#include <arpa/inet.h> #include <ccan/json_escape/json_escape.h> #include <ccan/mem/mem.h> #include <ccan/str/hex/hex.h> #include <ccan/tal/str/str.h> #include <common/json.h> #include <common/json_command.h> #include <common/json_helpers.h> #include <common/jsonrpc_errors.h> #include <common/memleak.h> #include <common/node_id.h> #include <common/param.h> #include <common/type_to_string.h> #include <common/wallet_tx.h> #include <common/wireaddr.h> #include <gossipd/routing.h> #include <lightningd/json.h> #include <lightningd/json_stream.h> #include <lightningd/jsonrpc.h> #include <lightningd/options.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <wallet/wallet.h> #include <wire/wire.h> /* Output a route hop */ static void json_add_route_hop(struct json_stream *r, char const *n, const struct route_hop *h) { /* Imitate what getroute/sendpay use */ json_object_start(r, n); json_add_node_id(r, "id", &h->nodeid); json_add_short_channel_id(r, "channel", &h->channel_id); json_add_num(r, "direction", h->direction); json_add_amount_msat_compat(r, h->amount, "msatoshi", "amount_msat"); json_add_num(r, "delay", h->delay); json_object_end(r); } /* Output a route */ void json_add_route(struct json_stream *r, char const *n, const struct route_hop *hops, size_t hops_len) { size_t i; json_array_start(r, n); for (i = 0; i < hops_len; ++i) { json_add_route_hop(r, NULL, &hops[i]); } json_array_end(r); } void json_add_node_id(struct json_stream *response, const char *fieldname, const struct node_id *id) { json_add_hex(response, fieldname, id->k, sizeof(id->k)); } void json_add_pubkey(struct json_stream *response, const char *fieldname, const struct pubkey *key) { u8 der[PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN]; pubkey_to_der(der, key); json_add_hex(response, fieldname, der, sizeof(der)); } void json_add_txid(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, const struct bitcoin_txid *txid) { char hex[hex_str_size(sizeof(*txid))]; bitcoin_txid_to_hex(txid, hex, sizeof(hex)); json_add_string(result, fieldname, hex); } struct command_result *param_node_id(struct command *cmd, const char *name, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, struct node_id **id) { *id = tal(cmd, struct node_id); if (json_to_node_id(buffer, tok, *id)) return NULL; return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "'%s' should be a node id, not '%.*s'", name, json_tok_full_len(tok), json_tok_full(buffer, tok)); } struct command_result *param_pubkey(struct command *cmd, const char *name, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, struct pubkey **pubkey) { *pubkey = tal(cmd, struct pubkey); if (json_to_pubkey(buffer, tok, *pubkey)) return NULL; return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "'%s' should be a pubkey, not '%.*s'", name, json_tok_full_len(tok), json_tok_full(buffer, tok)); } struct command_result *param_txid(struct command *cmd, const char *name, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, struct bitcoin_txid **txid) { *txid = tal(cmd, struct bitcoin_txid); if (json_to_txid(buffer, tok, *txid)) return NULL; return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "'%s' should be txid, not '%.*s'", name, json_tok_full_len(tok), json_tok_full(buffer, tok)); } void json_add_short_channel_id(struct json_stream *response, const char *fieldname, const struct short_channel_id *scid) { json_add_member(response, fieldname, true, "%dx%dx%d", short_channel_id_blocknum(scid), short_channel_id_txnum(scid), short_channel_id_outnum(scid)); } struct command_result *param_short_channel_id(struct command *cmd, const char *name, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, struct short_channel_id **scid) { *scid = tal(cmd, struct short_channel_id); if (json_to_short_channel_id(buffer, tok, *scid, deprecated_apis)) return NULL; return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "'%s' should be a short channel id, not '%.*s'", name, json_tok_full_len(tok), json_tok_full(buffer, tok)); } const char *json_feerate_style_name(enum feerate_style style) { switch (style) { case FEERATE_PER_KBYTE: return "perkb"; case FEERATE_PER_KSIPA: return "perkw"; } abort(); } struct command_result *param_feerate_style(struct command *cmd, const char *name, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, enum feerate_style **style) { *style = tal(cmd, enum feerate_style); if (json_tok_streq(buffer, tok, json_feerate_style_name(FEERATE_PER_KSIPA))) { **style = FEERATE_PER_KSIPA; return NULL; } else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, tok, json_feerate_style_name(FEERATE_PER_KBYTE))) { **style = FEERATE_PER_KBYTE; return NULL; } return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "'%s' should be '%s' or '%s', not '%.*s'", name, json_feerate_style_name(FEERATE_PER_KSIPA), json_feerate_style_name(FEERATE_PER_KBYTE), json_tok_full_len(tok), json_tok_full(buffer, tok)); } struct command_result *param_feerate(struct command *cmd, const char *name, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, u32 **feerate) { jsmntok_t base = *tok, suffix = *tok; enum feerate_style style; unsigned int num; for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_FEERATES; i++) { if (json_tok_streq(buffer, tok, feerate_name(i))) return param_feerate_estimate(cmd, feerate, i); } /* We have to split the number and suffix. */ suffix.start = suffix.end; while (suffix.start > base.start && !isdigit(buffer[suffix.start-1])) { suffix.start--; base.end--; } if (!json_to_number(buffer, &base, &num)) { return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "'%s' prefix should be an integer, not '%.*s'", name, base.end - base.start, buffer + base.start); } if (json_tok_streq(buffer, &suffix, "") || json_tok_streq(buffer, &suffix, json_feerate_style_name(FEERATE_PER_KBYTE))) { style = FEERATE_PER_KBYTE; } else if (json_tok_streq(buffer, &suffix, json_feerate_style_name(FEERATE_PER_KSIPA))) { style = FEERATE_PER_KSIPA; } else { return command_fail(cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_PARAMS, "'%s' suffix should be '%s' or '%s', not '%.*s'", name, json_feerate_style_name(FEERATE_PER_KSIPA), json_feerate_style_name(FEERATE_PER_KBYTE), suffix.end - suffix.start, buffer + suffix.start); } *feerate = tal(cmd, u32); **feerate = feerate_from_style(num, style); return NULL; } bool json_tok_channel_id(const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *tok, struct channel_id *cid) { return hex_decode(buffer + tok->start, tok->end - tok->start, cid, sizeof(*cid)); } void json_add_address(struct json_stream *response, const char *fieldname, const struct wireaddr *addr) { json_object_start(response, fieldname); char *addrstr = tal_arr(response, char, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); if (addr->type == ADDR_TYPE_IPV4) { inet_ntop(AF_INET, addr->addr, addrstr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); json_add_string(response, "type", "ipv4"); json_add_string(response, "address", addrstr); json_add_num(response, "port", addr->port); } else if (addr->type == ADDR_TYPE_IPV6) { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr->addr, addrstr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); json_add_string(response, "type", "ipv6"); json_add_string(response, "address", addrstr); json_add_num(response, "port", addr->port); } else if (addr->type == ADDR_TYPE_TOR_V2) { json_add_string(response, "type", "torv2"); json_add_string(response, "address", fmt_wireaddr_without_port(tmpctx, addr)); json_add_num(response, "port", addr->port); } else if (addr->type == ADDR_TYPE_TOR_V3) { json_add_string(response, "type", "torv3"); json_add_string(response, "address", fmt_wireaddr_without_port(tmpctx, addr)); json_add_num(response, "port", addr->port); } json_object_end(response); } void json_add_address_internal(struct json_stream *response, const char *fieldname, const struct wireaddr_internal *addr) { switch (addr->itype) { case ADDR_INTERNAL_SOCKNAME: json_object_start(response, fieldname); json_add_string(response, "type", "local socket"); json_add_string(response, "socket", addr->u.sockname); json_object_end(response); return; case ADDR_INTERNAL_ALLPROTO: json_object_start(response, fieldname); json_add_string(response, "type", "any protocol"); json_add_num(response, "port", addr->u.port); json_object_end(response); return; case ADDR_INTERNAL_AUTOTOR: json_object_start(response, fieldname); json_add_string(response, "type", "Tor generated address"); json_add_address(response, "service", &addr->u.torservice); json_object_end(response); return; case ADDR_INTERNAL_FORPROXY: json_object_start(response, fieldname); json_add_string(response, "type", "unresolved"); json_add_string(response, "name", addr->u.unresolved.name); json_add_num(response, "port", addr->u.unresolved.port); json_object_end(response); return; case ADDR_INTERNAL_WIREADDR: json_add_address(response, fieldname, &addr->u.wireaddr); return; } abort(); } void json_add_num(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, unsigned int value) { json_add_member(result, fieldname, false, "%u", value); } void json_add_double(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, double value) { json_add_member(result, fieldname, false, "%f", value); } void json_add_u64(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, uint64_t value) { json_add_member(result, fieldname, false, "%"PRIu64, value); } void json_add_s64(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, int64_t value) { json_add_member(result, fieldname, false, "%"PRIi64, value); } void json_add_u32(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, uint32_t value) { json_add_member(result, fieldname, false, "%u", value); } void json_add_s32(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, int32_t value) { json_add_member(result, fieldname, false, "%d", value); } void json_add_literal(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, const char *literal, int len) { /* Literal may contain quotes, so bypass normal checks */ char *dest = json_member_direct(result, fieldname, strlen(literal)); if (dest) memcpy(dest, literal, strlen(literal)); } void json_add_string(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, const char *value TAKES) { json_add_member(result, fieldname, true, "%s", value); if (taken(value)) tal_free(value); } void json_add_bool(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, bool value) { json_add_member(result, fieldname, false, value ? "true" : "false"); } void json_add_null(struct json_stream *stream, const char *fieldname) { json_add_member(stream, fieldname, false, "null"); } void json_add_hex(struct json_stream *js, const char *fieldname, const void *data, size_t len) { /* Size without NUL term */ size_t hexlen = hex_str_size(len) - 1; char *dest; dest = json_member_direct(js, fieldname, 1 + hexlen + 1); if (dest) { dest[0] = '"'; if (!hex_encode(data, len, dest + 1, hexlen + 1)) abort(); dest[1+hexlen] = '"'; } } void json_add_hex_talarr(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, const tal_t *data) { json_add_hex(result, fieldname, data, tal_bytelen(data)); } void json_add_tx(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx) { json_add_hex_talarr(result, fieldname, linearize_tx(tmpctx, tx)); } void json_add_escaped_string(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, const struct json_escape *esc TAKES) { /* Already escaped, don't re-escape! */ char *dest = json_member_direct(result, fieldname, 1 + strlen(esc->s) + 1); if (dest) { dest[0] = '"'; memcpy(dest + 1, esc->s, strlen(esc->s)); dest[1+strlen(esc->s)] = '"'; } if (taken(esc)) tal_free(esc); } void json_add_amount_msat_compat(struct json_stream *result, struct amount_msat msat, const char *rawfieldname, const char *msatfieldname) { json_add_u64(result, rawfieldname, msat.millisatoshis); /* Raw: low-level helper */ json_add_amount_msat_only(result, msatfieldname, msat); } void json_add_amount_msat_only(struct json_stream *result, const char *msatfieldname, struct amount_msat msat) { json_add_string(result, msatfieldname, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &msat)); } void json_add_amount_sat_compat(struct json_stream *result, struct amount_sat sat, const char *rawfieldname, const char *msatfieldname) { json_add_u64(result, rawfieldname, sat.satoshis); /* Raw: low-level helper */ json_add_amount_sat_only(result, msatfieldname, sat); } void json_add_amount_sat_only(struct json_stream *result, const char *msatfieldname, struct amount_sat sat) { struct amount_msat msat; if (amount_sat_to_msat(&msat, sat)) json_add_string(result, msatfieldname, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &msat)); } void json_add_timeabs(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, struct timeabs t) { json_add_member(result, fieldname, false, "%" PRIu64 ".%03" PRIu64, (u64)t.ts.tv_sec, (u64)t.ts.tv_nsec / 1000000); } void json_add_time(struct json_stream *result, const char *fieldname, struct timespec ts) { char timebuf[100]; snprintf(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%lu.%09u", (unsigned long)ts.tv_sec, (unsigned)ts.tv_nsec); json_add_string(result, fieldname, timebuf); } void json_add_secret(struct json_stream *response, const char *fieldname, const struct secret *secret) { json_add_hex(response, fieldname, secret, sizeof(struct secret)); }