/* Without this, gheap is *really* slow! Comment out for debugging. */ #define NDEBUG #include <ccan/cast/cast.h> #include <ccan/err/err.h> #include <ccan/tal/str/str.h> #include <ccan/time/time.h> #include <common/dijkstra.h> #include <common/gossmap.h> #include <gheap.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> /* Each node has this side-info. */ struct dijkstra { u32 distance; /* Total CLTV delay */ u32 total_delay; /* Total cost from here to destination */ struct amount_msat cost; /* I want to use an index here, except that gheap moves things onto * a temporary on the stack and that makes things complex. */ /* NULL means it's been visited already. */ const struct gossmap_node **heapptr; /* We could re-evaluate to determine this, but keeps it simple */ struct gossmap_chan *best_chan; }; /* Because item_mover doesn't provide a ctx ptr, we need a global anyway. */ static struct dijkstra *global_dijkstra; static const struct gossmap *global_map; /* Returns UINT_MAX if unreachable. */ u32 dijkstra_distance(const struct dijkstra *dij, u32 node_idx) { return dij[node_idx].distance; } /* Total CLTV delay */ u32 dijkstra_delay(const struct dijkstra *dij, u32 node_idx) { return dij[node_idx].total_delay; } /* Total cost to get here. */ struct amount_msat dijkstra_amount(const struct dijkstra *dij, u32 node_idx) { return dij[node_idx].cost; } struct gossmap_chan *dijkstra_best_chan(const struct dijkstra *dij, u32 node_idx) { return dij[node_idx].best_chan; } static struct dijkstra *get_dijkstra(const struct dijkstra *dij, const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *n) { return cast_const(struct dijkstra *, dij) + gossmap_node_idx(map, n); } /* We want a minheap, not a maxheap, so this is backwards! */ static int less_comparer(const void *const ctx, const void *const a, const void *const b) { return get_dijkstra(global_dijkstra, global_map, *(struct gossmap_node **)a)->distance > get_dijkstra(global_dijkstra, global_map, *(struct gossmap_node **)b)->distance; } static void item_mover(void *const dst, const void *const src) { struct gossmap_node *n = *((struct gossmap_node **)src); get_dijkstra(global_dijkstra, global_map, n)->heapptr = dst; *((struct gossmap_node **)dst) = n; } static const struct gossmap_node **mkheap(const tal_t *ctx, struct dijkstra *dij, const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *start, struct amount_msat sent) { const struct gossmap_node *n, **heap; size_t i; heap = tal_arr(tmpctx, const struct gossmap_node *, gossmap_num_nodes(map)); for (i = 1, n = gossmap_first_node(map); n; n = gossmap_next_node(map, n), i++) { struct dijkstra *d = get_dijkstra(dij, map, n); if (n == start) { /* First entry in heap is start, distance 0 */ heap[0] = start; d->heapptr = &heap[0]; d->distance = 0; d->total_delay = 0; d->cost = sent; i--; } else { heap[i] = n; d->heapptr = &heap[i]; d->distance = UINT_MAX; d->cost = AMOUNT_MSAT(-1ULL); d->total_delay = 0; } } assert(i == tal_count(heap)); return heap; } /* 365.25 * 24 * 60 / 10 */ #define BLOCKS_PER_YEAR 52596 /* We price in risk as riskfactor percent per year. */ static struct amount_msat risk_price(struct amount_msat amount, u32 riskfactor, u32 cltv_delay) { struct amount_msat riskfee; if (!amount_msat_scale(&riskfee, amount, riskfactor / 100.0 / BLOCKS_PER_YEAR * cltv_delay)) return AMOUNT_MSAT(-1ULL); return riskfee; } /* Do Dijkstra: start in this case is the dst node. */ const struct dijkstra * dijkstra_(const tal_t *ctx, const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_node *start, struct amount_msat amount, double riskfactor, bool (*channel_ok)(const struct gossmap *map, const struct gossmap_chan *c, int dir, struct amount_msat amount, void *arg), bool (*path_better)(u32 old_distance, u32 new_distance, struct amount_msat old_cost, struct amount_msat new_cost, struct amount_msat old_risk, struct amount_msat new_risk, void *arg), void *arg) { struct dijkstra *dij; const struct gossmap_node **heap; size_t heapsize; struct gheap_ctx gheap_ctx; /* There doesn't seem to be much difference with fanout 2-4. */ gheap_ctx.fanout = 2; /* There seems to be a slight decrease if we alter this value. */ gheap_ctx.page_chunks = 1; gheap_ctx.item_size = sizeof(*heap); gheap_ctx.less_comparer = less_comparer; gheap_ctx.less_comparer_ctx = NULL; gheap_ctx.item_mover = item_mover; dij = tal_arr(ctx, struct dijkstra, gossmap_max_node_idx(map)); /* Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! */ global_map = map; global_dijkstra = dij; /* Wikipedia's article on Dijkstra is excellent: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra's_algorithm * (License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) * * So I quote here: * * 1. Mark all nodes unvisited. Create a set of all the unvisited * nodes called the unvisited set. * * 2. Assign to every node a tentative distance value: set it to zero * for our initial node and to infinity for all other nodes. Set the * initial node as current.[14] */ heap = mkheap(NULL, dij, map, start, amount); heapsize = tal_count(heap); /* * 3. For the current node, consider all of its unvisited neighbouds * and calculate their tentative distances through the current * node. Compare the newly calculated tentative distance to the * current assigned value and assign the smaller one. For example, if * the current node A is marked with a distance of 6, and the edge * connecting it with a neighbour B has length 2, then the distance to * B through A will be 6 + 2 = 8. If B was previously marked with a * distance greater than 8 then change it to 8. Otherwise, the current * value will be kept. * * 4. When we are done considering all of the unvisited neighbouds of * the current node, mark the current node as visited and remove it * from the unvisited set. A visited node will never be checked again. * * 5. If the destination node has been marked visited (when planning a * route between two specific nodes) or if the smallest tentative * distance among the nodes in the unvisited set is infinity (when * planning a complete travedsal; occuds when there is no connection * between the initial node and remaining unvisited nodes), then * stop. The algorithm has finished. * * 6. Otherwise, select the unvisited node that is marked with the * smallest tentative distance, set it as the new "current node", and * go back to step 3. */ while (heapsize != 0) { struct dijkstra *cur_d; const struct gossmap_node *cur = heap[0]; cur_d = get_dijkstra(dij, map, cur); assert(cur_d->heapptr == heap); /* Finished all reachable nodes */ if (cur_d->distance == UINT_MAX) break; for (size_t i = 0; i < cur->num_chans; i++) { struct gossmap_node *neighbor; int which_half; struct gossmap_chan *c; struct dijkstra *d; struct amount_msat cost, new_risk, old_risk; c = gossmap_nth_chan(map, cur, i, &which_half); neighbor = gossmap_nth_node(map, c, !which_half); d = get_dijkstra(dij, map, neighbor); /* Ignore if already visited. */ if (!d->heapptr) continue; /* We're going from neighbor to c, hence !which_half */ if (!channel_ok(map, c, !which_half, cur_d->cost, arg)) continue; cost = cur_d->cost; if (!amount_msat_add_fee(&cost, c->half[!which_half].base_fee, c->half[!which_half].proportional_fee)) /* Shouldn't happen! */ continue; /* cltv_delay can't overflow: only 20 bits per hop. */ new_risk = risk_price(cost, riskfactor, cur_d->total_delay + c->half[!which_half].delay); old_risk = risk_price(d->cost, riskfactor, d->total_delay); if (!path_better(d->distance, cur_d->distance + 1, d->cost, cost, old_risk, new_risk, arg)) continue; d->distance = cur_d->distance + 1; d->total_delay = cur_d->total_delay + c->half[!which_half].delay; d->cost = cost; d->best_chan = c; gheap_restore_heap_after_item_increase(&gheap_ctx, heap, heapsize, d->heapptr - heap); } gheap_pop_heap(&gheap_ctx, heap, heapsize--); cur_d->heapptr = NULL; } tal_free(heap); return dij; }