/* * Helper to submit via JSON-RPC and get back response. */ #include "config.h" #include <assert.h> #include <ccan/asort/asort.h> #include <ccan/err/err.h> #include <ccan/json_escape/json_escape.h> #include <ccan/opt/opt.h> #include <ccan/read_write_all/read_write_all.h> #include <ccan/str/str.h> #include <ccan/tal/path/path.h> #include <ccan/tal/str/str.h> #include <common/configdir.h> #include <common/json.h> #include <common/json_command.h> #include <common/memleak.h> #include <common/utils.h> #include <common/version.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #define NO_ERROR 0 #define ERROR_FROM_LIGHTNINGD 1 #define ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD 2 #define ERROR_USAGE 3 struct netaddr; /* Returns number of tokens digested */ static size_t human_readable(const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *t, char term) { size_t i, n; switch (t->type) { case JSMN_PRIMITIVE: case JSMN_STRING: for (i = t->start; i < t->end; i++) { /* We only translate \n and \t. */ if (buffer[i] == '\\' && i + 1 < t->end) { if (buffer[i+1] == 'n') { fputc('\n', stdout); i++; continue; } else if (buffer[i+1] == 't') { fputc('\t', stdout); i++; continue; } } fputc(buffer[i], stdout); } fputc(term, stdout); return 1; case JSMN_ARRAY: n = 1; for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++) n += human_readable(buffer, t + n, '\n'); return n; case JSMN_OBJECT: /* Elide single-field objects */ if (t->size == 1) return human_readable(buffer, t + 2, '\n') + 3; n = 1; for (i = 0; i < t->size; i++) { n += human_readable(buffer, t + n, '='); n += human_readable(buffer, t + n, '\n'); } return n; case JSMN_UNDEFINED: break; } abort(); } static int compare_tok(const jsmntok_t *a, const jsmntok_t *b, const char *buffer) { int a_len = a->end - a->start, b_len = b->end - b->start, min_len, cmp; if (a_len > b_len) min_len = b_len; else min_len = a_len; cmp = memcmp(buffer + a->start, buffer + b->start, min_len); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; /* If equal, shorter one wins. */ return a_len - b_len; } static int compare_help(const jsmntok_t *const *a, const jsmntok_t *const *b, char *buffer) { const jsmntok_t *cat_a, *cat_b; bool a_is_developer, b_is_developer; int cmp; cat_a = json_get_member(buffer, *a, "category"); cat_b = json_get_member(buffer, *b, "category"); /* Just in case it's an older lightningd! */ if (!cat_a) goto same_category; /* We always tweak "developer" category to last. */ a_is_developer = json_tok_streq(buffer, cat_a, "developer"); b_is_developer = json_tok_streq(buffer, cat_b, "developer"); if (a_is_developer && b_is_developer) cmp = 0; else if (a_is_developer) cmp = 1; else if (b_is_developer) cmp = -1; else /* Otherwise we order category alphabetically. */ cmp = compare_tok(cat_a, cat_b, buffer); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; /* After category, we order by name */ same_category: return compare_tok(json_get_member(buffer, *a, "command"), json_get_member(buffer, *b, "command"), buffer); } static void human_help(char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *result) { unsigned int i; /* `curr` is used as a temporary token */ const jsmntok_t *curr; const char *prev_cat; /* Contains all commands objects, which have the following structure : * { * "command": "The command name and usage", * "category": "The command category", * "description": "The command's description", * "verbose": "The command's detailed description" * } */ const jsmntok_t * help_array = json_get_member(buffer, result, "help"); const jsmntok_t **help = tal_arr(NULL, const jsmntok_t *, help_array->size); /* Populate an array for easy sorting with asort */ json_for_each_arr(i, curr, help_array) help[i] = curr; asort(help, tal_count(help), compare_help, buffer); prev_cat = ""; for (i = 0; i < tal_count(help); i++) { const jsmntok_t *category, *command, *desc; category = json_get_member(buffer, help[i], "category"); if (category && !json_tok_streq(buffer, category, prev_cat)) { prev_cat = json_strdup(help, buffer, category); printf("=== %s ===\n\n", prev_cat); } command = json_get_member(buffer, help[i], "command"); desc = json_get_member(buffer, help[i], "description"); printf("%.*s\n", command->end - command->start, buffer + command->start); printf(" %.*s\n\n", desc->end - desc->start, buffer + desc->start); } tal_free(help); printf("---\nrun `lightning-cli help <command>` for more information on a specific command\n"); } enum format { JSON, HUMAN, HELPLIST, DEFAULT_FORMAT, RAW }; static char *opt_set_human(enum format *format) { *format = HUMAN; return NULL; } static char *opt_set_json(enum format *format) { *format = JSON; return NULL; } static char *opt_set_raw(enum format *format) { *format = RAW; return NULL; } enum input { KEYWORDS, ORDERED, DEFAULT_INPUT }; static char *opt_set_keywords(enum input *input) { *input = KEYWORDS; return NULL; } static char *opt_set_ordered(enum input *input) { *input = ORDERED; return NULL; } static bool is_literal(const char *arg) { size_t arglen = strlen(arg); if (arglen == 0) { return false; } return strspn(arg, "0123456789") == arglen || streq(arg, "true") || streq(arg, "false") || streq(arg, "null") || (arg[0] == '{' && arg[arglen - 1] == '}') || (arg[0] == '[' && arg[arglen - 1] == ']') || (arg[0] == '"' && arg[arglen - 1] == '"'); } static void add_input(char **cmd, const char *input, int i, int argc) { /* Numbers, bools, objects and arrays are left unquoted, * and quoted things left alone. */ if (is_literal(input)) tal_append_fmt(cmd, "%s", input); else tal_append_fmt(cmd, "\"%s\"", json_escape(*cmd, input)->s); if (i != argc - 1) tal_append_fmt(cmd, ", "); } static void try_exec_man (const char *page, char *relative_to) { int status; switch (fork()) { case -1: err(1, "Forking man command"); case 0: /* child, run man command. */ if (relative_to != NULL) { page = tal_fmt(page, "%s/../doc/%s.7", relative_to, page); execlp("man", "man", "-l", page, (char *)NULL); } else { execlp("man", "man", page, (char *)NULL); } err(1, "Running man command"); default: break; } wait(&status); if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) exit(0); } static void print_json(const char *str, const jsmntok_t *tok, const char *indent) { size_t i; const jsmntok_t *t; bool first; char next_indent[strlen(indent) + 3 + 1]; memset(next_indent, ' ', sizeof(next_indent)-1); next_indent[sizeof(next_indent)-1] = '\0'; switch (tok->type) { case JSMN_PRIMITIVE: case JSMN_STRING: printf("%.*s", json_tok_full_len(tok), json_tok_full(str, tok)); return; case JSMN_ARRAY: first = true; json_for_each_arr(i, t, tok) { if (first) printf("[\n%s", next_indent); else printf(",\n%s", next_indent); print_json(str, t, next_indent); first = false; } if (first) printf("[]"); else printf("\n%s]", indent); return; case JSMN_OBJECT: first = true; json_for_each_obj(i, t, tok) { if (first) printf("{\n%s", next_indent); else printf(",\n%s", next_indent); print_json(str, t, next_indent); printf(": "); print_json(str, t + 1, next_indent); first = false; } if (first) printf("{}"); else printf("\n%s}", indent); return; case JSMN_UNDEFINED: break; } abort(); } /* Always returns a positive number < len. len must be > 0! */ static size_t read_nofail(int fd, void *buf, size_t len) { ssize_t i; assert(len > 0); i = read(fd, buf, len); if (i == 0) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "reading response: socket closed"); else if (i < 0) err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "reading response"); return i; } /* We rely on the fact that lightningd terminates all JSON RPC responses with * "\n\n", so we can stream even if we can't parse. */ static void oom_dump(int fd, char *resp, size_t off) { warnx("Out of memory: sending raw output"); /* Note: resp does not already end in '\n\n', and resp_len is > 0 */ do { /* Keep last char, to avoid splitting \n\n */ write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, resp, off-1); resp[0] = resp[off-1]; off = 1 + read_nofail(fd, resp + 1, tal_bytelen(resp) - 1); } while (resp[off-2] != '\n' || resp[off-1] != '\n'); write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, resp, off-1); /* We assume giant answer means "success" */ exit(0); } /* We want to return failure if tal_resize fails */ static void tal_error(const char *msg) { if (streq(msg, "Reallocation failure")) return; abort(); } static enum format delete_format_hint(const char *resp, jsmntok_t **toks, jsmntok_t *result) { const jsmntok_t *hint; enum format format = JSON; hint = json_get_member(resp, result, "format-hint"); if (!hint) return format; if (json_tok_streq(resp, hint, "simple")) format = HUMAN; /* Don't let hint appear in the output! */ json_tok_remove(toks, result, hint-1, 1); return format; } static enum format choose_format(const char *resp, jsmntok_t **toks, const char *method, const char *command, enum format format) { /* If they specify a format, that's what we use. */ if (format != DEFAULT_FORMAT) return format; /* This works best when we order it. */ if (streq(method, "help") && command == NULL) format = HELPLIST; else { const jsmntok_t *result = json_get_member(resp, *toks, "result"); if (result) /* Use offset of result to get non-const ptr */ format = delete_format_hint(resp, toks, /* const-washing */ *toks + (result - *toks)); else format = JSON; } return format; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { setup_locale(); int fd, i; size_t off; const char *method; char *cmd, *resp, *idstr; struct sockaddr_un addr; jsmntok_t *toks; const jsmntok_t *result, *error, *id; const tal_t *ctx = tal(NULL, char); char *config_filename, *lightning_dir, *net_dir, *rpc_filename; jsmn_parser parser; int parserr; enum format format = DEFAULT_FORMAT; enum input input = DEFAULT_INPUT; char *command = NULL; err_set_progname(argv[0]); jsmn_init(&parser); tal_set_backend(NULL, NULL, NULL, tal_error); setup_option_allocators(); initial_config_opts(ctx, argc, argv, &config_filename, &lightning_dir, &net_dir, &rpc_filename); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "<command> [<params>...]", "Show this message. Use the command help (without hyphens -- \"lightning-cli help\") to get a list of all RPC commands"); opt_register_noarg("-H|--human-readable", opt_set_human, &format, "Human-readable output (default for 'help')"); opt_register_noarg("-J|--json", opt_set_json, &format, "JSON output (default unless 'help')"); opt_register_noarg("-R|--raw", opt_set_raw, &format, "Raw, unformatted JSON output"); opt_register_noarg("-k|--keywords", opt_set_keywords, &input, "Use format key=value for <params>"); opt_register_noarg("-o|--order", opt_set_ordered, &input, "Use params in order for <params>"); opt_register_version(); opt_early_parse(argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); method = argv[1]; if (!method) { char *usage = opt_usage(argv[0], NULL); printf("%s\n", usage); tal_free(usage); printf("Querying lightningd for available RPC commands (\"lightning-cli help\"):\n\n"); method = "help"; } /* Launch a manpage if we have a help command with an argument. We do * not need to have lightningd running in this case. */ if (streq(method, "help") && format == DEFAULT_FORMAT && argc >= 3) { command = argv[2]; char *page = tal_fmt(ctx, "lightning-%s", command); try_exec_man(page, NULL); /* Try to find the page relative to this executable. * This handles the common scenario where lightning-cli * was built from source and hasn't been installed yet */ try_exec_man(page, dirname(argv[0])); tal_free(page); } /* If an absolute path to the RPC socket is given, it takes over other * configuration options. */ if (path_is_abs(rpc_filename)) { net_dir = path_dirname(ctx, rpc_filename); rpc_filename = path_basename(ctx, rpc_filename); } if (chdir(net_dir) != 0) err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "Moving into '%s'", net_dir); fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (strlen(rpc_filename) + 1 > sizeof(addr.sun_path)) errx(ERROR_USAGE, "rpc filename '%s' too long", rpc_filename); strcpy(addr.sun_path, rpc_filename); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0) err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "Connecting to '%s'", rpc_filename); idstr = tal_fmt(ctx, "lightning-cli-%i", getpid()); cmd = tal_fmt(ctx, "{ \"jsonrpc\" : \"2.0\", \"method\" : \"%s\", \"id\" : \"%s\", \"params\" :", json_escape(ctx, method)->s, idstr); if (input == DEFAULT_INPUT) { /* Hacky autodetect; only matters if more than single arg */ if (argc > 2 && strchr(argv[2], '=')) input = KEYWORDS; else input = ORDERED; } if (input == KEYWORDS) { tal_append_fmt(&cmd, "{ "); for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { const char *eq = strchr(argv[i], '='); if (!eq) err(ERROR_USAGE, "Expected key=value in '%s'", argv[i]); tal_append_fmt(&cmd, "\"%.*s\" : ", (int)(eq - argv[i]), argv[i]); add_input(&cmd, eq + 1, i, argc); } tal_append_fmt(&cmd, "} }"); } else { tal_append_fmt(&cmd, "[ "); for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) add_input(&cmd, argv[i], i, argc); tal_append_fmt(&cmd, "] }"); } if (!write_all(fd, cmd, strlen(cmd))) err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "Writing command"); /* Start with 1000 characters, 100 tokens. */ resp = tal_arr(ctx, char, 1000); toks = tal_arr(ctx, jsmntok_t, 100); off = 0; parserr = 0; while (parserr <= 0) { /* Read more if parser says, or we have 0 tokens. */ if (parserr == 0 || parserr == JSMN_ERROR_PART) { ssize_t i = read(fd, resp + off, tal_bytelen(resp) - 1 - off); if (i == 0) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "reading response: socket closed"); else if (i < 0) err(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "reading response"); off += i; /* NUL terminate */ resp[off] = '\0'; } /* (Continue) parsing */ parserr = jsmn_parse(&parser, resp, off, toks, tal_count(toks)); switch (parserr) { case JSMN_ERROR_INVAL: errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "Malformed response '%s'", resp); case JSMN_ERROR_NOMEM: { /* Need more tokens, double it */ if (!tal_resize(&toks, tal_count(toks) * 2)) oom_dump(fd, resp, off); break; } case JSMN_ERROR_PART: /* Need more data: make room if necessary */ if (off == tal_bytelen(resp) - 1) { if (!tal_resize(&resp, tal_count(resp) * 2)) oom_dump(fd, resp, off); } break; } } if (toks->type != JSMN_OBJECT) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "Non-object response '%s'", resp); /* This can rellocate toks, so call before getting pointers to tokens */ format = choose_format(resp, &toks, method, command, format); result = json_get_member(resp, toks, "result"); error = json_get_member(resp, toks, "error"); if (!error && !result) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "Either 'result' or 'error' must be returned in response '%s'", resp); id = json_get_member(resp, toks, "id"); if (!id) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "Missing 'id' in response '%s'", resp); if (!json_tok_streq(resp, id, idstr)) errx(ERROR_TALKING_TO_LIGHTNINGD, "Incorrect 'id' in response: %.*s", json_tok_full_len(id), json_tok_full(resp, id)); if (!error || json_tok_is_null(resp, error)) { switch (format) { case HELPLIST: human_help(resp, result); break; case HUMAN: human_readable(resp, result, '\n'); break; case JSON: print_json(resp, result, ""); printf("\n"); break; case RAW: printf("%.*s\n", json_tok_full_len(result), json_tok_full(resp, result)); break; default: abort(); } tal_free(ctx); opt_free_table(); return 0; } if (format == RAW) printf("%.*s\n", json_tok_full_len(error), json_tok_full(resp, error)); else { print_json(resp, error, ""); printf("\n"); } tal_free(ctx); opt_free_table(); return 1; }