#include "lightningd.h" #include "peer_control.h" #include "subdaemon.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void destroy_peer(struct peer *peer) { list_del_from(&peer->ld->peers, &peer->list); if (peer->fd >= 0) close(peer->fd); if (peer->connect_cmd) command_fail(peer->connect_cmd, "Failed after %s", peer->condition); } void peer_set_condition(struct peer *peer, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); tal_free(peer->condition); peer->condition = tal_vfmt(peer, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); log_info(peer->log, "condition: %s", peer->condition); } static struct peer *new_peer(struct lightningd *ld, struct io_conn *conn, const char *in_or_out, struct command *cmd) { static u64 id_counter; struct peer *peer = tal(ld, struct peer); const char *netname; peer->ld = ld; peer->unique_id = id_counter++; peer->owner = NULL; peer->id = NULL; peer->fd = io_conn_fd(conn); peer->connect_cmd = cmd; peer->funding_txid = NULL; peer->seed = NULL; /* Max 128k per peer. */ peer->log_book = new_log_book(peer, 128*1024, get_log_level(ld->dstate.log_book)); peer->log = new_log(peer, peer->log_book, "peer %"PRIu64":", peer->unique_id); /* FIXME: Don't assume protocol here! */ if (!netaddr_from_fd(peer->fd, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, &peer->netaddr)) { log_unusual(ld->log, "Failed to get netaddr for outgoing: %s", strerror(errno)); return tal_free(peer); } netname = netaddr_name(peer, &peer->netaddr); peer->condition = tal_fmt(peer, "%s %s", in_or_out, netname); tal_free(netname); list_add_tail(&ld->peers, &peer->list); tal_add_destructor(peer, destroy_peer); return peer; } struct peer *peer_by_unique_id(struct lightningd *ld, u64 unique_id) { struct peer *p; list_for_each(&ld->peers, p, list) if (p->unique_id == unique_id) return p; return NULL; } struct peer *peer_by_id(struct lightningd *ld, const struct pubkey *id) { struct peer *p; list_for_each(&ld->peers, p, list) if (pubkey_eq(p->id, id)) return p; return NULL; } static void handshake_succeeded(struct subdaemon *hs, const u8 *msg, struct peer *peer) { struct crypto_state cs; if (!peer->id) { struct pubkey id; if (!fromwire_handshake_responder_resp(msg, NULL, &id, &cs)) goto err; peer->id = tal_dup(peer, struct pubkey, &id); log_info_struct(hs->log, "Peer in from %s", struct pubkey, peer->id); } else { if (!fromwire_handshake_initiator_resp(msg, NULL, &cs)) goto err; log_info_struct(hs->log, "Peer out to %s", struct pubkey, peer->id); } /* FIXME: Look for peer duplicates! */ /* Tell handshaked to exit. */ subdaemon_req(peer->owner, take(towire_handshake_exit_req(msg)), -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); peer->owner = peer->ld->gossip; tal_steal(peer->owner, peer); peer_set_condition(peer, "Beginning gossip"); /* Tell gossip to handle it now. */ msg = towire_gossipctl_new_peer(msg, peer->unique_id, &cs); subdaemon_req(peer->ld->gossip, msg, peer->fd, &peer->fd, NULL, NULL); /* Peer struct longer owns fd. */ peer->fd = -1; return; err: log_broken(hs->log, "Malformed resp: %s", tal_hex(peer, msg)); close(peer->fd); tal_free(peer); } static void peer_got_handshake_hsmfd(struct subdaemon *hsm, const u8 *msg, struct peer *peer) { const u8 *req; if (!fromwire_hsmctl_hsmfd_fd_response(msg, NULL)) { log_unusual(peer->ld->log, "Malformed hsmfd response: %s", tal_hex(peer, msg)); goto error; } /* Give handshake daemon the hsm fd. */ peer->owner = new_subdaemon(peer->ld, peer->ld, "lightningd_handshake", peer, handshake_status_wire_type_name, handshake_control_wire_type_name, NULL, NULL, peer->hsmfd, peer->fd, -1); if (!peer->owner) { log_unusual(peer->ld->log, "Could not subdaemon handshake: %s", strerror(errno)); peer_set_condition(peer, "Failed to subdaemon handshake"); goto error; } /* Peer struct longer owns fd. */ peer->fd = -1; if (peer->id) { req = towire_handshake_initiator_req(peer, &peer->ld->dstate.id, peer->id); peer_set_condition(peer, "Starting handshake as initiator"); } else { req = towire_handshake_responder_req(peer, &peer->ld->dstate.id); peer_set_condition(peer, "Starting handshake as responder"); } /* Now hand peer request to the handshake daemon: hands it * back on success */ subdaemon_req(peer->owner, take(req), -1, &peer->fd, handshake_succeeded, peer); return; error: tal_free(peer); } /* FIXME: timeout handshake if taking too long? */ static struct io_plan *peer_in(struct io_conn *conn, struct lightningd *ld) { struct peer *peer = new_peer(ld, conn, "Incoming from", NULL); if (!peer) return io_close(conn); /* Get HSM fd for this peer. */ subdaemon_req(ld->hsm, take(towire_hsmctl_hsmfd_ecdh(ld, peer->unique_id)), -1, &peer->hsmfd, peer_got_handshake_hsmfd, peer); /* We don't need conn, we'll pass fd to handshaked. */ return io_close_taken_fd(conn); } static int make_listen_fd(struct lightningd *ld, int domain, void *addr, socklen_t len) { int fd = socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { log_debug(ld->log, "Failed to create %u socket: %s", domain, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (addr) { int on = 1; /* Re-use, please.. */ if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &on, sizeof(on))) log_unusual(ld->log, "Failed setting socket reuse: %s", strerror(errno)); if (bind(fd, addr, len) != 0) { log_unusual(ld->log, "Failed to bind on %u socket: %s", domain, strerror(errno)); goto fail; } } if (listen(fd, 5) != 0) { log_unusual(ld->log, "Failed to listen on %u socket: %s", domain, strerror(errno)); goto fail; } return fd; fail: close_noerr(fd); return -1; } void setup_listeners(struct lightningd *ld) { struct sockaddr_in addr; struct sockaddr_in6 addr6; socklen_t len; int fd1, fd2; if (!ld->dstate.portnum) { log_debug(ld->log, "Zero portnum, not listening for incoming"); return; } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; addr.sin_port = htons(ld->dstate.portnum); memset(&addr6, 0, sizeof(addr6)); addr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; addr6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any; addr6.sin6_port = htons(ld->dstate.portnum); /* IPv6, since on Linux that (usually) binds to IPv4 too. */ fd1 = make_listen_fd(ld, AF_INET6, &addr6, sizeof(addr6)); if (fd1 >= 0) { struct sockaddr_in6 in6; len = sizeof(in6); if (getsockname(fd1, (void *)&in6, &len) != 0) { log_unusual(ld->log, "Failed get IPv6 sockname: %s", strerror(errno)); close_noerr(fd1); fd1 = -1; } else { addr.sin_port = in6.sin6_port; assert(ld->dstate.portnum == ntohs(addr.sin_port)); log_debug(ld->log, "Creating IPv6 listener on port %u", ld->dstate.portnum); io_new_listener(ld, fd1, peer_in, ld); } } /* Just in case, aim for the same port... */ fd2 = make_listen_fd(ld, AF_INET, &addr, sizeof(addr)); if (fd2 >= 0) { len = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(fd2, (void *)&addr, &len) != 0) { log_unusual(ld->log, "Failed get IPv4 sockname: %s", strerror(errno)); close_noerr(fd2); fd2 = -1; } else { assert(ld->dstate.portnum == ntohs(addr.sin_port)); log_debug(ld->log, "Creating IPv4 listener on port %u", ld->dstate.portnum); io_new_listener(ld, fd2, peer_in, ld); } } if (fd1 < 0 && fd2 < 0) fatal("Could not bind to a network address on port %u", ld->dstate.portnum); } struct json_connecting { /* This owns us, so we're freed after command_fail or command_success */ struct command *cmd; const char *name, *port; struct pubkey id; }; /* FIXME: timeout handshake if taking too long? */ static struct io_plan *peer_out(struct io_conn *conn, struct lightningd_state *dstate, struct json_connecting *jc) { struct lightningd *ld = ld_from_dstate(jc->cmd->dstate); struct peer *peer = new_peer(ld, conn, "Outgoing to", jc->cmd); if (!peer) return io_close(conn); /* We already know ID we're trying to reach. */ peer->id = tal_dup(peer, struct pubkey, &jc->id); /* Get HSM fd for this peer. */ subdaemon_req(ld->hsm, take(towire_hsmctl_hsmfd_ecdh(ld, peer->unique_id)), -1, &peer->hsmfd, peer_got_handshake_hsmfd, peer); /* We don't need conn, we'll pass fd to handshaked. */ return io_close_taken_fd(conn); } static void connect_failed(struct lightningd_state *dstate, struct json_connecting *connect) { /* FIXME: Better diagnostics! */ command_fail(connect->cmd, "Failed to connect to peer %s:%s", connect->name, connect->port); } static void json_connect(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct json_connecting *connect; jsmntok_t *host, *port, *idtok; const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(cmd); if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "host", &host, "port", &port, "id", &idtok, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Need host, port and id to connect"); return; } connect = tal(cmd, struct json_connecting); connect->cmd = cmd; connect->name = tal_strndup(connect, buffer + host->start, host->end - host->start); connect->port = tal_strndup(connect, buffer + port->start, port->end - port->start); if (!pubkey_from_hexstr(buffer + idtok->start, idtok->end - idtok->start, &connect->id)) { command_fail(cmd, "id %.*s not valid", idtok->end - idtok->start, buffer + idtok->start); return; } if (!dns_resolve_and_connect(cmd->dstate, connect->name, connect->port, peer_out, connect_failed, connect)) { command_fail(cmd, "DNS failed"); return; } tal_free(tmpctx); } static const struct json_command connect_command = { "connect", json_connect, "Connect to a {host} at {port} expecting node {id}", "Returns the {id} on success (once channel established)" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &connect_command); struct log_info { enum log_level level; struct json_result *response; }; /* FIXME: Share this with jsonrpc.c's code! */ static void log_to_json(unsigned int skipped, struct timerel diff, enum log_level level, const char *prefix, const char *log, struct log_info *info) { if (level < info->level) return; if (level != LOG_IO) json_add_string(info->response, NULL, log); } static void json_getpeers(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct lightningd *ld = ld_from_dstate(cmd->dstate); struct peer *p; struct json_result *response = new_json_result(cmd); jsmntok_t *leveltok; struct log_info info; json_get_params(buffer, params, "?level", &leveltok, NULL); if (!leveltok) ; else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, leveltok, "debug")) info.level = LOG_DBG; else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, leveltok, "info")) info.level = LOG_INFORM; else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, leveltok, "unusual")) info.level = LOG_UNUSUAL; else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, leveltok, "broken")) info.level = LOG_BROKEN; else { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid level param"); return; } json_object_start(response, NULL); json_array_start(response, "peers"); list_for_each(&ld->peers, p, list) { json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_u64(response, "unique_id", p->unique_id); json_add_string(response, "condition", p->condition); json_add_string(response, "netaddr", netaddr_name(response, &p->netaddr)); if (p->id) json_add_pubkey(response, "peerid", p->id); if (p->owner) json_add_string(response, "owner", p->owner->name); if (leveltok) { info.response = response; json_array_start(response, "log"); log_each_line(p->log_book, log_to_json, &info); json_array_end(response); } json_object_end(response); } json_array_end(response); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } static const struct json_command getpeers_command = { "getpeers", json_getpeers, "List the current peers, if {level} is set, include {log}s", "Returns a 'peers' array" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &getpeers_command); static struct peer *find_peer_json(struct lightningd *ld, const char *buffer, jsmntok_t *peeridtok) { struct pubkey peerid; if (!pubkey_from_hexstr(buffer + peeridtok->start, peeridtok->end - peeridtok->start, &peerid)) return NULL; return peer_by_id(ld, &peerid); } struct funding_channel { struct peer *peer; struct command *cmd; u64 satoshi; const struct utxo **utxomap; u64 change; u32 change_keyindex; struct crypto_state *cs; struct pubkey local_fundingkey, remote_fundingkey; struct bitcoin_tx *funding_tx; }; static void fail_fundchannel_command(struct funding_channel *fc) { /* FIXME: More details? */ command_fail(fc->cmd, "Peer died"); } static void funding_broadcast_failed(struct peer *peer, int exitstatus, const char *err) { log_unusual(peer->log, "Funding broadcast exited with %i: %s", exitstatus, err); /* FIXME: send PKT_ERR to peer if this happens. */ tal_free(peer); } static enum watch_result funding_depth_cb(struct peer *peer, unsigned int depth, const struct sha256_double *txid, void *unused) { const char *txidstr = type_to_string(peer, struct sha256_double, txid); log_debug(peer->log, "Funding tx %s depth %u of %u", txidstr, depth, peer->our_config.minimum_depth); if (depth >= peer->our_config.minimum_depth) { peer_set_condition(peer, "Funding tx reached depth %u", depth); /* FIXME! Start channel proper... */ return DELETE_WATCH; } return KEEP_WATCHING; } static void opening_got_hsm_funding_sig(struct subdaemon *hsm, const u8 *resp, struct funding_channel *fc) { secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sigs; struct bitcoin_tx *tx = fc->funding_tx; size_t i; if (!fromwire_hsmctl_sign_funding_response(fc, resp, NULL, &sigs)) fatal("HSM gave bad sign_funding_response %s", tal_hex(fc, resp)); if (tal_count(sigs) != tal_count(tx->input)) fatal("HSM gave %zu sigs, needed %zu", tal_count(sigs), tal_count(tx->input)); peer_set_condition(fc->peer, "Waiting for our funding tx"); /* FIXME: Defer until after funding locked. */ tal_del_destructor(fc, fail_fundchannel_command); command_success(fc->cmd, null_response(fc->cmd)); fc->cmd = NULL; /* Create input parts from signatures. */ for (i = 0; i < tal_count(tx->input); i++) { struct pubkey key; if (!bip32_pubkey(fc->peer->ld->bip32_base, &key, fc->utxomap[i]->keyindex)) fatal("Cannot generate BIP32 key for UTXO %u", fc->utxomap[i]->keyindex); /* P2SH inputs have same witness. */ tx->input[i].witness = bitcoin_witness_p2wpkh(tx, &sigs[i], &key); } /* Send it out and watch for confirms. */ broadcast_tx(hsm->ld->topology, fc->peer, tx, funding_broadcast_failed); watch_tx(fc->peer, fc->peer->ld->topology, fc->peer, tx, funding_depth_cb, NULL); tal_free(fc); } static void opening_release_tx(struct subdaemon *opening, const u8 *resp, struct funding_channel *fc) { u8 *msg; size_t i; /* FIXME: marshal code wants array, not array of pointers. */ struct utxo *utxos = tal_arr(fc, struct utxo, tal_count(fc->utxomap)); peer_set_condition(fc->peer, "Getting HSM to sign funding tx"); /* Get HSM to sign the funding tx. */ for (i = 0; i < tal_count(fc->utxomap); i++) utxos[i] = *fc->utxomap[i]; msg = towire_hsmctl_sign_funding(fc, fc->satoshi, fc->change, fc->change_keyindex, &fc->local_fundingkey, &fc->remote_fundingkey, utxos); tal_free(utxos); subdaemon_req(fc->peer->ld->hsm, take(msg), -1, NULL, opening_got_hsm_funding_sig, fc); } static void opening_gen_funding(struct subdaemon *opening, const u8 *resp, struct funding_channel *fc) { u8 *msg; struct pubkey changekey; peer_set_condition(fc->peer, "Created funding transaction for channel"); if (!fromwire_opening_open_resp(resp, NULL, &fc->local_fundingkey, &fc->remote_fundingkey)) { log_broken(fc->peer->log, "Bad opening_open_resp %s", tal_hex(fc, resp)); tal_free(fc); return; } if (fc->change && !bip32_pubkey(fc->peer->ld->bip32_base, &changekey, fc->change_keyindex)) fatal("Error deriving change key %u", fc->change_keyindex); fc->funding_tx = funding_tx(fc, &fc->peer->funding_outnum, fc->utxomap, fc->satoshi, &fc->local_fundingkey, &fc->remote_fundingkey, fc->change, &changekey, fc->peer->ld->bip32_base); fc->peer->funding_txid = tal(fc->peer, struct sha256_double); bitcoin_txid(fc->funding_tx, fc->peer->funding_txid); msg = towire_opening_open_funding(fc, fc->peer->funding_txid, fc->peer->funding_outnum); subdaemon_req(fc->peer->owner, take(msg), -1, &fc->peer->fd, opening_release_tx, fc); } static void opening_accept_finish_response(struct subdaemon *opening, const u8 *resp, struct peer *peer) { struct channel_config their_config; secp256k1_ecdsa_signature first_commit_sig; struct crypto_state crypto_state; struct basepoints theirbase; struct pubkey remote_fundingkey, their_per_commit_point; log_debug(peer->log, "Got opening_accept_finish_response"); if (!fromwire_opening_accept_finish_resp(resp, NULL, &peer->funding_outnum, &their_config, &first_commit_sig, &crypto_state, &remote_fundingkey, &theirbase.revocation, &theirbase.payment, &theirbase.delayed_payment, &their_per_commit_point, &peer->funding_satoshi, &peer->push_msat)) { log_broken(peer->log, "bad OPENING_ACCEPT_FINISH_RESP %s", tal_hex(resp, resp)); tal_free(peer); return; } /* FIXME: Start normal channel daemon... */ } static void opening_accept_response(struct subdaemon *opening, const u8 *resp, struct peer *peer) { peer->funding_txid = tal(peer, struct sha256_double); if (!fromwire_opening_accept_resp(resp, NULL, peer->funding_txid)) { log_broken(peer->log, "bad OPENING_ACCEPT_RESP %s", tal_hex(resp, resp)); tal_free(peer); return; } log_debug(peer->log, "Watching funding tx %s", type_to_string(resp, struct sha256_double, peer->funding_txid)); watch_txid(peer, peer->ld->topology, peer, peer->funding_txid, funding_depth_cb, NULL); /* Tell it we're watching. */ subdaemon_req(peer->owner, towire_opening_accept_finish(resp), -1, NULL, opening_accept_finish_response, peer); } static void channel_config(struct lightningd *ld, struct channel_config *ours, u32 *max_to_self_delay, u32 *max_minimum_depth, u64 *min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat) { /* FIXME: depend on feerate. */ *max_to_self_delay = ld->dstate.config.locktime_max; *max_minimum_depth = ld->dstate.config.anchor_confirms_max; /* This is 1c at $1000/BTC */ *min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat = 1000000; /* BOLT #2: * * The sender SHOULD set `dust-limit-satoshis` to a sufficient * value to allow commitment transactions to propagate through * the Bitcoin network. */ ours->dust_limit_satoshis = 546; ours->max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat = UINT64_MAX; /* BOLT #2: * * The sender SHOULD set `minimum-depth` to an amount where * the sender considers reorganizations to be low risk. */ ours->minimum_depth = ld->dstate.config.anchor_confirms; /* Don't care */ ours->htlc_minimum_msat = 0; /* BOLT #2: * * The sender SHOULD set `to-self-delay` sufficient to ensure * the sender can irreversibly spend a commitment transaction * output in case of misbehavior by the receiver. */ ours->to_self_delay = ld->dstate.config.locktime_blocks; /* Don't care. */ ours->max_accepted_htlcs = 511; /* This is filled in by lightningd_opening, for consistency. */ ours->channel_reserve_satoshis = 0; }; /* Peer has spontaneously exited from gossip due to msg */ void peer_accept_open(struct peer *peer, const struct crypto_state *cs, const u8 *from_peer) { struct lightningd *ld = peer->ld; u32 max_to_self_delay, max_minimum_depth; u64 min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat; u8 *msg; /* Note: gossipd handles unknown packets, so we don't have to worry * about ignoring odd ones here. */ if (fromwire_peektype(from_peer) != WIRE_OPEN_CHANNEL) { log_unusual(peer->log, "Strange message to exit gossip: %u", fromwire_peektype(from_peer)); peer_set_condition(peer, "Bad message during gossiping"); tal_free(peer); return; } peer_set_condition(peer, "Starting opening daemon"); peer->owner = new_subdaemon(ld, ld, "lightningd_opening", peer, opening_status_wire_type_name, opening_control_wire_type_name, NULL, NULL, peer->fd, -1); if (!peer->owner) { log_unusual(ld->log, "Could not subdaemon opening: %s", strerror(errno)); peer_set_condition(peer, "Failed to subdaemon opening"); tal_free(peer); return; } /* We handed off peer fd */ peer->fd = -1; channel_config(ld, &peer->our_config, &max_to_self_delay, &max_minimum_depth, &min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat); peer->seed = tal(peer, struct privkey); derive_peer_seed(ld, peer->seed, peer->id); msg = towire_opening_init(peer, &peer->our_config, max_to_self_delay, min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat, cs, peer->seed); subdaemon_req(peer->owner, take(msg), -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* FIXME: Real feerates! */ msg = towire_opening_accept(peer, 7500, 150000, from_peer); /* Careful here! Their message could push us overlength! */ if (tal_len(msg) >= 65536) { peer_set_condition(peer, "Unacceptably long open_channel"); tal_free(peer); return; } subdaemon_req(peer->owner, take(msg), -1, NULL, opening_accept_response, peer); } /* Peer has been released from gossip. Start opening. */ static void gossip_peer_released(struct subdaemon *gossip, const u8 *resp, struct funding_channel *fc) { struct lightningd *ld = fc->peer->ld; u32 max_to_self_delay, max_minimum_depth; u64 min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat; u64 id; u8 *msg; fc->cs = tal(fc, struct crypto_state); if (!fromwire_gossipctl_release_peer_response(resp, NULL, &id, fc->cs)) fatal("Gossup daemon gave invalid response %s", tal_hex(gossip, resp)); if (id != fc->peer->unique_id) fatal("Gossup daemon release gave %"PRIu64" not %"PRIu64, id, fc->peer->unique_id); peer_set_condition(fc->peer, "Starting opening daemon"); fc->peer->owner = new_subdaemon(fc->peer->ld, ld, "lightningd_opening", fc->peer, opening_status_wire_type_name, opening_control_wire_type_name, NULL, NULL, fc->peer->fd, -1); if (!fc->peer->owner) { log_unusual(ld->log, "Could not subdaemon opening: %s", strerror(errno)); peer_set_condition(fc->peer, "Failed to subdaemon opening"); tal_free(fc->peer); return; } /* They took our fd. */ fc->peer->fd = -1; channel_config(ld, &fc->peer->our_config, &max_to_self_delay, &max_minimum_depth, &min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat); fc->peer->seed = tal(fc->peer, struct privkey); derive_peer_seed(ld, fc->peer->seed, fc->peer->id); msg = towire_opening_init(fc, &fc->peer->our_config, max_to_self_delay, min_effective_htlc_capacity_msat, fc->cs, fc->peer->seed); fc->peer->funding_satoshi = fc->satoshi; /* FIXME: Support push_msat? */ fc->peer->push_msat = 0; subdaemon_req(fc->peer->owner, take(msg), -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* FIXME: Real feerate! */ msg = towire_opening_open(fc, fc->peer->funding_satoshi, fc->peer->push_msat, 15000, max_minimum_depth); subdaemon_req(fc->peer->owner, take(msg), -1, NULL, opening_gen_funding, fc); } static void json_fund_channel(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct lightningd *ld = ld_from_dstate(cmd->dstate); jsmntok_t *peertok, *satoshitok; struct funding_channel *fc = tal(cmd, struct funding_channel); u8 *msg; if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "id", &peertok, "satoshi", &satoshitok, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Need peerid and satoshi"); return; } fc->cmd = cmd; fc->peer = find_peer_json(ld, buffer, peertok); if (!fc->peer) { command_fail(cmd, "Could not find peer with that peerid"); return; } if (fc->peer->owner != ld->gossip) { command_fail(cmd, "Peer not ready for connection"); return; } if (!json_tok_u64(buffer, satoshitok, &fc->satoshi)) { command_fail(cmd, "Invalid satoshis"); return; } /* Try to do this now, so we know if insufficient funds. */ /* FIXME: Feerate & dustlimit */ fc->utxomap = build_utxos(fc, ld, fc->satoshi, 15000, 600, &fc->change, &fc->change_keyindex); if (!fc->utxomap) { command_fail(cmd, "Cannot afford funding transaction"); return; } msg = towire_gossipctl_release_peer(cmd, fc->peer->unique_id); /* Tie this fc lifetime (and hence utxo release) to the peer */ tal_steal(fc->peer, fc); tal_add_destructor(fc, fail_fundchannel_command); subdaemon_req(ld->gossip, msg, -1, &fc->peer->fd, gossip_peer_released, fc); } static const struct json_command fund_channel_command = { "fundchannel", json_fund_channel, "Fund channel with {id} using {satoshi} satoshis", "Returns once channel established" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &fund_channel_command);