#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool offer_htlc_reply(struct subd *subd, const u8 *msg, const int *fds, struct htlc_end *hend) { u16 failcode; u8 *failstr; /* We hack this in, since we don't have a real pay_command here. */ struct command *cmd = (void *)hend->pay_command; /* This suppresses normal callback when it's actually paid! */ hend->pay_command = NULL; if (!fromwire_channel_offer_htlc_reply(msg, msg, NULL, &hend->htlc_id, &failcode, &failstr)) { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid reply from daemon: %s", tal_hex(msg, msg)); return true; } if (failcode != 0) { command_fail(cmd, "failure %u: %.*s", failcode, (int)tal_len(failstr), (char *)failstr); } else { struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); /* Peer owns it now (we're about to free cmd) */ tal_steal(hend->peer, hend); connect_htlc_end(&subd->ld->htlc_ends, hend); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_u64(response, "id", hend->htlc_id); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } return true; } static void json_dev_newhtlc(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct lightningd *ld = ld_from_dstate(cmd->dstate); struct peer *peer; u8 *msg; jsmntok_t *peeridtok, *msatoshitok, *expirytok, *rhashtok; unsigned int expiry; u64 msatoshi; struct sha256 rhash; struct hop_data *hopsdata; u8 sessionkey[32]; struct onionpacket *packet; u8 *onion; struct htlc_end *hend; struct pubkey *path = tal_arrz(cmd, struct pubkey, 1); struct sha256 *shared_secrets; if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "peerid", &peeridtok, "msatoshi", &msatoshitok, "expiry", &expirytok, "rhash", &rhashtok, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Need peerid, msatoshi, expiry and rhash"); return; } peer = peer_from_json(ld, buffer, peeridtok); if (!peer) { command_fail(cmd, "Could not find peer with that peerid"); return; } /* FIXME: These checks are horrible, use a peer flag to say it's * ready to forward! */ if (peer->owner && !streq(peer->owner->name, "lightningd_channel")) { command_fail(cmd, "Peer not in lightningd_channel (%s instead)", peer->owner ? peer->owner->name : "unattached"); return; } if (!streq(peer->condition, "Normal operation")) { command_fail(cmd, "Peer in condition %s", peer->condition); return; } if (!json_tok_u64(buffer, msatoshitok, &msatoshi)) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid number", (int)(msatoshitok->end - msatoshitok->start), buffer + msatoshitok->start); return; } if (!json_tok_number(buffer, expirytok, &expiry)) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid number", (int)(expirytok->end - expirytok->start), buffer + expirytok->start); return; } if (!hex_decode(buffer + rhashtok->start, rhashtok->end - rhashtok->start, &rhash, sizeof(rhash))) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid sha256 hash", (int)(rhashtok->end - rhashtok->start), buffer + rhashtok->start); return; } tal_arr(cmd, struct pubkey, 1); hopsdata = tal_arr(cmd, struct hop_data, 1); hopsdata[0].realm = 0; hopsdata[0].amt_forward = msatoshi; hopsdata[0].outgoing_cltv = expiry; /* This is the last hop so set an empty channel_id */ memset(&hopsdata[0].channel_id, 0, sizeof(hopsdata[0].channel_id)); path[0] = *peer->id; randombytes_buf(&sessionkey, sizeof(sessionkey)); packet = create_onionpacket(cmd, path, hopsdata, sessionkey, rhash.u.u8, sizeof(rhash), &shared_secrets); onion = serialize_onionpacket(cmd, packet); log_debug(peer->log, "JSON command to add new HTLC"); hend = tal(cmd, struct htlc_end); hend->which_end = HTLC_DST; hend->peer = peer; hend->msatoshis = msatoshi; hend->other_end = NULL; hend->pay_command = (void *)cmd; hend->path_secrets = tal_steal(hend, shared_secrets); /* FIXME: If subdaemon dies? */ msg = towire_channel_offer_htlc(cmd, msatoshi, expiry, &rhash, onion); subd_req(hend, peer->owner, take(msg), -1, 0, offer_htlc_reply, hend); } static const struct json_command dev_newhtlc_command = { "dev-newhtlc", json_dev_newhtlc, "Offer {peerid} an HTLC worth {msatoshi} in {expiry} (block number) with {rhash}", "Returns { id: u64 } result on success" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_newhtlc_command);