.TH "LIGHTNING-FUNDPSBT" "7" "" "" "lightning-fundpsbt" .SH NAME lightning-fundpsbt - Command to populate PSBT inputs from the wallet .SH SYNOPSIS \fBfundpsbt\fR \fIsatoshi\fR \fIfeerate\fR \fIstartweight\fR [\fIminconf\fR] [\fIreserve\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBfundpsbt\fR is a low-level RPC command which creates a PSBT using unreserved inputs in the wallet, optionally reserving them as well\. \fIsatoshi\fR is the minimum satoshi value of the output(s) needed (or the string "all" meaning use all unreserved inputs)\. If a value, it can be a whole number, a whole number ending in \fIsat\fR, a whole number ending in \fI000msat\fR, or a number with 1 to 8 decimal places ending in \fIbtc\fR\. \fIfeerate\fR can be one of the feerates listed in \fBlightning-feerates\fR(7), or one of the strings \fIurgent\fR (aim for next block), \fInormal\fR (next 4 blocks or so) or \fIslow\fR (next 100 blocks or so) to use lightningd’s internal estimates\. It can also be a \fIfeerate\fR is a number, with an optional suffix: \fIperkw\fR means the number is interpreted as satoshi-per-kilosipa (weight), and \fIperkb\fR means it is interpreted bitcoind-style as satoshi-per-kilobyte\. Omitting the suffix is equivalent to \fIperkb\fR\. \fIstartweight\fR is the weight of the transaction before \fIfundpsbt\fR has added any inputs\. \fIminconf\fR specifies the minimum number of confirmations that used outputs should have\. Default is 1\. \fIreserve\fR is a boolean: if true (the default), then \fIreserveinputs\fR is called (successfully, with \fIexclusive\fR true) on the returned PSBT\. .SH EXAMPLE USAGE Let's assume the caller is trying to produce a 100,000 satoshi output\. First, the caller estimates the weight of the core (typically 42) and known outputs of the transaction (typically (9 + scriptlen) * 4)\. For a simple P2WPKH it's a 22 byte scriptpubkey, so that's 164 weight\. It calls "\fIfundpsbt\fR 100000sat slow 206", which succeeds, and returns the \fIpsbt\fR and \fIfeerate_per_kw\fR it used, the \fIestimated_final_weight\fR and any \fIexcess_msat\fR\. If \fIexcess_msat\fR is greater than the cost of adding a change output, the caller adds a change output randomly to position 0 or 1 in the PSBT\. Say \fIfeerate_per_kw\fR is 253, and the change output is a P2WPKH (weight 164), that would cost the cost is around 41 sats\. With the dust limit disallowing payments below 546 satoshis, we would only create a change output if \fIexcess_msat\fR was greater or equal to 41 + 546\. .SH RETURN VALUE On success, returns the \fIpsbt\fR containing the inputs, \fIfeerate_per_kw\fR showing the exact numeric feerate it used, \fIestimated_final_weight\fR for the estimated weight of the transaction once fully signed, and \fIexcess_msat\fR containing the amount above \fIsatoshi\fR which is available\. This could be zero, or dust\. If \fIsatoshi\fR was "all", then \fIexcess_msat\fR is the entire amount once fees are subtracted for the weights of the inputs and startweight\. If \fIreserve\fR was true, then a \fIreservations\fR array is returned, exactly like \fIreserveinputs\fR\. On error the returned object will contain \fBcode\fR and \fBmessage\fR properties, with \fBcode\fR being one of the following: .RS .IP \[bu] -32602: If the given parameters are wrong\. .IP \[bu] -1: Catchall nonspecific error\. .IP \[bu] 301: Insufficient UTXOs to meet \fIsatoshi\fR value\. .RE .SH AUTHOR Rusty Russell \fI is mainly responsible\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-reserveinputs\fR(7), \fBlightning-unreserveinputs\fR(7)\. .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR