# c-lightning: A specification compliant Lightning Network implementation in C c-lightning is a lighweight, highly customizable and [standard compliant][std] implementation of the Lightning Network protocol. ## Project Status [![Build Status][travis-ci]][travis-ci-link] [![Pull Requests Welcome][prs]][prs-link] [![Irc][IRC]][IRC-link] [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/lightning/badge/?version=docs)][docs] This implementation has been in production use on the Bitcoin mainnet since early 2018, with the launch of the [Blockstream Store][blockstream-store-blog]. We recommend getting started by experimenting on `testnet`, but the implementation is considered stable and can be safely used on mainnet. Any help testing the implementation, reporting bugs, or helping with outstanding issues is very welcome. Don't hesitate to reach out to us on IRC at [#lightning-dev @ freenode.net][irc1], [#c-lightning @ freenode.net][irc2], or on the implementation-specific mailing list [c-lightning@lists.ozlabs.org][ml1], or on the Lightning Network-wide mailing list [lightning-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org][ml2]. ## Getting Started c-lightning only works on Linux and Mac OS, and requires a locally (or remotely) running `bitcoind` (version 0.16 or above) that is fully caught up with the network you're testing on. Pruning (`prune=n` option in `bitcoin.conf`) is partially supported, see [here](#pruning) for more details. ### Installation There are 4 supported installation options: - Installation from the [Ubuntu PPA][ppa] - Installation of a pre-compiled binary from the [release page][releases] on Github - Using one of the [provided docker images][dockerhub] on the Docker Hub - Compiling the source code yourself (suggested mainly for developers or if you need one of the still [unreleased features][changelog-unreleased]) Please refer to the [PPA release page][ppa] and the [installation documentation](doc/INSTALL.md) for detailed instructions. For the impatient here's the gist of it for Ubuntu: ```bash sudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository -u ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo add-apt-repository -u ppa:lightningnetwork/ppa sudo apt-get install bitcoind lightningd ``` ### Starting `lightningd` In order to start `lightningd` you will need to have a local `bitcoind` node running (in this case we start `testnet`): ```bash bitcoind -daemon -testnet ``` Wait until `bitcoind` has synchronized with the testnet network. Make sure that you do not have `walletbroadcast=0` in your `~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf`, or you may run into trouble. Notice that running `lightningd` against a pruned node may cause some issues if not managed carefully, see [below](#pruning) for more information. You can start `lightningd` with the following command: ```bash lightningd --network=testnet --log-level=debug ``` Please refer to `lightningd --help` for all other command line options. ### JSON-RPC Interface c-lightning exposes a [JSON-RPC 2.0][jsonrpcspec] interface over a Unix Domain socket located in its home directory (default: `$HOME/.lightning`). The Unix Domain Socket has the advantage of not being exposed over the network by default, allowing users to add their own authentication and authorization mechanism, while still providing a fully functional RPC interface out of the box. You can use `lightning-cli help` to print a table of the available RPC methods that can be called. The JSON-RPC interface is also documented in the following manual pages: * [invoice](doc/lightning-invoice.7.txt) * [listinvoices](doc/lightning-listinvoices.7.txt) * [waitinvoice](doc/lightning-waitinvoice.7.txt) * [waitanyinvoice](doc/lightning-waitanyinvoice.7.txt) * [delinvoice](doc/lightning-delinvoice.7.txt) * [getroute](doc/lightning-getroute.7.txt) * [sendpay](doc/lightning-sendpay.7.txt) * [pay](doc/lightning-pay.7.txt) * [listpays](doc/lightning-listpays.7.txt) * [decodepay](doc/lightning-decodepay.7.txt) For simple access to the JSON-RPC interface you can use the `lightning-cli` tool, or the [python API client](contrib/pylightning). ### Opening a channel on the Bitcoin testnet First you need to transfer some funds to `lightningd` so that it can open a channel: ```bash # Returns an address
lightning-cli newaddr # Returns a transaction id bitcoin-cli -testnet sendtoaddress
``` `lightningd` will register the funds once the transaction is confirmed. You may need to generate a p2sh-segwit address if the faucet does not support bech32: ```bash # Return a p2sh-segwit address lightning-cli newaddr p2sh-segwit ``` Confirm `lightningd` got funds by: ```bash # Returns an array of on-chain funds. lightning-cli listfunds ``` Once `lightningd` has funds, we can connect to a node and open a channel. Let's assume the **remote** node is accepting connections at `` (and optional ``, if not 9735) and has the node ID ``: ```bash lightning-cli connect [] lightning-cli fundchannel ``` This opens a connection and, on top of that connection, then opens a channel. The funding transaction needs 3 confirmation in order for the channel to be usable, and 6 to be announced for others to use. You can check the status of the channel using `lightning-cli listpeers`, which after 3 confirmations (1 on testnet) should say that `state` is `CHANNELD_NORMAL`; after 6 confirmations you can use `lightning-cli listchannels` to verify that the `public` field is now `true`. ### Sending and receiving payments Payments in Lightning are invoice based. The recipient creates an invoice with the expected `` in millisatoshi (or `"any"` for a donation), a unique `