/* Code for JSON_RPC API */ /* eg: { "method" : "dev-echo", "params" : [ "hello", "Arabella!" ], "id" : "1" } */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct json_output { struct list_node list; const char *json; }; /* jcon and cmd have separate lifetimes: we detach them on either destruction */ static void destroy_jcon(struct json_connection *jcon) { log_debug(jcon->log, "Closing (%s)", strerror(errno)); if (jcon->current) { log_unusual(jcon->log, "Abandoning current command"); jcon->current->jcon = NULL; } /* Make sure this happens last! */ tal_free(jcon->log); } static void destroy_cmd(struct command *cmd) { if (cmd->jcon) cmd->jcon->current = NULL; } static void json_help(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params); static const struct json_command help_command = { "help", json_help, "describe commands", "[] if specified gives details about a single command." }; AUTODATA(json_command, &help_command); static void json_stop(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); /* This can't have closed yet! */ cmd->jcon->stop = true; json_add_string(response, NULL, "Shutting down"); command_success(cmd, response); } static const struct json_command stop_command = { "stop", json_stop, "Shutdown the lightningd process", "What part of shutdown wasn't clear?" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &stop_command); struct log_info { enum log_level level; struct json_result *response; unsigned int num_skipped; }; static void add_skipped(struct log_info *info) { if (info->num_skipped) { json_object_start(info->response, NULL); json_add_string(info->response, "type", "SKIPPED"); json_add_num(info->response, "num_skipped", info->num_skipped); json_object_end(info->response); info->num_skipped = 0; } } static void json_add_time(struct json_result *result, const char *fieldname, struct timespec ts) { char timebuf[100]; sprintf(timebuf, "%lu.%09u", (unsigned long)ts.tv_sec, (unsigned)ts.tv_nsec); json_add_string(result, fieldname, timebuf); } static void log_to_json(unsigned int skipped, struct timerel diff, enum log_level level, const char *prefix, const char *log, struct log_info *info) { info->num_skipped += skipped; if (level < info->level) { info->num_skipped++; return; } add_skipped(info); json_object_start(info->response, NULL); json_add_string(info->response, "type", level == LOG_BROKEN ? "BROKEN" : level == LOG_UNUSUAL ? "UNUSUAL" : level == LOG_INFORM ? "INFO" : level == LOG_DBG ? "DEBUG" : level == LOG_IO ? "IO" : "UNKNOWN"); json_add_time(info->response, "time", diff.ts); json_add_string(info->response, "source", prefix); if (level == LOG_IO) { if (log[0]) json_add_string(info->response, "direction", "IN"); else json_add_string(info->response, "direction", "OUT"); json_add_hex(info->response, "data", log+1, tal_count(log)-1); } else json_add_string(info->response, "log", log); json_object_end(info->response); } static void json_getlog(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct log_info info; struct log_book *lr = cmd->ld->log_book; jsmntok_t *level; json_get_params(buffer, params, "?level", &level, NULL); info.num_skipped = 0; if (!level) info.level = LOG_INFORM; else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, level, "io")) info.level = LOG_IO; else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, level, "debug")) info.level = LOG_DBG; else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, level, "info")) info.level = LOG_INFORM; else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, level, "unusual")) info.level = LOG_UNUSUAL; else { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid level param"); return; } info.response = new_json_result(cmd); json_object_start(info.response, NULL); json_add_time(info.response, "creation_time", log_init_time(lr)->ts); json_add_num(info.response, "bytes_used", (unsigned int)log_used(lr)); json_add_num(info.response, "bytes_max", (unsigned int)log_max_mem(lr)); json_array_start(info.response, "log"); log_each_line(lr, log_to_json, &info); json_array_end(info.response); json_object_end(info.response); command_success(cmd, info.response); } static const struct json_command getlog_command = { "getlog", json_getlog, "Get logs, with optional level: [io|debug|info|unusual]", "Returns log array" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &getlog_command); static void json_rhash(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); jsmntok_t *secrettok; struct sha256 secret; if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "secret", &secrettok, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Need secret"); return; } if (!hex_decode(buffer + secrettok->start, secrettok->end - secrettok->start, &secret, sizeof(secret))) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid 32-byte hex value", (int)(secrettok->end - secrettok->start), buffer + secrettok->start); return; } /* Hash in place. */ sha256(&secret, &secret, sizeof(secret)); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_hex(response, "rhash", &secret, sizeof(secret)); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } static const struct json_command dev_rhash_command = { "dev-rhash", json_rhash, "SHA256 of {secret}", "Returns a hash value" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_rhash_command); static void json_crash(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { fatal("Crash at user request"); } static const struct json_command dev_crash_command = { "dev-crash", json_crash, "Call fatal().", "Simple crash test for developers" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &dev_crash_command); static void json_getinfo(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_pubkey(response, "id", &cmd->ld->id); /* FIXME: Keep netaddrs and list them all. */ if (cmd->ld->portnum) json_add_num(response, "port", cmd->ld->portnum); json_add_string(response, "network", get_chainparams(cmd->ld)->network_name); json_add_string(response, "version", version()); json_add_num(response, "blockheight", get_block_height(cmd->ld->topology)); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } static const struct json_command getinfo_command = { "getinfo", json_getinfo, "Get general information about this node", "Returns {id}, {port}, {testnet}, etc." }; AUTODATA(json_command, &getinfo_command); static size_t num_cmdlist; static struct json_command **get_cmdlist(void) { static struct json_command **cmdlist; if (!cmdlist) cmdlist = autodata_get(json_command, &num_cmdlist); return cmdlist; } static void json_help(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { unsigned int i; struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); struct json_command **cmdlist = get_cmdlist(); json_array_start(response, NULL); for (i = 0; i < num_cmdlist; i++) { json_add_object(response, "command", JSMN_STRING, cmdlist[i]->name, "description", JSMN_STRING, cmdlist[i]->description, NULL); } json_array_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } static const struct json_command *find_cmd(const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok) { unsigned int i; struct json_command **cmdlist = get_cmdlist(); /* cmdlist[i]->name can be NULL in test code. */ for (i = 0; i < num_cmdlist; i++) if (cmdlist[i]->name && json_tok_streq(buffer, tok, cmdlist[i]->name)) return cmdlist[i]; return NULL; } static void json_result(struct json_connection *jcon, const char *id, const char *res, const char *err) { struct json_output *out = tal(jcon, struct json_output); if (err == NULL) out->json = tal_fmt(out, "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", " "\"result\" : %s," " \"id\" : %s }\n", res, id); else out->json = tal_fmt(out, "{ \"jsonrpc\": \"2.0\", " " \"error\" : %s," " \"id\" : %s }\n", err, id); /* Queue for writing, and wake writer (and maybe reader). */ list_add_tail(&jcon->output, &out->list); io_wake(jcon); } struct json_result *null_response(const tal_t *ctx) { struct json_result *response; response = new_json_result(ctx); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_object_end(response); return response; } void json_add_pubkey(struct json_result *response, const char *fieldname, const struct pubkey *key) { u8 der[PUBKEY_DER_LEN]; pubkey_to_der(der, key); json_add_hex(response, fieldname, der, sizeof(der)); } bool json_tok_pubkey(const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, struct pubkey *pubkey) { return pubkey_from_hexstr(buffer + tok->start, tok->end - tok->start, pubkey); } void json_add_short_channel_id(struct json_result *response, const char *fieldname, const struct short_channel_id *id) { json_add_string(response, fieldname, type_to_string(response, struct short_channel_id, id)); } void json_add_address(struct json_result *response, const char *fieldname, const struct ipaddr *addr) { json_object_start(response, fieldname); char *addrstr = tal_arr(response, char, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); if (addr->type == ADDR_TYPE_IPV4) { inet_ntop(AF_INET, addr->addr, addrstr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); json_add_string(response, "type", "ipv4"); json_add_string(response, "address", addrstr); json_add_num(response, "port", addr->port); } else if (addr->type == ADDR_TYPE_IPV6) { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr->addr, addrstr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); json_add_string(response, "type", "ipv6"); json_add_string(response, "address", addrstr); json_add_num(response, "port", addr->port); } json_object_end(response); } void command_success(struct command *cmd, struct json_result *result) { struct json_connection *jcon = cmd->jcon; if (!jcon) { log_unusual(cmd->ld->log, "Command returned result after jcon close"); tal_free(cmd); return; } assert(jcon->current == cmd); json_result(jcon, cmd->id, json_result_string(result), NULL); log_debug(jcon->log, "Success"); jcon->current = tal_free(cmd); } void command_fail(struct command *cmd, const char *fmt, ...) { char *quote, *error; struct json_connection *jcon = cmd->jcon; va_list ap; if (!jcon) { log_unusual(cmd->ld->log, "Command failed after jcon close"); tal_free(cmd); return; } va_start(ap, fmt); error = tal_vfmt(cmd, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); log_debug(jcon->log, "Failing: %s", error); /* Remove " */ while ((quote = strchr(error, '"')) != NULL) *quote = '\''; /* Now surround in quotes. */ quote = tal_fmt(cmd, "\"%s\"", error); assert(jcon->current == cmd); json_result(jcon, cmd->id, NULL, quote); jcon->current = tal_free(cmd); } static void json_command_malformed(struct json_connection *jcon, const char *id, const char *error) { return json_result(jcon, id, NULL, error); } static void parse_request(struct json_connection *jcon, const jsmntok_t tok[]) { const jsmntok_t *method, *id, *params; const struct json_command *cmd; assert(!jcon->current); if (tok[0].type != JSMN_OBJECT) { json_command_malformed(jcon, "null", "Expected {} for json command"); return; } method = json_get_member(jcon->buffer, tok, "method"); params = json_get_member(jcon->buffer, tok, "params"); id = json_get_member(jcon->buffer, tok, "id"); if (!id) { json_command_malformed(jcon, "null", "No id"); return; } if (id->type != JSMN_STRING && id->type != JSMN_PRIMITIVE) { json_command_malformed(jcon, "null", "Expected string/primitive for id"); return; } /* This is a convenient tal parent for durarion of command * (which may outlive the conn!). */ jcon->current = tal(jcon->ld, struct command); jcon->current->jcon = jcon; jcon->current->ld = jcon->ld; jcon->current->id = tal_strndup(jcon->current, json_tok_contents(jcon->buffer, id), json_tok_len(id)); tal_add_destructor(jcon->current, destroy_cmd); if (!method || !params) { command_fail(jcon->current, method ? "No params" : "No method"); return; } if (method->type != JSMN_STRING) { command_fail(jcon->current, "Expected string for method"); return; } cmd = find_cmd(jcon->buffer, method); if (!cmd) { command_fail(jcon->current, "Unknown command '%.*s'", (int)(method->end - method->start), jcon->buffer + method->start); return; } if (params->type != JSMN_ARRAY && params->type != JSMN_OBJECT) { command_fail(jcon->current, "Expected array or object for params"); return; } cmd->dispatch(jcon->current, jcon->buffer, params); } static struct io_plan *write_json(struct io_conn *conn, struct json_connection *jcon) { struct json_output *out; out = list_pop(&jcon->output, struct json_output, list); if (!out) { if (jcon->stop) { log_unusual(jcon->log, "JSON-RPC shutdown"); /* Return us to toplevel lightningd.c */ io_break(jcon->ld); return io_close(conn); } /* Reader can go again now. */ io_wake(jcon); return io_out_wait(conn, jcon, write_json, jcon); } jcon->outbuf = tal_steal(jcon, out->json); tal_free(out); log_io(jcon->log, false, jcon->outbuf, strlen(jcon->outbuf)); return io_write(conn, jcon->outbuf, strlen(jcon->outbuf), write_json, jcon); } static struct io_plan *read_json(struct io_conn *conn, struct json_connection *jcon) { jsmntok_t *toks; bool valid; log_io(jcon->log, true, jcon->buffer + jcon->used, jcon->len_read); /* Resize larger if we're full. */ jcon->used += jcon->len_read; if (jcon->used == tal_count(jcon->buffer)) tal_resize(&jcon->buffer, jcon->used * 2); again: toks = json_parse_input(jcon->buffer, jcon->used, &valid); if (!toks) { if (!valid) { log_unusual(jcon->ld->log, "Invalid token in json input: '%.*s'", (int)jcon->used, jcon->buffer); return io_close(conn); } /* We need more. */ goto read_more; } /* Empty buffer? (eg. just whitespace). */ if (tal_count(toks) == 1) { jcon->used = 0; goto read_more; } parse_request(jcon, toks); /* Remove first {}. */ memmove(jcon->buffer, jcon->buffer + toks[0].end, tal_count(jcon->buffer) - toks[0].end); jcon->used -= toks[0].end; tal_free(toks); /* Need to wait for command to finish? */ if (jcon->current) { jcon->len_read = 0; return io_wait(conn, jcon, read_json, jcon); } /* See if we can parse the rest. */ goto again; read_more: tal_free(toks); return io_read_partial(conn, jcon->buffer + jcon->used, tal_count(jcon->buffer) - jcon->used, &jcon->len_read, read_json, jcon); } static struct io_plan *jcon_connected(struct io_conn *conn, struct lightningd *ld) { struct json_connection *jcon; jcon = tal(conn, struct json_connection); jcon->ld = ld; jcon->used = 0; jcon->buffer = tal_arr(jcon, char, 64); jcon->stop = false; jcon->current = NULL; /* We want to log on destruction, so we free this in destructor. */ jcon->log = new_log(ld->log_book, ld->log_book, "%sjcon fd %i:", log_prefix(ld->log), io_conn_fd(conn)); list_head_init(&jcon->output); tal_add_destructor(jcon, destroy_jcon); return io_duplex(conn, io_read_partial(conn, jcon->buffer, tal_count(jcon->buffer), &jcon->len_read, read_json, jcon), write_json(conn, jcon)); } static struct io_plan *incoming_jcon_connected(struct io_conn *conn, struct lightningd *ld) { log_info(ld->log, "Connected json input"); return jcon_connected(conn, ld); } void setup_jsonrpc(struct lightningd *ld, const char *rpc_filename) { struct sockaddr_un addr; int fd, old_umask; if (streq(rpc_filename, "")) return; if (streq(rpc_filename, "/dev/tty")) { fd = open(rpc_filename, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) err(1, "Opening %s", rpc_filename); io_new_conn(ld, fd, jcon_connected, ld); return; } fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (strlen(rpc_filename) + 1 > sizeof(addr.sun_path)) errx(1, "rpc filename '%s' too long", rpc_filename); strcpy(addr.sun_path, rpc_filename); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; /* Of course, this is racy! */ if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == 0) errx(1, "rpc filename '%s' in use", rpc_filename); unlink(rpc_filename); /* This file is only rw by us! */ old_umask = umask(0177); if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr))) err(1, "Binding rpc socket to '%s'", rpc_filename); umask(old_umask); if (listen(fd, 1) != 0) err(1, "Listening on '%s'", rpc_filename); log_debug(ld->log, "Listening on '%s'", rpc_filename); io_new_listener(ld, fd, incoming_jcon_connected, ld); }