#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define READ_CHUNKSIZE 4096 bool deprecated_apis; struct plugin_timer { struct timer timer; void (*cb)(void *cb_arg); void *cb_arg; }; struct rpc_conn { int fd; MEMBUF(char) mb; }; struct plugin { /* lightningd interaction */ struct io_conn *stdin_conn; struct io_conn *stdout_conn; /* To read from lightningd */ char *buffer; size_t used, len_read; /* To write to lightningd */ struct json_stream **js_arr; /* Asynchronous RPC interaction */ struct io_conn *io_rpc_conn; struct json_stream **rpc_js_arr; char *rpc_buffer; size_t rpc_used, rpc_len_read; /* Tracking async RPC requests */ UINTMAP(struct out_req *) out_reqs; u64 next_outreq_id; /* Synchronous RPC interaction */ struct rpc_conn *rpc_conn; /* Plugin informations */ enum plugin_restartability restartability; const struct plugin_command *commands; size_t num_commands; const struct plugin_notification *notif_subs; size_t num_notif_subs; const struct plugin_hook *hook_subs; size_t num_hook_subs; struct plugin_option *opts; /* Anything special to do at init ? */ void (*init)(struct plugin *p, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *); /* Has the manifest been sent already ? */ bool manifested; /* Has init been received ? */ bool initialized; /* Map from json command names to usage strings: we don't put this inside * struct json_command as it's good practice to have those const. */ STRMAP(const char *) usagemap; /* Timers */ struct timers timers; size_t in_timer; /* Feature set for lightningd */ struct feature_set *our_features; }; /* command_result is mainly used as a compile-time check to encourage you * to return as soon as you get one (and not risk use-after-free of command). * Here we use two values: complete (cmd freed) and pending (still going) */ struct command_result { char c; }; static struct command_result complete, pending; struct command_result *command_param_failed(void) { return &complete; } static void ld_send(struct plugin *plugin, struct json_stream *stream) { tal_steal(plugin->js_arr, stream); tal_arr_expand(&plugin->js_arr, stream); io_wake(plugin); } static void ld_rpc_send(struct plugin *plugin, struct json_stream *stream) { tal_steal(plugin->rpc_js_arr, stream); tal_arr_expand(&plugin->rpc_js_arr, stream); io_wake(plugin->io_rpc_conn); } /* FIXME: Move lightningd/jsonrpc to common/ ? */ struct out_req * jsonrpc_request_start_(struct plugin *plugin, struct command *cmd, const char *method, struct command_result *(*cb)(struct command *command, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, void *arg), struct command_result *(*errcb)(struct command *command, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, void *arg), void *arg) { struct out_req *out; out = tal(plugin, struct out_req); out->id = plugin->next_outreq_id++; out->cmd = cmd; out->cb = cb; out->errcb = errcb; out->arg = arg; uintmap_add(&plugin->out_reqs, out->id, out); out->js = new_json_stream(NULL, cmd, NULL); json_object_start(out->js, NULL); json_add_string(out->js, "jsonrpc", "2.0"); json_add_u64(out->js, "id", out->id); json_add_string(out->js, "method", method); json_object_start(out->js, "params"); return out; } const struct feature_set *plugin_feature_set(const struct plugin *p) { return p->our_features; } static void jsonrpc_finish_and_send(struct plugin *p, struct json_stream *js) { json_object_compat_end(js); json_stream_close(js, NULL); ld_send(p, js); } static struct json_stream *jsonrpc_stream_start(struct command *cmd) { struct json_stream *js = new_json_stream(cmd, cmd, NULL); json_object_start(js, NULL); json_add_string(js, "jsonrpc", "2.0"); json_add_u64(js, "id", *cmd->id); return js; } struct json_stream *jsonrpc_stream_success(struct command *cmd) { struct json_stream *js = jsonrpc_stream_start(cmd); json_object_start(js, "result"); return js; } struct json_stream *jsonrpc_stream_fail(struct command *cmd, int code, const char *err) { struct json_stream *js = jsonrpc_stream_start(cmd); json_object_start(js, "error"); json_add_member(js, "code", false, "%d", code); json_add_string(js, "message", err); return js; } struct json_stream *jsonrpc_stream_fail_data(struct command *cmd, int code, const char *err) { struct json_stream *js = jsonrpc_stream_fail(cmd, code, err); json_object_start(js, "data"); return js; } static struct command_result *command_complete(struct command *cmd, struct json_stream *result) { /* Global object */ json_object_compat_end(result); json_stream_close(result, cmd); ld_send(cmd->plugin, result); tal_free(cmd); return &complete; } struct command_result *WARN_UNUSED_RESULT command_finished(struct command *cmd, struct json_stream *response) { /* "result" or "error" object */ json_object_end(response); return command_complete(cmd, response); } struct command_result *WARN_UNUSED_RESULT command_still_pending(struct command *cmd) { return &pending; } struct json_out *json_out_obj(const tal_t *ctx, const char *fieldname, const char *str) { struct json_out *jout = json_out_new(ctx); json_out_start(jout, NULL, '{'); if (str) json_out_addstr(jout, fieldname, str); json_out_end(jout, '}'); json_out_finished(jout); return jout; } /* Realloc helper for tal membufs */ static void *membuf_tal_realloc(struct membuf *mb, void *rawelems, size_t newsize) { char *p = rawelems; tal_resize(&p, newsize); return p; } static int read_json_from_rpc(struct plugin *p) { char *end; /* We rely on the double-\n marker which only terminates JSON top * levels. Thanks lightningd! */ while ((end = memmem(membuf_elems(&p->rpc_conn->mb), membuf_num_elems(&p->rpc_conn->mb), "\n\n", 2)) == NULL) { ssize_t r; /* Make sure we've room for at least READ_CHUNKSIZE. */ membuf_prepare_space(&p->rpc_conn->mb, READ_CHUNKSIZE); r = read(p->rpc_conn->fd, membuf_space(&p->rpc_conn->mb), membuf_num_space(&p->rpc_conn->mb)); /* lightningd goes away, we go away. */ if (r == 0) exit(0); if (r < 0) plugin_err(p, "Reading JSON input: %s", strerror(errno)); membuf_added(&p->rpc_conn->mb, r); } return end + 2 - membuf_elems(&p->rpc_conn->mb); } /* This starts a JSON RPC message with boilerplate */ static struct json_out *start_json_rpc(const tal_t *ctx, u64 id) { struct json_out *jout = json_out_new(ctx); json_out_start(jout, NULL, '{'); json_out_addstr(jout, "jsonrpc", "2.0"); json_out_add(jout, "id", false, "%"PRIu64, id); return jout; } /* This closes a JSON response and writes it out. */ static void finish_and_send_json(int fd, struct json_out *jout) { size_t len; const char *p; json_out_end(jout, '}'); /* We double-\n terminate. Don't need to, but it's more readable. */ memcpy(json_out_direct(jout, 2), "\n\n", 2); json_out_finished(jout); p = json_out_contents(jout, &len); write_all(fd, p, len); json_out_consume(jout, len); } /* str is raw JSON from RPC output. */ static struct command_result *WARN_UNUSED_RESULT command_done_raw(struct command *cmd, const char *label, const char *str, int size) { struct json_stream *js = jsonrpc_stream_start(cmd); memcpy(json_out_member_direct(js->jout, label, size), str, size); return command_complete(cmd, js); } struct command_result *WARN_UNUSED_RESULT command_success(struct command *cmd, const struct json_out *result) { struct json_stream *js = jsonrpc_stream_start(cmd); json_out_add_splice(js->jout, "result", result); return command_complete(cmd, js); } struct command_result *WARN_UNUSED_RESULT command_success_str(struct command *cmd, const char *str) { struct json_stream *js = jsonrpc_stream_start(cmd); if (str) json_add_string(js, "result", str); else { /* Use an empty object if they don't want anything. */ json_object_start(js, "result"); json_object_end(js); } return command_complete(cmd, js); } struct command_result *command_done_err(struct command *cmd, errcode_t code, const char *errmsg, const struct json_out *data) { struct json_stream *js = jsonrpc_stream_start(cmd); json_object_start(js, "error"); json_add_errcode(js, "code", code); json_add_string(js, "message", errmsg); if (data) json_out_add_splice(js->jout, "data", data); json_object_end(js); return command_complete(cmd, js); } struct command_result *command_err_raw(struct command *cmd, const char *json_str) { return command_done_raw(cmd, "error", json_str, strlen(json_str)); } struct command_result *timer_complete(struct plugin *p) { assert(p->in_timer > 0); p->in_timer--; return &complete; } struct command_result *forward_error(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *error, void *arg UNNEEDED) { /* Push through any errors. */ return command_done_raw(cmd, "error", buf + error->start, error->end - error->start); } struct command_result *forward_result(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *result, void *arg UNNEEDED) { /* Push through the result. */ return command_done_raw(cmd, "result", buf + result->start, result->end - result->start); } /* Called by param() directly if it's malformed. */ struct command_result *command_fail(struct command *cmd, errcode_t code, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; struct command_result *res; va_start(ap, fmt); res = command_done_err(cmd, code, tal_vfmt(cmd, fmt, ap), NULL); va_end(ap); return res; } /* We invoke param for usage at registration time. */ bool command_usage_only(const struct command *cmd) { return cmd->usage_only; } /* FIXME: would be good to support this! */ bool command_check_only(const struct command *cmd) { return false; } void command_set_usage(struct command *cmd, const char *usage TAKES) { usage = tal_strdup(NULL, usage); if (!strmap_add(&cmd->plugin->usagemap, cmd->methodname, usage)) plugin_err(cmd->plugin, "Two usages for command %s?", cmd->methodname); } /* Reads rpc reply and returns tokens, setting contents to 'error' or * 'result' (depending on *error). */ static const jsmntok_t *read_rpc_reply(const tal_t *ctx, struct plugin *plugin, const jsmntok_t **contents, bool *error, int *reqlen) { const jsmntok_t *toks; bool valid; *reqlen = read_json_from_rpc(plugin); toks = json_parse_input(ctx, membuf_elems(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb), *reqlen, &valid); if (!valid) plugin_err(plugin, "Malformed JSON reply '%.*s'", *reqlen, membuf_elems(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb)); *contents = json_get_member(membuf_elems(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb), toks, "error"); if (*contents) *error = true; else { *contents = json_get_member(membuf_elems(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb), toks, "result"); if (!*contents) plugin_err(plugin, "JSON reply with no 'result' nor 'error'? '%.*s'", *reqlen, membuf_elems(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb)); *error = false; } return toks; } static struct json_out *start_json_request(const tal_t *ctx, u64 id, const char *method, const struct json_out *params TAKES) { struct json_out *jout; jout = start_json_rpc(tmpctx, id); json_out_addstr(jout, "method", method); json_out_add_splice(jout, "params", params); if (taken(params)) tal_free(params); return jout; } /* Synchronous routine to send command and extract single field from response */ const char *rpc_delve(const tal_t *ctx, struct plugin *plugin, const char *method, const struct json_out *params TAKES, const char *guide) { bool error; const jsmntok_t *contents, *t; int reqlen; const char *ret; struct json_out *jout; jout = start_json_request(tmpctx, 0, method, params); finish_and_send_json(plugin->rpc_conn->fd, jout); read_rpc_reply(tmpctx, plugin, &contents, &error, &reqlen); if (error) plugin_err(plugin, "Got error reply to %s: '%.*s'", method, reqlen, membuf_elems(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb)); t = json_delve(membuf_elems(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb), contents, guide); if (!t) plugin_err(plugin, "Could not find %s in reply to %s: '%.*s'", guide, method, reqlen, membuf_elems(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb)); ret = json_strdup(ctx, membuf_elems(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb), t); membuf_consume(&plugin->rpc_conn->mb, reqlen); return ret; } static void handle_rpc_reply(struct plugin *plugin, const jsmntok_t *toks) { const jsmntok_t *idtok, *contenttok; struct out_req *out; struct command_result *res; u64 id; idtok = json_get_member(plugin->rpc_buffer, toks, "id"); if (!idtok) plugin_err(plugin, "JSON reply without id '%.*s'", json_tok_full_len(toks), json_tok_full(plugin->rpc_buffer, toks)); if (!json_to_u64(plugin->rpc_buffer, idtok, &id)) plugin_err(plugin, "JSON reply without numeric id '%.*s'", json_tok_full_len(toks), json_tok_full(plugin->rpc_buffer, toks)); out = uintmap_get(&plugin->out_reqs, id); if (!out) plugin_err(plugin, "JSON reply with unknown id '%.*s' (%"PRIu64")", json_tok_full_len(toks), json_tok_full(plugin->rpc_buffer, toks), id); /* We want to free this if callback doesn't. */ tal_steal(tmpctx, out); uintmap_del(&plugin->out_reqs, out->id); contenttok = json_get_member(plugin->rpc_buffer, toks, "error"); if (contenttok) res = out->errcb(out->cmd, plugin->rpc_buffer, contenttok, out->arg); else { contenttok = json_get_member(plugin->rpc_buffer, toks, "result"); if (!contenttok) plugin_err(plugin, "Bad JSONRPC, no 'error' nor 'result': '%.*s'", json_tok_full_len(toks), json_tok_full(plugin->rpc_buffer, toks)); res = out->cb(out->cmd, plugin->rpc_buffer, contenttok, out->arg); } assert(res == &pending || res == &complete); } struct command_result * send_outreq(struct plugin *plugin, const struct out_req *req) { /* The "param" object. */ json_object_end(req->js); json_object_compat_end(req->js); json_stream_close(req->js, req->cmd); ld_rpc_send(plugin, req->js); return &pending; } static struct command_result * handle_getmanifest(struct command *getmanifest_cmd) { struct json_stream *params = jsonrpc_stream_success(getmanifest_cmd); struct plugin *p = getmanifest_cmd->plugin; json_array_start(params, "options"); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(p->opts); i++) { json_object_start(params, NULL); json_add_string(params, "name", p->opts[i].name); json_add_string(params, "type", p->opts[i].type); json_add_string(params, "description", p->opts[i].description); json_object_end(params); } json_array_end(params); json_array_start(params, "rpcmethods"); for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_commands; i++) { json_object_start(params, NULL); json_add_string(params, "name", p->commands[i].name); json_add_string(params, "usage", strmap_get(&p->usagemap, p->commands[i].name)); json_add_string(params, "description", p->commands[i].description); if (p->commands[i].long_description) json_add_string(params, "long_description", p->commands[i].long_description); json_object_end(params); } json_array_end(params); json_array_start(params, "subscriptions"); for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_notif_subs; i++) json_add_string(params, NULL, p->notif_subs[i].name); json_array_end(params); json_array_start(params, "hooks"); for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_hook_subs; i++) json_add_string(params, NULL, p->hook_subs[i].name); json_array_end(params); if (p->our_features != NULL) { json_object_start(params, "featurebits"); for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_FEATURE_PLACE; i++) { u8 *f = p->our_features->bits[i]; const char *fieldname = feature_place_names[i]; if (fieldname == NULL) continue; json_add_hex(params, fieldname, f, tal_bytelen(f)); } json_object_end(params); } json_add_bool(params, "dynamic", p->restartability == PLUGIN_RESTARTABLE); return command_finished(getmanifest_cmd, params); } static void rpc_conn_finished(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin) { plugin_err(plugin, "Lost connection to the RPC socket."); } static bool rpc_read_response_one(struct plugin *plugin) { bool valid; const jsmntok_t *toks, *jrtok; /* FIXME: This could be done more efficiently by storing the * toks and doing an incremental parse, like lightning-cli * does. */ toks = json_parse_input(NULL, plugin->rpc_buffer, plugin->rpc_used, &valid); if (!toks) { if (!valid) { plugin_err(plugin, "Failed to parse RPC JSON response '%.*s'", (int)plugin->rpc_used, plugin->rpc_buffer); return false; } /* We need more. */ return false; } /* Empty buffer? (eg. just whitespace). */ if (tal_count(toks) == 1) { plugin->rpc_used = 0; return false; } jrtok = json_get_member(plugin->rpc_buffer, toks, "jsonrpc"); if (!jrtok) { plugin_err(plugin, "JSON-RPC message does not contain \"jsonrpc\" field: '%.*s'", (int)plugin->rpc_used, plugin->rpc_buffer); return false; } handle_rpc_reply(plugin, toks); /* Move this object out of the buffer */ memmove(plugin->rpc_buffer, plugin->rpc_buffer + toks[0].end, tal_count(plugin->rpc_buffer) - toks[0].end); plugin->rpc_used -= toks[0].end; tal_free(toks); return true; } static struct io_plan *rpc_conn_read_response(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin) { plugin->rpc_used += plugin->rpc_len_read; if (plugin->rpc_used == tal_count(plugin->rpc_buffer)) tal_resize(&plugin->rpc_buffer, plugin->rpc_used * 2); /* Read and process all messages from the connection */ while (rpc_read_response_one(plugin)) ; /* Read more, if there is. */ return io_read_partial(plugin->io_rpc_conn, plugin->rpc_buffer + plugin->rpc_used, tal_bytelen(plugin->rpc_buffer) - plugin->rpc_used, &plugin->rpc_len_read, rpc_conn_read_response, plugin); } static struct io_plan *rpc_conn_write_request(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin); static struct io_plan * rpc_stream_complete(struct io_conn *conn, struct json_stream *js, struct plugin *plugin) { assert(tal_count(plugin->rpc_js_arr) > 0); /* Remove js and shift all remaining over */ tal_arr_remove(&plugin->rpc_js_arr, 0); /* It got dropped off the queue, free it. */ tal_free(js); return rpc_conn_write_request(conn, plugin); } static struct io_plan *rpc_conn_write_request(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin) { if (tal_count(plugin->rpc_js_arr) > 0) return json_stream_output(plugin->rpc_js_arr[0], conn, rpc_stream_complete, plugin); return io_out_wait(conn, plugin->io_rpc_conn, rpc_conn_write_request, plugin); } static struct io_plan *rpc_conn_init(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin) { plugin->io_rpc_conn = conn; io_set_finish(conn, rpc_conn_finished, plugin); return io_duplex(conn, rpc_conn_read_response(conn, plugin), rpc_conn_write_request(conn, plugin)); } static struct feature_set *json_to_feature_set(struct plugin *plugin, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *features) { struct feature_set *fset = talz(plugin, struct feature_set); const jsmntok_t *t; size_t i; json_for_each_obj(i, t, features) { enum feature_place p; if (json_tok_streq(buf, t, "init")) p = INIT_FEATURE; else if (json_tok_streq(buf, t, "node")) p = NODE_ANNOUNCE_FEATURE; else if (json_tok_streq(buf, t, "channel")) p = CHANNEL_FEATURE; else if (json_tok_streq(buf, t, "invoice")) p = BOLT11_FEATURE; else continue; fset->bits[p] = json_tok_bin_from_hex(fset, buf, t + 1); } return fset; } static struct command_result *handle_init(struct command *cmd, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *params) { const jsmntok_t *configtok, *rpctok, *dirtok, *opttok, *nettok, *fsettok, *t; struct sockaddr_un addr; size_t i; char *dir, *network; struct json_out *param_obj; struct plugin *p = cmd->plugin; bool with_rpc = true; configtok = json_delve(buf, params, ".configuration"); /* Move into lightning directory: other files are relative */ dirtok = json_delve(buf, configtok, ".lightning-dir"); dir = json_strdup(tmpctx, buf, dirtok); if (chdir(dir) != 0) plugin_err(p, "chdir to %s: %s", dir, strerror(errno)); nettok = json_delve(buf, configtok, ".network"); network = json_strdup(tmpctx, buf, nettok); chainparams = chainparams_for_network(network); fsettok = json_delve(buf, configtok, ".feature_set"); p->our_features = json_to_feature_set(p, buf, fsettok); rpctok = json_delve(buf, configtok, ".rpc-file"); p->rpc_conn->fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (rpctok->end - rpctok->start + 1 > sizeof(addr.sun_path)) plugin_err(p, "rpc filename '%.*s' too long", rpctok->end - rpctok->start, buf + rpctok->start); memcpy(addr.sun_path, buf + rpctok->start, rpctok->end - rpctok->start); addr.sun_path[rpctok->end - rpctok->start] = '\0'; addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (connect(p->rpc_conn->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0) { with_rpc = false; plugin_log(p, LOG_UNUSUAL, "Could not connect to '%.*s': %s", rpctok->end - rpctok->start, buf + rpctok->start, strerror(errno)); } else { param_obj = json_out_obj(NULL, "config", "allow-deprecated-apis"); deprecated_apis = streq(rpc_delve(tmpctx, p, "listconfigs", take(param_obj), ".allow-deprecated-apis"), "true"); } opttok = json_get_member(buf, params, "options"); json_for_each_obj(i, t, opttok) { char *opt = json_strdup(NULL, buf, t); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(p->opts); i++) { char *problem; if (!streq(p->opts[i].name, opt)) continue; problem = p->opts[i].handle(json_strdup(opt, buf, t+1), p->opts[i].arg); if (problem) plugin_err(p, "option '%s': %s", p->opts[i].name, problem); break; } tal_free(opt); } if (p->init) p->init(p, buf, configtok); if (with_rpc) io_new_conn(p, p->rpc_conn->fd, rpc_conn_init, p); return command_success_str(cmd, NULL); } char *u64_option(const char *arg, u64 *i) { char *endp; /* This is how the manpage says to do it. Yech. */ errno = 0; *i = strtol(arg, &endp, 0); if (*endp || !arg[0]) return tal_fmt(NULL, "'%s' is not a number", arg); if (errno) return tal_fmt(NULL, "'%s' is out of range", arg); return NULL; } char *u32_option(const char *arg, u32 *i) { char *endp; u64 n; errno = 0; n = strtoul(arg, &endp, 0); if (*endp || !arg[0]) return tal_fmt(NULL, "'%s' is not a number", arg); if (errno) return tal_fmt(NULL, "'%s' is out of range", arg); *i = n; if (*i != n) return tal_fmt(NULL, "'%s' is too large (overflow)", arg); return NULL; } char *charp_option(const char *arg, char **p) { *p = tal_strdup(NULL, arg); return NULL; } static void setup_command_usage(struct plugin *p) { struct command *usage_cmd = tal(tmpctx, struct command); /* This is how common/param can tell it's just a usage request */ usage_cmd->usage_only = true; usage_cmd->plugin = p; for (size_t i = 0; i < p->num_commands; i++) { struct command_result *res; usage_cmd->methodname = p->commands[i].name; res = p->commands[i].handle(usage_cmd, NULL, NULL); assert(res == &complete); assert(strmap_get(&p->usagemap, p->commands[i].name)); } } static void call_plugin_timer(struct plugin *p, struct timer *timer) { struct plugin_timer *t = container_of(timer, struct plugin_timer, timer); p->in_timer++; /* Free this if they don't. */ tal_steal(tmpctx, t); t->cb(t->cb_arg); } static void destroy_plugin_timer(struct plugin_timer *timer, struct plugin *p) { timer_del(&p->timers, &timer->timer); } struct plugin_timer *plugin_timer_(struct plugin *p, struct timerel t, void (*cb)(void *cb_arg), void *cb_arg) { struct plugin_timer *timer = tal(NULL, struct plugin_timer); timer->cb = cb; timer->cb_arg = cb_arg; timer_init(&timer->timer); timer_addrel(&p->timers, &timer->timer, t); tal_add_destructor2(timer, destroy_plugin_timer, p); return timer; } static void plugin_logv(struct plugin *p, enum log_level l, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { struct json_stream *js = new_json_stream(NULL, NULL, NULL); json_object_start(js, NULL); json_add_string(js, "jsonrpc", "2.0"); json_add_string(js, "method", "log"); json_object_start(js, "params"); json_add_string(js, "level", l == LOG_DBG ? "debug" : l == LOG_INFORM ? "info" : l == LOG_UNUSUAL ? "warn" : "error"); json_out_addv(js->jout, "message", true, fmt, ap); json_object_end(js); jsonrpc_finish_and_send(p, js); } void NORETURN plugin_err(struct plugin *p, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); plugin_logv(p, LOG_BROKEN, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); va_start(ap, fmt); errx(1, "%s", tal_vfmt(NULL, fmt, ap)); va_end(ap); } void plugin_log(struct plugin *p, enum log_level l, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); plugin_logv(p, l, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } static void ld_command_handle(struct plugin *plugin, struct command *cmd, const jsmntok_t *toks) { const jsmntok_t *idtok, *methtok, *paramstok; idtok = json_get_member(plugin->buffer, toks, "id"); methtok = json_get_member(plugin->buffer, toks, "method"); paramstok = json_get_member(plugin->buffer, toks, "params"); if (!methtok || !paramstok) plugin_err(plugin, "Malformed JSON-RPC notification missing " "\"method\" or \"params\": %.*s", json_tok_full_len(toks), json_tok_full(plugin->buffer, toks)); cmd->plugin = plugin; cmd->id = NULL; cmd->usage_only = false; cmd->methodname = json_strdup(cmd, plugin->buffer, methtok); if (idtok) { cmd->id = tal(cmd, u64); if (!json_to_u64(plugin->buffer, idtok, cmd->id)) plugin_err(plugin, "JSON id '%*.s' is not a number", json_tok_full_len(idtok), json_tok_full(plugin->buffer, idtok)); } if (!plugin->manifested) { if (streq(cmd->methodname, "getmanifest")) { handle_getmanifest(cmd); plugin->manifested = true; return; } plugin_err(plugin, "Did not receive 'getmanifest' yet, but got '%s'" " instead", cmd->methodname); } if (!plugin->initialized) { if (streq(cmd->methodname, "init")) { handle_init(cmd, plugin->buffer, paramstok); plugin->initialized = true; return; } plugin_err(plugin, "Did not receive 'init' yet, but got '%s'" " instead", cmd->methodname); } /* If that's a notification. */ if (!cmd->id) { for (size_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_notif_subs; i++) { if (streq(cmd->methodname, plugin->notif_subs[i].name)) { plugin->notif_subs[i].handle(cmd, plugin->buffer, paramstok); return; } } plugin_err(plugin, "Unregistered notification %.*s", json_tok_full_len(methtok), json_tok_full(plugin->buffer, methtok)); } for (size_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_hook_subs; i++) { if (streq(cmd->methodname, plugin->hook_subs[i].name)) { plugin->hook_subs[i].handle(cmd, plugin->buffer, paramstok); return; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < plugin->num_commands; i++) { if (streq(cmd->methodname, plugin->commands[i].name)) { plugin->commands[i].handle(cmd, plugin->buffer, paramstok); return; } } plugin_err(plugin, "Unknown command '%s'", cmd->methodname); } /** * Try to parse a complete message from lightningd's buffer, and return true * if we could handle it. */ static bool ld_read_json_one(struct plugin *plugin) { bool valid; const jsmntok_t *toks; struct command *cmd = tal(plugin, struct command); /* FIXME: This could be done more efficiently by storing the * toks and doing an incremental parse, like lightning-cli * does. */ toks = json_parse_input(NULL, plugin->buffer, plugin->used, &valid); if (!toks) { if (!valid) { plugin_err(plugin, "Failed to parse JSON response '%.*s'", (int)plugin->used, plugin->buffer); return false; } /* We need more. */ return false; } /* Empty buffer? (eg. just whitespace). */ if (tal_count(toks) == 1) { plugin->used = 0; return false; } /* FIXME: Spark doesn't create proper jsonrpc 2.0! So we don't * check for "jsonrpc" here. */ ld_command_handle(plugin, cmd, toks); /* Move this object out of the buffer */ memmove(plugin->buffer, plugin->buffer + toks[0].end, tal_count(plugin->buffer) - toks[0].end); plugin->used -= toks[0].end; tal_free(toks); return true; } static struct io_plan *ld_read_json(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin) { plugin->used += plugin->len_read; if (plugin->used && plugin->used == tal_count(plugin->buffer)) tal_resize(&plugin->buffer, plugin->used * 2); /* Read and process all messages from the connection */ while (ld_read_json_one(plugin)) ; /* Now read more from the connection */ return io_read_partial(plugin->stdin_conn, plugin->buffer + plugin->used, tal_count(plugin->buffer) - plugin->used, &plugin->len_read, ld_read_json, plugin); } static struct io_plan *ld_write_json(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin); static struct io_plan * ld_stream_complete(struct io_conn *conn, struct json_stream *js, struct plugin *plugin) { assert(tal_count(plugin->js_arr) > 0); /* Remove js and shift all remainig over */ tal_arr_remove(&plugin->js_arr, 0); /* It got dropped off the queue, free it. */ tal_free(js); return ld_write_json(conn, plugin); } static struct io_plan *ld_write_json(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin) { if (tal_count(plugin->js_arr) > 0) return json_stream_output(plugin->js_arr[0], plugin->stdout_conn, ld_stream_complete, plugin); return io_out_wait(conn, plugin, ld_write_json, plugin); } static void ld_conn_finish(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin) { /* Without one of the conns there is no reason to stay alive. That * certainly means lightningd died, since there is no cleaner way * to stop, return 0. */ exit(0); } /* lightningd writes on our stdin */ static struct io_plan *stdin_conn_init(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin) { plugin->stdin_conn = conn; io_set_finish(conn, ld_conn_finish, plugin); return io_read_partial(plugin->stdin_conn, plugin->buffer, tal_bytelen(plugin->buffer), &plugin->len_read, ld_read_json, plugin); } /* lightningd reads from our stdout */ static struct io_plan *stdout_conn_init(struct io_conn *conn, struct plugin *plugin) { plugin->stdout_conn = conn; io_set_finish(conn, ld_conn_finish, plugin); return io_wait(plugin->stdout_conn, plugin, ld_write_json, plugin); } static struct plugin *new_plugin(const tal_t *ctx, void (*init)(struct plugin *p, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *), const enum plugin_restartability restartability, struct feature_set *features, const struct plugin_command *commands, size_t num_commands, const struct plugin_notification *notif_subs, size_t num_notif_subs, const struct plugin_hook *hook_subs, size_t num_hook_subs, va_list ap) { const char *optname; struct plugin *p = tal(ctx, struct plugin); p->buffer = tal_arr(p, char, 64); p->js_arr = tal_arr(p, struct json_stream *, 0); p->used = 0; p->len_read = 0; /* Async RPC */ p->rpc_buffer = tal_arr(p, char, 64); p->rpc_js_arr = tal_arr(p, struct json_stream *, 0); p->rpc_used = 0; p->rpc_len_read = 0; p->next_outreq_id = 0; uintmap_init(&p->out_reqs); p->our_features = features; /* Sync RPC FIXME: maybe go full async ? */ p->rpc_conn = tal(p, struct rpc_conn); membuf_init(&p->rpc_conn->mb, tal_arr(p, char, READ_CHUNKSIZE), READ_CHUNKSIZE, membuf_tal_realloc); p->init = init; p->manifested = p->initialized = false; p->restartability = restartability; strmap_init(&p->usagemap); p->in_timer = 0; p->commands = commands; p->num_commands = num_commands; p->notif_subs = notif_subs; p->num_notif_subs = num_notif_subs; p->hook_subs = hook_subs; p->num_hook_subs = num_hook_subs; p->opts = tal_arr(p, struct plugin_option, 0); while ((optname = va_arg(ap, const char *)) != NULL) { struct plugin_option o; o.name = optname; o.type = va_arg(ap, const char *); o.description = va_arg(ap, const char *); o.handle = va_arg(ap, char *(*)(const char *str, void *arg)); o.arg = va_arg(ap, void *); tal_arr_expand(&p->opts, o); } return p; } void plugin_main(char *argv[], void (*init)(struct plugin *p, const char *buf, const jsmntok_t *), const enum plugin_restartability restartability, struct feature_set *features, const struct plugin_command *commands, size_t num_commands, const struct plugin_notification *notif_subs, size_t num_notif_subs, const struct plugin_hook *hook_subs, size_t num_hook_subs, ...) { struct plugin *plugin; va_list ap; setup_locale(); daemon_maybe_debug(argv); /* Note this already prints to stderr, which is enough for now */ daemon_setup(argv[0], NULL, NULL); va_start(ap, num_hook_subs); plugin = new_plugin(NULL, init, restartability, features, commands, num_commands, notif_subs, num_notif_subs, hook_subs, num_hook_subs, ap); va_end(ap); setup_command_usage(plugin); timers_init(&plugin->timers, time_mono()); io_new_conn(plugin, STDIN_FILENO, stdin_conn_init, plugin); io_new_conn(plugin, STDOUT_FILENO, stdout_conn_init, plugin); for (;;) { struct timer *expired = NULL; clean_tmpctx(); /* Will only exit if a timer has expired. */ io_loop(&plugin->timers, &expired); call_plugin_timer(plugin, expired); } tal_free(plugin); }