#include "pay.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* pay/sendpay command */ struct pay_command { struct list_node list; struct sha256 payment_hash; struct command *cmd; }; static void destroy_pay_command(struct pay_command *pc) { list_del(&pc->list); } /* Owned by cmd */ static struct pay_command *new_pay_command(struct command *cmd, const struct sha256 *payment_hash, struct lightningd *ld) { struct pay_command *pc = tal(cmd, struct pay_command); pc->payment_hash = *payment_hash; pc->cmd = cmd; list_add(&ld->pay_commands, &pc->list); tal_add_destructor(pc, destroy_pay_command); return pc; } static void json_pay_command_success(struct command *cmd, const struct preimage *payment_preimage) { struct json_result *response; response = new_json_result(cmd); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_hex(response, "preimage", payment_preimage, sizeof(*payment_preimage)); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } static void json_pay_success(struct lightningd *ld, const struct sha256 *payment_hash, const struct preimage *payment_preimage) { struct pay_command *pc, *next; list_for_each_safe(&ld->pay_commands, pc, next, list) { if (!structeq(payment_hash, &pc->payment_hash)) continue; /* Deletes itself. */ json_pay_command_success(pc->cmd, payment_preimage); } } struct routing_failure { unsigned int erring_index; enum onion_type failcode; struct pubkey erring_node; struct short_channel_id erring_channel; u8 *channel_update; }; static void json_pay_command_routing_failed(struct command *cmd, bool retry_plausible, const struct routing_failure *fail, const u8 *onionreply, const char *details) { int code = (!fail) ? PAY_UNPARSEABLE_ONION : (!retry_plausible) ? PAY_DESTINATION_PERM_FAIL : /*otherwise*/ PAY_TRY_OTHER_ROUTE ; struct json_result *data = new_json_result(cmd); enum onion_type failure_code; /* Prepare data. */ json_object_start(data, NULL); if (fail) { failure_code = fail->failcode; json_add_num(data, "erring_index", fail->erring_index); json_add_num(data, "failcode", (unsigned) fail->failcode); json_add_hex(data, "erring_node", &fail->erring_node, sizeof(fail->erring_node)); json_add_short_channel_id(data, "erring_channel", &fail->erring_channel); if (fail->channel_update) json_add_hex(data, "channel_update", fail->channel_update, tal_len(fail->channel_update)); } else { assert(onionreply); failure_code = WIRE_PERMANENT_NODE_FAILURE; json_add_hex(data, "onionreply", onionreply, tal_len(onionreply)); } json_object_end(data); /* Deletes cmd. */ command_fail_detailed(cmd, code, data, "failed: %s (%s)", onion_type_name(failure_code), details); } static void json_pay_failed(struct lightningd *ld, const struct sha256 *payment_hash, bool retry_plausible, const struct routing_failure *fail, const u8 *onionreply, const char *details) { struct pay_command *pc, *next; list_for_each_safe(&ld->pay_commands, pc, next, list) { if (!structeq(payment_hash, &pc->payment_hash)) continue; /* Deletes cmd. */ json_pay_command_routing_failed(pc->cmd, retry_plausible, fail, onionreply, details); } } void payment_succeeded(struct lightningd *ld, struct htlc_out *hout, const struct preimage *rval) { wallet_payment_set_status(ld->wallet, &hout->payment_hash, PAYMENT_COMPLETE, rval); json_pay_success(ld, &hout->payment_hash, rval); } /* Return NULL if the wrapped onion error message has no * channel_update field, or return the embedded * channel_update message otherwise. */ static u8 *channel_update_from_onion_error(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 *onion_message) { u8 *channel_update = NULL; u64 unused64; u32 unused32; /* Identify failcodes that have some channel_update. * * TODO > BOLT 1.0: Add new failcodes when updating to a * new BOLT version. */ if (!fromwire_temporary_channel_failure(ctx, onion_message, NULL, &channel_update) && !fromwire_amount_below_minimum(ctx, onion_message, NULL, &unused64, &channel_update) && !fromwire_fee_insufficient(ctx, onion_message, NULL, &unused64, &channel_update) && !fromwire_incorrect_cltv_expiry(ctx, onion_message, NULL, &unused32, &channel_update) && !fromwire_expiry_too_soon(ctx, onion_message, NULL, &channel_update)) /* No channel update. */ channel_update = NULL; return channel_update; } /* Return a struct routing_failure for an immediate failure * (returned directly from send_htlc_out). The returned * failure is allocated from the given context. */ static struct routing_failure* immediate_routing_failure(const tal_t *ctx, const struct lightningd *ld, enum onion_type failcode, const struct short_channel_id *channel0) { struct routing_failure *routing_failure; assert(failcode); routing_failure = tal(ctx, struct routing_failure); routing_failure->erring_index = 0; routing_failure->failcode = failcode; routing_failure->erring_node = ld->id; routing_failure->erring_channel = *channel0; routing_failure->channel_update = NULL; return routing_failure; } /* Return a struct routing_failure for a local failure allocated * from the given context. */ static struct routing_failure* local_routing_failure(const tal_t *ctx, const struct lightningd *ld, const struct htlc_out *hout, const struct wallet_payment *payment) { struct routing_failure *routing_failure; assert(hout->failcode); routing_failure = tal(ctx, struct routing_failure); routing_failure->erring_index = 0; routing_failure->failcode = hout->failcode; routing_failure->erring_node = ld->id; routing_failure->erring_channel = payment->route_channels[0]; routing_failure->channel_update = NULL; return routing_failure; } /* Return false if permanent failure at the destination, true if * retrying is plausible. Fill *routing_failure with NULL if * we cannot report the remote failure, or with the routing * failure to report (allocated from ctx) otherwise. */ static struct routing_failure* remote_routing_failure(const tal_t *ctx, bool *p_retry_plausible, bool *p_report_to_gossipd, const struct wallet_payment *payment, const struct onionreply *failure) { enum onion_type failcode = fromwire_peektype(failure->msg); u8 *channel_update; struct routing_failure *routing_failure; const struct pubkey *route_nodes; const struct pubkey *erring_node; const struct short_channel_id *route_channels; const struct short_channel_id *erring_channel; static const struct short_channel_id dummy_channel = { 0, 0, 0 }; int origin_index; bool retry_plausible; bool report_to_gossipd; routing_failure = tal(ctx, struct routing_failure); route_nodes = payment->route_nodes; route_channels = payment->route_channels; origin_index = failure->origin_index; channel_update = channel_update_from_onion_error(routing_failure, failure->msg); retry_plausible = true; report_to_gossipd = true; assert(origin_index < tal_count(route_nodes)); /* Check if at destination. */ if (origin_index == tal_count(route_nodes) - 1) { erring_channel = &dummy_channel; /* BOLT #4: * * - if the _final node_ is returning the error: * - if the PERM bit is set: * - SHOULD fail the payment. * */ if (failcode & PERM) retry_plausible = false; else retry_plausible = true; /* Only send message to gossipd if NODE error; * there is no "next" channel to report as * failing if this is the last node. */ if (failcode & NODE) report_to_gossipd = true; else report_to_gossipd = false; } else /* Report the *next* channel as failing. */ erring_channel = &route_channels[origin_index + 1]; erring_node = &route_nodes[origin_index]; routing_failure->erring_index = (unsigned int) (origin_index + 1); routing_failure->failcode = failcode; routing_failure->erring_node = *erring_node; routing_failure->erring_channel = *erring_channel; routing_failure->channel_update = channel_update; *p_retry_plausible = retry_plausible; *p_report_to_gossipd = report_to_gossipd; return routing_failure; } static void random_mark_channel_unroutable(struct log *log, struct subd *gossip, struct short_channel_id *route_channels) { const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(gossip); size_t num_channels = tal_count(route_channels); size_t i; const struct short_channel_id *channel; u8 *msg; assert(tal_len(route_channels) != 0); /* Select one channel by random. */ randombytes_buf(&i, sizeof(i)); i = i % num_channels; channel = &route_channels[i]; log_debug(log, "Disable randomly %dth channel (%s) along route " "(guessing due to bad reply)", (int) i, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct short_channel_id, channel)); msg = towire_gossip_mark_channel_unroutable(tmpctx, channel); subd_send_msg(gossip, msg); tal_free(tmpctx); } static void report_routing_failure(struct log *log, struct subd *gossip, struct routing_failure *fail) { const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(gossip); u8 *gossip_msg; assert(fail); log_debug(log, "Reporting route failure to gossipd: 0x%04x (%s) " "node %s channel %s update %s", fail->failcode, onion_type_name(fail->failcode), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct pubkey, &fail->erring_node), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct short_channel_id, &fail->erring_channel), tal_hex(tmpctx, fail->channel_update)); gossip_msg = towire_gossip_routing_failure(tmpctx, &fail->erring_node, &fail->erring_channel, (u16) fail->failcode, fail->channel_update); subd_send_msg(gossip, gossip_msg); tal_free(tmpctx); } void payment_failed(struct lightningd *ld, const struct htlc_out *hout, const char *localfail) { struct onionreply *reply; enum onion_type failcode; struct secret *path_secrets; struct wallet_payment *payment; const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(ld); struct routing_failure* fail = NULL; const char *failmsg; bool retry_plausible; bool report_to_gossipd; payment = wallet_payment_by_hash(tmpctx, ld->wallet, &hout->payment_hash); /* This gives more details than a generic failure message */ if (localfail) { fail = local_routing_failure(tmpctx, ld, hout, payment); failcode = fail->failcode; failmsg = localfail; retry_plausible = true; report_to_gossipd = true; } else { /* Must be remote fail. */ assert(!hout->failcode); failmsg = "reply from remote"; /* Try to parse reply. */ path_secrets = payment->path_secrets; reply = unwrap_onionreply(tmpctx, path_secrets, tal_count(path_secrets), hout->failuremsg); if (!reply) { log_info(hout->key.peer->log, "htlc %"PRIu64" failed with bad reply (%s)", hout->key.id, tal_hex(ltmp, hout->failuremsg)); /* Cannot report failure. */ fail = NULL; failcode = WIRE_PERMANENT_NODE_FAILURE; /* Select a channel to mark unroutable by random */ random_mark_channel_unroutable(hout->key.peer->log, ld->gossip, payment->route_channels); /* Can now retry; we selected a channel to mark * unroutable by random */ retry_plausible = true; /* Already reported something to gossipd, do not * report anything else */ report_to_gossipd = false; } else { failcode = fromwire_peektype(reply->msg); log_info(hout->key.peer->log, "htlc %"PRIu64" " "failed from %ith node " "with code 0x%04x (%s)", hout->key.id, reply->origin_index, failcode, onion_type_name(failcode)); fail = remote_routing_failure(tmpctx, &retry_plausible, &report_to_gossipd, payment, reply); } } /* This may invalidated the payment structure returned, so * access to payment object should not be done after the * below call. */ wallet_payment_set_status(ld->wallet, &hout->payment_hash, PAYMENT_FAILED, NULL); /* Report to gossipd if we decided we should. */ if (report_to_gossipd) report_routing_failure(ld->log, ld->gossip, fail); /* FIXME(ZmnSCPxj): if retrying is plausible, and we are * using pay command rather than sendpay, retry routing * and payment again. */ (void) retry_plausible; /* Report to RPC. */ json_pay_failed(ld, &hout->payment_hash, retry_plausible, fail, hout->failuremsg, failmsg); tal_free(tmpctx); } /* Returns true if it's still pending. */ static bool send_payment(struct command *cmd, const struct sha256 *rhash, const struct route_hop *route) { struct peer *peer; const u8 *onion; u8 sessionkey[32]; unsigned int base_expiry; struct onionpacket *packet; struct secret *path_secrets; enum onion_type failcode; /* Freed automatically on cmd completion: only manually at end. */ const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(cmd); size_t i, n_hops = tal_count(route); struct hop_data *hop_data = tal_arr(tmpctx, struct hop_data, n_hops); struct pubkey *ids = tal_arr(tmpctx, struct pubkey, n_hops); struct wallet_payment *payment = NULL; struct htlc_out *hout; struct short_channel_id *channels; struct routing_failure *fail; /* Expiry for HTLCs is absolute. And add one to give some margin. */ base_expiry = get_block_height(cmd->ld->topology) + 1; /* Extract IDs for each hop: create_onionpacket wants array. */ for (i = 0; i < n_hops; i++) ids[i] = route[i].nodeid; /* Copy hop_data[n] from route[n+1] (ie. where it goes next) */ for (i = 0; i < n_hops - 1; i++) { hop_data[i].realm = 0; hop_data[i].channel_id = route[i+1].channel_id; hop_data[i].amt_forward = route[i+1].amount; hop_data[i].outgoing_cltv = base_expiry + route[i+1].delay; } /* And finally set the final hop to the special values in * BOLT04 */ hop_data[i].realm = 0; hop_data[i].outgoing_cltv = base_expiry + route[i].delay; memset(&hop_data[i].channel_id, 0, sizeof(struct short_channel_id)); hop_data[i].amt_forward = route[i].amount; /* Now, do we already have a payment? */ payment = wallet_payment_by_hash(tmpctx, cmd->ld->wallet, rhash); if (payment) { /* FIXME: We should really do something smarter here! */ log_debug(cmd->ld->log, "json_sendpay: found previous"); if (payment->status == PAYMENT_PENDING) { log_add(cmd->ld->log, "Payment is still in progress"); command_fail_detailed(cmd, PAY_IN_PROGRESS, NULL, "Payment is still in progress"); return false; } if (payment->status == PAYMENT_COMPLETE) { log_add(cmd->ld->log, "... succeeded"); /* Must match successful payment parameters. */ if (payment->msatoshi != hop_data[n_hops-1].amt_forward) { command_fail_detailed(cmd, PAY_RHASH_ALREADY_USED, NULL, "Already succeeded " "with amount %"PRIu64, payment->msatoshi); return false; } if (!structeq(&payment->destination, &ids[n_hops-1])) { command_fail_detailed(cmd, PAY_RHASH_ALREADY_USED, NULL, "Already succeeded to %s", type_to_string(cmd, struct pubkey, &payment->destination)); return false; } json_pay_command_success(cmd, payment->payment_preimage); return false; } wallet_payment_delete(cmd->ld->wallet, rhash); log_add(cmd->ld->log, "... retrying"); } peer = peer_by_id(cmd->ld, &ids[0]); if (!peer) { /* Report routing failure to gossipd */ fail = immediate_routing_failure(cmd, cmd->ld, WIRE_UNKNOWN_NEXT_PEER, &route[0].channel_id); report_routing_failure(cmd->ld->log, cmd->ld->gossip, fail); /* Report routing failure to user */ json_pay_command_routing_failed(cmd, true, fail, NULL, "No connection to first " "peer found"); return false; } randombytes_buf(&sessionkey, sizeof(sessionkey)); /* Onion will carry us from first peer onwards. */ packet = create_onionpacket(cmd, ids, hop_data, sessionkey, rhash->u.u8, sizeof(struct sha256), &path_secrets); onion = serialize_onionpacket(cmd, packet); log_info(cmd->ld->log, "Sending %u over %zu hops to deliver %u", route[0].amount, n_hops, route[n_hops-1].amount); failcode = send_htlc_out(peer, route[0].amount, base_expiry + route[0].delay, rhash, onion, NULL, &hout); if (failcode) { /* Report routing failure to gossipd */ fail = immediate_routing_failure(cmd, cmd->ld, failcode, &route[0].channel_id); report_routing_failure(cmd->ld->log, cmd->ld->gossip, fail); /* Report routing failure to user */ json_pay_command_routing_failed(cmd, true, fail, NULL, "First peer not ready"); return false; } /* Copy channels used along the route. */ channels = tal_arr(tmpctx, struct short_channel_id, n_hops); for (i = 0; i < n_hops; ++i) channels[i] = route[i].channel_id; /* If hout fails, payment should be freed too. */ payment = tal(hout, struct wallet_payment); payment->id = 0; payment->payment_hash = *rhash; payment->destination = ids[n_hops - 1]; payment->status = PAYMENT_PENDING; payment->msatoshi = route[n_hops-1].amount; payment->timestamp = time_now().ts.tv_sec; payment->payment_preimage = NULL; payment->path_secrets = tal_steal(payment, path_secrets); payment->route_nodes = tal_steal(payment, ids); payment->route_channels = tal_steal(payment, channels); /* We write this into db when HTLC is actually sent. */ wallet_payment_setup(cmd->ld->wallet, payment); new_pay_command(cmd, rhash, cmd->ld); tal_free(tmpctx); return true; } static void json_sendpay(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { jsmntok_t *routetok, *rhashtok; const jsmntok_t *t, *end; size_t n_hops; struct sha256 rhash; struct route_hop *route; if (!json_get_params(cmd, buffer, params, "route", &routetok, "rhash", &rhashtok, NULL)) { return; } if (!hex_decode(buffer + rhashtok->start, rhashtok->end - rhashtok->start, &rhash, sizeof(rhash))) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid sha256 hash", (int)(rhashtok->end - rhashtok->start), buffer + rhashtok->start); return; } if (routetok->type != JSMN_ARRAY) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not an array", (int)(routetok->end - routetok->start), buffer + routetok->start); return; } end = json_next(routetok); n_hops = 0; route = tal_arr(cmd, struct route_hop, n_hops); for (t = routetok + 1; t < end; t = json_next(t)) { const jsmntok_t *amttok, *idtok, *delaytok, *chantok; if (t->type != JSMN_OBJECT) { command_fail(cmd, "Route %zu '%.*s' is not an object", n_hops, (int)(t->end - t->start), buffer + t->start); return; } amttok = json_get_member(buffer, t, "msatoshi"); idtok = json_get_member(buffer, t, "id"); delaytok = json_get_member(buffer, t, "delay"); chantok = json_get_member(buffer, t, "channel"); if (!amttok || !idtok || !delaytok || !chantok) { command_fail(cmd, "Route %zu needs msatoshi/id/channel/delay", n_hops); return; } tal_resize(&route, n_hops + 1); /* What that hop will forward */ if (!json_tok_number(buffer, amttok, &route[n_hops].amount)) { command_fail(cmd, "Route %zu invalid msatoshi", n_hops); return; } if (!json_tok_short_channel_id(buffer, chantok, &route[n_hops].channel_id)) { command_fail(cmd, "Route %zu invalid channel_id", n_hops); return; } if (!json_tok_pubkey(buffer, idtok, &route[n_hops].nodeid)) { command_fail(cmd, "Route %zu invalid id", n_hops); return; } if (!json_tok_number(buffer, delaytok, &route[n_hops].delay)) { command_fail(cmd, "Route %zu invalid delay", n_hops); return; } n_hops++; } if (n_hops == 0) { command_fail(cmd, "Empty route"); return; } if (send_payment(cmd, &rhash, route)) command_still_pending(cmd); } static const struct json_command sendpay_command = { "sendpay", json_sendpay, "Send along {route} in return for preimage of {rhash}" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &sendpay_command); struct pay { struct sha256 payment_hash; struct command *cmd; }; static void json_pay_getroute_reply(struct subd *gossip, const u8 *reply, const int *fds, struct pay *pay) { struct route_hop *route; fromwire_gossip_getroute_reply(reply, reply, NULL, &route); if (tal_count(route) == 0) { command_fail_detailed(pay->cmd, PAY_ROUTE_NOT_FOUND, NULL, "Could not find a route"); return; } send_payment(pay->cmd, &pay->payment_hash, route); } static void json_pay(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { jsmntok_t *bolt11tok, *msatoshitok, *desctok, *riskfactortok; double riskfactor = 1.0; u64 msatoshi; struct pay *pay = tal(cmd, struct pay); struct bolt11 *b11; char *fail, *b11str, *desc; u8 *req; if (!json_get_params(cmd, buffer, params, "bolt11", &bolt11tok, "?msatoshi", &msatoshitok, "?description", &desctok, "?riskfactor", &riskfactortok, NULL)) { return; } b11str = tal_strndup(cmd, buffer + bolt11tok->start, bolt11tok->end - bolt11tok->start); if (desctok) desc = tal_strndup(cmd, buffer + desctok->start, desctok->end - desctok->start); else desc = NULL; b11 = bolt11_decode(pay, b11str, desc, &fail); if (!b11) { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid bolt11: %s", fail); return; } pay->cmd = cmd; pay->payment_hash = b11->payment_hash; if (b11->msatoshi) { msatoshi = *b11->msatoshi; if (msatoshitok) { command_fail(cmd, "msatoshi parameter unnecessary"); return; } } else { if (!msatoshitok) { command_fail(cmd, "msatoshi parameter required"); return; } if (!json_tok_u64(buffer, msatoshitok, &msatoshi)) { command_fail(cmd, "msatoshi '%.*s' is not a valid number", (int)(msatoshitok->end-msatoshitok->start), buffer + msatoshitok->start); return; } } if (riskfactortok && !json_tok_double(buffer, riskfactortok, &riskfactor)) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid double", (int)(riskfactortok->end - riskfactortok->start), buffer + riskfactortok->start); return; } /* FIXME: use b11->routes */ req = towire_gossip_getroute_request(cmd, &cmd->ld->id, &b11->receiver_id, msatoshi, riskfactor*1000, b11->min_final_cltv_expiry); subd_req(pay, cmd->ld->gossip, req, -1, 0, json_pay_getroute_reply, pay); command_still_pending(cmd); } static const struct json_command pay_command = { "pay", json_pay, "Send payment specified by {bolt11} with optional {msatoshi} (if and only if {bolt11} does not have amount), {description} (required if {bolt11} uses description hash) and {riskfactor} (default 1.0)" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &pay_command); static void json_listpayments(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { const struct wallet_payment **payments; struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); jsmntok_t *bolt11tok, *rhashtok; struct sha256 *rhash = NULL; if (!json_get_params(cmd, buffer, params, "?bolt11", &bolt11tok, "?payment_hash", &rhashtok, NULL)) { return; } if (bolt11tok) { struct bolt11 *b11; char *b11str, *fail; if (rhashtok) { command_fail(cmd, "Can only specify one of" " {bolt11} or {payment_hash}"); return; } b11str = tal_strndup(cmd, buffer + bolt11tok->start, bolt11tok->end - bolt11tok->start); b11 = bolt11_decode(cmd, b11str, NULL, &fail); if (!b11) { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid bolt11: %s", fail); return; } rhash = &b11->payment_hash; } else if (rhashtok) { rhash = tal(cmd, struct sha256); if (!hex_decode(buffer + rhashtok->start, rhashtok->end - rhashtok->start, rhash, sizeof(*rhash))) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid sha256 hash", (int)(rhashtok->end - rhashtok->start), buffer + rhashtok->start); return; } } payments = wallet_payment_list(cmd, cmd->ld->wallet, rhash); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_array_start(response, "payments"); for (int i=0; iid); json_add_hex(response, "payment_hash", &t->payment_hash, sizeof(t->payment_hash)); json_add_pubkey(response, "destination", &t->destination); json_add_u64(response, "msatoshi", t->msatoshi); if (deprecated_apis) json_add_u64(response, "timestamp", t->timestamp); json_add_u64(response, "created_at", t->timestamp); switch (t->status) { case PAYMENT_PENDING: json_add_string(response, "status", "pending"); break; case PAYMENT_COMPLETE: json_add_string(response, "status", "complete"); break; case PAYMENT_FAILED: json_add_string(response, "status", "failed"); break; } if (t->payment_preimage) json_add_hex(response, "payment_preimage", t->payment_preimage, sizeof(*t->payment_preimage)); json_object_end(response); } json_array_end(response); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } static const struct json_command listpayments_command = { "listpayments", json_listpayments, "Show outgoing payments" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &listpayments_command);