#include <ccan/crypto/hkdf_sha256/hkdf_sha256.h> #include <ccan/crypto/sha256/sha256.h> #include <common/derive_basepoints.h> #include <common/utils.h> #include <wire/wire.h> bool derive_basepoints(const struct secret *seed, struct pubkey *funding_pubkey, struct basepoints *basepoints, struct secrets *secrets, struct sha256 *shaseed) { struct keys { struct privkey f, r, h, p, d; struct sha256 shaseed; } keys; hkdf_sha256(&keys, sizeof(keys), NULL, 0, seed, sizeof(*seed), "c-lightning", strlen("c-lightning")); if (secrets) { secrets->funding_privkey = keys.f; secrets->revocation_basepoint_secret = keys.r.secret; secrets->payment_basepoint_secret = keys.p.secret; secrets->htlc_basepoint_secret = keys.h.secret; secrets->delayed_payment_basepoint_secret = keys.d.secret; } if (funding_pubkey) { if (!pubkey_from_privkey(&keys.f, funding_pubkey)) return false; } if (basepoints) { if (!pubkey_from_privkey(&keys.r, &basepoints->revocation) || !pubkey_from_privkey(&keys.p, &basepoints->payment) || !pubkey_from_privkey(&keys.h, &basepoints->htlc) || !pubkey_from_privkey(&keys.d, &basepoints->delayed_payment)) return false; } /* BOLT #3: * * A node: * - MUST select an unguessable 256-bit seed for each connection, * - MUST NOT reveal the seed. */ if (shaseed) *shaseed = keys.shaseed; return true; } bool per_commit_secret(const struct sha256 *shaseed, struct secret *commit_secret, u64 per_commit_index) { struct sha256 s; if (per_commit_index >= (1ULL << SHACHAIN_BITS)) return false; shachain_from_seed(shaseed, shachain_index(per_commit_index), &s); BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(s) == sizeof(*commit_secret)); memcpy(commit_secret, &s, sizeof(s)); return true; } bool per_commit_point(const struct sha256 *shaseed, struct pubkey *commit_point, u64 per_commit_index) { struct secret secret; if (!per_commit_secret(shaseed, &secret, per_commit_index)) return false; /* BOLT #3: * * The `per_commitment_point` is generated using elliptic-curve * multiplication: * * per_commitment_point = per_commitment_secret * G */ if (secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(secp256k1_ctx, &commit_point->pubkey, secret.data) != 1) return false; return true; } bool derive_payment_basepoint(const struct secret *seed, struct pubkey *payment_basepoint, struct secret *payment_secret) { struct keys { struct privkey f, r, h, p, d; struct sha256 shaseed; } keys; hkdf_sha256(&keys, sizeof(keys), NULL, 0, seed, sizeof(*seed), "c-lightning", strlen("c-lightning")); if (payment_basepoint) { if (!pubkey_from_privkey(&keys.p, payment_basepoint)) return false; } if (payment_secret) *payment_secret = keys.p.secret; return true; } bool derive_delayed_payment_basepoint(const struct secret *seed, struct pubkey *delayed_payment_basepoint, struct secret *delayed_payment_secret) { struct keys { struct privkey f, r, h, p, d; struct sha256 shaseed; } keys; hkdf_sha256(&keys, sizeof(keys), NULL, 0, seed, sizeof(*seed), "c-lightning", strlen("c-lightning")); if (delayed_payment_basepoint) { if (!pubkey_from_privkey(&keys.d, delayed_payment_basepoint)) return false; } if (delayed_payment_secret) *delayed_payment_secret = keys.d.secret; return true; } bool derive_shaseed(const struct secret *seed, struct sha256 *shaseed) { struct keys { struct privkey f, r, h, p, d; struct sha256 shaseed; } keys; hkdf_sha256(&keys, sizeof(keys), NULL, 0, seed, sizeof(*seed), "c-lightning", strlen("c-lightning")); *shaseed = keys.shaseed; return true; } bool derive_funding_key(const struct secret *seed, struct pubkey *funding_pubkey, struct privkey *funding_privkey) { struct privkey f; hkdf_sha256(&f, sizeof(f), NULL, 0, seed, sizeof(*seed), "c-lightning", strlen("c-lightning")); if (funding_pubkey) { if (!pubkey_from_privkey(&f, funding_pubkey)) return false; } if (funding_privkey) *funding_privkey = f; return true; } bool derive_revocation_basepoint(const struct secret *seed, struct pubkey *revocation_basepoint, struct secret *revocation_secret) { struct keys { struct privkey f, r, h, p, d; struct sha256 shaseed; } keys; hkdf_sha256(&keys, sizeof(keys), NULL, 0, seed, sizeof(*seed), "c-lightning", strlen("c-lightning")); if (revocation_basepoint) { if (!pubkey_from_privkey(&keys.r, revocation_basepoint)) return false; } if (revocation_secret) *revocation_secret = keys.r.secret; return true; } bool derive_htlc_basepoint(const struct secret *seed, struct pubkey *htlc_basepoint, struct secret *htlc_secret) { struct keys { struct privkey f, r, h, p, d; struct sha256 shaseed; } keys; hkdf_sha256(&keys, sizeof(keys), NULL, 0, seed, sizeof(*seed), "c-lightning", strlen("c-lightning")); if (htlc_basepoint) { if (!pubkey_from_privkey(&keys.h, htlc_basepoint)) return false; } if (htlc_secret) *htlc_secret = keys.h.secret; return true; } void towire_basepoints(u8 **pptr, const struct basepoints *b) { towire_pubkey(pptr, &b->revocation); towire_pubkey(pptr, &b->payment); towire_pubkey(pptr, &b->htlc); towire_pubkey(pptr, &b->delayed_payment); } void fromwire_basepoints(const u8 **ptr, size_t *max, struct basepoints *b) { fromwire_pubkey(ptr, max, &b->revocation); fromwire_pubkey(ptr, max, &b->payment); fromwire_pubkey(ptr, max, &b->htlc); fromwire_pubkey(ptr, max, &b->delayed_payment); } bool shachain_get_secret(const struct shachain *shachain, u64 commit_num, struct secret *preimage) { struct sha256 sha; if (commit_num >= (1ULL << SHACHAIN_BITS)) return false; if (!shachain_get_hash(shachain, shachain_index(commit_num), &sha)) return false; BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(*preimage) == sizeof(sha)); memcpy(preimage, &sha, sizeof(*preimage)); return true; }