#include <bitcoin/chainparams.h> #include <bitcoin/preimage.h> #include <ccan/cast/cast.h> #include <ccan/mem/mem.h> #include <common/bech32_util.h> #include <common/bolt12.h> #include <common/bolt12_merkle.h> #include <common/json_stream.h> #include <common/overflows.h> #include <common/type_to_string.h> #include <plugins/offers.h> #include <plugins/offers_inv_hook.h> #include <secp256k1_schnorrsig.h> /* We need to keep the reply path around so we can reply if error */ struct inv { struct tlv_invoice *inv; const char *buf; /* May be NULL */ const jsmntok_t *replytok; /* The offer, once we've looked it up. */ struct tlv_offer *offer; }; static struct command_result *WARN_UNUSED_RESULT fail_inv_level(struct command *cmd, const struct inv *inv, enum log_level l, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char *full_fmt, *msg; struct tlv_invoice_error *err; u8 *errdata; full_fmt = tal_fmt(tmpctx, "Failed invoice %s", invoice_encode(tmpctx, inv->inv)); if (inv->inv->offer_id) tal_append_fmt(&full_fmt, " for offer %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, inv->inv->offer_id)); tal_append_fmt(&full_fmt, ": %s", fmt); msg = tal_vfmt(tmpctx, full_fmt, ap); plugin_log(cmd->plugin, l, "%s", msg); /* Only reply if they gave us a path */ if (!inv->replytok) return command_hook_success(cmd); /* Don't send back internal error details. */ if (l == LOG_BROKEN) msg = "Internal error"; err = tlv_invoice_error_new(cmd); /* Remove NUL terminator */ err->error = tal_dup_arr(err, char, msg, strlen(msg), 0); /* FIXME: Add suggested_value / erroneous_field! */ errdata = tal_arr(cmd, u8, 0); towire_invoice_error(&errdata, err); return send_onion_reply(cmd, inv->buf, inv->replytok, "invoice_error", errdata); } static struct command_result *WARN_UNUSED_RESULT fail_inv(struct command *cmd, const struct inv *inv, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; struct command_result *ret; va_start(ap, fmt); ret = fail_inv_level(cmd, inv, LOG_DBG, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } static struct command_result *WARN_UNUSED_RESULT fail_internalerr(struct command *cmd, const struct inv *inv, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; struct command_result *ret; va_start(ap, fmt); ret = fail_inv_level(cmd, inv, LOG_BROKEN, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } #define inv_must_have(cmd_, i_, fld_) \ test_field(cmd_, i_, i_->inv->fld_ != NULL, #fld_, "missing") #define inv_must_not_have(cmd_, i_, fld_) \ test_field(cmd_, i_, i_->inv->fld_ == NULL, #fld_, "unexpected") #define inv_must_equal_offer(cmd_, i_, fld_) \ test_field_eq(cmd_, i_, i_->inv->fld_, i_->offer->fld_, #fld_) static struct command_result * test_field(struct command *cmd, const struct inv *inv, bool test, const char *fieldname, const char *what) { if (!test) return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "%s %s", what, fieldname); return NULL; } static struct command_result * test_field_eq(struct command *cmd, const struct inv *inv, const tal_t *invfield, const tal_t *offerfield, const char *fieldname) { if (invfield && !offerfield) return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Unexpected %s", fieldname); if (!invfield && offerfield) return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Expected %s", fieldname); if (!memeq(invfield, tal_bytelen(invfield), offerfield, tal_bytelen(offerfield))) return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Different %s", fieldname); return NULL; } static struct command_result *pay_done(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct inv *inv) { struct amount_msat msat = amount_msat(*inv->inv->amount); plugin_log(cmd->plugin, LOG_INFORM, "Payed out %s for offer %s%s: %.*s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &msat), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, inv->inv->offer_id), inv->offer->refund_for ? " (refund)": "", json_tok_full_len(result), json_tok_full(buf, result)); return command_hook_success(cmd); } static struct command_result *pay_error(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *error, struct inv *inv) { const jsmntok_t *msgtok = json_get_member(buf, error, "message"); return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "pay attempt failed: %.*s", json_tok_full_len(msgtok), json_tok_full(buf, msgtok)); } static struct command_result *listoffers_done(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct inv *inv) { const jsmntok_t *arr = json_get_member(buf, result, "offers"); const jsmntok_t *offertok, *activetok, *b12tok; bool active; struct amount_msat amt; char *fail; struct out_req *req; struct command_result *err; /* BOLT-offers #12: * - otherwise if `offer_id` is set: * - MUST reject the invoice if the `offer_id` does not refer an * unexpired offer with `send_invoice` */ if (arr->size == 0) return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Unknown offer"); plugin_log(cmd->plugin, LOG_INFORM, "Attempting payment of offer %.*s", json_tok_full_len(result), json_tok_full(buf, result)); offertok = arr + 1; activetok = json_get_member(buf, offertok, "active"); if (!activetok) { return fail_internalerr(cmd, inv, "Missing active: %.*s", json_tok_full_len(offertok), json_tok_full(buf, offertok)); } json_to_bool(buf, activetok, &active); if (!active) return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Offer no longer available"); b12tok = json_get_member(buf, offertok, "bolt12"); if (!b12tok) { return fail_internalerr(cmd, inv, "Missing bolt12: %.*s", json_tok_full_len(offertok), json_tok_full(buf, offertok)); } inv->offer = offer_decode(inv, buf + b12tok->start, b12tok->end - b12tok->start, plugin_feature_set(cmd->plugin), chainparams, &fail); if (!inv->offer) { return fail_internalerr(cmd, inv, "Invalid offer: %s (%.*s)", fail, json_tok_full_len(offertok), json_tok_full(buf, offertok)); } if (inv->offer->absolute_expiry && time_now().ts.tv_sec >= *inv->offer->absolute_expiry) { /* FIXME: do deloffer to disable it */ return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Offer expired"); } if (!inv->offer->send_invoice) { return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Offer did not expect invoice"); } /* BOLT-offers #12: * - MUST reject the invoice unless the following fields are equal * or unset exactly as they are in the `offer`: * - `refund_for` * - `description` * - `vendor` */ err = inv_must_equal_offer(cmd, inv, refund_for); if (err) return err; err = inv_must_equal_offer(cmd, inv, description); if (err) return err; err = inv_must_equal_offer(cmd, inv, vendor); if (err) return err; /* BOLT-offers #12: * - if the offer had a `quantity_min` or `quantity_max` field: * - MUST fail the request if there is no `quantity` field. * - MUST fail the request if there is `quantity` is not within * that (inclusive) range. * - otherwise: * - MUST fail the request if there is a `quantity` field. */ if (inv->offer->quantity_min || inv->offer->quantity_max) { err = inv_must_have(cmd, inv, quantity); if (err) return err; if (inv->offer->quantity_min && *inv->inv->quantity < *inv->offer->quantity_min) { return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "quantity %"PRIu64 " < %"PRIu64, *inv->inv->quantity, *inv->offer->quantity_min); } if (inv->offer->quantity_max && *inv->inv->quantity > *inv->offer->quantity_max) { return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "quantity %"PRIu64" > %"PRIu64, *inv->inv->quantity, *inv->offer->quantity_max); } } else { err = inv_must_not_have(cmd, inv, quantity); if (err) return err; } /* BOLT-offers #12: * - MUST reject the invoice if `msat` is not present. */ err = inv_must_have(cmd, inv, amount); if (err) return err; /* FIXME: Handle alternate currency conversion here! */ if (inv->offer->currency) return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "FIXME: support currency"); amt = amount_msat(*inv->inv->amount); /* If you send an offer without an amount, you want to give away * unlimited money. Err, ok? */ if (inv->offer->amount) { struct amount_msat expected = amount_msat(*inv->offer->amount); /* We could allow invoices for less, I suppose. */ if (!amount_msat_eq(expected, amt)) return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Expected invoice for %s", fmt_amount_msat(tmpctx, expected)); } plugin_log(cmd->plugin, LOG_INFORM, "Attempting payment of %s for offer %s%s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &amt), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, inv->inv->offer_id), inv->offer->refund_for ? " (refund)": ""); req = jsonrpc_request_start(cmd->plugin, cmd, "pay", pay_done, pay_error, inv); json_add_string(req->js, "bolt11", invoice_encode(tmpctx, inv->inv)); json_add_sha256(req->js, "localofferid", inv->inv->offer_id); return send_outreq(cmd->plugin, req); } static struct command_result *listoffers_error(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *err, struct inv *inv) { return fail_internalerr(cmd, inv, "listoffers gave JSON error: %.*s", json_tok_full_len(err), json_tok_full(buf, err)); } struct command_result *handle_invoice(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *invtok, const jsmntok_t *replytok) { const u8 *invbin = json_tok_bin_from_hex(cmd, buf, invtok); size_t len = tal_count(invbin); struct inv *inv = tal(cmd, struct inv); struct out_req *req; struct command_result *err; int bad_feature; struct sha256 m, shash; /* Make a copy of entire buffer, for later. */ inv->buf = tal_dup_arr(inv, char, buf, replytok->end, 0); inv->replytok = replytok; inv->inv = tlv_invoice_new(cmd); if (!fromwire_invoice(&invbin, &len, inv->inv)) { return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Invalid invoice %s", tal_hex(tmpctx, invbin)); } /* BOLT-offers #12: * * The reader of an invoice_request: *... * - MUST fail the request if `features` contains unknown even bits. */ bad_feature = features_unsupported(plugin_feature_set(cmd->plugin), inv->inv->features, BOLT11_FEATURE); if (bad_feature != -1) { return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Unsupported inv feature %i", bad_feature); } /* BOLT-offers #12: * * The reader of an invoice_request: *... * - MUST fail the request if `chains` does not include (or imply) a * supported chain. */ if (!bolt12_chains_match(inv->inv->chains, chainparams)) { return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Wrong chains %s", tal_hex(tmpctx, inv->inv->chains)); } /* BOLT-offers #12: * - MUST reject the invoice if `signature` is not a valid signature * using `node_id` as described in * [Signature Calculation](#signature-calculation). */ err = inv_must_have(cmd, inv, node_id); if (err) return err; err = inv_must_have(cmd, inv, signature); if (err) return err; merkle_tlv(inv->inv->fields, &m); sighash_from_merkle("invoice", "signature", &m, &shash); if (secp256k1_schnorrsig_verify(secp256k1_ctx, inv->inv->signature->u8, shash.u.u8, &inv->inv->node_id->pubkey) != 1) { return fail_inv(cmd, inv, "Bad signature"); } /* We don't pay random invoices off the internet, sorry. */ err = inv_must_have(cmd, inv, offer_id); if (err) return err; /* Now find the offer. */ req = jsonrpc_request_start(cmd->plugin, cmd, "listoffers", listoffers_done, listoffers_error, inv); json_add_sha256(req->js, "offer_id", inv->inv->offer_id); return send_outreq(cmd->plugin, req); }