#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char *placeholder_funding_addr = "bcrt1qh9vpp7pylppexnaqg2kdp0kt55sg0qf7yc8d4m4ug26uhx47z3jqvgnzrj"; const char *placeholder_script = "0020b95810f824f843934fa042acd0becba52087813e260edaeebc42b5cb9abe1464"; /* FIXME: dynamically query */ const struct amount_sat max_funding = AMOUNT_SAT_INIT((1 << 24) - 1); struct funding_req { struct node_id *id; const char *feerate_str; const char *funding_str; const char *utxo_str; bool funding_all; bool *announce_channel; u32 *minconf; /* The prepared tx id */ struct bitcoin_txid tx_id; const char *chanstr; const u8 *out_script; const char *funding_addr; /* Failing result (NULL on success) */ /* Raw JSON from RPC output */ const char *error; }; /* Helper to copy JSON object directly into a json_out */ static void json_out_add_raw_len(struct json_out *jout, const char *fieldname, const char *jsonstr, size_t len) { char *p; p = json_out_member_direct(jout, fieldname, len); memcpy(p, jsonstr, len); } /* Helper to add a boolean to a json_out */ static void json_out_addbool(struct json_out *jout, const char *fieldname, const bool val) { if (val) json_out_add(jout, fieldname, false, "true"); else json_out_add(jout, fieldname, false, "false"); } /* Copy field and member to output, if it exists: return member */ static const jsmntok_t *copy_member(struct json_out *ret, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *obj, const char *membername) { const jsmntok_t *m = json_get_member(buf, obj, membername); if (!m) return NULL; /* Literal copy: it's already JSON escaped, and may be a string. */ json_out_add_raw_len(ret, membername, json_tok_full(buf, m), json_tok_full_len(m)); return m; } static struct command_result *send_prior(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *error, struct funding_req *fr) { return command_err_raw(cmd, fr->error); } static struct command_result *tx_abort(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *error, struct funding_req *fr) { struct json_out *ret; /* We stash the error so we can return it after we've cleaned up */ fr->error = json_strdup(fr, buf, error); ret = json_out_new(NULL); json_out_start(ret, NULL, '{'); json_out_addstr(ret, "txid", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_txid, &fr->tx_id)); json_out_end(ret, '}'); /* We need to call txdiscard, and forward the actual cause for the * error after we've cleaned up. We swallow any errors returned by * this call, as we don't really care if it succeeds or not */ return send_outreq(cmd, "txdiscard", send_prior, send_prior, fr, take(ret)); } /* We're basically done, we just need to format the output to match * what the original `fundchannel` returned */ static struct command_result *finish(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct funding_req *fr) { struct json_out *out; out = json_out_new(NULL); json_out_start(out, NULL, '{'); copy_member(out, buf, result, "tx"); json_out_addstr(out, "txid", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_txid, &fr->tx_id)); json_out_addstr(out, "channel_id", fr->chanstr); json_out_end(out, '}'); return command_success(cmd, out); } /* We're ready to broadcast the transaction */ static struct command_result *send_tx(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct funding_req *fr) { struct json_out *ret; const jsmntok_t *tok; bool commitments_secured; /* For sanity's sake, let's check that it's secured */ tok = json_get_member(buf, result, "commitments_secured"); if (!json_to_bool(buf, tok, &commitments_secured) || !commitments_secured) /* TODO: better failure path? this should never fail though. */ plugin_err("Commitment not secured."); /* Stash the channel_id so we can return it when finalized */ tok = json_get_member(buf, result, "channel_id"); fr->chanstr = json_strdup(fr, buf, tok); ret = json_out_new(NULL); json_out_start(ret, NULL, '{'); json_out_addstr(ret, "txid", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_txid, &fr->tx_id)); json_out_end(ret, '}'); return send_outreq(cmd, "txsend", finish, tx_abort, fr, take(ret)); } static struct command_result *tx_prepare_done(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct funding_req *fr) { const jsmntok_t *txid_tok; const jsmntok_t *tx_tok; struct json_out *ret; const struct bitcoin_tx *tx; const char *hex; u32 outnum; bool outnum_found; txid_tok = json_get_member(buf, result, "txid"); if (!txid_tok) plugin_err("txprepare missing 'txid' field"); tx_tok = json_get_member(buf, result, "unsigned_tx"); if (!tx_tok) plugin_err("txprepare missing 'unsigned_tx' field"); hex = json_strdup(tmpctx, buf, tx_tok); tx = bitcoin_tx_from_hex(fr, hex, strlen(hex)); if (!tx) plugin_err("Unable to parse tx %s", hex); /* Find the txout */ outnum_found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < tx->wtx->num_outputs; i++) { const u8 *output_script = bitcoin_tx_output_get_script(fr, tx, i); if (scripteq(output_script, fr->out_script)) { outnum = i; outnum_found = true; break; } } if (!outnum_found) plugin_err("txprepare doesn't include our funding output. " "tx: %s, output: %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_tx, tx), tal_hex(tmpctx, fr->out_script)); hex = json_strdup(tmpctx, buf, txid_tok); if (!bitcoin_txid_from_hex(hex, strlen(hex), &fr->tx_id)) plugin_err("Unable to parse txid %s", hex); ret = json_out_new(NULL); json_out_start(ret, NULL, '{'); json_out_addstr(ret, "id", node_id_to_hexstr(tmpctx, fr->id)); /* Note that hex is reused from above */ json_out_addstr(ret, "txid", hex); json_out_add(ret, "txout", false, "%u", outnum); json_out_end(ret, '}'); return send_outreq(cmd, "fundchannel_complete", send_tx, tx_abort, fr, take(ret)); } static struct command_result *cancel_start(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *error, struct funding_req *fr) { struct json_out *ret; /* We stash the error so we can return it after we've cleaned up */ fr->error = json_strdup(fr, buf, error); ret = json_out_new(NULL); json_out_start(ret, NULL, '{'); json_out_addstr(ret, "id", node_id_to_hexstr(tmpctx, fr->id)); json_out_end(ret, '}'); return send_outreq(cmd, "fundchannel_cancel", send_prior, send_prior, fr, take(ret)); } static struct json_out *txprepare(struct command *cmd, struct funding_req *fr, const char *destination) { struct json_out *ret; ret = json_out_new(NULL); json_out_start(ret, NULL, '{'); /* Add the 'outputs' */ json_out_start(ret, "outputs", '['); json_out_start(ret, NULL, '{'); json_out_addstr(ret, destination, fr->funding_str); json_out_end(ret, '}'); json_out_end(ret, ']'); if (fr->feerate_str) json_out_addstr(ret, "feerate", fr->feerate_str); if (fr->minconf) json_out_add(ret, "minconf", false, "%u", *fr->minconf); if (fr->utxo_str) json_out_add_raw_len(ret, "utxos", fr->utxo_str, strlen(fr->utxo_str)); json_out_end(ret, '}'); return ret; } static struct command_result *prepare_actual(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct funding_req *fr) { struct json_out *ret; ret = txprepare(cmd, fr, fr->funding_addr); return send_outreq(cmd, "txprepare", tx_prepare_done, cancel_start, fr, take(ret)); } static struct command_result *fundchannel_start_done(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct funding_req *fr) { struct json_out *ret; /* Save the outscript so we can fund the outnum later */ fr->out_script = json_tok_bin_from_hex(fr, buf, json_get_member(buf, result, "scriptpubkey")); /* Save the funding address, we'll need it later */ fr->funding_addr = json_strdup(cmd, buf, json_get_member(buf, result, "funding_address")); /* Now that we're ready to go, cancel the reserved tx */ ret = json_out_new(NULL); json_out_start(ret, NULL, '{'); json_out_addstr(ret, "txid", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_txid, &fr->tx_id)); json_out_end(ret, '}'); return send_outreq(cmd, "txdiscard", prepare_actual, cancel_start, fr, take(ret)); } static struct command_result *fundchannel_start(struct command *cmd, struct funding_req *fr) { struct json_out *ret = json_out_new(NULL); json_out_start(ret, NULL, '{'); json_out_addstr(ret, "id", node_id_to_hexstr(tmpctx, fr->id)); json_out_addstr(ret, "satoshi", fr->funding_str); if (fr->feerate_str) json_out_addstr(ret, "feerate", fr->feerate_str); if (fr->announce_channel) json_out_addbool(ret, "announce", *fr->announce_channel); json_out_end(ret, '}'); json_out_finished(ret); /* FIXME: as a nice feature, we should check that the peer * you want to connect to is connected first. if not, we should * connect and then call fundchannel start! */ return send_outreq(cmd, "fundchannel_start", fundchannel_start_done, tx_abort, fr, take(ret)); } static struct command_result *tx_prepare_dryrun(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, struct funding_req *fr) { const struct bitcoin_tx *tx; const char *hex; struct amount_sat funding; bool funding_found; u8 *placeholder = tal_hexdata(tmpctx, placeholder_script, strlen(placeholder_script)); /* Stash the 'reserved' txid to unreserve later */ hex = json_strdup(tmpctx, buf, json_get_member(buf, result, "txid")); if (!bitcoin_txid_from_hex(hex, strlen(hex), &fr->tx_id)) plugin_err("Unable to parse reserved txid %s", hex); hex = json_strdup(tmpctx, buf, json_get_member(buf, result, "unsigned_tx")); tx = bitcoin_tx_from_hex(fr, hex, strlen(hex)); /* Find the funding amount */ funding_found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < tx->wtx->num_outputs; i++) { const u8 *output_script = bitcoin_tx_output_get_script(tmpctx, tx, i); if (scripteq(output_script, placeholder)) { funding = bitcoin_tx_output_get_amount(tx, i); funding_found = true; break; } } if (!funding_found) plugin_err("Error creating placebo funding tx, funding_out not found. %s", hex); /* Update funding to actual amount */ if (fr->funding_all && amount_sat_greater(funding, max_funding)) funding = max_funding; fr->funding_str = type_to_string(fr, struct amount_sat, &funding); return fundchannel_start(cmd, fr); } static struct command_result *json_fundchannel(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct funding_req *fr = tal(cmd, struct funding_req); struct json_out *ret; if (!param(cmd, buf, params, p_req("id", param_node_id, &fr->id), p_req("satoshi", param_string, &fr->funding_str), p_opt("feerate", param_string, &fr->feerate_str), p_opt_def("announce", param_bool, &fr->announce_channel, true), p_opt_def("minconf", param_number, &fr->minconf, 1), p_opt("utxos", param_string, &fr->utxo_str), NULL)) return NULL; fr->funding_all = streq(fr->funding_str, "all"); /* First we do a 'dry-run' of txprepare, so we can get * an accurate idea of the funding amount */ ret = txprepare(cmd, fr, placeholder_funding_addr); return send_outreq(cmd, "txprepare", tx_prepare_dryrun, forward_error, fr, take(ret)); } static void init(struct plugin_conn *rpc, const char *buf UNUSED, const jsmntok_t *config UNUSED) { /* This method left intentionally blank. */ } // id, satoshi, feerate, announce, minconf, utxos static const struct plugin_command commands[] = { { "fc", "channels", "Fund channel with {id} using {satoshi} (or 'all'), at optional {feerate}. " "Only use outputs that have {minconf} confirmations.", "Initiaties a channel open with node 'id'. Must " "be connected to the node and have enough funds available at the requested minimum confirmation " "depth (minconf)", json_fundchannel } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setup_locale(); plugin_main(argv, init, PLUGIN_RESTARTABLE, commands, ARRAY_SIZE(commands), NULL); }