#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Needs to be at end, since it doesn't include its own hdrs */ #include "gen_full_channel_error_names.h" #if DEVELOPER static void memleak_help_htlcmap(struct htable *memtable, struct htlc_map *htlcs) { memleak_remove_htable(memtable, &htlcs->raw); } #endif /* DEVELOPER */ /* This is a dangerous thing! Because we apply HTLCs in many places * in bulk, we can temporarily go negative. You must check balance_ok() * at the end! */ struct balance { s64 msat; }; static void to_balance(struct balance *balance, const struct amount_msat msat) { balance->msat = msat.millisatoshis; /* Raw: balance */ assert(balance->msat >= 0); } /* What does adding the HTLC do to the balance for this side (subtracts) */ static void balance_add_htlc(struct balance *balance, const struct htlc *htlc, enum side side) { if (htlc_owner(htlc) == side) balance->msat -= htlc->amount.millisatoshis; /* Raw: balance */ } /* What does removing the HTLC do to the balance for this side (adds) */ static void balance_remove_htlc(struct balance *balance, const struct htlc *htlc, enum side side) { enum side paid_to; /* Fulfilled HTLCs are paid to recipient, otherwise returns to owner */ if (htlc->r) paid_to = !htlc_owner(htlc); else paid_to = htlc_owner(htlc); if (side == paid_to) balance->msat += htlc->amount.millisatoshis; /* Raw: balance */ } static bool balance_ok(const struct balance *balance, struct amount_msat *msat) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; static bool balance_ok(const struct balance *balance, struct amount_msat *msat) { if (balance->msat < 0) return false; msat->millisatoshis = balance->msat; /* Raw: balance */ return true; } struct channel *new_full_channel(const tal_t *ctx, const struct bitcoin_txid *funding_txid, unsigned int funding_txout, u32 minimum_depth, struct amount_sat funding, struct amount_msat local_msat, const struct fee_states *fee_states, const struct channel_config *local, const struct channel_config *remote, const struct basepoints *local_basepoints, const struct basepoints *remote_basepoints, const struct pubkey *local_funding_pubkey, const struct pubkey *remote_funding_pubkey, bool option_static_remotekey, enum side opener) { struct channel *channel = new_initial_channel(ctx, funding_txid, funding_txout, minimum_depth, funding, local_msat, fee_states, local, remote, local_basepoints, remote_basepoints, local_funding_pubkey, remote_funding_pubkey, option_static_remotekey, opener); if (channel) { channel->htlcs = tal(channel, struct htlc_map); htlc_map_init(channel->htlcs); memleak_add_helper(channel->htlcs, memleak_help_htlcmap); tal_add_destructor(channel->htlcs, htlc_map_clear); } return channel; } static void htlc_arr_append(const struct htlc ***arr, const struct htlc *htlc) { if (!arr) return; tal_arr_expand(arr, htlc); } static void dump_htlc(const struct htlc *htlc, const char *prefix) { enum htlc_state remote_state; if (htlc->state <= RCVD_REMOVE_ACK_REVOCATION) remote_state = htlc->state + 10; else remote_state = htlc->state - 10; status_debug("%s: HTLC %s %"PRIu64" = %s/%s %s", prefix, htlc_owner(htlc) == LOCAL ? "LOCAL" : "REMOTE", htlc->id, htlc_state_name(htlc->state), htlc_state_name(remote_state), htlc->r ? "FULFILLED" : htlc->failed ? "FAILED" : ""); } void dump_htlcs(const struct channel *channel, const char *prefix) { #ifdef SUPERVERBOSE struct htlc_map_iter it; const struct htlc *htlc; for (htlc = htlc_map_first(channel->htlcs, &it); htlc; htlc = htlc_map_next(channel->htlcs, &it)) { dump_htlc(htlc, prefix); } #endif } /* Returns up to three arrays: * committed: HTLCs currently committed. * pending_removal: HTLCs pending removal (subset of committed) * pending_addition: HTLCs pending addition (no overlap with committed) */ static void gather_htlcs(const tal_t *ctx, const struct channel *channel, enum side side, const struct htlc ***committed, const struct htlc ***pending_removal, const struct htlc ***pending_addition) { struct htlc_map_iter it; const struct htlc *htlc; const int committed_flag = HTLC_FLAG(side, HTLC_F_COMMITTED); const int pending_flag = HTLC_FLAG(side, HTLC_F_PENDING); *committed = tal_arr(ctx, const struct htlc *, 0); if (pending_removal) *pending_removal = tal_arr(ctx, const struct htlc *, 0); if (pending_addition) *pending_addition = tal_arr(ctx, const struct htlc *, 0); if (!channel->htlcs) return; for (htlc = htlc_map_first(channel->htlcs, &it); htlc; htlc = htlc_map_next(channel->htlcs, &it)) { if (htlc_has(htlc, committed_flag)) { htlc_arr_append(committed, htlc); if (htlc_has(htlc, pending_flag)) htlc_arr_append(pending_removal, htlc); } else if (htlc_has(htlc, pending_flag)) htlc_arr_append(pending_addition, htlc); } } static bool sum_offered_msatoshis(struct amount_msat *total, const struct htlc **htlcs, enum side side) { size_t i; *total = AMOUNT_MSAT(0); for (i = 0; i < tal_count(htlcs); i++) { if (htlc_owner(htlcs[i]) == side) { if (!amount_msat_add(total, *total, htlcs[i]->amount)) return false; } } return true; } static void add_htlcs(struct bitcoin_tx ***txs, const struct htlc **htlcmap, const struct channel *channel, const struct keyset *keyset, enum side side) { size_t i; struct bitcoin_txid txid; u32 feerate_per_kw = channel_feerate(channel, side); /* Get txid of commitment transaction */ bitcoin_txid((*txs)[0], &txid); for (i = 0; i < tal_count(htlcmap); i++) { const struct htlc *htlc = htlcmap[i]; struct bitcoin_tx *tx; struct ripemd160 ripemd; const u8 *wscript; if (!htlc) continue; if (htlc_owner(htlc) == side) { ripemd160(&ripemd, htlc->rhash.u.u8, sizeof(htlc->rhash.u.u8)); wscript = htlc_offered_wscript(tmpctx, &ripemd, keyset); tx = htlc_timeout_tx(*txs, chainparams, &txid, i, wscript, htlc->amount, htlc->expiry.locktime, channel->config[!side].to_self_delay, feerate_per_kw, keyset); } else { ripemd160(&ripemd, htlc->rhash.u.u8, sizeof(htlc->rhash.u.u8)); wscript = htlc_received_wscript(tmpctx, &ripemd, &htlc->expiry, keyset); tx = htlc_success_tx(*txs, chainparams, &txid, i, wscript, htlc->amount, channel->config[!side].to_self_delay, feerate_per_kw, keyset); } /* Append to array. */ tal_arr_expand(txs, tx); } } /* FIXME: We could cache these. */ struct bitcoin_tx **channel_txs(const tal_t *ctx, const struct htlc ***htlcmap, struct wally_tx_output *direct_outputs[NUM_SIDES], const u8 **funding_wscript, const struct channel *channel, const struct pubkey *per_commitment_point, u64 commitment_number, enum side side) { struct bitcoin_tx **txs; const struct htlc **committed; struct keyset keyset; if (!derive_keyset(per_commitment_point, &channel->basepoints[side], &channel->basepoints[!side], channel->option_static_remotekey, &keyset)) return NULL; /* Figure out what @side will already be committed to. */ gather_htlcs(ctx, channel, side, &committed, NULL, NULL); /* Generating and saving witness script required to spend * the funding output */ *funding_wscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(ctx, &channel->funding_pubkey[side], &channel->funding_pubkey[!side]); txs = tal_arr(ctx, struct bitcoin_tx *, 1); txs[0] = commit_tx( ctx, &channel->funding_txid, channel->funding_txout, channel->funding, cast_const(u8 *, *funding_wscript), channel->opener, channel->config[!side].to_self_delay, &keyset, channel_feerate(channel, side), channel->config[side].dust_limit, channel->view[side].owed[side], channel->view[side].owed[!side], committed, htlcmap, direct_outputs, commitment_number ^ channel->commitment_number_obscurer, side); /* Set the remote/local pubkeys on the commitment tx psbt */ psbt_input_add_pubkey(txs[0]->psbt, 0, &channel->funding_pubkey[side]); psbt_input_add_pubkey(txs[0]->psbt, 0, &channel->funding_pubkey[!side]); add_htlcs(&txs, *htlcmap, channel, &keyset, side); tal_free(committed); return txs; } /* If @side is faced with these HTLCs, how much will it have left * above reserve (eg. to pay fees). Returns false if would be < 0. */ static bool get_room_above_reserve(const struct channel *channel, const struct channel_view *view, const struct htlc **adding, const struct htlc **removing, enum side side, struct amount_msat *remainder) { /* Reserve is set by the *other* side */ struct amount_sat reserve = channel->config[!side].channel_reserve; struct balance balance; to_balance(&balance, view->owed[side]); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(removing); i++) balance_remove_htlc(&balance, removing[i], side); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(adding); i++) balance_add_htlc(&balance, adding[i], side); /* Can happen if amount completely exceeds capacity */ if (!balance_ok(&balance, remainder)) { status_debug("Failed to add %zu remove %zu htlcs", tal_count(adding), tal_count(removing)); return false; } if (!amount_msat_sub_sat(remainder, *remainder, reserve)) { status_debug("%s cannot afford htlc: would make balance %s" " below reserve %s", side_to_str(side), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, remainder), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &reserve)); return false; } return true; } static size_t num_untrimmed_htlcs(enum side side, struct amount_sat dust_limit, u32 feerate, const struct htlc **committed, const struct htlc **adding, const struct htlc **removing) { return commit_tx_num_untrimmed(committed, feerate, dust_limit, side) + commit_tx_num_untrimmed(adding, feerate, dust_limit, side) - commit_tx_num_untrimmed(removing, feerate, dust_limit, side); } static struct amount_sat fee_for_htlcs(const struct channel *channel, const struct htlc **committed, const struct htlc **adding, const struct htlc **removing, enum side side) { u32 feerate = channel_feerate(channel, side); struct amount_sat dust_limit = channel->config[side].dust_limit; size_t untrimmed; untrimmed = num_untrimmed_htlcs(side, dust_limit, feerate, committed, adding, removing); return commit_tx_base_fee(feerate, untrimmed); } /* * There is a corner case where the opener can spend so much that the * non-opener can't add any non-dust HTLCs (since the opener would * have to pay the additional fee, but it can't afford to). This * leads to the channel starving at the feast! This was reported by * ACINQ's @t-bast * (https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc/issues/728) and * demonstrated with c-lightning by @m-schmoock * (https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/pull/3498). * * To mostly avoid this situation, at least from our side, we apply an * additional constraint when we're opener trying to add an HTLC: make * sure we can afford one more HTLC, even if fees increase by 100%. * * We could do this for the peer, as well, by rejecting their HTLC * immediately in this case. But rejecting a remote HTLC here causes * us to get upset with them and close the channel: we're not well * architected to reject HTLCs in channeld (it's usually lightningd's * job, but it doesn't have all the channel balance change calculation * logic. So we look after ourselves for now, and hope other nodes start * self-regulating too. * * This mitigation will become BOLT #2 standard by: * https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc/issues/740 */ static bool local_opener_has_fee_headroom(const struct channel *channel, struct amount_msat remainder, const struct htlc **committed, const struct htlc **adding, const struct htlc **removing) { u32 feerate = channel_feerate(channel, LOCAL); size_t untrimmed; struct amount_sat fee; assert(channel->opener == LOCAL); /* How many untrimmed at current feerate? Increasing feerate can * only *reduce* this number, so use current feerate here! */ untrimmed = num_untrimmed_htlcs(LOCAL, channel->config[LOCAL].dust_limit, feerate, committed, adding, removing); /* Now, how much would it cost us if feerate increases 100% and we added * another HTLC? */ fee = commit_tx_base_fee(2 * feerate, untrimmed + 1); if (amount_msat_greater_eq_sat(remainder, fee)) return true; status_debug("Adding HTLC would leave us only %s: we need %s for" " another HTLC if fees increase by 100%% to %uperkw", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &remainder), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee), feerate + feerate); return false; } static enum channel_add_err add_htlc(struct channel *channel, enum htlc_state state, u64 id, struct amount_msat amount, u32 cltv_expiry, const struct sha256 *payment_hash, const u8 routing[TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE], const struct pubkey *blinding TAKES, struct htlc **htlcp, bool enforce_aggregate_limits, struct amount_sat *htlc_fee) { struct htlc *htlc, *old; struct amount_msat msat_in_htlcs, committed_msat, adding_msat, removing_msat; enum side sender = htlc_state_owner(state), recipient = !sender; const struct htlc **committed, **adding, **removing; const struct channel_view *view; u32 min_concurrent_htlcs; htlc = tal(tmpctx, struct htlc); htlc->id = id; htlc->amount = amount; htlc->state = state; /* FIXME: Change expiry to simple u32 */ /* BOLT #2: * * A receiving node: *... * - if sending node sets `cltv_expiry` to greater or equal to * 500000000: * - SHOULD fail the channel. */ if (!blocks_to_abs_locktime(cltv_expiry, &htlc->expiry)) { return CHANNEL_ERR_INVALID_EXPIRY; } htlc->rhash = *payment_hash; if (blinding) htlc->blinding = tal_dup(htlc, struct pubkey, blinding); else htlc->blinding = NULL; htlc->failed = NULL; htlc->r = NULL; htlc->routing = tal_dup_arr(htlc, u8, routing, TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE, 0); old = htlc_get(channel->htlcs, htlc->id, htlc_owner(htlc)); if (old) { if (old->state != htlc->state || !amount_msat_eq(old->amount, htlc->amount) || old->expiry.locktime != htlc->expiry.locktime || !sha256_eq(&old->rhash, &htlc->rhash)) return CHANNEL_ERR_DUPLICATE_ID_DIFFERENT; else return CHANNEL_ERR_DUPLICATE; } /* We're always considering the recipient's view of the channel here */ view = &channel->view[recipient]; /* BOLT #2: * * A receiving node: * - receiving an `amount_msat` equal to 0, OR less than its own * `htlc_minimum_msat`: * - SHOULD fail the channel. */ if (amount_msat_eq(htlc->amount, AMOUNT_MSAT(0))) { return CHANNEL_ERR_HTLC_BELOW_MINIMUM; } if (amount_msat_less(htlc->amount, channel->config[recipient].htlc_minimum)) { return CHANNEL_ERR_HTLC_BELOW_MINIMUM; } /* BOLT #2: * * A sending node: *... * - for channels with `chain_hash` identifying the Bitcoin blockchain: * - MUST set the four most significant bytes of `amount_msat` to 0. */ if (sender == LOCAL && amount_msat_greater(htlc->amount, chainparams->max_payment)) { return CHANNEL_ERR_MAX_HTLC_VALUE_EXCEEDED; } /* Figure out what receiver will already be committed to. */ gather_htlcs(tmpctx, channel, recipient, &committed, &removing, &adding); htlc_arr_append(&adding, htlc); /* BOLT #2: * * - if a sending node adds more than receiver `max_accepted_htlcs` * HTLCs to its local commitment transaction... * - SHOULD fail the channel. */ /* Also we should not add more htlc's than sender or recipient * configured. This mitigates attacks in which a peer can force the * opener of the channel to pay unnecessary onchain fees during a fee * spike with large commitment transactions. */ min_concurrent_htlcs = channel->config[recipient].max_accepted_htlcs; if (min_concurrent_htlcs > channel->config[sender].max_accepted_htlcs) min_concurrent_htlcs = channel->config[sender].max_accepted_htlcs; if (tal_count(committed) - tal_count(removing) + tal_count(adding) > min_concurrent_htlcs) { return CHANNEL_ERR_TOO_MANY_HTLCS; } /* These cannot overflow with HTLC amount limitations, but * maybe adding could later if they try to add a maximal HTLC. */ if (!sum_offered_msatoshis(&committed_msat, committed, htlc_owner(htlc)) || !sum_offered_msatoshis(&removing_msat, removing, htlc_owner(htlc)) || !sum_offered_msatoshis(&adding_msat, adding, htlc_owner(htlc))) { return CHANNEL_ERR_MAX_HTLC_VALUE_EXCEEDED; } if (!amount_msat_add(&msat_in_htlcs, committed_msat, adding_msat) || !amount_msat_sub(&msat_in_htlcs, msat_in_htlcs, removing_msat)) { return CHANNEL_ERR_MAX_HTLC_VALUE_EXCEEDED; } /* BOLT #2: * * - if a sending node... adds more than receiver * `max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat` worth of offered HTLCs to its * local commitment transaction: * - SHOULD fail the channel. */ /* We don't enforce this for channel_force_htlcs: some might already * be fulfilled/failed */ if (enforce_aggregate_limits && amount_msat_greater(msat_in_htlcs, channel->config[recipient].max_htlc_value_in_flight)) { return CHANNEL_ERR_MAX_HTLC_VALUE_EXCEEDED; } /* BOLT #2: * * A receiving node: *... * - receiving an `amount_msat` that the sending node cannot afford at * the current `feerate_per_kw` (while maintaining its channel * reserve): * - SHOULD fail the channel. */ if (enforce_aggregate_limits) { struct amount_msat remainder; struct amount_sat fee = fee_for_htlcs(channel, committed, adding, removing, recipient); /* set fee output pointer if given */ if (htlc_fee) *htlc_fee = fee; /* This is a little subtle: * * The change is being applied to the receiver but it will * come back to the sender after revoke_and_ack. So the check * here is that the remainder to the sender doesn't go below the * sender's reserve. */ if (!get_room_above_reserve(channel, view, adding, removing, sender, &remainder)) return CHANNEL_ERR_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED; if (channel->opener== sender) { if (amount_msat_less_sat(remainder, fee)) { status_debug("Cannot afford fee %s with %s above reserve", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &remainder)); return CHANNEL_ERR_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED; } if (sender == LOCAL && !local_opener_has_fee_headroom(channel, remainder, committed, adding, removing)) { return CHANNEL_ERR_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED; } } /* Try not to add a payment which will take opener into fees * on either our side or theirs. */ if (sender == LOCAL) { if (!get_room_above_reserve(channel, view, adding, removing, channel->opener, &remainder)) return CHANNEL_ERR_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED; /* Should be able to afford both their own commit tx * fee, and other's commit tx fee, which are subtly * different! */ fee = fee_for_htlcs(channel, committed, adding, removing, channel->opener); /* set fee output pointer if given */ if (htlc_fee && amount_sat_greater(fee, *htlc_fee)) *htlc_fee = fee; if (amount_msat_less_sat(remainder, fee)) { status_debug("Funder could not afford own fee %s with %s above reserve", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &remainder)); return CHANNEL_ERR_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED; } fee = fee_for_htlcs(channel, committed, adding, removing, !channel->opener); /* set fee output pointer if given */ if (htlc_fee && amount_sat_greater(fee, *htlc_fee)) *htlc_fee = fee; if (amount_msat_less_sat(remainder, fee)) { status_debug("Funder could not afford peer's fee %s with %s above reserve", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &remainder)); return CHANNEL_ERR_CHANNEL_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED; } } } dump_htlc(htlc, "NEW:"); htlc_map_add(channel->htlcs, tal_steal(channel, htlc)); if (htlcp) *htlcp = htlc; return CHANNEL_ERR_ADD_OK; } enum channel_add_err channel_add_htlc(struct channel *channel, enum side sender, u64 id, struct amount_msat amount, u32 cltv_expiry, const struct sha256 *payment_hash, const u8 routing[TOTAL_PACKET_SIZE], const struct pubkey *blinding TAKES, struct htlc **htlcp, struct amount_sat *htlc_fee) { enum htlc_state state; if (sender == LOCAL) state = SENT_ADD_HTLC; else state = RCVD_ADD_HTLC; return add_htlc(channel, state, id, amount, cltv_expiry, payment_hash, routing, blinding, htlcp, true, htlc_fee); } struct htlc *channel_get_htlc(struct channel *channel, enum side sender, u64 id) { return htlc_get(channel->htlcs, id, sender); } enum channel_remove_err channel_fulfill_htlc(struct channel *channel, enum side owner, u64 id, const struct preimage *preimage, struct htlc **htlcp) { struct sha256 hash; struct htlc *htlc; htlc = channel_get_htlc(channel, owner, id); if (!htlc) return CHANNEL_ERR_NO_SUCH_ID; if (htlc->r) return CHANNEL_ERR_ALREADY_FULFILLED; sha256(&hash, preimage, sizeof(*preimage)); /* BOLT #2: * * - if the `payment_preimage` value in `update_fulfill_htlc` * doesn't SHA256 hash to the corresponding HTLC `payment_hash`: * - MUST fail the channel. */ if (!sha256_eq(&hash, &htlc->rhash)) return CHANNEL_ERR_BAD_PREIMAGE; htlc->r = tal_dup(htlc, struct preimage, preimage); /* BOLT #2: * * - if the `id` does not correspond to an HTLC in its current * commitment transaction: * - MUST fail the channel. */ if (!htlc_has(htlc, HTLC_FLAG(!htlc_owner(htlc), HTLC_F_COMMITTED))) { status_unusual("channel_fulfill_htlc: %"PRIu64" in state %s", htlc->id, htlc_state_name(htlc->state)); return CHANNEL_ERR_HTLC_UNCOMMITTED; } /* We enforce a stricter check, forcing state machine to be linear, * based on: */ /* BOLT #2: * * A node: *... * - until the corresponding HTLC is irrevocably committed in both * sides' commitment transactions: * - MUST NOT send an `update_fulfill_htlc`, `update_fail_htlc`, or * `update_fail_malformed_htlc`. */ if (htlc->state == SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION) htlc->state = RCVD_REMOVE_HTLC; else if (htlc->state == RCVD_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION) htlc->state = SENT_REMOVE_HTLC; else { status_unusual("channel_fulfill_htlc: %"PRIu64" in state %s", htlc->id, htlc_state_name(htlc->state)); return CHANNEL_ERR_HTLC_NOT_IRREVOCABLE; } dump_htlc(htlc, "FULFILL:"); if (htlcp) *htlcp = htlc; return CHANNEL_ERR_REMOVE_OK; } enum channel_remove_err channel_fail_htlc(struct channel *channel, enum side owner, u64 id, struct htlc **htlcp) { struct htlc *htlc; htlc = channel_get_htlc(channel, owner, id); if (!htlc) return CHANNEL_ERR_NO_SUCH_ID; /* BOLT #2: * * A receiving node: * - if the `id` does not correspond to an HTLC in its current * commitment transaction: * - MUST fail the channel. */ if (!htlc_has(htlc, HTLC_FLAG(!htlc_owner(htlc), HTLC_F_COMMITTED))) { status_unusual("channel_fail_htlc: %"PRIu64" in state %s", htlc->id, htlc_state_name(htlc->state)); return CHANNEL_ERR_HTLC_UNCOMMITTED; } /* FIXME: Technically, they can fail this before we're committed to * it. This implies a non-linear state machine. */ if (htlc->state == SENT_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION) htlc->state = RCVD_REMOVE_HTLC; else if (htlc->state == RCVD_ADD_ACK_REVOCATION) htlc->state = SENT_REMOVE_HTLC; else { status_unusual("channel_fail_htlc: %"PRIu64" in state %s", htlc->id, htlc_state_name(htlc->state)); return CHANNEL_ERR_HTLC_NOT_IRREVOCABLE; } dump_htlc(htlc, "FAIL:"); if (htlcp) *htlcp = htlc; return CHANNEL_ERR_REMOVE_OK; } static void htlc_incstate(struct channel *channel, struct htlc *htlc, enum side sidechanged, struct balance owed[NUM_SIDES]) { int preflags, postflags; const int committed_f = HTLC_FLAG(sidechanged, HTLC_F_COMMITTED); status_debug("htlc %"PRIu64": %s->%s", htlc->id, htlc_state_name(htlc->state), htlc_state_name(htlc->state+1)); preflags = htlc_state_flags(htlc->state); postflags = htlc_state_flags(htlc->state + 1); /* You can't change sides. */ assert((preflags & (HTLC_LOCAL_F_OWNER|HTLC_REMOTE_F_OWNER)) == (postflags & (HTLC_LOCAL_F_OWNER|HTLC_REMOTE_F_OWNER))); htlc->state++; /* If we've added or removed, adjust balances. */ if (!(preflags & committed_f) && (postflags & committed_f)) { status_debug("htlc added %s: local %"PRId64" remote %"PRId64, side_to_str(sidechanged), owed[LOCAL].msat, owed[REMOTE].msat); balance_add_htlc(&owed[LOCAL], htlc, LOCAL); balance_add_htlc(&owed[REMOTE], htlc, REMOTE); status_debug("-> local %"PRId64" remote %"PRId64, owed[LOCAL].msat, owed[REMOTE].msat); } else if ((preflags & committed_f) && !(postflags & committed_f)) { status_debug("htlc added %s: local %"PRId64" remote %"PRId64, side_to_str(sidechanged), owed[LOCAL].msat, owed[REMOTE].msat); balance_remove_htlc(&owed[LOCAL], htlc, LOCAL); balance_remove_htlc(&owed[REMOTE], htlc, REMOTE); status_debug("-> local %"PRId64" remote %"PRId64, owed[LOCAL].msat, owed[REMOTE].msat); } } /* Returns true if a change was made. */ static bool fee_incstate(struct channel *channel, enum side sidechanged, enum htlc_state hstate) { int preflags, postflags; const int committed_f = HTLC_FLAG(sidechanged, HTLC_F_COMMITTED); preflags = htlc_state_flags(hstate); postflags = htlc_state_flags(hstate + 1); /* You can't change sides. */ assert((preflags & (HTLC_LOCAL_F_OWNER|HTLC_REMOTE_F_OWNER)) == (postflags & (HTLC_LOCAL_F_OWNER|HTLC_REMOTE_F_OWNER))); /* These only advance through ADDING states. */ if (!(htlc_state_flags(hstate) & HTLC_ADDING)) return false; if (!inc_fee_state(channel->fee_states, hstate)) return false; if (!(preflags & committed_f) && (postflags & committed_f)) status_debug("Feerate: %s->%s %s now %u", htlc_state_name(hstate), htlc_state_name(hstate+1), side_to_str(sidechanged), *channel->fee_states->feerate[hstate+1]); return true; } /* Returns flags which were changed. */ static int change_htlcs(struct channel *channel, enum side sidechanged, const enum htlc_state *htlc_states, size_t n_hstates, const struct htlc ***htlcs, const char *prefix) { struct htlc_map_iter it; struct htlc *h; int cflags = 0; size_t i; struct balance owed[NUM_SIDES]; for (i = 0; i < NUM_SIDES; i++) to_balance(&owed[i], channel->view[sidechanged].owed[i]); for (h = htlc_map_first(channel->htlcs, &it); h; h = htlc_map_next(channel->htlcs, &it)) { for (i = 0; i < n_hstates; i++) { if (h->state == htlc_states[i]) { htlc_incstate(channel, h, sidechanged, owed); dump_htlc(h, prefix); htlc_arr_append(htlcs, h); cflags |= (htlc_state_flags(htlc_states[i]) ^ htlc_state_flags(h->state)); } } } for (i = 0; i < NUM_SIDES; i++) { if (!balance_ok(&owed[i], &channel->view[sidechanged].owed[i])) { status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s: %s balance underflow: %s -> %"PRId64, side_to_str(sidechanged), side_to_str(i), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &channel->view[sidechanged].owed[i]), owed[i].msat); } } /* Update fees. */ for (i = 0; i < n_hstates; i++) { if (fee_incstate(channel, sidechanged, htlc_states[i])) cflags |= (htlc_state_flags(htlc_states[i]) ^ htlc_state_flags(htlc_states[i]+1)); } return cflags; } /* FIXME: The sender's requirements are *implied* by this, not stated! */ /* BOLT #2: * * A receiving node: *... * - if the sender cannot afford the new fee rate on the receiving node's * current commitment transaction: * - SHOULD fail the channel, */ u32 approx_max_feerate(const struct channel *channel) { size_t num; u64 weight; struct amount_sat avail; const struct htlc **committed, **adding, **removing; gather_htlcs(tmpctx, channel, !channel->opener, &committed, &removing, &adding); /* Assume none are trimmed; this gives lower bound on feerate. */ num = tal_count(committed) + tal_count(adding) - tal_count(removing); /* BOLT #3: * * commitment_transaction: 125 + 43 * num-htlc-outputs bytes * - version: 4 bytes * - witness_header <---- part of the witness data * - count_tx_in: 1 byte * - tx_in: 41 bytes * funding_input * - count_tx_out: 1 byte * - tx_out: 74 + 43 * num-htlc-outputs bytes * output_paying_to_remote, * output_paying_to_local, * ....htlc_output's... * - lock_time: 4 bytes */ /* Those 74 bytes static output are effectively 2 outputs, one * `output_paying_to_local` and one `output_paying_to_remote`. So when * adding the elements overhead we need to add 2 + num htlcs * outputs. */ weight = 724 + 172 * num; weight = elements_add_overhead(weight, 1, num + 2); /* We should never go below reserve. */ if (!amount_sat_sub(&avail, amount_msat_to_sat_round_down(channel->view[!channel->opener].owed[channel->opener]), channel->config[!channel->opener].channel_reserve)) avail = AMOUNT_SAT(0); return avail.satoshis / weight * 1000; /* Raw: once-off reverse feerate*/ } bool can_opener_afford_feerate(const struct channel *channel, u32 feerate_per_kw) { struct amount_sat needed, fee; struct amount_sat dust_limit = channel->config[!channel->opener].dust_limit; size_t untrimmed; const struct htlc **committed, **adding, **removing; gather_htlcs(tmpctx, channel, !channel->opener, &committed, &removing, &adding); untrimmed = commit_tx_num_untrimmed(committed, feerate_per_kw, dust_limit, !channel->opener) + commit_tx_num_untrimmed(adding, feerate_per_kw, dust_limit, !channel->opener) - commit_tx_num_untrimmed(removing, feerate_per_kw, dust_limit, !channel->opener); fee = commit_tx_base_fee(feerate_per_kw, untrimmed); /* BOLT #2: * * - if the sender cannot afford the new fee rate on the receiving * node's current commitment transaction: * - SHOULD fail the channel */ /* Note: sender == opener */ /* How much does it think it has? Must be >= reserve + fee */ if (!amount_sat_add(&needed, fee, channel->config[!channel->opener].channel_reserve)) status_failed(STATUS_FAIL_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Cannot add fee %s and reserve %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &channel->config[!channel->opener].channel_reserve)); status_debug("We need %s at feerate %u for %zu untrimmed htlcs: we have %s/%s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &needed), feerate_per_kw, untrimmed, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &channel->view[LOCAL].owed[channel->opener]), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &channel->view[REMOTE].owed[channel->opener])); return amount_msat_greater_eq_sat(channel->view[!channel->opener].owed[channel->opener], needed); } bool channel_update_feerate(struct channel *channel, u32 feerate_per_kw) { if (!can_opener_afford_feerate(channel, feerate_per_kw)) return false; status_debug("Setting %s feerate to %u", side_to_str(!channel->opener), feerate_per_kw); start_fee_update(channel->fee_states, channel->opener, feerate_per_kw); return true; } bool channel_sending_commit(struct channel *channel, const struct htlc ***htlcs) { int change; const enum htlc_state states[] = { SENT_ADD_HTLC, SENT_REMOVE_REVOCATION, SENT_ADD_REVOCATION, SENT_REMOVE_HTLC }; status_debug("Trying commit"); change = change_htlcs(channel, REMOTE, states, ARRAY_SIZE(states), htlcs, "sending_commit"); if (!change) return false; return true; } bool channel_rcvd_revoke_and_ack(struct channel *channel, const struct htlc ***htlcs) { int change; const enum htlc_state states[] = { SENT_ADD_COMMIT, SENT_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT, SENT_ADD_ACK_COMMIT, SENT_REMOVE_COMMIT }; status_debug("Received revoke_and_ack"); change = change_htlcs(channel, LOCAL, states, ARRAY_SIZE(states), htlcs, "rcvd_revoke_and_ack"); /* Their ack can queue changes on our side. */ return (change & HTLC_LOCAL_F_PENDING); } /* FIXME: We can actually merge these two... */ bool channel_rcvd_commit(struct channel *channel, const struct htlc ***htlcs) { int change; const enum htlc_state states[] = { RCVD_ADD_REVOCATION, RCVD_REMOVE_HTLC, RCVD_ADD_HTLC, RCVD_REMOVE_REVOCATION }; status_debug("Received commit"); change = change_htlcs(channel, LOCAL, states, ARRAY_SIZE(states), htlcs, "rcvd_commit"); if (!change) return false; return true; } bool channel_sending_revoke_and_ack(struct channel *channel) { int change; const enum htlc_state states[] = { RCVD_ADD_ACK_COMMIT, RCVD_REMOVE_COMMIT, RCVD_ADD_COMMIT, RCVD_REMOVE_ACK_COMMIT }; status_debug("Sending revoke_and_ack"); change = change_htlcs(channel, REMOTE, states, ARRAY_SIZE(states), NULL, "sending_revoke_and_ack"); /* Our ack can queue changes on their side. */ return (change & HTLC_REMOTE_F_PENDING); } size_t num_channel_htlcs(const struct channel *channel) { struct htlc_map_iter it; const struct htlc *htlc; size_t n = 0; for (htlc = htlc_map_first(channel->htlcs, &it); htlc; htlc = htlc_map_next(channel->htlcs, &it)) { /* FIXME: Clean these out! */ if (!htlc_is_dead(htlc)) n++; } return n; } static bool adjust_balance(struct balance view_owed[NUM_SIDES][NUM_SIDES], struct htlc *htlc) { enum side side; for (side = 0; side < NUM_SIDES; side++) { /* Did it ever add it? */ if (!htlc_has(htlc, HTLC_FLAG(side, HTLC_F_WAS_COMMITTED))) continue; /* Add it. */ balance_add_htlc(&view_owed[side][LOCAL], htlc, LOCAL); balance_add_htlc(&view_owed[side][REMOTE], htlc, REMOTE); /* If it is no longer committed, remove it (depending * on fail || fulfill). */ if (htlc_has(htlc, HTLC_FLAG(side, HTLC_F_COMMITTED))) continue; if (!htlc->failed && !htlc->r) { status_broken("%s HTLC %"PRIu64 " %s neither fail nor fulfill?", htlc_state_owner(htlc->state) == LOCAL ? "out" : "in", htlc->id, htlc_state_name(htlc->state)); return false; } balance_remove_htlc(&view_owed[side][LOCAL], htlc, LOCAL); balance_remove_htlc(&view_owed[side][REMOTE], htlc, REMOTE); } return true; } bool channel_force_htlcs(struct channel *channel, const struct existing_htlc **htlcs) { struct balance view_owed[NUM_SIDES][NUM_SIDES]; /* You'd think, since we traverse HTLCs in ID order, this would never * go negative. But this ignores the fact that HTLCs ids from each * side have no correlation with each other. Copy into struct balance, * to allow transient underflow. */ for (int view = 0; view < NUM_SIDES; view++) { for (int side = 0; side < NUM_SIDES; side++) { to_balance(&view_owed[view][side], channel->view[view].owed[side]); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(htlcs); i++) { enum channel_add_err e; struct htlc *htlc; status_debug("Restoring HTLC %zu/%zu:" " id=%"PRIu64" amount=%s cltv=%u" " payment_hash=%s", i, tal_count(htlcs), htlcs[i]->id, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &htlcs[i]->amount), htlcs[i]->cltv_expiry, type_to_string(tmpctx, struct sha256, &htlcs[i]->payment_hash)); e = add_htlc(channel, htlcs[i]->state, htlcs[i]->id, htlcs[i]->amount, htlcs[i]->cltv_expiry, &htlcs[i]->payment_hash, htlcs[i]->onion_routing_packet, htlcs[i]->blinding, &htlc, false, NULL); if (e != CHANNEL_ERR_ADD_OK) { status_broken("%s HTLC %"PRIu64" failed error %u", htlc_state_owner(htlcs[i]->state) == LOCAL ? "out" : "in", htlcs[i]->id, e); return false; } if (htlcs[i]->payment_preimage) htlc->r = tal_dup(htlc, struct preimage, htlcs[i]->payment_preimage); if (htlcs[i]->failed) htlc->failed = tal_steal(htlc, htlcs[i]->failed); if (!adjust_balance(view_owed, htlc)) return false; } /* Convert back and check */ for (int view = 0; view < NUM_SIDES; view++) { for (int side = 0; side < NUM_SIDES; side++) { if (!balance_ok(&view_owed[view][side], &channel->view[view].owed[side])) { status_broken("view %s[%s] balance underflow:" " %"PRId64, side_to_str(view), side_to_str(side), view_owed[view][side].msat); return false; } } } return true; } const char *channel_add_err_name(enum channel_add_err e) { static char invalidbuf[sizeof("INVALID ") + STR_MAX_CHARS(e)]; for (size_t i = 0; enum_channel_add_err_names[i].name; i++) { if (enum_channel_add_err_names[i].v == e) return enum_channel_add_err_names[i].name; } snprintf(invalidbuf, sizeof(invalidbuf), "INVALID %i", e); return invalidbuf; } const char *channel_remove_err_name(enum channel_remove_err e) { static char invalidbuf[sizeof("INVALID ") + STR_MAX_CHARS(e)]; for (size_t i = 0; enum_channel_remove_err_names[i].name; i++) { if (enum_channel_remove_err_names[i].v == e) return enum_channel_remove_err_names[i].name; } snprintf(invalidbuf, sizeof(invalidbuf), "INVALID %i", e); return invalidbuf; }