#include "bitcoind.h" #include "chaintopology.h" #include "gossip_control.h" #include "lightningd.h" #include "peer_control.h" #include "subd.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void got_txout(struct bitcoind *bitcoind, const struct bitcoin_tx_output *output, struct short_channel_id *scid) { const u8 *script; struct amount_sat sat; /* output will be NULL if it wasn't found */ if (output) { script = output->script; sat = output->amount; } else { script = NULL; sat = AMOUNT_SAT(0); } subd_send_msg( bitcoind->ld->gossip, towire_gossip_get_txout_reply(scid, scid, sat, script)); tal_free(scid); } static void get_txout(struct subd *gossip, const u8 *msg) { struct short_channel_id *scid = tal(gossip, struct short_channel_id); struct outpoint *op; u32 blockheight; struct chain_topology *topo = gossip->ld->topology; if (!fromwire_gossip_get_txout(msg, scid)) fatal("Gossip gave bad GOSSIP_GET_TXOUT message %s", tal_hex(msg, msg)); /* FIXME: Block less than 6 deep? */ blockheight = short_channel_id_blocknum(scid); op = wallet_outpoint_for_scid(gossip->ld->wallet, scid, scid); if (op) { subd_send_msg(gossip, towire_gossip_get_txout_reply( scid, scid, op->sat, op->scriptpubkey)); tal_free(scid); } else if (blockheight >= topo->min_blockheight && blockheight <= topo->max_blockheight) { /* We should have known about this outpoint since it is included * in the range in the DB. The fact that we don't means that * this is either a spent outpoint or an invalid one. Return a * failure. */ subd_send_msg(gossip, take(towire_gossip_get_txout_reply( NULL, scid, AMOUNT_SAT(0), NULL))); tal_free(scid); } else { bitcoind_getoutput(topo->bitcoind, short_channel_id_blocknum(scid), short_channel_id_txnum(scid), short_channel_id_outnum(scid), got_txout, scid); } } static unsigned gossip_msg(struct subd *gossip, const u8 *msg, const int *fds) { enum gossip_wire_type t = fromwire_peektype(msg); switch (t) { /* These are messages we send, not them. */ case WIRE_GOSSIPCTL_INIT: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GETNODES_REQUEST: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GETROUTE_REQUEST: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GETCHANNELS_REQUEST: case WIRE_GOSSIP_PING: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GET_CHANNEL_PEER: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GET_TXOUT_REPLY: case WIRE_GOSSIP_OUTPOINT_SPENT: case WIRE_GOSSIP_PAYMENT_FAILURE: case WIRE_GOSSIP_QUERY_SCIDS: case WIRE_GOSSIP_QUERY_CHANNEL_RANGE: case WIRE_GOSSIP_SEND_TIMESTAMP_FILTER: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS: case WIRE_GOSSIP_DEV_SET_MAX_SCIDS_ENCODE_SIZE: case WIRE_GOSSIP_DEV_SUPPRESS: case WIRE_GOSSIP_LOCAL_CHANNEL_CLOSE: case WIRE_GOSSIP_DEV_MEMLEAK: case WIRE_GOSSIP_DEV_COMPACT_STORE: /* This is a reply, so never gets through to here. */ case WIRE_GOSSIP_GETNODES_REPLY: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GETROUTE_REPLY: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GETCHANNELS_REPLY: case WIRE_GOSSIP_SCIDS_REPLY: case WIRE_GOSSIP_QUERY_CHANNEL_RANGE_REPLY: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GET_CHANNEL_PEER_REPLY: case WIRE_GOSSIP_GET_INCOMING_CHANNELS_REPLY: case WIRE_GOSSIP_DEV_MEMLEAK_REPLY: case WIRE_GOSSIP_DEV_COMPACT_STORE_REPLY: break; case WIRE_GOSSIP_PING_REPLY: ping_reply(gossip, msg); break; case WIRE_GOSSIP_GET_TXOUT: get_txout(gossip, msg); break; } return 0; } /* Create the `gossipd` subdaemon and send the initialization * message */ void gossip_init(struct lightningd *ld, int connectd_fd) { u8 *msg; int hsmfd; hsmfd = hsm_get_global_fd(ld, HSM_CAP_SIGN_GOSSIP); ld->gossip = new_global_subd(ld, "lightning_gossipd", gossip_wire_type_name, gossip_msg, take(&hsmfd), take(&connectd_fd), NULL); if (!ld->gossip) err(1, "Could not subdaemon gossip"); msg = towire_gossipctl_init( tmpctx, &get_chainparams(ld)->genesis_blockhash, &ld->id, get_offered_globalfeatures(tmpctx), ld->rgb, ld->alias, ld->config.channel_update_interval, ld->announcable, #if DEVELOPER ld->dev_gossip_time ? &ld->dev_gossip_time: NULL #else NULL #endif ); subd_send_msg(ld->gossip, msg); } void gossipd_notify_spend(struct lightningd *ld, const struct short_channel_id *scid) { u8 *msg = towire_gossip_outpoint_spent(tmpctx, scid); subd_send_msg(ld->gossip, msg); } static void json_getnodes_reply(struct subd *gossip UNUSED, const u8 *reply, const int *fds UNUSED, struct command *cmd) { struct gossip_getnodes_entry **nodes; struct json_stream *response; size_t i, j; if (!fromwire_gossip_getnodes_reply(reply, reply, &nodes)) { was_pending(command_fail(cmd, LIGHTNINGD, "Malformed gossip_getnodes response")); return; } response = json_stream_success(cmd); json_array_start(response, "nodes"); for (i = 0; i < tal_count(nodes); i++) { struct json_escape *esc; json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_node_id(response, "nodeid", &nodes[i]->nodeid); if (nodes[i]->last_timestamp < 0) { json_object_end(response); continue; } esc = json_escape(NULL, take(tal_strndup(NULL, (const char *)nodes[i]->alias, ARRAY_SIZE(nodes[i]->alias)))); json_add_escaped_string(response, "alias", take(esc)); json_add_hex(response, "color", nodes[i]->color, ARRAY_SIZE(nodes[i]->color)); json_add_u64(response, "last_timestamp", nodes[i]->last_timestamp); json_add_hex_talarr(response, "globalfeatures", nodes[i]->globalfeatures); json_array_start(response, "addresses"); for (j=0; jaddresses); j++) { json_add_address(response, NULL, &nodes[i]->addresses[j]); } json_array_end(response); json_object_end(response); } json_array_end(response); was_pending(command_success(cmd, response)); } static struct command_result *json_listnodes(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *obj UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *params) { u8 *req; struct node_id *id; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_opt("id", param_node_id, &id), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); req = towire_gossip_getnodes_request(cmd, id); subd_req(cmd, cmd->ld->gossip, req, -1, 0, json_getnodes_reply, cmd); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static const struct json_command listnodes_command = { "listnodes", "network", json_listnodes, "Show node {id} (or all, if no {id}), in our local network view" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &listnodes_command); static void json_getroute_reply(struct subd *gossip UNUSED, const u8 *reply, const int *fds UNUSED, struct command *cmd) { struct json_stream *response; struct route_hop *hops; fromwire_gossip_getroute_reply(reply, reply, &hops); if (tal_count(hops) == 0) { was_pending(command_fail(cmd, PAY_ROUTE_NOT_FOUND, "Could not find a route")); return; } response = json_stream_success(cmd); json_add_route(response, "route", hops, tal_count(hops)); was_pending(command_success(cmd, response)); } static struct command_result *json_getroute(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *obj UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct lightningd *ld = cmd->ld; struct node_id *destination; struct node_id *source; const jsmntok_t *excludetok; struct amount_msat *msat; unsigned *cltv; double *riskfactor; struct short_channel_id_dir *excluded; u32 *max_hops; /* Higher fuzz means that some high-fee paths can be discounted * for an even larger value, increasing the scope for route * randomization (the higher-fee paths become more likely to * be selected) at the cost of increasing the probability of * selecting the higher-fee paths. */ double *fuzz; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_req("id", param_node_id, &destination), p_req("msatoshi", param_msat, &msat), p_req("riskfactor", param_double, &riskfactor), p_opt_def("cltv", param_number, &cltv, 9), p_opt("fromid", param_node_id, &source), p_opt_def("fuzzpercent", param_percent, &fuzz, 5.0), p_opt("exclude", param_array, &excludetok), p_opt_def("maxhops", param_number, &max_hops, ROUTING_MAX_HOPS), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); /* Convert from percentage */ *fuzz = *fuzz / 100.0; if (excludetok) { const jsmntok_t *t; size_t i; excluded = tal_arr(cmd, struct short_channel_id_dir, excludetok->size); json_for_each_arr(i, t, excludetok) { if (!short_channel_id_dir_from_str(buffer + t->start, t->end - t->start, &excluded[i], deprecated_apis)) { return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "%.*s is not a valid" " short_channel_id/direction", t->end - t->start, buffer + t->start); } } } else { excluded = NULL; } u8 *req = towire_gossip_getroute_request(cmd, source, destination, *msat, *riskfactor * 1000000.0, *cltv, fuzz, excluded, *max_hops); subd_req(ld->gossip, ld->gossip, req, -1, 0, json_getroute_reply, cmd); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static const struct json_command getroute_command = { "getroute", "channels", json_getroute, "Show route to {id} for {msatoshi}, using {riskfactor} and optional {cltv} (default 9). " "If specified search from {fromid} otherwise use this node as source. " "Randomize the route with up to {fuzzpercent} (default 5.0). " "{exclude} an array of short-channel-id/direction (e.g. [ '564334x877x1/0', '564195x1292x0/1' ]) " "from consideration. " "Set the {maxhops} the route can take (default 20)." }; AUTODATA(json_command, &getroute_command); static void json_add_halfchan(struct json_stream *response, const struct gossip_getchannels_entry *e, int idx) { const struct gossip_halfchannel_entry *he = e->e[idx]; if (!he) return; json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_node_id(response, "source", &e->node[idx]); json_add_node_id(response, "destination", &e->node[!idx]); json_add_short_channel_id(response, "short_channel_id", &e->short_channel_id); json_add_bool(response, "public", e->public); json_add_amount_sat_compat(response, e->sat, "satoshis", "amount_msat"); json_add_num(response, "message_flags", he->message_flags); json_add_num(response, "channel_flags", he->channel_flags); json_add_bool(response, "active", !(he->channel_flags & ROUTING_FLAGS_DISABLED) && !e->local_disabled); json_add_num(response, "last_update", he->last_update_timestamp); json_add_num(response, "base_fee_millisatoshi", he->base_fee_msat); json_add_num(response, "fee_per_millionth", he->fee_per_millionth); json_add_num(response, "delay", he->delay); json_add_amount_msat_only(response, "htlc_minimum_msat", he->min); json_add_amount_msat_only(response, "htlc_maximum_msat", he->max); json_object_end(response); } struct listchannels_info { struct command *cmd; struct json_stream *response; struct short_channel_id *id; struct node_id *source; }; /* Called upon receiving a getchannels_reply from `gossipd` */ static void json_listchannels_reply(struct subd *gossip UNUSED, const u8 *reply, const int *fds UNUSED, struct listchannels_info *linfo) { size_t i; struct gossip_getchannels_entry **entries; bool complete; if (!fromwire_gossip_getchannels_reply(reply, reply, &complete, &entries)) { /* Shouldn't happen: just end json stream. */ log_broken(linfo->cmd->ld->log, "Invalid reply from gossipd"); was_pending(command_raw_complete(linfo->cmd, linfo->response)); return; } for (i = 0; i < tal_count(entries); i++) { json_add_halfchan(linfo->response, entries[i], 0); json_add_halfchan(linfo->response, entries[i], 1); } /* More coming? Ask from this point on.. */ if (!complete) { u8 *req; assert(tal_count(entries) != 0); req = towire_gossip_getchannels_request(linfo->cmd, linfo->id, linfo->source, &entries[i-1] ->short_channel_id); subd_req(linfo->cmd->ld->gossip, linfo->cmd->ld->gossip, req, -1, 0, json_listchannels_reply, linfo); } else { json_array_end(linfo->response); was_pending(command_success(linfo->cmd, linfo->response)); } } static struct command_result *json_listchannels(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *obj UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *params) { u8 *req; struct listchannels_info *linfo = tal(cmd, struct listchannels_info); linfo->cmd = cmd; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_opt("short_channel_id", param_short_channel_id, &linfo->id), p_opt("source", param_node_id, &linfo->source), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); if (linfo->id && linfo->source) return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "Cannot specify both source and short_channel_id"); /* Start JSON response, then we stream. */ linfo->response = json_stream_success(cmd); json_array_start(linfo->response, "channels"); req = towire_gossip_getchannels_request(cmd, linfo->id, linfo->source, NULL); subd_req(cmd->ld->gossip, cmd->ld->gossip, req, -1, 0, json_listchannels_reply, linfo); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static const struct json_command listchannels_command = { "listchannels", "channels", json_listchannels, "Show channel {short_channel_id} or {source} (or all known channels, if not specified)" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &listchannels_command); #if DEVELOPER static void json_scids_reply(struct subd *gossip UNUSED, const u8 *reply, const int *fds UNUSED, struct command *cmd) { bool ok, complete; struct json_stream *response; if (!fromwire_gossip_scids_reply(reply, &ok, &complete)) { was_pending(command_fail(cmd, LIGHTNINGD, "Gossip gave bad gossip_scids_reply")); return; } if (!ok) { was_pending(command_fail(cmd, LIGHTNINGD, "Gossip refused to query peer")); return; } response = json_stream_success(cmd); json_add_bool(response, "complete", complete); was_pending(command_success(cmd, response)); } static struct command_result *json_dev_query_scids(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *obj UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *params) { u8 *msg; const jsmntok_t *scidstok; const jsmntok_t *t; struct node_id *id; struct short_channel_id *scids; size_t i; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_req("id", param_node_id, &id), p_req("scids", param_array, &scidstok), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); scids = tal_arr(cmd, struct short_channel_id, scidstok->size); json_for_each_arr(i, t, scidstok) { if (!json_to_short_channel_id(buffer, t, &scids[i], deprecated_apis)) { return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "scid %zu '%.*s' is not an scid", i, json_tok_full_len(t), json_tok_full(buffer, t)); } } /* Tell gossipd, since this is a gossip query. */ msg = towire_gossip_query_scids(cmd, id, scids); subd_req(cmd->ld->gossip, cmd->ld->gossip, take(msg), -1, 0, json_scids_reply, cmd); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static const struct json_command dev_query_scids_command = { "dev-query-scids", "developer", json_dev_query_scids, "Query peer {id} for [scids]" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_query_scids_command); static struct command_result * json_dev_send_timestamp_filter(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *obj UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *params) { u8 *msg; struct node_id *id; u32 *first, *range; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_req("id", param_node_id, &id), p_req("first", param_number, &first), p_req("range", param_number, &range), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); log_debug(cmd->ld->log, "Setting timestamp range %u+%u", *first, *range); /* Tell gossipd, since this is a gossip query. */ msg = towire_gossip_send_timestamp_filter(NULL, id, *first, *range); subd_send_msg(cmd->ld->gossip, take(msg)); return command_success(cmd, json_stream_success(cmd)); } static const struct json_command dev_send_timestamp_filter = { "dev-send-timestamp-filter", "developer", json_dev_send_timestamp_filter, "Send peer {id} the timestamp filter {first} {range}" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_send_timestamp_filter); static void json_channel_range_reply(struct subd *gossip UNUSED, const u8 *reply, const int *fds UNUSED, struct command *cmd) { struct json_stream *response; u32 final_first_block, final_num_blocks; bool final_complete; struct short_channel_id *scids; if (!fromwire_gossip_query_channel_range_reply(tmpctx, reply, &final_first_block, &final_num_blocks, &final_complete, &scids)) { was_pending(command_fail(cmd, LIGHTNINGD, "Gossip gave bad gossip_query_channel_range_reply")); return; } if (final_num_blocks == 0 && final_num_blocks == 0 && !final_complete) { was_pending(command_fail(cmd, LIGHTNINGD, "Gossip refused to query peer")); return; } response = json_stream_success(cmd); /* As this is a dev interface, we don't bother saving and * returning all the replies, just the final one. */ json_add_num(response, "final_first_block", final_first_block); json_add_num(response, "final_num_blocks", final_num_blocks); json_add_bool(response, "final_complete", final_complete); json_array_start(response, "short_channel_ids"); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(scids); i++) json_add_short_channel_id(response, NULL, &scids[i]); json_array_end(response); was_pending(command_success(cmd, response)); } static struct command_result *json_dev_query_channel_range(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *obj UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *params) { u8 *msg; struct node_id *id; u32 *first, *num; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_req("id", param_node_id, &id), p_req("first", param_number, &first), p_req("num", param_number, &num), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); /* Tell gossipd, since this is a gossip query. */ msg = towire_gossip_query_channel_range(cmd, id, *first, *num); subd_req(cmd->ld->gossip, cmd->ld->gossip, take(msg), -1, 0, json_channel_range_reply, cmd); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static const struct json_command dev_query_channel_range_command = { "dev-query-channel-range", "developer", json_dev_query_channel_range, "Query peer {id} for short_channel_ids for {first} block + {num} blocks" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_query_channel_range_command); static struct command_result * json_dev_set_max_scids_encode_size(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *obj UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *params) { u8 *msg; u32 *max; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, p_req("max", param_number, &max), NULL)) return command_param_failed(); msg = towire_gossip_dev_set_max_scids_encode_size(NULL, *max); subd_send_msg(cmd->ld->gossip, take(msg)); return command_success(cmd, json_stream_success(cmd)); } static const struct json_command dev_set_max_scids_encode_size = { "dev-set-max-scids-encode-size", "developer", json_dev_set_max_scids_encode_size, "Set {max} bytes of short_channel_ids per reply_channel_range" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_set_max_scids_encode_size); static struct command_result *json_dev_suppress_gossip(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *obj UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *params) { if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, NULL)) return command_param_failed(); subd_send_msg(cmd->ld->gossip, take(towire_gossip_dev_suppress(NULL))); return command_success(cmd, json_stream_success(cmd)); } static const struct json_command dev_suppress_gossip = { "dev-suppress-gossip", "developer", json_dev_suppress_gossip, "Stop this node from sending any more gossip." }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_suppress_gossip); static void dev_compact_gossip_store_reply(struct subd *gossip UNUSED, const u8 *reply, const int *fds UNUSED, struct command *cmd) { bool success; if (!fromwire_gossip_dev_compact_store_reply(reply, &success)) { was_pending(command_fail(cmd, LIGHTNINGD, "Gossip gave bad dev_gossip_compact_store_reply")); return; } if (!success) was_pending(command_fail(cmd, LIGHTNINGD, "gossip_compact_store failed")); else was_pending(command_success(cmd, json_stream_success(cmd))); } static struct command_result *json_dev_compact_gossip_store(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *obj UNNEEDED, const jsmntok_t *params) { u8 *msg; if (!param(cmd, buffer, params, NULL)) return command_param_failed(); msg = towire_gossip_dev_compact_store(NULL); subd_req(cmd->ld->gossip, cmd->ld->gossip, take(msg), -1, 0, dev_compact_gossip_store_reply, cmd); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static const struct json_command dev_compact_gossip_store = { "dev-compact-gossip-store", "developer", json_dev_compact_gossip_store, "Ask gossipd to rewrite the gossip store." }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_compact_gossip_store); #endif /* DEVELOPER */