#include "db.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define DB_FILE "lightningd.sqlite3" /* Do not reorder or remove elements from this array, it is used to * migrate existing databases from a previous state, based on the * string indices */ char *dbmigrations[] = { "CREATE TABLE version (version INTEGER)", "INSERT INTO version VALUES (1)", "CREATE TABLE outputs ( \ prev_out_tx CHAR(64), \ prev_out_index INTEGER, \ value INTEGER, \ type INTEGER, \ status INTEGER, \ keyindex INTEGER, \ PRIMARY KEY (prev_out_tx, prev_out_index) \ );", "CREATE TABLE vars (name VARCHAR(32), val VARCHAR(255), PRIMARY KEY (name));", "CREATE TABLE shachains ( \ id INTEGER, \ min_index INTEGER, \ num_valid INTEGER, \ PRIMARY KEY (id));", "CREATE TABLE shachain_known ( \ shachain_id INTEGER REFERENCES shachains(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, \ pos INTEGER, \ idx INTEGER, \ hash BLOB, \ PRIMARY KEY (shachain_id, pos));", "CREATE TABLE channels (" " id INTEGER," /* chan->id */ " peer_id INTEGER REFERENCES peers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE," " short_channel_id BLOB," " channel_config_local INTEGER," " channel_config_remote INTEGER," " state INTEGER," " funder INTEGER," " channel_flags INTEGER," " minimum_depth INTEGER," " next_index_local INTEGER," " next_index_remote INTEGER," " next_htlc_id INTEGER, " " funding_tx_id BLOB," " funding_tx_outnum INTEGER," " funding_satoshi INTEGER," " funding_locked_remote INTEGER," " push_msatoshi INTEGER," " msatoshi_local INTEGER," /* our_msatoshi */ /* START channel_info */ " fundingkey_remote BLOB," " revocation_basepoint_remote BLOB," " payment_basepoint_remote BLOB," " htlc_basepoint_remote BLOB," " delayed_payment_basepoint_remote BLOB," " per_commit_remote BLOB," " old_per_commit_remote BLOB," " local_feerate_per_kw INTEGER," " remote_feerate_per_kw INTEGER," /* END channel_info */ " shachain_remote_id INTEGER," " shutdown_scriptpubkey_remote BLOB," " shutdown_keyidx_local INTEGER," " last_sent_commit_state INTEGER," " last_sent_commit_id INTEGER," " last_tx BLOB," " last_sig BLOB," " closing_fee_received INTEGER," " closing_sig_received BLOB," " PRIMARY KEY (id)" ");", "CREATE TABLE peers (" " id INTEGER," " node_id BLOB UNIQUE," /* pubkey */ " address TEXT," " PRIMARY KEY (id)" ");", "CREATE TABLE channel_configs (" " id INTEGER," " dust_limit_satoshis INTEGER," " max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat INTEGER," " channel_reserve_satoshis INTEGER," " htlc_minimum_msat INTEGER," " to_self_delay INTEGER," " max_accepted_htlcs INTEGER," " PRIMARY KEY (id)" ");", "CREATE TABLE channel_htlcs (" " id INTEGER," " channel_id INTEGER REFERENCES channels(id) ON DELETE CASCADE," " channel_htlc_id INTEGER," " direction INTEGER," " origin_htlc INTEGER," " msatoshi INTEGER," " cltv_expiry INTEGER," " payment_hash BLOB," " payment_key BLOB," " routing_onion BLOB," " failuremsg BLOB," " malformed_onion INTEGER," " hstate INTEGER," " shared_secret BLOB," " PRIMARY KEY (id)," " UNIQUE (channel_id, channel_htlc_id, direction)" ");", "CREATE TABLE invoices (" " id INTEGER," " state INTEGER," " msatoshi INTEGER," " payment_hash BLOB," " payment_key BLOB," " label TEXT," " PRIMARY KEY (id)," " UNIQUE (label)," " UNIQUE (payment_hash)" ");", "CREATE TABLE payments (" " id INTEGER," " timestamp INTEGER," " status INTEGER," " payment_hash BLOB," " direction INTEGER," " destination BLOB," " msatoshi INTEGER," " PRIMARY KEY (id)," " UNIQUE (payment_hash)" ");", /* Add expiry field to invoices (effectively infinite). */ "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD expiry_time INTEGER;", "UPDATE invoices SET expiry_time=9223372036854775807;", /* Add pay_index field to paid invoices (initially, same order as id). */ "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD pay_index INTEGER;", "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX invoices_pay_index" " ON invoices(pay_index);", "UPDATE invoices SET pay_index=id WHERE state=1;", /* only paid invoice */ /* Create next_pay_index variable (highest pay_index). */ "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO vars(name, val)" " VALUES('next_pay_index', " " COALESCE((SELECT MAX(pay_index) FROM invoices WHERE state=1), 0) + 1" " );", /* Create first_block field; initialize from channel id if any. * This fails for channels still awaiting lockin, but that only applies to * pre-release software, so it's forgivable. */ "ALTER TABLE channels ADD first_blocknum INTEGER;", "UPDATE channels SET first_blocknum=CAST(short_channel_id AS INTEGER) WHERE short_channel_id IS NOT NULL;", "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN channel_id INTEGER;", "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN peer_id BLOB;", "ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN commitment_point BLOB;", "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD COLUMN msatoshi_received INTEGER;", /* Normally impossible, so at least we'll know if databases are ancient. */ "UPDATE invoices SET msatoshi_received=0 WHERE state=1;", "ALTER TABLE channels ADD COLUMN last_was_revoke INTEGER;", /* We no longer record incoming payments: invoices cover that. * Without ALTER_TABLE DROP COLUMN support we need to do this by * rename & copy, which works because there are no triggers etc. */ "ALTER TABLE payments RENAME TO temp_payments;", "CREATE TABLE payments (" " id INTEGER," " timestamp INTEGER," " status INTEGER," " payment_hash BLOB," " destination BLOB," " msatoshi INTEGER," " PRIMARY KEY (id)," " UNIQUE (payment_hash)" ");", "INSERT INTO payments SELECT id, timestamp, status, payment_hash, destination, msatoshi FROM temp_payments WHERE direction=1;", "DROP TABLE temp_payments;", /* We need to keep the preimage in case they ask to pay again. */ "ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN payment_preimage BLOB;", /* We need to keep the shared secrets to decode error returns. */ "ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN path_secrets BLOB;", /* Create time-of-payment of invoice, default already-paid * invoices to current time. */ "ALTER TABLE invoices ADD paid_timestamp INTEGER;", "UPDATE invoices" " SET paid_timestamp = strftime('%s', 'now')" " WHERE state = 1;", NULL, }; sqlite3_stmt *db_prepare_(const char *caller, struct db *db, const char *query) { int err; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; assert(db->in_transaction); err = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db->sql, query, -1, &stmt, NULL); if (err != SQLITE_OK) fatal("%s: %s: %s", caller, query, sqlite3_errmsg(db->sql)); return stmt; } void db_exec_prepared_(const char *caller, struct db *db, sqlite3_stmt *stmt) { assert(db->in_transaction); if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) fatal("%s: %s", caller, sqlite3_errmsg(db->sql)); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); } /* This one doesn't check if we're in a transaction. */ static void db_do_exec(const char *caller, struct db *db, const char *cmd) { char *errmsg; int err; err = sqlite3_exec(db->sql, cmd, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (err != SQLITE_OK) { fatal("%s:%s:%s:%s", caller, sqlite3_errstr(err), cmd, errmsg); /* Only reached in testing */ sqlite3_free(errmsg); } } static void PRINTF_FMT(3, 4) db_exec(const char *caller, struct db *db, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *cmd; assert(db->in_transaction); va_start(ap, fmt); cmd = tal_vfmt(db, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); db_do_exec(caller, db, cmd); tal_free(cmd); } bool db_exec_prepared_mayfail_(const char *caller, struct db *db, sqlite3_stmt *stmt) { assert(db->in_transaction); if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) { goto fail; } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return true; fail: sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return false; } sqlite3_stmt *PRINTF_FMT(3, 4) db_query(const char *caller, struct db *db, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *query; sqlite3_stmt *stmt; assert(db->in_transaction); va_start(ap, fmt); query = tal_vfmt(db, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); /* Sets stmt to NULL if not SQLITE_OK */ sqlite3_prepare_v2(db->sql, query, -1, &stmt, NULL); tal_free(query); return stmt; } static void close_db(struct db *db) { sqlite3_close(db->sql); } void db_begin_transaction_(struct db *db, const char *location) { if (db->in_transaction) fatal("Already in transaction from %s", db->in_transaction); db_do_exec(location, db, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); db->in_transaction = location; } void db_commit_transaction(struct db *db) { assert(db->in_transaction); db_exec(__func__, db, "COMMIT;"); db->in_transaction = NULL; } /** * db_open - Open or create a sqlite3 database */ static struct db *db_open(const tal_t *ctx, char *filename) { int err; struct db *db; sqlite3 *sql; if (SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER != sqlite3_libversion_number()) fatal("SQLITE version mismatch: compiled %u, now %u", SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER, sqlite3_libversion_number()); int flags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE; err = sqlite3_open_v2(filename, &sql, flags, NULL); if (err != SQLITE_OK) { fatal("failed to open database %s: %s", filename, sqlite3_errstr(err)); } db = tal(ctx, struct db); db->filename = tal_dup_arr(db, char, filename, strlen(filename), 0); db->sql = sql; tal_add_destructor(db, close_db); db->in_transaction = NULL; db_do_exec(__func__, db, "PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"); return db; } /** * db_get_version - Determine the current DB schema version * * Will attempt to determine the current schema version of the * database @db by querying the `version` table. If the table does not * exist it'll return schema version -1, so that migration 0 is * applied, which should create the `version` table. */ static int db_get_version(struct db *db) { int err; u64 res = -1; sqlite3_stmt *stmt = db_query(__func__, db, "SELECT version FROM version LIMIT 1"); if (!stmt) return -1; err = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (err != SQLITE_ROW) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return -1; } else { res = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, 0); sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return res; } } /** * db_migration_count - Count how many migrations are available * * Returns the maximum migration index, i.e., the version number of an * up-to-date database schema. */ static int db_migration_count(void) { int count = 0; while (dbmigrations[count] != NULL) count++; return count - 1; } /** * db_migrate - Apply all remaining migrations from the current version */ static void db_migrate(struct db *db, struct log *log) { /* Attempt to read the version from the database */ int current, available; db_begin_transaction(db); current = db_get_version(db); available = db_migration_count(); if (current == -1) log_info(log, "Creating database"); else if (current != available) log_info(log, "Updating database from version %u to %u", current, available); while (++current <= available) db_exec(__func__, db, "%s", dbmigrations[current]); /* Finally update the version number in the version table */ db_exec(__func__, db, "UPDATE version SET version=%d;", available); db_commit_transaction(db); } struct db *db_setup(const tal_t *ctx, struct log *log) { struct db *db = db_open(ctx, DB_FILE); db_migrate(db, log); return db; } s64 db_get_intvar(struct db *db, char *varname, s64 defval) { int err; s64 res = defval; const unsigned char *stringvar; sqlite3_stmt *stmt = db_query(__func__, db, "SELECT val FROM vars WHERE name='%s' LIMIT 1", varname); if (!stmt) return defval; err = sqlite3_step(stmt); if (err == SQLITE_ROW) { stringvar = sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0); res = atol((const char *)stringvar); } sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return res; } void db_set_intvar(struct db *db, char *varname, s64 val) { /* Attempt to update */ db_exec(__func__, db, "UPDATE vars SET val='%" PRId64 "' WHERE name='%s';", val, varname); if (sqlite3_changes(db->sql) == 0) db_exec( __func__, db, "INSERT INTO vars (name, val) VALUES ('%s', '%" PRId64 "');", varname, val); } bool sqlite3_bind_short_channel_id(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct short_channel_id *id) { char *ser = short_channel_id_to_str(id, id); sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, col, ser, strlen(ser), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); tal_free(ser); return true; } bool sqlite3_column_short_channel_id(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, struct short_channel_id *dest) { const char *source = sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col); size_t sourcelen = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col); return short_channel_id_from_str(source, sourcelen, dest); } bool sqlite3_bind_tx(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx) { u8 *ser = linearize_tx(NULL, tx); sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, col, ser, tal_len(ser), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); tal_free(ser); return true; } struct bitcoin_tx *sqlite3_column_tx(const tal_t *ctx, sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col) { const u8 *src = sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col); size_t len = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col); return pull_bitcoin_tx(ctx, &src, &len); } bool sqlite3_bind_signature(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig) { bool ok; u8 buf[64]; ok = secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_compact(secp256k1_ctx, buf, sig) == 1; sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, col, buf, sizeof(buf), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return ok; } bool sqlite3_column_signature(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig) { assert(sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col) == 64); return secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_parse_compact( secp256k1_ctx, sig, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col)) == 1; } bool sqlite3_column_pubkey(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, struct pubkey *dest) { assert(sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col) == PUBKEY_DER_LEN); return pubkey_from_der(sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col), PUBKEY_DER_LEN, dest); } bool sqlite3_bind_pubkey(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct pubkey *pk) { u8 der[PUBKEY_DER_LEN]; pubkey_to_der(der, pk); sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, col, der, sizeof(der), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return true; } bool sqlite3_column_preimage(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, struct preimage *dest) { assert(sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col) == sizeof(struct preimage)); return memcpy(dest, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col), sizeof(struct preimage)); } bool sqlite3_bind_preimage(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct preimage *p) { sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, col, p, sizeof(struct preimage), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return true; } bool sqlite3_column_sha256(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, struct sha256 *dest) { assert(sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col) == sizeof(struct sha256)); return memcpy(dest, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col), sizeof(struct sha256)); } bool sqlite3_bind_sha256(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct sha256 *p) { sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, col, p, sizeof(struct sha256), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return true; } bool sqlite3_column_sha256_double(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, struct sha256_double *dest) { assert(sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col) == sizeof(struct sha256_double)); return memcpy(dest, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col), sizeof(struct sha256_double)); } struct secret *sqlite3_column_secrets(const tal_t *ctx, sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col) { struct secret *secrets; size_t n = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col) / sizeof(*secrets); /* Must fit exactly */ assert(n * sizeof(struct secret) == sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col)); if (n == 0) return NULL; secrets = tal_arr(ctx, struct secret, n); return memcpy(secrets, sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col), tal_len(secrets)); } bool sqlite3_bind_sha256_double(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct sha256_double *p) { sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, col, p, sizeof(struct sha256_double), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); return true; }