#include "db.h" #include "invoices.h" #include "wallet.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct invoice_waiter { bool triggered; struct list_node list; void (*cb)(const struct invoice *, void*); void *cbarg; }; struct invoices { /* The database connection to use. */ struct db *db; /* The log to report to. */ struct log *log; /* The timers object to use for expirations. */ struct timers *timers; /* The invoice list. */ struct list_head invlist; /* Waiters waiting for any new invoice to be paid. */ struct list_head waitany_waiters; }; static void trigger_invoice_waiter(struct invoice_waiter *w, struct invoice *invoice) { w->triggered = true; w->cb(invoice, w->cbarg); } static bool wallet_stmt2invoice(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, struct invoice *inv) { inv->id = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 0); inv->state = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 1); assert(sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 2) == sizeof(struct preimage)); memcpy(&inv->r, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 2), sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 2)); assert(sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 3) == sizeof(struct sha256)); memcpy(&inv->rhash, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 3), sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 3)); inv->label = tal_strndup(inv, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 4), sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 4)); if (sqlite3_column_type(stmt, 5) != SQLITE_NULL) { inv->msatoshi = tal(inv, u64); *inv->msatoshi = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 5); } else { inv->msatoshi = NULL; } inv->expiry_time = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 6); if (inv->state == PAID) { inv->pay_index = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 7); inv->msatoshi_received = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 8); inv->paid_timestamp = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 9); } list_head_init(&inv->waitone_waiters); inv->expiration_timer = NULL; return true; } struct invoices *invoices_new(const tal_t *ctx, struct db *db, struct log *log, struct timers *timers) { struct invoices *invs = tal(ctx, struct invoices); invs->db = db; invs->log = log; invs->timers = timers; list_head_init(&invs->invlist); list_head_init(&invs->waitany_waiters); return invs; } static void install_expiration_timer(struct invoices *invoices, struct invoice *i); static void trigger_expiration(struct invoice *i) { struct invoices *invoices = i->owner; u64 now = time_now().ts.tv_sec; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; struct invoice_waiter *w; assert(i->state == UNPAID); /* Timer already triggered, destroy the timer object. */ i->expiration_timer = tal_free(i->expiration_timer); /* There may be discrepancies between time_mono * (used by the timer system) and time_now (used * by the expiry time measurements). So check that * time_now is reached. */ if (i->expiry_time <= now) { const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(i); /* Update in-memory and db. */ i->state = EXPIRED; stmt = db_prepare(invoices->db, "UPDATE invoices" " SET state = ?" " WHERE id = ?;"); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, EXPIRED); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 2, i->id); db_exec_prepared(invoices->db, stmt); /* Wake up all waiters. */ while ((w = list_pop(&i->waitone_waiters, struct invoice_waiter, list)) != NULL) { tal_steal(tmpctx, w); trigger_invoice_waiter(w, i); } tal_free(tmpctx); } else install_expiration_timer(invoices, i); } static void install_expiration_timer(struct invoices *invoices, struct invoice *i) { struct timerel rel; struct timeabs expiry; struct timeabs now = time_now(); assert(i->state == UNPAID); assert(!i->expiration_timer); memset(&expiry, 0, sizeof(expiry)); expiry.ts.tv_sec = i->expiry_time; /* now > expiry */ if (time_after(now, expiry)) expiry = now; /* rel = expiry - now */ rel = time_between(expiry, now); /* The oneshot is parented on the invoice. Thus if * the invoice is deleted, the oneshot is destroyed * also and this removes the timer. */ i->expiration_timer = new_reltimer(invoices->timers, i, rel, &trigger_expiration, i); } bool invoices_load(struct invoices *invoices) { int count = 0; u64 now = time_now().ts.tv_sec; struct invoice *i; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; /* Update expirations. */ stmt = db_prepare(invoices->db, "UPDATE invoices" " SET state = ?" " WHERE state = ?" " AND expiry_time <= ?;"); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, EXPIRED); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 2, UNPAID); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 3, now); db_exec_prepared(invoices->db, stmt); /* Load invoices from db. */ stmt = db_query(__func__, invoices->db, "SELECT id, state, payment_key, payment_hash" " , label, msatoshi, expiry_time, pay_index" " , msatoshi_received, paid_timestamp" " FROM invoices;"); if (!stmt) { log_broken(invoices->log, "Could not load invoices"); return false; } while (sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW) { i = tal(invoices, struct invoice); i->owner = invoices; if (!wallet_stmt2invoice(stmt, i)) { log_broken(invoices->log, "Error deserializing invoice"); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return false; } if (i->state == UNPAID) install_expiration_timer(invoices, i); list_add_tail(&invoices->invlist, &i->list); count++; } log_debug(invoices->log, "Loaded %d invoices from DB", count); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return true; } const struct invoice *invoices_create(struct invoices *invoices, u64 *msatoshi TAKES, const char *label TAKES, u64 expiry) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt; struct invoice *invoice; struct preimage r; struct sha256 rhash; u64 expiry_time; u64 now = time_now().ts.tv_sec; if (invoices_find_by_label(invoices, label)) { if (taken(msatoshi)) tal_free(msatoshi); if (taken(label)) tal_free(label); return NULL; } /* Compute expiration. */ expiry_time = now + expiry; /* Generate random secret preimage and hash. */ randombytes_buf(r.r, sizeof(r.r)); sha256(&rhash, r.r, sizeof(r.r)); /* Save to database. */ /* Need to use the lower level API of sqlite3 to bind * label. Otherwise we'd need to implement sanitization of * that string for sql injections... */ stmt = db_prepare(invoices->db, "INSERT INTO invoices" " ( payment_hash, payment_key, state" " , msatoshi, label, expiry_time" " , pay_index, msatoshi_received" " , paid_timestamp)" " VALUES ( ?, ?, ?" " , ?, ?, ?" " , NULL, NULL" " , NULL);"); sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 1, &rhash, sizeof(rhash), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 2, &r, sizeof(r), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 3, UNPAID); if (msatoshi) sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 4, *msatoshi); else sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, 4); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 5, label, strlen(label), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 6, expiry_time); db_exec_prepared(invoices->db, stmt); /* Create and load in-memory structure. */ invoice = tal(invoices, struct invoice); invoice->owner = invoices; invoice->id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(invoices->db->sql); invoice->state = UNPAID; invoice->label = tal_strdup(invoice, label); invoice->msatoshi = tal_dup(invoice, u64, msatoshi); /* Works even if msatoshi == NULL. */ memcpy(&invoice->r, &r, sizeof(invoice->r)); memcpy(&invoice->rhash, &rhash, sizeof(invoice->rhash)); invoice->expiry_time = expiry_time; list_head_init(&invoice->waitone_waiters); invoice->expiration_timer = NULL; /* Add to invoices object. */ list_add_tail(&invoices->invlist, &invoice->list); /* Install expiration trigger. */ install_expiration_timer(invoices, invoice); return invoice; } const struct invoice *invoices_find_by_label(struct invoices *invoices, const char *label) { struct invoice *i; /* FIXME: Use something better than a linear scan. */ list_for_each(&invoices->invlist, i, list) { if (streq(i->label, label)) return i; } return NULL; } const struct invoice *invoices_find_unpaid(struct invoices *invoices, const struct sha256 *rhash) { struct invoice *i; list_for_each(&invoices->invlist, i, list) { if (structeq(rhash, &i->rhash) && i->state == UNPAID) { if (time_now().ts.tv_sec > i->expiry_time) break; return i; } } return NULL; } bool invoices_delete(struct invoices *invoices, const struct invoice *cinvoice) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt; struct invoice_waiter *w; struct invoice *invoice = (struct invoice *) cinvoice; const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(NULL); /* Delete from database. */ stmt = db_prepare(invoices->db, "DELETE FROM invoices WHERE id=?;"); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, invoice->id); db_exec_prepared(invoices->db, stmt); if (sqlite3_changes(invoices->db->sql) != 1) { tal_free(tmpctx); return false; } /* Delete from invoices object. */ list_del_from(&invoices->invlist, &invoice->list); /* Tell all the waiters about the fact that it was deleted. */ while ((w = list_pop(&invoice->waitone_waiters, struct invoice_waiter, list)) != NULL) { /* Acquire the watcher for ourself first. */ tal_steal(tmpctx, w); trigger_invoice_waiter(w, NULL); } /* Free all watchers and the invoice. */ tal_free(tmpctx); tal_free(invoice); return true; } const struct invoice *invoices_iterate(struct invoices *invoices, const struct invoice *invoice) { if (invoice) return list_next(&invoices->invlist, invoice, list); else return list_top(&invoices->invlist, struct invoice, list); } static s64 get_next_pay_index(struct db *db) { /* Equivalent to (next_pay_index++) */ s64 next_pay_index; next_pay_index = db_get_intvar(db, "next_pay_index", 0); /* Variable should exist. */ assert(next_pay_index > 0); db_set_intvar(db, "next_pay_index", next_pay_index + 1); return next_pay_index; } void invoices_resolve(struct invoices *invoices, const struct invoice *cinvoice, u64 msatoshi_received) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt; struct invoice_waiter *w; struct invoice *invoice = (struct invoice *)cinvoice; s64 pay_index; u64 paid_timestamp; const tal_t *tmpctx = tal_tmpctx(NULL); /* Assign a pay-index. */ pay_index = get_next_pay_index(invoices->db); paid_timestamp = time_now().ts.tv_sec; /* Update database. */ stmt = db_prepare(invoices->db, "UPDATE invoices" " SET state=?" " , pay_index=?" " , msatoshi_received=?" " , paid_timestamp=?" " WHERE id=?;"); sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 1, PAID); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 2, pay_index); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 3, msatoshi_received); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 4, paid_timestamp); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 5, invoice->id); db_exec_prepared(invoices->db, stmt); /* Update in-memory structure. */ invoice->state = PAID; invoice->pay_index = pay_index; invoice->msatoshi_received = msatoshi_received; invoice->paid_timestamp = paid_timestamp; invoice->expiration_timer = tal_free(invoice->expiration_timer); /* Tell all the waitany waiters about the new paid invoice. */ while ((w = list_pop(&invoices->waitany_waiters, struct invoice_waiter, list)) != NULL) { tal_steal(tmpctx, w); trigger_invoice_waiter(w, invoice); } /* Tell any waitinvoice waiters about the specific invoice * getting paid. */ while ((w = list_pop(&invoice->waitone_waiters, struct invoice_waiter, list)) != NULL) { tal_steal(tmpctx, w); trigger_invoice_waiter(w, invoice); } /* Free all watchers. */ tal_free(tmpctx); } /* Called when an invoice waiter is destructed. */ static void destroy_invoice_waiter(struct invoice_waiter *w) { /* Already triggered. */ if (w->triggered) return; list_del(&w->list); } /* Add an invoice waiter to the specified list of invoice waiters. */ static void add_invoice_waiter(const tal_t *ctx, struct list_head *waiters, void (*cb)(const struct invoice *, void*), void* cbarg) { struct invoice_waiter *w = tal(ctx, struct invoice_waiter); w->triggered = false; list_add_tail(waiters, &w->list); w->cb = cb; w->cbarg = cbarg; tal_add_destructor(w, &destroy_invoice_waiter); } void invoices_waitany(const tal_t *ctx, struct invoices *invoices, u64 lastpay_index, void (*cb)(const struct invoice *, void*), void *cbarg) { sqlite3_stmt *stmt; const struct invoice *invoice; int res; char const* label; /* Look for an already-paid invoice. */ stmt = db_prepare(invoices->db, "SELECT label" " FROM invoices" " WHERE pay_index NOT NULL" " AND pay_index > ?" " ORDER BY pay_index ASC LIMIT 1;"); sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 1, lastpay_index); res = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (res == SQLITE_ROW) { /* Invoice found. Look up the invoice object. */ label = tal_strndup(ctx, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, 0), sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, 0)); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); /* The invoice should definitely exist in-memory. */ invoice = invoices_find_by_label(invoices, label); assert(invoice); tal_free(label); cb(invoice, cbarg); return; } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); /* None found. */ add_invoice_waiter(ctx, &invoices->waitany_waiters, cb, cbarg); } void invoices_waitone(const tal_t *ctx, struct invoices *invoices UNUSED, struct invoice const *cinvoice, void (*cb)(const struct invoice *, void*), void *cbarg) { struct invoice *invoice = (struct invoice*) cinvoice; if (invoice->state == PAID || invoice->state == EXPIRED) { cb(invoice, cbarg); return; } /* Not yet paid. */ add_invoice_waiter(ctx, &invoice->waitone_waiters, cb, cbarg); }