#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void do_generate(int argc, char **argv) { const tal_t *ctx = talz(NULL, tal_t); int num_hops = argc - 1; struct pubkey *path = tal_arr(ctx, struct pubkey, num_hops); u8 privkeys[argc - 1][32]; u8 sessionkey[32]; struct hop_data hops_data[num_hops]; struct secret *shared_secrets; u8 assocdata[32]; memset(&sessionkey, 'A', sizeof(sessionkey)); memset(&assocdata, 'B', sizeof(assocdata)); for (int i = 0; i < num_hops; i++) { if (!hex_decode(argv[1 + i], 66, privkeys[i], 33)) { errx(1, "Invalid private key hex '%s'", argv[1 + i]); } if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(secp256k1_ctx, &path[i].pubkey, privkeys[i]) != 1) errx(1, "Could not decode pubkey"); fprintf(stderr, "Node %d pubkey %s\n", i, secp256k1_pubkey_to_hexstr(ctx, &path[i].pubkey)); } for (int i = 0; i < num_hops; i++) { memset(&hops_data[i], 0, sizeof(hops_data[i])); hops_data[i].realm = i; memset(&hops_data[i].channel_id, i, sizeof(hops_data[i].channel_id)); hops_data[i].amt_forward = i; hops_data[i].outgoing_cltv = i; fprintf(stderr, "Hopdata %d: %s\n", i, tal_hexstr(NULL, &hops_data[i], sizeof(hops_data[i]))); } struct onionpacket *res = create_onionpacket(ctx, path, hops_data, sessionkey, assocdata, sizeof(assocdata), &shared_secrets); u8 *serialized = serialize_onionpacket(ctx, res); if (!serialized) errx(1, "Error serializing message."); else printf("%s\n", tal_hex(ctx, serialized)); tal_free(ctx); } static void do_decode(int argc, char **argv) { struct route_step *step; struct onionpacket *msg; struct privkey seckey; const tal_t *ctx = talz(NULL, tal_t); u8 serialized[TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE]; char hextemp[2 * sizeof(serialized) + 1]; memset(hextemp, 0, sizeof(hextemp)); u8 shared_secret[32]; u8 assocdata[32]; memset(&assocdata, 'B', sizeof(assocdata)); if (argc != 2) opt_usage_exit_fail("Expect a privkey with --decode"); if (!hex_decode(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), &seckey, sizeof(seckey))) errx(1, "Invalid private key hex '%s'", argv[1]); if (!read_all(STDIN_FILENO, hextemp, sizeof(hextemp))) errx(1, "Reading in onion"); if (!hex_decode(hextemp, sizeof(hextemp), serialized, sizeof(serialized))) { errx(1, "Invalid onion hex '%s'", hextemp); } msg = parse_onionpacket(ctx, serialized, sizeof(serialized)); if (!msg) errx(1, "Error parsing message."); if (!onion_shared_secret(shared_secret, msg, &seckey)) errx(1, "Error creating shared secret."); step = process_onionpacket(ctx, msg, shared_secret, assocdata, sizeof(assocdata)); if (!step || !step->next) errx(1, "Error processing message."); u8 *ser = serialize_onionpacket(ctx, step->next); if (!ser) errx(1, "Error serializing message."); printf("%s\n", tal_hex(ctx, ser)); tal_free(ctx); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool generate = false, decode = false; secp256k1_ctx = secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "--generate ... OR\n" "--decode \n" "Either create an onion message, or decode one step", "Print this message."); opt_register_noarg("--generate", opt_set_bool, &generate, "Generate onion through the given hex pubkeys"); opt_register_noarg("--decode", opt_set_bool, &decode, "Decode onion from stdin given the private key"); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (generate) do_generate(argc, argv); else if (decode) do_decode(argc, argv); return 0; }