#include <lightningd/log.h>

static void wallet_test_fatal(const char *fmt, ...);
#define db_fatal wallet_test_fatal
#include "test_utils.h"

static void db_log_(struct log *log UNUSED, enum log_level level UNUSED, const struct node_id *node_id UNUSED, bool call_notifier UNUSED, const char *fmt UNUSED, ...)
#define log_ db_log_

#include "wallet/wallet.c"
#include "lightningd/htlc_end.c"
#include "lightningd/peer_control.c"
#include "lightningd/peer_htlcs.c"
#include "lightningd/channel.c"

#include "wallet/db.c"

#include <ccan/mem/mem.h>
#include <ccan/tal/str/str.h>
#include <common/amount.h>
#include <common/errcode.h>
#include <common/memleak.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wally_core.h>

bool deprecated_apis = true;

/* Generated stub for bigsize_get */
size_t bigsize_get(const u8 *p UNNEEDED, size_t max UNNEEDED, bigsize_t *val UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "bigsize_get called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for bigsize_put */
size_t bigsize_put(u8 buf[BIGSIZE_MAX_LEN] UNNEEDED, bigsize_t v UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "bigsize_put called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for bitcoind_getutxout_ */
void bitcoind_getutxout_(struct bitcoind *bitcoind UNNEEDED,
			 const struct bitcoin_txid *txid UNNEEDED, const u32 outnum UNNEEDED,
			 void (*cb)(struct bitcoind *bitcoind UNNEEDED,
				    const struct bitcoin_tx_output *txout UNNEEDED,
				    void *arg) UNNEEDED,
			 void *arg UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "bitcoind_getutxout_ called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for blinding_hash_e_and_ss */
void blinding_hash_e_and_ss(const struct pubkey *e UNNEEDED,
			    const struct secret *ss UNNEEDED,
			    struct sha256 *sha UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "blinding_hash_e_and_ss called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for blinding_next_pubkey */
bool blinding_next_pubkey(const struct pubkey *pk UNNEEDED,
			  const struct sha256 *h UNNEEDED,
			  struct pubkey *next UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "blinding_next_pubkey called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for broadcast_tx */
void broadcast_tx(struct chain_topology *topo UNNEEDED,
		  struct channel *channel UNNEEDED, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx UNNEEDED,
		  void (*failed)(struct channel *channel UNNEEDED,
				 bool success UNNEEDED,
				 const char *err))
{ fprintf(stderr, "broadcast_tx called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for channel_tell_depth */
bool channel_tell_depth(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED,
				 struct channel *channel UNNEEDED,
				 const struct bitcoin_txid *txid UNNEEDED,
				 u32 depth UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "channel_tell_depth called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for command_fail */
struct command_result *command_fail(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED, errcode_t code UNNEEDED,
				    const char *fmt UNNEEDED, ...)

{ fprintf(stderr, "command_fail called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for command_param_failed */
struct command_result *command_param_failed(void)

{ fprintf(stderr, "command_param_failed called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for command_still_pending */
struct command_result *command_still_pending(struct command *cmd)

{ fprintf(stderr, "command_still_pending called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for command_success */
struct command_result *command_success(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED,
				       struct json_stream *response)

{ fprintf(stderr, "command_success called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for connect_succeeded */
void connect_succeeded(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED, const struct peer *peer UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "connect_succeeded called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for create_onionreply */
struct onionreply *create_onionreply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
				     const struct secret *shared_secret UNNEEDED,
				     const u8 *failure_msg UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "create_onionreply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for delay_then_reconnect */
void delay_then_reconnect(struct channel *channel UNNEEDED, u32 seconds_delay UNNEEDED,
			  const struct wireaddr_internal *addrhint TAKES UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "delay_then_reconnect called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for ecdh */
void ecdh(const struct pubkey *point UNNEEDED, struct secret *ss UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "ecdh called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for encode_scriptpubkey_to_addr */
char *encode_scriptpubkey_to_addr(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
				  const struct chainparams *chainparams UNNEEDED,
				  const u8 *scriptPubkey UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "encode_scriptpubkey_to_addr called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fatal */
void   fatal(const char *fmt UNNEEDED, ...)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fatal called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_dev_memleak_reply */
bool fromwire_channel_dev_memleak_reply(const void *p UNNEEDED, bool *leak UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_dev_memleak_reply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_got_commitsig */
bool fromwire_channel_got_commitsig(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, u64 *commitnum UNNEEDED, struct fee_states **fee_states UNNEEDED, struct bitcoin_signature *signature UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature **htlc_signature UNNEEDED, struct added_htlc **added UNNEEDED, struct fulfilled_htlc **fulfilled UNNEEDED, struct failed_htlc ***failed UNNEEDED, struct changed_htlc **changed UNNEEDED, struct bitcoin_tx **tx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_got_commitsig called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_got_revoke */
bool fromwire_channel_got_revoke(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, u64 *revokenum UNNEEDED, struct secret *per_commitment_secret UNNEEDED, struct pubkey *next_per_commit_point UNNEEDED, struct fee_states **fee_states UNNEEDED, struct changed_htlc **changed UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_got_revoke called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_offer_htlc_reply */
bool fromwire_channel_offer_htlc_reply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, u64 *id UNNEEDED, u8 **failuremsg UNNEEDED, wirestring **failurestr UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_offer_htlc_reply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_channel_sending_commitsig */
bool fromwire_channel_sending_commitsig(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, u64 *commitnum UNNEEDED, struct fee_states **fee_states UNNEEDED, struct changed_htlc **changed UNNEEDED, struct bitcoin_signature *commit_sig UNNEEDED, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature **htlc_sigs UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_channel_sending_commitsig called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_connect_peer_connected */
bool fromwire_connect_peer_connected(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, struct node_id *id UNNEEDED, struct wireaddr_internal *addr UNNEEDED, struct per_peer_state **pps UNNEEDED, u8 **features UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_connect_peer_connected called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_custommsg_in */
bool fromwire_custommsg_in(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, u8 **msg UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_custommsg_in called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_gossip_get_stripped_cupdate_reply */
bool fromwire_gossip_get_stripped_cupdate_reply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const void *p UNNEEDED, u8 **stripped_update UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_gossip_get_stripped_cupdate_reply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_hsm_sign_commitment_tx_reply */
bool fromwire_hsm_sign_commitment_tx_reply(const void *p UNNEEDED, struct bitcoin_signature *sig UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_hsm_sign_commitment_tx_reply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for fromwire_onchain_dev_memleak_reply */
bool fromwire_onchain_dev_memleak_reply(const void *p UNNEEDED, bool *leak UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "fromwire_onchain_dev_memleak_reply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for get_block_height */
u32 get_block_height(const struct chain_topology *topo UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "get_block_height called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for htlc_is_trimmed */
bool htlc_is_trimmed(enum side htlc_owner UNNEEDED,
		     struct amount_msat htlc_amount UNNEEDED,
		     u32 feerate_per_kw UNNEEDED,
		     struct amount_sat dust_limit UNNEEDED,
		     enum side side UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "htlc_is_trimmed called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for htlc_set_add */
void htlc_set_add(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED,
		  struct htlc_in *hin UNNEEDED,
		  struct amount_msat total_msat UNNEEDED,
		  const struct secret *payment_secret UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "htlc_set_add called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_create */
bool invoices_create(struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
		     struct invoice *pinvoice UNNEEDED,
		     const struct amount_msat *msat TAKES UNNEEDED,
		     const struct json_escape *label TAKES UNNEEDED,
		     u64 expiry UNNEEDED,
		     const char *b11enc UNNEEDED,
		     const char *description UNNEEDED,
		     const u8 *features UNNEEDED,
		     const struct preimage *r UNNEEDED,
		     const struct sha256 *rhash UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_create called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_delete */
bool invoices_delete(struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
		     struct invoice invoice UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_delete called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_delete_expired */
void invoices_delete_expired(struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
			     u64 max_expiry_time UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_delete_expired called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_find_by_label */
bool invoices_find_by_label(struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
			    struct invoice *pinvoice UNNEEDED,
			    const struct json_escape *label UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_find_by_label called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_find_by_rhash */
bool invoices_find_by_rhash(struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
			    struct invoice *pinvoice UNNEEDED,
			    const struct sha256 *rhash UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_find_by_rhash called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_find_unpaid */
bool invoices_find_unpaid(struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
			  struct invoice *pinvoice UNNEEDED,
			  const struct sha256 *rhash UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_find_unpaid called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_get_details */
const struct invoice_details *invoices_get_details(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
						   struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
						   struct invoice invoice UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_get_details called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_iterate */
bool invoices_iterate(struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
		      struct invoice_iterator *it UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_iterate called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_iterator_deref */
const struct invoice_details *invoices_iterator_deref(
	const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
	const struct invoice_iterator *it UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_iterator_deref called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_new */
struct invoices *invoices_new(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
			      struct db *db UNNEEDED,
			      struct timers *timers UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_new called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_resolve */
void invoices_resolve(struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
		      struct invoice invoice UNNEEDED,
		      struct amount_msat received UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_resolve called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_waitany */
void invoices_waitany(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
		      struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
		      u64 lastpay_index UNNEEDED,
		      void (*cb)(const struct invoice * UNNEEDED, void*) UNNEEDED,
		      void *cbarg UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_waitany called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for invoices_waitone */
void invoices_waitone(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
		      struct invoices *invoices UNNEEDED,
		      struct invoice invoice UNNEEDED,
		      void (*cb)(const struct invoice * UNNEEDED, void*) UNNEEDED,
		      void *cbarg UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invoices_waitone called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_address */
void json_add_address(struct json_stream *response UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		      const struct wireaddr *addr UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_address called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_address_internal */
void json_add_address_internal(struct json_stream *response UNNEEDED,
			       const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
			       const struct wireaddr_internal *addr UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_address_internal called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_amount_msat_compat */
void json_add_amount_msat_compat(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED,
				 struct amount_msat msat UNNEEDED,
				 const char *rawfieldname UNNEEDED,
				 const char *msatfieldname)

{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_amount_msat_compat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_amount_msat_only */
void json_add_amount_msat_only(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED,
			  const char *msatfieldname UNNEEDED,
			  struct amount_msat msat)

{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_amount_msat_only called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_amount_sat_compat */
void json_add_amount_sat_compat(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED,
				struct amount_sat sat UNNEEDED,
				const char *rawfieldname UNNEEDED,
				const char *msatfieldname)

{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_amount_sat_compat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_bool */
void json_add_bool(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		   bool value UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_bool called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_hex_talarr */
void json_add_hex_talarr(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED,
			 const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
			 const tal_t *data UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_hex_talarr called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_log */
void json_add_log(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED,
		  const struct log_book *lr UNNEEDED,
		  const struct node_id *node_id UNNEEDED,
		  enum log_level minlevel UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_log called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_node_id */
void json_add_node_id(struct json_stream *response UNNEEDED,
				const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
				const struct node_id *id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_node_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_num */
void json_add_num(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		  unsigned int value UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_num called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_s32 */
void json_add_s32(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		  int32_t value UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_s32 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_secret */
void json_add_secret(struct json_stream *response UNNEEDED,
		     const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		     const struct secret *secret UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_secret called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_sha256 */
void json_add_sha256(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		     const struct sha256 *hash UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_sha256 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_short_channel_id */
void json_add_short_channel_id(struct json_stream *response UNNEEDED,
			       const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
			       const struct short_channel_id *id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_short_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_string */
void json_add_string(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED, const char *value UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_string called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_timeabs */
void json_add_timeabs(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		      struct timeabs t UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_timeabs called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_tx */
void json_add_tx(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED,
		 const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		 const struct bitcoin_tx *tx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_tx called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_txid */
void json_add_txid(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		   const struct bitcoin_txid *txid UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_txid called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_u32 */
void json_add_u32(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		  uint32_t value UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_u32 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_u64 */
void json_add_u64(struct json_stream *result UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED,
		  uint64_t value UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_u64 called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_add_uncommitted_channel */
void json_add_uncommitted_channel(struct json_stream *response UNNEEDED,
				  const struct uncommitted_channel *uc UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_add_uncommitted_channel called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_array_end */
void json_array_end(struct json_stream *js UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_array_end called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_array_start */
void json_array_start(struct json_stream *js UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_array_start called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_get_member */
const jsmntok_t *json_get_member(const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t tok[] UNNEEDED,
				 const char *label UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_get_member called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_object_end */
void json_object_end(struct json_stream *js UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_object_end called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_object_start */
void json_object_start(struct json_stream *ks UNNEEDED, const char *fieldname UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_object_start called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_strdup */
char *json_strdup(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_strdup called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_stream_success */
struct json_stream *json_stream_success(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_stream_success called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_to_node_id */
bool json_to_node_id(const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
			       struct node_id *id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_to_node_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_to_number */
bool json_to_number(const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
		    unsigned int *num UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_to_number called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_to_preimage */
bool json_to_preimage(const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED, struct preimage *preimage UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_to_preimage called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_to_short_channel_id */
bool json_to_short_channel_id(const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
			      struct short_channel_id *scid UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_to_short_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_tok_bin_from_hex */
u8 *json_tok_bin_from_hex(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_tok_bin_from_hex called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_tok_channel_id */
bool json_tok_channel_id(const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
			 struct channel_id *cid UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_tok_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_tok_full */
const char *json_tok_full(const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *t UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_tok_full called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_tok_full_len */
int json_tok_full_len(const jsmntok_t *t UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_tok_full_len called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for json_tok_streq */
bool json_tok_streq(const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED, const char *str UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "json_tok_streq called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for kill_uncommitted_channel */
void kill_uncommitted_channel(struct uncommitted_channel *uc UNNEEDED,
			      const char *why UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "kill_uncommitted_channel called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for notify_connect */
void notify_connect(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED, struct node_id *nodeid UNNEEDED,
		    struct wireaddr_internal *addr UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "notify_connect called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for notify_disconnect */
void notify_disconnect(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED, struct node_id *nodeid UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "notify_disconnect called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for notify_forward_event */
void notify_forward_event(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED,
			  const struct htlc_in *in UNNEEDED,
			  /* May be NULL if we don't know. */
			  const struct short_channel_id *scid_out UNNEEDED,
			  /* May be NULL. */
			  const struct amount_msat *amount_out UNNEEDED,
			  enum forward_status state UNNEEDED,
			  enum onion_type failcode UNNEEDED,
			  struct timeabs *resolved_time UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "notify_forward_event called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for onchaind_funding_spent */
enum watch_result onchaind_funding_spent(struct channel *channel UNNEEDED,
					 const struct bitcoin_tx *tx UNNEEDED,
					 u32 blockheight UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "onchaind_funding_spent called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for onion_decode */
struct onion_payload *onion_decode(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
				   const struct route_step *rs UNNEEDED,
				   const struct pubkey *blinding UNNEEDED,
				   const struct secret *blinding_ss UNNEEDED,
				   u64 *failtlvtype UNNEEDED,
				   size_t *failtlvpos UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "onion_decode called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for onion_type_name */
const char *onion_type_name(int e UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "onion_type_name called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for outpointfilter_add */
void outpointfilter_add(struct outpointfilter *of UNNEEDED,
			const struct bitcoin_txid *txid UNNEEDED, const u32 outnum UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "outpointfilter_add called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for outpointfilter_matches */
bool outpointfilter_matches(struct outpointfilter *of UNNEEDED,
			    const struct bitcoin_txid *txid UNNEEDED, const u32 outnum UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "outpointfilter_matches called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for outpointfilter_new */
struct outpointfilter *outpointfilter_new(tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "outpointfilter_new called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for outpointfilter_remove */
void outpointfilter_remove(struct outpointfilter *of UNNEEDED,
			   const struct bitcoin_txid *txid UNNEEDED, const u32 outnum UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "outpointfilter_remove called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param */
bool param(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED, const char *buffer UNNEEDED,
	   const jsmntok_t params[] UNNEEDED, ...)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_bin_from_hex */
struct command_result *param_bin_from_hex(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED, const char *name UNNEEDED,
					  const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
					  u8 **bin UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_bin_from_hex called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_bitcoin_address */
struct command_result *param_bitcoin_address(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED,
					     const char *name UNNEEDED,
					     const char *buffer UNNEEDED,
					     const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
					     const u8 **scriptpubkey UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_bitcoin_address called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_bool */
struct command_result *param_bool(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED, const char *name UNNEEDED,
				  const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
				  bool **b UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_bool called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_channel_id */
struct command_result *param_channel_id(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED,
					const char *name UNNEEDED,
					const char *buffer UNNEEDED,
					const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
					struct channel_id **cid UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_loglevel */
struct command_result *param_loglevel(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED,
				      const char *name UNNEEDED,
				      const char *buffer UNNEEDED,
				      const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
				      enum log_level **level UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_loglevel called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_msat */
struct command_result *param_msat(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED, const char *name UNNEEDED,
				  const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
				  struct amount_msat **msat UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_msat called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_node_id */
struct command_result *param_node_id(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED,
				     const char *name UNNEEDED,
				     const char *buffer UNNEEDED,
				     const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
				     struct node_id **id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_node_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_number */
struct command_result *param_number(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED, const char *name UNNEEDED,
				    const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
				    unsigned int **num UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_number called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_short_channel_id */
struct command_result *param_short_channel_id(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED,
					      const char *name UNNEEDED,
					      const char *buffer UNNEEDED,
					      const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
					      struct short_channel_id **scid UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_short_channel_id called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_string */
struct command_result *param_string(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED, const char *name UNNEEDED,
				    const char * buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *tok UNNEEDED,
				    const char **str UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_string called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for param_tok */
struct command_result *param_tok(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED, const char *name UNNEEDED,
				 const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t * tok UNNEEDED,
				 const jsmntok_t **out UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "param_tok called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for parse_onionpacket */
enum onion_type parse_onionpacket(const u8 *src UNNEEDED,
				  const size_t srclen UNNEEDED,
				  struct onionpacket *dest UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "parse_onionpacket called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for payment_failed */
void payment_failed(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED, const struct htlc_out *hout UNNEEDED,
		    const char *localfail UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "payment_failed called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for payment_store */
void payment_store(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED, struct wallet_payment *payment UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "payment_store called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for payment_succeeded */
void payment_succeeded(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED, struct htlc_out *hout UNNEEDED,
		       const struct preimage *rval UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "payment_succeeded called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for peer_get_owning_subd */
struct subd *peer_get_owning_subd(struct peer *peer UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "peer_get_owning_subd called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for peer_memleak_done */
void peer_memleak_done(struct command *cmd UNNEEDED, struct subd *leaker UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "peer_memleak_done called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for peer_start_channeld */
void peer_start_channeld(struct channel *channel UNNEEDED,
			 struct per_peer_state *pps UNNEEDED,
			 const u8 *funding_signed UNNEEDED,
			 bool reconnected UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "peer_start_channeld called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for peer_start_closingd */
void peer_start_closingd(struct channel *channel UNNEEDED,
			 struct per_peer_state *pps UNNEEDED,
			 bool reconnected UNNEEDED,
			 const u8 *channel_reestablish UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "peer_start_closingd called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for peer_start_openingd */
void peer_start_openingd(struct peer *peer UNNEEDED,
			 struct per_peer_state *pps UNNEEDED,
			 const u8 *msg UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "peer_start_openingd called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for per_peer_state_set_fds */
void per_peer_state_set_fds(struct per_peer_state *pps UNNEEDED,
			    int peer_fd UNNEEDED, int gossip_fd UNNEEDED, int gossip_store_fd UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "per_peer_state_set_fds called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for plugin_hook_call_ */
void plugin_hook_call_(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED, const struct plugin_hook *hook UNNEEDED,
		       tal_t *cb_arg UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "plugin_hook_call_ called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for plugin_hook_continue */
bool plugin_hook_continue(void *arg UNNEEDED, const char *buffer UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *toks UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "plugin_hook_continue called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for process_onionpacket */
struct route_step *process_onionpacket(
	const tal_t * ctx UNNEEDED,
	const struct onionpacket *packet UNNEEDED,
	const struct secret *shared_secret UNNEEDED,
	const u8 *assocdata UNNEEDED,
	const size_t assocdatalen UNNEEDED,
	bool has_realm
{ fprintf(stderr, "process_onionpacket called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for serialize_onionpacket */
u8 *serialize_onionpacket(
	const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
	const struct onionpacket *packet UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "serialize_onionpacket called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for subd_release_channel */
void subd_release_channel(struct subd *owner UNNEEDED, void *channel UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "subd_release_channel called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for subd_req_ */
void subd_req_(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
	       struct subd *sd UNNEEDED,
	       const u8 *msg_out UNNEEDED,
	       int fd_out UNNEEDED, size_t num_fds_in UNNEEDED,
	       void (*replycb)(struct subd * UNNEEDED, const u8 * UNNEEDED, const int * UNNEEDED, void *) UNNEEDED,
	       void *replycb_data UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "subd_req_ called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for subd_send_msg */
void subd_send_msg(struct subd *sd UNNEEDED, const u8 *msg_out UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "subd_send_msg called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for subkey_from_hmac */
void subkey_from_hmac(const char *prefix UNNEEDED,
		      const struct secret *base UNNEEDED,
		      struct secret *key UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "subkey_from_hmac called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for topology_add_sync_waiter_ */
void topology_add_sync_waiter_(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
			       struct chain_topology *topo UNNEEDED,
			       void (*cb)(struct chain_topology *topo UNNEEDED,
					  void *arg) UNNEEDED,
			       void *arg UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "topology_add_sync_waiter_ called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_dev_memleak */
u8 *towire_channel_dev_memleak(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_dev_memleak called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_dev_reenable_commit */
u8 *towire_channel_dev_reenable_commit(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_dev_reenable_commit called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_disabled */
u8 *towire_channel_disabled(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_disabled called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_fail_htlc */
u8 *towire_channel_fail_htlc(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const struct failed_htlc *failed_htlc UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_fail_htlc called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_fulfill_htlc */
u8 *towire_channel_fulfill_htlc(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const struct fulfilled_htlc *fulfilled_htlc UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_fulfill_htlc called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_got_commitsig_reply */
u8 *towire_channel_got_commitsig_reply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_got_commitsig_reply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_got_revoke_reply */
u8 *towire_channel_got_revoke_reply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_got_revoke_reply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_offer_htlc */
u8 *towire_channel_offer_htlc(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, struct amount_msat amount_msat UNNEEDED, u32 cltv_expiry UNNEEDED, const struct sha256 *payment_hash UNNEEDED, const u8 onion_routing_packet[1366] UNNEEDED, const struct pubkey *blinding UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_offer_htlc called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_send_shutdown */
u8 *towire_channel_send_shutdown(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 *shutdown_scriptpubkey UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_send_shutdown called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_sending_commitsig_reply */
u8 *towire_channel_sending_commitsig_reply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_sending_commitsig_reply called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_channel_specific_feerates */
u8 *towire_channel_specific_feerates(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, u32 feerate_base UNNEEDED, u32 feerate_ppm UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_channel_specific_feerates called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_connectctl_connect_to_peer */
u8 *towire_connectctl_connect_to_peer(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *id UNNEEDED, u32 seconds_waited UNNEEDED, const struct wireaddr_internal *addrhint UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_connectctl_connect_to_peer called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_connectctl_peer_disconnected */
u8 *towire_connectctl_peer_disconnected(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_connectctl_peer_disconnected called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_custommsg_out */
u8 *towire_custommsg_out(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 *msg UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_custommsg_out called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_errorfmt */
u8 *towire_errorfmt(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
		    const struct channel_id *channel UNNEEDED,
		    const char *fmt UNNEEDED, ...)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_errorfmt called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_expiry_too_far */
u8 *towire_expiry_too_far(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_expiry_too_far called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_expiry_too_soon */
u8 *towire_expiry_too_soon(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 *channel_update UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_expiry_too_soon called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_fee_insufficient */
u8 *towire_fee_insufficient(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, struct amount_msat htlc_msat UNNEEDED, const u8 *channel_update UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_fee_insufficient called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_final_incorrect_cltv_expiry */
u8 *towire_final_incorrect_cltv_expiry(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, u32 cltv_expiry UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_final_incorrect_cltv_expiry called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_final_incorrect_htlc_amount */
u8 *towire_final_incorrect_htlc_amount(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, struct amount_msat incoming_htlc_amt UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_final_incorrect_htlc_amount called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_gossip_get_stripped_cupdate */
u8 *towire_gossip_get_stripped_cupdate(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const struct short_channel_id *channel_id UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_gossip_get_stripped_cupdate called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_hsm_sign_commitment_tx */
u8 *towire_hsm_sign_commitment_tx(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *peer_id UNNEEDED, u64 channel_dbid UNNEEDED, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx UNNEEDED, const struct pubkey *remote_funding_key UNNEEDED, struct amount_sat funding_amount UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_hsm_sign_commitment_tx called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_incorrect_cltv_expiry */
u8 *towire_incorrect_cltv_expiry(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, u32 cltv_expiry UNNEEDED, const u8 *channel_update UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_incorrect_cltv_expiry called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_incorrect_or_unknown_payment_details */
u8 *towire_incorrect_or_unknown_payment_details(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, struct amount_msat htlc_msat UNNEEDED, u32 height UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_incorrect_or_unknown_payment_details called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_invalid_onion_payload */
u8 *towire_invalid_onion_payload(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, varint type UNNEEDED, u16 offset UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_invalid_onion_payload called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_invalid_realm */
u8 *towire_invalid_realm(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_invalid_realm called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_onchain_dev_memleak */
u8 *towire_onchain_dev_memleak(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_onchain_dev_memleak called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_onchain_known_preimage */
u8 *towire_onchain_known_preimage(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const struct preimage *preimage UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_onchain_known_preimage called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_permanent_channel_failure */
u8 *towire_permanent_channel_failure(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_permanent_channel_failure called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_permanent_node_failure */
u8 *towire_permanent_node_failure(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_permanent_node_failure called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_required_channel_feature_missing */
u8 *towire_required_channel_feature_missing(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_required_channel_feature_missing called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_required_node_feature_missing */
u8 *towire_required_node_feature_missing(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_required_node_feature_missing called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_temporary_channel_failure */
u8 *towire_temporary_channel_failure(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const u8 *channel_update UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_temporary_channel_failure called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_temporary_node_failure */
u8 *towire_temporary_node_failure(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_temporary_node_failure called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for towire_unknown_next_peer */
u8 *towire_unknown_next_peer(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "towire_unknown_next_peer called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for watch_txid */
struct txwatch *watch_txid(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
			   struct chain_topology *topo UNNEEDED,
			   struct channel *channel UNNEEDED,
			   const struct bitcoin_txid *txid UNNEEDED,
			   enum watch_result (*cb)(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED,
						   struct channel *channel UNNEEDED,
						   const struct bitcoin_txid * UNNEEDED,
						   const struct bitcoin_tx * UNNEEDED,
						   unsigned int depth))
{ fprintf(stderr, "watch_txid called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for watch_txo */
struct txowatch *watch_txo(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
			   struct chain_topology *topo UNNEEDED,
			   struct channel *channel UNNEEDED,
			   const struct bitcoin_txid *txid UNNEEDED,
			   unsigned int output UNNEEDED,
			   enum watch_result (*cb)(struct channel *channel UNNEEDED,
						   const struct bitcoin_tx *tx UNNEEDED,
						   size_t input_num UNNEEDED,
						   const struct block *block))
{ fprintf(stderr, "watch_txo called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for wire_type_is_defined */
bool wire_type_is_defined(u16 type UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "wire_type_is_defined called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for wire_type_name */
const char *wire_type_name(int e UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "wire_type_name called!\n"); abort(); }
/* Generated stub for wrap_onionreply */
struct onionreply *wrap_onionreply(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED,
				   const struct secret *shared_secret UNNEEDED,
				   const struct onionreply *reply UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "wrap_onionreply called!\n"); abort(); }

bool dev_disconnect_permanent(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED)
{ fprintf(stderr, "dev_disconnect_permanent called!\n"); abort(); }

/* Fake stubs to talk to hsm */
u8 *towire_hsm_get_channel_basepoints(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *peerid UNNEEDED, u64 dbid UNNEEDED)
	return NULL;
bool wire_sync_write(int fd UNNEEDED, const void *msg TAKES UNNEEDED)
	return true;
u8 *wire_sync_read(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, int fd UNNEEDED)
	return NULL;
void plugin_hook_db_sync(struct db *db UNNEEDED)
bool fromwire_hsm_get_channel_basepoints_reply(const void *p UNNEEDED,
					       struct basepoints *basepoints,
					       struct pubkey *funding_pubkey)
	struct secret empty;
	memset(&empty, 0, sizeof(empty));
	pubkey_from_secret(&empty, funding_pubkey);
	pubkey_from_secret(&empty, &basepoints->revocation);
	pubkey_from_secret(&empty, &basepoints->payment);
	pubkey_from_secret(&empty, &basepoints->htlc);
	pubkey_from_secret(&empty, &basepoints->delayed_payment);
	return true;

static char *wallet_err;
static void wallet_test_fatal(const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list ap;

	/* Fail hard if we're complaining about not being in transaction */
	assert(!strstarts(fmt, "No longer in transaction"));

	/* Fail hard if we're complaining about not being in transaction */
	assert(!strstarts(fmt, "No longer in transaction"));

	va_start(ap, fmt);
	wallet_err = tal_vfmt(NULL, fmt, ap);

#define transaction_wrap(db, ...)					\
	(db_begin_transaction(db), __VA_ARGS__, db_commit_transaction(db), wallet_err == NULL)

struct log *new_log(const tal_t *ctx UNNEEDED, struct log_book *record UNNEEDED, const struct node_id *default_node_id UNNEEDED, const char *fmt UNNEEDED, ...)
	return NULL;

struct log_book *new_log_book(struct lightningd *ld UNNEEDED, size_t max_mem UNNEEDED)
	return NULL;

void txfilter_add_scriptpubkey(struct txfilter *filter UNNEEDED, const u8 *script TAKES)
	if (taken(script))

 * mempat -- Set the memory to a pattern
 * Used mainly to check that we don't mix fields while
 * serializing/unserializing.
static void mempat(void *dst, size_t len)
	static int n = 0;
	u8 *p = (u8*)dst;
	for(int i=0 ; i < len; ++i)
		p[i] = n % 251; /* Prime */

/* Destructor for the wallet which unlinks the underlying file */
static void cleanup_test_wallet(struct wallet *w, char *filename)

static struct wallet *create_test_wallet(struct lightningd *ld, const tal_t *ctx)
	char *dsn, *filename = tal_fmt(ctx, "/tmp/ldb-XXXXXX");
	int fd = mkstemp(filename);
	struct wallet *w = tal(ctx, struct wallet);
	static unsigned char badseed[BIP32_ENTROPY_LEN_128];
	CHECK_MSG(fd != -1, "Unable to generate temp filename");

	dsn = tal_fmt(NULL, "sqlite3://%s", filename);
	w->db = db_open(w, dsn);
	tal_add_destructor2(w, cleanup_test_wallet, filename);

	w->ld = ld;
	ld->wallet = w;

	w->bip32_base = tal(w, struct ext_key);
	CHECK(bip32_key_from_seed(badseed, sizeof(badseed),
				  w->bip32_base) == WALLY_OK);

	CHECK_MSG(w->db, "Failed opening the db");
	db_migrate(ld, w->db);
	w->db->data_version = 0;
	CHECK_MSG(!wallet_err, "DB migration failed");
	w->max_channel_dbid = 0;

	return w;

static bool test_wallet_outputs(struct lightningd *ld, const tal_t *ctx)
	struct wallet *w = create_test_wallet(ld, ctx);
	struct utxo u;
	struct pubkey pk;
	struct node_id id;
	struct amount_sat fee_estimate, change_satoshis;
	const struct utxo **utxos;

	memset(&u, 0, sizeof(u));
	u.amount = AMOUNT_SAT(1);
	pubkey_from_der(tal_hexdata(w, "02a1633cafcc01ebfb6d78e39f687a1f0995c62fc95f51ead10a02ee0be551b5dc", 66), 33, &pk);
	node_id_from_pubkey(&id, &pk);


	/* Should work, it's the first time we add it */
	CHECK_MSG(wallet_add_utxo(w, &u, p2sh_wpkh),
		  "wallet_add_utxo failed on first add");

	/* Should fail, we already have that UTXO */
	CHECK_MSG(!wallet_add_utxo(w, &u, p2sh_wpkh),
		  "wallet_add_utxo succeeded on second add");

	/* Attempt to save an UTXO with close_info set */
	memset(&u.txid, 1, sizeof(u.txid));
	u.close_info = tal(w, struct unilateral_close_info);
	u.close_info->channel_id = 42;
	u.close_info->peer_id = id;
	u.close_info->commitment_point = &pk;
	CHECK_MSG(wallet_add_utxo(w, &u, p2sh_wpkh),
		  "wallet_add_utxo with close_info");

	/* Now select them */
	utxos = wallet_select_coins(w, w, true, AMOUNT_SAT(2), 0, 21,
				    0 /* no confirmations required */,
				    &fee_estimate, &change_satoshis);
	CHECK(utxos && tal_count(utxos) == 2);

	u = *utxos[1];
	CHECK(u.close_info->channel_id == 42 &&
	      pubkey_eq(u.close_info->commitment_point, &pk) &&
	      node_id_eq(&u.close_info->peer_id, &id));
	/* Now un-reserve them for the tests below */

	/* Attempt to reserve the utxo */
	CHECK_MSG(wallet_update_output_status(w, &u.txid, u.outnum,
		  "could not reserve available output");

	/* Reserving twice should fail */
	CHECK_MSG(!wallet_update_output_status(w, &u.txid, u.outnum,
		  "could reserve already reserved output");

	/* Un-reserving should work */
	CHECK_MSG(wallet_update_output_status(w, &u.txid, u.outnum,
		  "could not unreserve reserved output");

	/* Switching from any to something else */
	CHECK_MSG(wallet_update_output_status(w, &u.txid, u.outnum,
		  "could not change output state ignoring oldstate");

	/* Attempt to save an UTXO with close_info set, no commitment_point */
	memset(&u.txid, 2, sizeof(u.txid));
	u.amount = AMOUNT_SAT(5);
	u.close_info = tal(w, struct unilateral_close_info);
	u.close_info->channel_id = 42;
	u.close_info->peer_id = id;
	u.close_info->commitment_point = NULL;
	CHECK_MSG(wallet_add_utxo(w, &u, p2sh_wpkh),
		  "wallet_add_utxo with close_info no commitment_point");

	/* Now select it */
	utxos = wallet_select_coins(w, w, true, AMOUNT_SAT(5), 0, 21,
				    0 /* no confirmations required */,
				    &fee_estimate, &change_satoshis);
	CHECK(utxos && tal_count(utxos) == 2);

	u = *utxos[1];
	CHECK(u.close_info->channel_id == 42 &&
	      u.close_info->commitment_point == NULL &&
	      node_id_eq(&u.close_info->peer_id, &id));
	/* Now un-reserve them */

	return true;

static bool test_shachain_crud(struct lightningd *ld, const tal_t *ctx)
	struct wallet_shachain a, b;
	struct wallet *w = create_test_wallet(ld, ctx);
	struct sha256 seed, hash;
	struct secret secret;
	uint64_t index = UINT64_MAX >> (64 - SHACHAIN_BITS);

	memset(&seed, 'A', sizeof(seed));
	memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a));
	memset(&b, 0, sizeof(b));

	CHECK_MSG(!wallet_err, "db_begin_transaction failed");
	wallet_shachain_init(w, &a);

	CHECK(a.id == 1);

	CHECK(a.chain.num_valid == 0);
	CHECK(shachain_next_index(&a.chain) == index);

	for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
		shachain_from_seed(&seed, index, &hash);
		memcpy(&secret, &hash, sizeof(secret));
		CHECK(wallet_shachain_add_hash(w, &a, index, &secret));

	CHECK(wallet_shachain_load(w, a.id, &b));
	CHECK_MSG(memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(a)) == 0, "Loading from database doesn't match");

	return true;

static bool bitcoin_tx_eq(const struct bitcoin_tx *tx1,
			  const struct bitcoin_tx *tx2)
	u8 *lin1, *lin2;
	bool eq;
	lin1 = linearize_tx(NULL, tx1);
	lin2 = linearize_tx(lin1, tx2);
	eq = memeq(lin1, tal_count(lin1), lin2, tal_count(lin2));
	return eq;

static bool channelseq(struct channel *c1, struct channel *c2)
	struct peer *p1 = c1->peer, *p2 = c2->peer;
	struct channel_info *ci1 = &c1->channel_info, *ci2 = &c2->channel_info;
	struct changed_htlc *lc1 = c1->last_sent_commit, *lc2 = c2->last_sent_commit;
	CHECK(c1->dbid == c2->dbid);
	CHECK(c1->first_blocknum == c2->first_blocknum);
	CHECK(c1->peer->dbid == c2->peer->dbid);
	CHECK(c1->peer == c2->peer);
	CHECK(c1->their_shachain.id == c2->their_shachain.id);
	CHECK_MSG(node_id_eq(&p1->id, &p2->id), "NodeIDs do not match");
	CHECK((c1->scid == NULL && c2->scid == NULL)
	      || short_channel_id_eq(c1->scid, c2->scid));
	CHECK(amount_msat_eq(c1->our_msat, c2->our_msat));
	CHECK((c1->shutdown_scriptpubkey[REMOTE] == NULL && c2->shutdown_scriptpubkey[REMOTE] == NULL) || memeq(
		      sizeof(struct sha256_double),
		      sizeof(struct sha256_double)));
	CHECK(pubkey_eq(&ci1->remote_fundingkey, &ci2->remote_fundingkey));
	CHECK(pubkey_eq(&ci1->theirbase.revocation, &ci2->theirbase.revocation));
	CHECK(pubkey_eq(&ci1->theirbase.payment, &ci2->theirbase.payment));
	CHECK(pubkey_eq(&ci1->theirbase.delayed_payment, &ci2->theirbase.delayed_payment));
	CHECK(pubkey_eq(&ci1->remote_per_commit, &ci2->remote_per_commit));
	CHECK(pubkey_eq(&ci1->old_remote_per_commit, &ci2->old_remote_per_commit));
	CHECK(ci1->their_config.id != 0 && ci1->their_config.id == ci2->their_config.id);
	CHECK(fee_states_valid(ci1->fee_states, c1->funder));
	CHECK(fee_states_valid(ci2->fee_states, c2->funder));
	for (enum htlc_state i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ci1->fee_states->feerate);
	     i++) {
		if (ci1->fee_states->feerate[i] == NULL) {
			CHECK(ci2->fee_states->feerate[i] == NULL);
		} else {
			      == *ci2->fee_states->feerate[i]);

	CHECK(c1->our_config.id != 0 && c1->our_config.id == c2->our_config.id);
	CHECK((lc1 != NULL) ==  (lc2 != NULL));
	CHECK(tal_count(lc1) == tal_count(lc2));
	for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(lc1); i++) {
		CHECK(lc1[i].newstate == lc2[i].newstate);
		CHECK(lc1[i].id == lc2[i].id);

	CHECK((c1->last_tx != NULL) ==  (c2->last_tx != NULL));
	if (c1->last_tx) {
		CHECK(bitcoin_tx_eq(c1->last_tx, c2->last_tx));
	CHECK(memeq(&c1->last_sig, sizeof(c1->last_sig),
		    &c2->last_sig, sizeof(c2->last_sig)));

	CHECK(c1->final_key_idx == c2->final_key_idx);

	CHECK(c1->last_was_revoke == c2->last_was_revoke);

	return true;

static struct channel *wallet_channel_load(struct wallet *w, const u64 dbid)
	struct peer *peer;
	struct channel *channel;

	/* We expect only one peer, but reuse same code */
	if (!wallet_init_channels(w))
		return NULL;
	peer = list_top(&w->ld->peers, struct peer, list);

	/* We load lots of identical dbid channels: use last one */
	channel = list_tail(&peer->channels, struct channel, list);
	assert(channel->dbid == dbid);
	return channel;

static bool test_channel_crud(struct lightningd *ld, const tal_t *ctx)
	struct wallet *w = create_test_wallet(ld, ctx);
	struct channel c1, *c2 = tal(w, struct channel);
	struct wireaddr_internal addr;
	struct peer *p;
	struct channel_info *ci = &c1.channel_info;
	struct bitcoin_txid *hash = tal(w, struct bitcoin_txid);
	struct pubkey pk;
	struct node_id id;
	struct changed_htlc *last_commit;
	secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig = tal(w, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature);
	u8 *scriptpubkey = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 100);
	secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *node_sig1 = tal(w, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature);
	secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *bitcoin_sig1 = tal(w, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature);
	secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *node_sig2, *bitcoin_sig2;
	u32 feerate;
	bool load;

	memset(&c1, 0, sizeof(c1));
	memset(c2, 0, sizeof(*c2));
	memset(ci, 3, sizeof(*ci));
	mempat(hash, sizeof(*hash));
	mempat(sig, sizeof(*sig));
	mempat(node_sig1, sizeof(*node_sig1));
	mempat(bitcoin_sig1, sizeof(*bitcoin_sig1));
	last_commit = tal_arr(w, struct changed_htlc, 2);
	mempat(last_commit, tal_bytelen(last_commit));
	pubkey_from_der(tal_hexdata(w, "02a1633cafcc01ebfb6d78e39f687a1f0995c62fc95f51ead10a02ee0be551b5dc", 66), 33, &pk);
	node_id_from_pubkey(&id, &pk);
	feerate = 31337;
	ci->fee_states = new_fee_states(w, c1.funder, &feerate);
	mempat(scriptpubkey, tal_count(scriptpubkey));
	c1.first_blocknum = 1;
	parse_wireaddr_internal("localhost:1234", &addr, 0, false, false, false,
	c1.final_key_idx = 1337;
	p = new_peer(ld, 0, &id, &addr);
	c1.peer = p;
	c1.dbid = wallet_get_channel_dbid(w);
	c1.state = CHANNELD_NORMAL;
	memset(&ci->their_config, 0, sizeof(struct channel_config));
	ci->remote_fundingkey = pk;
	ci->theirbase.revocation = pk;
	ci->theirbase.payment = pk;
	ci->theirbase.htlc = pk;
	ci->theirbase.delayed_payment = pk;
	ci->remote_per_commit = pk;
	ci->old_remote_per_commit = pk;
	/* last_tx taken from BOLT #3 */
	c1.last_tx = bitcoin_tx_from_hex(w, "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", strlen("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"));
	c1.last_sig.s = *sig;
	c1.last_sig.sighash_type = SIGHASH_ALL;
	c1.last_tx->chainparams = chainparams_for_network("bitcoin");


	wallet_channel_insert(w, &c1);

	/* Variant 1: insert with null for scid, last_sent_commit */
	wallet_channel_save(w, &c1);
		  tal_fmt(w, "Insert into DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(c2 = wallet_channel_load(w, c1.dbid), tal_fmt(w, "Load from DB"));
		  tal_fmt(w, "Load from DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(channelseq(&c1, c2), "Compare loaded with saved (v1)");

	/* We just inserted them into an empty DB so this must be 1 */
	CHECK(c1.dbid == 1);
	CHECK(c1.peer->dbid == 1);
	CHECK(c1.their_shachain.id == 1);

	/* Variant 2: update with scid set */
	c1.scid = talz(w, struct short_channel_id);
	c1.last_was_revoke = !c1.last_was_revoke;
	wallet_channel_save(w, &c1);
		  tal_fmt(w, "Insert into DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(c2 = wallet_channel_load(w, c1.dbid), tal_fmt(w, "Load from DB"));
		  tal_fmt(w, "Load from DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(channelseq(&c1, c2), "Compare loaded with saved (v2)");

	/* Updates should not result in new ids */
	CHECK(c1.dbid == 1);
	CHECK(c1.peer->dbid == 1);
	CHECK(c1.their_shachain.id == 1);

	/* Variant 3: update with last_commit_sent */
	c1.last_sent_commit = last_commit;
	wallet_channel_save(w, &c1);
	CHECK_MSG(!wallet_err, tal_fmt(w, "Insert into DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(c2 = wallet_channel_load(w, c1.dbid), tal_fmt(w, "Load from DB"));
		  tal_fmt(w, "Load from DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(channelseq(&c1, c2), "Compare loaded with saved (v3)");

	/* Updates should not result in new ids */
	CHECK(c1.dbid == 1);
	CHECK(c1.peer->dbid == 1);
	CHECK(c1.their_shachain.id == 1);

	/* Variant 4: update and add shutdown_scriptpubkey[REMOTE] */
	c1.shutdown_scriptpubkey[REMOTE] = scriptpubkey;
	wallet_channel_save(w, &c1);
	CHECK_MSG(!wallet_err, tal_fmt(w, "Insert into DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(c2 = wallet_channel_load(w, c1.dbid), tal_fmt(w, "Load from DB"));
		  tal_fmt(w, "Load from DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(channelseq(&c1, c2), "Compare loaded with saved (v4)");

	/* Updates should not result in new ids */
	CHECK(c1.dbid == 1);
	CHECK(c1.peer->dbid == 1);
	CHECK(c1.their_shachain.id == 1);

	/* Variant 5: update with remote_ann sigs */
	c1.channel_flags |= 1;
	wallet_channel_save(w, &c1);
		  tal_fmt(w, "Insert into DB: %s", wallet_err));
	wallet_announcement_save(w, c1.dbid, node_sig1, bitcoin_sig1);
		  tal_fmt(w, "Insert ann sigs into DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(load = wallet_remote_ann_sigs_load(w, w, c1.dbid, &node_sig2, &bitcoin_sig2), tal_fmt(w, "Load ann sigs from DB"));
		  tal_fmt(w, "Load ann sigs from DB: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK(load == true);
	CHECK_MSG(!memcmp(node_sig1, node_sig2, sizeof(*node_sig1)), "Compare ann sigs loaded with saved (v5)");
	CHECK_MSG(!memcmp(bitcoin_sig1, bitcoin_sig2, sizeof(*node_sig1)), "Compare ann sigs loaded with saved (v5)");


	/* Normally freed by destroy_channel, but we don't call that */
	return true;

static bool test_channel_config_crud(struct lightningd *ld, const tal_t *ctx)
	struct channel_config *cc1 = talz(ctx, struct channel_config),
			      *cc2 = talz(ctx, struct channel_config);
	struct wallet *w = create_test_wallet(ld, ctx);

	cc1->dust_limit.satoshis = 1;
	cc1->max_htlc_value_in_flight.millisatoshis = 2;
	cc1->channel_reserve.satoshis = 3;
	cc1->htlc_minimum.millisatoshis = 4;
	cc1->to_self_delay = 5;
	cc1->max_accepted_htlcs = 6;

	CHECK(transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_channel_config_insert(w, cc1)));
	    cc1->id == 1,
	    tal_fmt(ctx, "channel_config->id != 1; got %" PRIu64, cc1->id));
	CHECK(transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_channel_config_save(w, cc1)));

	CHECK(transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_channel_config_load(w, cc1->id, cc2)));
	CHECK(memeq(cc1, sizeof(*cc1), cc2, sizeof(*cc2)));
       	return true;

static bool test_htlc_crud(struct lightningd *ld, const tal_t *ctx)
	struct db_stmt *stmt;
	struct htlc_in in, *hin;
	struct htlc_out out, *hout;
	struct preimage payment_key;
	struct channel *chan = tal(ctx, struct channel);
	struct peer *peer = talz(ctx, struct peer);
	struct wallet *w = create_test_wallet(ld, ctx);
	struct htlc_in_map *htlcs_in = tal(ctx, struct htlc_in_map), *rem;
	struct htlc_out_map *htlcs_out = tal(ctx, struct htlc_out_map);
	struct onionreply *onionreply;

	/* Make sure we have our references correct */
	char *query = SQL("INSERT INTO channels (id) VALUES (1);");
	stmt = db_prepare_v2(w->db, query);

	chan->dbid = 1;
	chan->peer = peer;

	memset(&in, 0, sizeof(in));
	memset(&out, 0, sizeof(out));
	memset(&in.payment_hash, 'A', sizeof(struct sha256));
	memset(&out.payment_hash, 'A', sizeof(struct sha256));
	memset(&payment_key, 'B', sizeof(payment_key));
	in.key.id = 42;
	in.key.channel = chan;
	in.msat = AMOUNT_MSAT(42);

	out.in = &in;
	out.key.id = 1337;
	out.key.channel = chan;
	out.msat = AMOUNT_MSAT(41);

	/* Store the htlc_in */
	CHECK_MSG(transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_htlc_save_in(w, chan, &in)),
		  tal_fmt(ctx, "Save htlc_in failed: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(in.dbid != 0, "HTLC DB ID was not set.");
	/* Saving again should get us a collision */
	CHECK_MSG(!transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_htlc_save_in(w, chan, &in)),
		  "Saving two HTLCs with the same data must not succeed.");
	wallet_err = tal_free(wallet_err);

	/* Update */
	CHECK_MSG(transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_htlc_update(w, in.dbid, RCVD_ADD_HTLC, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)),
		  "Update HTLC with null payment_key failed");
		transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_htlc_update(w, in.dbid, SENT_REMOVE_HTLC, &payment_key, 0, NULL, NULL)),
	    "Update HTLC with payment_key failed");
	onionreply = new_onionreply(tmpctx, tal_arrz(tmpctx, u8, 100));
		transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_htlc_update(w, in.dbid, SENT_REMOVE_HTLC, NULL, 0, onionreply, NULL)),
	    "Update HTLC with failonion failed");
		transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_htlc_update(w, in.dbid, SENT_REMOVE_HTLC, NULL, WIRE_INVALID_ONION_VERSION, NULL, NULL)),
	    "Update HTLC with failcode failed");

	CHECK_MSG(transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_htlc_save_out(w, chan, &out)),
		  tal_fmt(ctx, "Save htlc_out failed: %s", wallet_err));
	CHECK_MSG(out.dbid != 0, "HTLC DB ID was not set.");

	CHECK_MSG(!transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_htlc_save_out(w, chan, &out)),
		  "Saving two HTLCs with the same data must not succeed.");
	wallet_err = tal_free(wallet_err);
		transaction_wrap(w->db, wallet_htlc_update(w, out.dbid, SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION, NULL, 0, NULL, tal_arrz(tmpctx, u8, 100))),
	    "Update outgoing HTLC with failmsg failed");

	/* Attempt to load them from the DB again */


	CHECK_MSG(wallet_htlcs_load_in_for_channel(w, chan, htlcs_in),
		  "Failed loading in HTLCs");
	/* Freed by htlcs_resubmit */
	rem = tal(NULL, struct htlc_in_map);
	htlc_in_map_copy(rem, htlcs_in);
	CHECK_MSG(wallet_htlcs_load_out_for_channel(w, chan, htlcs_out, rem),
		  "Failed loading out HTLCs");

	htlcs_resubmit(w->ld, rem);

	hin = htlc_in_map_get(htlcs_in, &in.key);
	hout = htlc_out_map_get(htlcs_out, &out.key);

	CHECK(hin != NULL);
	CHECK(hout != NULL);

	/* Have to free manually, otherwise we get our dependencies
	 * twisted */

	return true;

static bool test_payment_crud(struct lightningd *ld, const tal_t *ctx)
	struct wallet_payment *t = tal(ctx, struct wallet_payment), *t2;
	struct wallet *w = create_test_wallet(ld, ctx);

	mempat(t, sizeof(*t));
	t->destination = tal(t, struct node_id);
	memset(t->destination, 2, sizeof(struct node_id));

	t->id = 0;
	t->msatoshi = AMOUNT_MSAT(100);
	t->msatoshi_sent = AMOUNT_MSAT(101);
	t->total_msat = t->msatoshi;
	t->status = PAYMENT_PENDING;
	t->payment_preimage = NULL;
	memset(&t->payment_hash, 1, sizeof(t->payment_hash));
	t->partid = 0;

	t2 = tal_dup(NULL, struct wallet_payment, t);
	wallet_payment_setup(w, t2);
	wallet_payment_store(w, take(t2));
	t2 = wallet_payment_by_hash(ctx, w, &t->payment_hash, 0);
	CHECK(t2 != NULL);
	CHECK(t2->status == t->status);
	CHECK(sha256_eq(&t2->payment_hash, &t->payment_hash));
	CHECK(t2->partid == t->partid);
	CHECK(node_id_cmp(t2->destination, t->destination) == 0);
	CHECK(amount_msat_eq(t2->msatoshi, t->msatoshi));
	CHECK(amount_msat_eq(t2->msatoshi_sent, t->msatoshi_sent));
	CHECK(amount_msat_eq(t2->total_msat, t->total_msat));

	t->status = PAYMENT_COMPLETE;
	t->payment_preimage = tal(w, struct preimage);
	memset(t->payment_preimage, 2, sizeof(*t->payment_preimage));
	wallet_payment_set_status(w, &t->payment_hash, t->partid, t->status,
	t2 = wallet_payment_by_hash(ctx, w, &t->payment_hash, t->partid);
	CHECK(t2 != NULL);
	CHECK(t2->status == t->status);
	CHECK(sha256_eq(&t2->payment_hash, &t->payment_hash));
	CHECK(t2->partid == t->partid);
	CHECK(node_id_eq(t2->destination, t->destination));
	CHECK(amount_msat_eq(t2->msatoshi, t->msatoshi));
	CHECK(amount_msat_eq(t2->msatoshi_sent, t->msatoshi_sent));
	CHECK(preimage_eq(t->payment_preimage, t2->payment_preimage));

	return true;

static bool test_wallet_payment_status_enum(void)
	return true;

int main(void)
	chainparams = chainparams_for_network("bitcoin");

	bool ok = true;
	struct lightningd *ld;

	secp256k1_ctx = wally_get_secp_context();
	ld = tal(tmpctx, struct lightningd);
	ld->config = test_config;

	/* Only elements in ld we should access */
	node_id_from_hexstr("02a1633cafcc01ebfb6d78e39f687a1f0995c62fc95f51ead10a02ee0be551b5dc", 66, &ld->id);
	/* Accessed in peer destructor sanity check */

	ok &= test_wallet_outputs(ld, tmpctx);
	ok &= test_shachain_crud(ld, tmpctx);
	ok &= test_channel_crud(ld, tmpctx);
	ok &= test_channel_config_crud(ld, tmpctx);
	ok &= test_htlc_crud(ld, tmpctx);
	ok &= test_payment_crud(ld, tmpctx);
	ok &= test_wallet_payment_status_enum();

	/* Do not clean up in the case of an error, we might want to debug the
	 * database. */
	if (ok) {
	return !ok;