#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void towire_utxo(u8 **pptr, const struct utxo *utxo) { /* Is this a unilateral close output and needs the * close_info? */ bool is_unilateral_close = utxo->close_info != NULL; towire_bitcoin_txid(pptr, &utxo->txid); towire_u32(pptr, utxo->outnum); towire_amount_sat(pptr, utxo->amount); towire_u32(pptr, utxo->keyindex); towire_bool(pptr, utxo->is_p2sh); towire_u16(pptr, tal_count(utxo->scriptPubkey)); towire_u8_array(pptr, utxo->scriptPubkey, tal_count(utxo->scriptPubkey)); towire_u16(pptr, tal_count(utxo->scriptSig)); towire_u8_array(pptr, utxo->scriptSig, tal_count(utxo->scriptSig)); towire_bool(pptr, is_unilateral_close); if (is_unilateral_close) { towire_u64(pptr, utxo->close_info->channel_id); towire_node_id(pptr, &utxo->close_info->peer_id); towire_bool(pptr, utxo->close_info->commitment_point != NULL); if (utxo->close_info->commitment_point) towire_pubkey(pptr, utxo->close_info->commitment_point); } } struct utxo *fromwire_utxo(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 **ptr, size_t *max) { struct utxo *utxo = tal(ctx, struct utxo); fromwire_bitcoin_txid(ptr, max, &utxo->txid); utxo->outnum = fromwire_u32(ptr, max); utxo->amount = fromwire_amount_sat(ptr, max); utxo->keyindex = fromwire_u32(ptr, max); utxo->is_p2sh = fromwire_bool(ptr, max); utxo->scriptPubkey = fromwire_tal_arrn(utxo, ptr, max, fromwire_u16(ptr, max)); utxo->scriptSig = fromwire_tal_arrn(utxo, ptr, max, fromwire_u16(ptr, max)); if (fromwire_bool(ptr, max)) { utxo->close_info = tal(utxo, struct unilateral_close_info); utxo->close_info->channel_id = fromwire_u64(ptr, max); fromwire_node_id(ptr, max, &utxo->close_info->peer_id); if (fromwire_bool(ptr, max)) { utxo->close_info->commitment_point = tal(utxo, struct pubkey); fromwire_pubkey(ptr, max, utxo->close_info->commitment_point); } else utxo->close_info->commitment_point = NULL; } else { utxo->close_info = NULL; } return utxo; } struct bitcoin_tx *tx_spending_utxos(const tal_t *ctx, const struct chainparams *chainparams, const struct utxo **utxos, const struct ext_key *bip32_base, bool add_change_output, size_t num_output, u32 nlocktime, u32 nsequence) { struct pubkey key; u8 *scriptSig, *redeemscript; size_t outcount = add_change_output ? 1 + num_output : num_output; struct bitcoin_tx *tx = bitcoin_tx(ctx, chainparams, tal_count(utxos), outcount, nlocktime); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(utxos); i++) { if (utxos[i]->is_p2sh && bip32_base) { bip32_pubkey(bip32_base, &key, utxos[i]->keyindex); scriptSig = bitcoin_scriptsig_p2sh_p2wpkh(tmpctx, &key); redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_p2sh_p2wpkh(tmpctx, &key); } else { scriptSig = NULL; redeemscript = NULL; } bitcoin_tx_add_input(tx, &utxos[i]->txid, utxos[i]->outnum, nsequence, scriptSig, utxos[i]->amount, utxos[i]->scriptPubkey, NULL); /* Add redeemscript to the PSBT input */ if (redeemscript) psbt_input_set_redeemscript(tx->psbt, i, redeemscript); } return tx; } size_t utxo_spend_weight(const struct utxo *utxo) { return bitcoin_tx_simple_input_weight(utxo->is_p2sh); }