#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool connects_to_peer(struct subd *owner) { return owner && owner->talks_to_peer; } void channel_set_owner(struct channel *channel, struct subd *owner) { struct subd *old_owner = channel->owner; channel->owner = owner; if (old_owner) { subd_release_channel(old_owner, channel); if (channel->connected && !connects_to_peer(owner)) { /* If shutting down, connectd no longer exists, * and we should not transfer peer to connectd. * Only transfer to connectd if connectd is * there to be transferred to. */ if (channel->peer->ld->connectd) { u8 *msg; msg = towire_connectd_peer_disconnected( NULL, &channel->peer->id); subd_send_msg(channel->peer->ld->connectd, take(msg)); } } } channel->connected = connects_to_peer(owner); } struct htlc_out *channel_has_htlc_out(struct channel *channel) { struct htlc_out_map_iter outi; struct htlc_out *hout; struct lightningd *ld = channel->peer->ld; for (hout = htlc_out_map_first(&ld->htlcs_out, &outi); hout; hout = htlc_out_map_next(&ld->htlcs_out, &outi)) { if (hout->key.channel == channel) return hout; } return NULL; } struct htlc_in *channel_has_htlc_in(struct channel *channel) { struct htlc_in_map_iter ini; struct htlc_in *hin; struct lightningd *ld = channel->peer->ld; for (hin = htlc_in_map_first(&ld->htlcs_in, &ini); hin; hin = htlc_in_map_next(&ld->htlcs_in, &ini)) { if (hin->key.channel == channel) return hin; } return NULL; } static void destroy_channel(struct channel *channel) { /* Must not have any HTLCs! */ struct htlc_out *hout = channel_has_htlc_out(channel); struct htlc_in *hin = channel_has_htlc_in(channel); if (hout) fatal("Freeing channel %s has hout %s", channel_state_name(channel), htlc_state_name(hout->hstate)); if (hin) fatal("Freeing channel %s has hin %s", channel_state_name(channel), htlc_state_name(hin->hstate)); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(channel->forgets); i++) was_pending(command_fail(channel->forgets[i], LIGHTNINGD, "Channel structure was freed!")); /* Free any old owner still hanging around. */ channel_set_owner(channel, NULL); list_del_from(&channel->peer->channels, &channel->list); list_del(&channel->rr_list); } void delete_channel(struct channel *channel STEALS) { struct peer *peer = channel->peer; wallet_channel_close(channel->peer->ld->wallet, channel->dbid); tal_free(channel); maybe_delete_peer(peer); } void get_channel_basepoints(struct lightningd *ld, const struct node_id *peer_id, const u64 dbid, struct basepoints *local_basepoints, struct pubkey *local_funding_pubkey) { u8 *msg; assert(dbid != 0); msg = towire_hsmd_get_channel_basepoints(NULL, peer_id, dbid); if (!wire_sync_write(ld->hsm_fd, take(msg))) fatal("Could not write to HSM: %s", strerror(errno)); msg = wire_sync_read(tmpctx, ld->hsm_fd); if (!fromwire_hsmd_get_channel_basepoints_reply(msg, local_basepoints, local_funding_pubkey)) fatal("HSM gave bad hsm_get_channel_basepoints_reply %s", tal_hex(msg, msg)); } struct channel *new_channel(struct peer *peer, u64 dbid, /* NULL or stolen */ struct wallet_shachain *their_shachain, enum channel_state state, enum side opener, /* NULL or stolen */ struct log *log, const char *transient_billboard TAKES, u8 channel_flags, const struct channel_config *our_config, u32 minimum_depth, u64 next_index_local, u64 next_index_remote, u64 next_htlc_id, const struct bitcoin_txid *funding_txid, u16 funding_outnum, struct amount_sat funding, struct amount_msat push, struct amount_sat our_funds, bool remote_funding_locked, /* NULL or stolen */ struct short_channel_id *scid, struct amount_msat our_msat, struct amount_msat msat_to_us_min, struct amount_msat msat_to_us_max, /* Stolen */ struct bitcoin_tx *last_tx, const struct bitcoin_signature *last_sig, /* NULL or stolen */ const struct bitcoin_signature *last_htlc_sigs, const struct channel_info *channel_info, /* NULL or stolen */ u8 *remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey, const u8 *local_shutdown_scriptpubkey, u64 final_key_idx, bool last_was_revoke, /* NULL or stolen */ struct changed_htlc *last_sent_commit, u32 first_blocknum, u32 min_possible_feerate, u32 max_possible_feerate, bool connected, const struct basepoints *local_basepoints, const struct pubkey *local_funding_pubkey, const struct pubkey *future_per_commitment_point, u32 feerate_base, u32 feerate_ppm, const u8 *remote_upfront_shutdown_script, bool option_static_remotekey, bool option_anchor_outputs) { struct channel *channel = tal(peer->ld, struct channel); assert(dbid != 0); channel->peer = peer; channel->dbid = dbid; channel->error = NULL; channel->htlc_timeout = NULL; if (their_shachain) channel->their_shachain = *their_shachain; else { channel->their_shachain.id = 0; shachain_init(&channel->their_shachain.chain); } channel->state = state; channel->opener = opener; channel->owner = NULL; memset(&channel->billboard, 0, sizeof(channel->billboard)); channel->billboard.transient = tal_strdup(channel, transient_billboard); if (!log) { channel->log = new_log(channel, peer->ld->log_book, &channel->peer->id, "chan#%"PRIu64, dbid); } else channel->log = tal_steal(channel, log); channel->channel_flags = channel_flags; channel->our_config = *our_config; channel->minimum_depth = minimum_depth; channel->next_index[LOCAL] = next_index_local; channel->next_index[REMOTE] = next_index_remote; channel->next_htlc_id = next_htlc_id; channel->funding_txid = *funding_txid; channel->funding_outnum = funding_outnum; channel->funding = funding; channel->push = push; channel->our_funds = our_funds; channel->remote_funding_locked = remote_funding_locked; channel->scid = tal_steal(channel, scid); channel->our_msat = our_msat; channel->msat_to_us_min = msat_to_us_min; channel->msat_to_us_max = msat_to_us_max; channel->last_tx = tal_steal(channel, last_tx); channel->last_tx->chainparams = chainparams; channel->last_tx_type = TX_UNKNOWN; channel->last_sig = *last_sig; channel->last_htlc_sigs = tal_steal(channel, last_htlc_sigs); channel->channel_info = *channel_info; channel->channel_info.fee_states = dup_fee_states(channel, channel_info->fee_states); channel->shutdown_scriptpubkey[REMOTE] = tal_steal(channel, remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey); channel->final_key_idx = final_key_idx; channel->closing_fee_negotiation_step = 50; channel->closing_fee_negotiation_step_unit = CLOSING_FEE_NEGOTIATION_STEP_UNIT_PERCENTAGE; if (local_shutdown_scriptpubkey) channel->shutdown_scriptpubkey[LOCAL] = tal_steal(channel, local_shutdown_scriptpubkey); else channel->shutdown_scriptpubkey[LOCAL] = p2wpkh_for_keyidx(channel, channel->peer->ld, channel->final_key_idx); channel->last_was_revoke = last_was_revoke; channel->last_sent_commit = tal_steal(channel, last_sent_commit); channel->first_blocknum = first_blocknum; channel->min_possible_feerate = min_possible_feerate; channel->max_possible_feerate = max_possible_feerate; channel->connected = connected; channel->local_basepoints = *local_basepoints; channel->local_funding_pubkey = *local_funding_pubkey; channel->future_per_commitment_point = tal_steal(channel, future_per_commitment_point); channel->feerate_base = feerate_base; channel->feerate_ppm = feerate_ppm; channel->remote_upfront_shutdown_script = tal_steal(channel, remote_upfront_shutdown_script); channel->option_static_remotekey = option_static_remotekey; channel->option_anchor_outputs = option_anchor_outputs; channel->forgets = tal_arr(channel, struct command *, 0); list_add_tail(&peer->channels, &channel->list); list_add_tail(&peer->ld->rr_channels, &channel->rr_list); tal_add_destructor(channel, destroy_channel); /* Make sure we see any spends using this key */ txfilter_add_scriptpubkey(peer->ld->owned_txfilter, take(p2wpkh_for_keyidx(NULL, peer->ld, channel->final_key_idx))); return channel; } const char *channel_state_name(const struct channel *channel) { return channel_state_str(channel->state); } const char *channel_state_str(enum channel_state state) { for (size_t i = 0; enum_channel_state_names[i].name; i++) if (enum_channel_state_names[i].v == state) return enum_channel_state_names[i].name; return "unknown"; } struct channel *peer_active_channel(struct peer *peer) { struct channel *channel; list_for_each(&peer->channels, channel, list) { if (channel_active(channel)) return channel; } return NULL; } struct channel *peer_normal_channel(struct peer *peer) { struct channel *channel; list_for_each(&peer->channels, channel, list) { if (channel->state == CHANNELD_NORMAL) return channel; } return NULL; } struct channel *active_channel_by_id(struct lightningd *ld, const struct node_id *id, struct uncommitted_channel **uc) { struct peer *peer = peer_by_id(ld, id); if (!peer) { if (uc) *uc = NULL; return NULL; } if (uc) *uc = peer->uncommitted_channel; return peer_active_channel(peer); } struct channel *active_channel_by_scid(struct lightningd *ld, const struct short_channel_id *scid) { struct peer *p; struct channel *chan; list_for_each(&ld->peers, p, list) { list_for_each(&p->channels, chan, list) { if (channel_active(chan) && chan->scid && short_channel_id_eq(scid, chan->scid)) return chan; } } return NULL; } struct channel *channel_by_dbid(struct lightningd *ld, const u64 dbid) { struct peer *p; struct channel *chan; list_for_each(&ld->peers, p, list) { list_for_each(&p->channels, chan, list) { if (chan->dbid == dbid) return chan; } } return NULL; } void channel_set_last_tx(struct channel *channel, struct bitcoin_tx *tx, const struct bitcoin_signature *sig, enum wallet_tx_type txtypes) { assert(tx->chainparams); channel->last_sig = *sig; tal_free(channel->last_tx); channel->last_tx = tal_steal(channel, tx); channel->last_tx_type = txtypes; } void channel_set_state(struct channel *channel, enum channel_state old_state, enum channel_state state) { log_info(channel->log, "State changed from %s to %s", channel_state_name(channel), channel_state_str(state)); if (channel->state != old_state) fatal("channel state %s should be %s", channel_state_name(channel), channel_state_str(old_state)); channel->state = state; /* TODO(cdecker) Selectively save updated fields to DB */ wallet_channel_save(channel->peer->ld->wallet, channel); } void channel_fail_permanent(struct channel *channel, const char *fmt, ...) { struct lightningd *ld = channel->peer->ld; va_list ap; char *why; struct channel_id cid; va_start(ap, fmt); why = tal_vfmt(tmpctx, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); log_unusual(channel->log, "Peer permanent failure in %s: %s", channel_state_name(channel), why); /* We can have multiple errors, eg. onchaind failures. */ if (!channel->error) { derive_channel_id(&cid, &channel->funding_txid, channel->funding_outnum); channel->error = towire_errorfmt(channel, &cid, "%s", why); } channel_set_owner(channel, NULL); /* Drop non-cooperatively (unilateral) to chain. */ drop_to_chain(ld, channel, false); if (channel_active(channel)) channel_set_state(channel, channel->state, AWAITING_UNILATERAL); tal_free(why); } void channel_fail_forget(struct channel *channel, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *why; struct channel_id cid; assert(channel->opener == REMOTE && channel->state == CHANNELD_AWAITING_LOCKIN); va_start(ap, fmt); why = tal_vfmt(tmpctx, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); log_unusual(channel->log, "Peer permanent failure in %s: %s, " "forget channel", channel_state_name(channel), why); if (!channel->error) { derive_channel_id(&cid, &channel->funding_txid, channel->funding_outnum); channel->error = towire_errorfmt(channel, &cid, "%s", why); } delete_channel(channel); tal_free(why); } void channel_internal_error(struct channel *channel, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *why; va_start(ap, fmt); why = tal_vfmt(channel, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); log_broken(channel->log, "Peer internal error %s: %s", channel_state_name(channel), why); /* Don't expose internal error causes to remove unless doing dev */ #if DEVELOPER channel_fail_permanent(channel, "Internal error: %s", why); #else channel_fail_permanent(channel, "Internal error"); #endif tal_free(why); } void channel_set_billboard(struct channel *channel, bool perm, const char *str) { const char **p; if (perm) p = &channel->billboard.permanent[channel->state]; else p = &channel->billboard.transient; *p = tal_free(*p); if (str) { *p = tal_fmt(channel, "%s:%s", channel_state_name(channel), str); if (taken(str)) tal_free(str); } } static void err_and_reconnect(struct channel *channel, const char *why, u32 seconds_before_reconnect) { log_info(channel->log, "Peer transient failure in %s: %s", channel_state_name(channel), why); #if DEVELOPER if (dev_disconnect_permanent(channel->peer->ld)) { channel_fail_permanent(channel, "dev_disconnect permfail"); return; } #endif channel_set_owner(channel, NULL); delay_then_reconnect(channel, seconds_before_reconnect, &channel->peer->addr); } void channel_fail_reconnect_later(struct channel *channel, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); err_and_reconnect(channel, tal_vfmt(tmpctx, fmt, ap), 60); va_end(ap); } void channel_fail_reconnect(struct channel *channel, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); err_and_reconnect(channel, tal_vfmt(tmpctx, fmt, ap), 1); va_end(ap); }