\tgenerate <pubkey1>[/hopdata|/tlv] <pubkey2>[/hopdata|/tlv]\n"
			   "\tgenerate <privkey1>[/hopdata|/tlv] <privkey2>[/hopdata|/tlv]\n"
			   "\truntest <test-filename>\n\n", "Show this message\n\n"
			   "\t> onion generate 02c18e7ff9a319983e85094b8c957da5c1230ecb328c1f1c7e88029f1fec2046f8/00000000000000000000000000000f424000000138000000000000000000000000 --assoc-data 44ee26f01e54665937b892f6afbfdfb88df74bcca52d563f088668cf4490aacd > onion.dat\n"
			   "\t> onion decode onion.dat 78302c8edb1b94e662464e99af721054b6ab9d577d3189f933abde57709c5cb8 --assoc-data 44ee26f01e54665937b892f6afbfdfb88df74bcca52d563f088668cf4490aacd\n");

	opt_early_parse(argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);
	opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);

	if (argc < 2)
		errx(1, "You must specify a method");
	method = argv[1];

	if (streq(method, "runtest")) {
		if (argc != 3)
			errx(1, "'runtest' requires a filename argument");
	} else if (streq(method, "generate")) {
		do_generate(argc, argv, assocdata);
	} else if (streq(method, "decode")) {
		do_decode(argc, argv, assocdata);
	} else {
		errx(1, "Unrecognized method '%s'", method);
	return 0;