from decimal import Decimal from math import floor, log10 import json import logging import os import socket import warnings class RpcError(ValueError): def __init__(self, method, payload, error): super(ValueError, self).__init__("RPC call failed: method: {}, payload: {}, error: {}" .format(method, payload, error)) self.method = method self.payload = payload self.error = error class Millisatoshi: """ A subtype to represent thousandths of a satoshi. Many JSON API fields are expressed in millisatoshis: these automatically get turned into Millisatoshi types. Converts to and from int. """ def __init__(self, v): """ Takes either a string ending in 'msat', 'sat', 'btc' or an integer. """ if isinstance(v, str): if v.endswith("msat"): self.millisatoshis = int(v[0:-4]) elif v.endswith("sat"): self.millisatoshis = Decimal(v[0:-3]) * 1000 elif v.endswith("btc"): self.millisatoshis = Decimal(v[0:-3]) * 1000 * 10**8 else: raise TypeError("Millisatoshi must be string with msat/sat/btc suffix or int") if self.millisatoshis != int(self.millisatoshis): raise ValueError("Millisatoshi must be a whole number") self.millisatoshis = int(self.millisatoshis) elif isinstance(v, Millisatoshi): self.millisatoshis = v.millisatoshis elif int(v) == v: self.millisatoshis = int(v) else: raise TypeError("Millisatoshi must be string with msat/sat/btc suffix or int") if self.millisatoshis < 0: raise ValueError("Millisatoshi must be >= 0") def __repr__(self): """ Appends the 'msat' as expected for this type. """ return str(self.millisatoshis) + "msat" def to_satoshi(self): """ Return a Decimal representing the number of satoshis. """ return Decimal(self.millisatoshis) / 1000 def to_btc(self): """ Return a Decimal representing the number of bitcoin. """ return Decimal(self.millisatoshis) / 1000 / 10**8 def to_satoshi_str(self): """ Return a string of form 1234sat or 1234.567sat. """ if self.millisatoshis % 1000: return '{:.3f}sat'.format(self.to_satoshi()) else: return '{:.0f}sat'.format(self.to_satoshi()) def to_btc_str(self): """ Return a string of form 12.34567890btc or 12.34567890123btc. """ if self.millisatoshis % 1000: return '{:.11f}btc'.format(self.to_btc()) else: return '{:.8f}btc'.format(self.to_btc()) def to_approx_str(self, digits: int = 3): """Returns the shortmost string using common units representation. Rounds to significant `digits`. Default: 3 """ round_to_n = lambda x, n: round(x, -int(floor(log10(x))) + (n - 1)) result = None # we try to increase digits to check if we did loose out on precision # without gaining a shorter string, since this is a rarely used UI # function, performance is not an issue. Adds at least one iteration. while True: # first round everything down to effective digits amount_rounded = round_to_n(self.millisatoshis, digits) # try different units and take shortest resulting normalized string amounts_str = [ "%gbtc" % (amount_rounded / 1000 / 10**8), "%gsat" % (amount_rounded / 1000), "%gmsat" % (amount_rounded), ] test_result = min(amounts_str, key=len) # check result and do another run if necessary if test_result == result: return result elif not result or len(test_result) <= len(result): digits = digits + 1 result = test_result else: return result def to_json(self): return self.__repr__() def __int__(self): return self.millisatoshis def __lt__(self, other): return self.millisatoshis < other.millisatoshis def __le__(self, other): return self.millisatoshis <= other.millisatoshis def __eq__(self, other): return self.millisatoshis == other.millisatoshis def __gt__(self, other): return self.millisatoshis > other.millisatoshis def __ge__(self, other): return self.millisatoshis >= other.millisatoshis def __add__(self, other): return Millisatoshi(int(self) + int(other)) def __sub__(self, other): return Millisatoshi(int(self) - int(other)) def __mul__(self, other): return Millisatoshi(int(int(self) * other)) def __truediv__(self, other): return Millisatoshi(int(int(self) / other)) def __floordiv__(self, other): return Millisatoshi(int(self) // other) def __mod__(self, other): return Millisatoshi(int(self) % other) def __radd__(self, other): return Millisatoshi(int(self) + int(other)) class UnixSocket(object): """A wrapper for socket.socket that is specialized to unix sockets. Some OS implementations impose restrictions on the Unix sockets. - On linux OSs the socket path must be shorter than the in-kernel buffer size (somewhere around 100 bytes), thus long paths may end up failing the `socket.connect` call. This is a small wrapper that tries to work around these limitations. """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.sock = None self.connect() def connect(self): try: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) return self.sock.connect(self.path) except OSError as e: self.sock.close() if (e.args[0] == "AF_UNIX path too long" and os.uname()[0] == "Linux"): # If this is a Linux system we may be able to work around this # issue by opening our directory and using `/proc/self/fd/` to # get a short alias for the socket file. # # This was heavily inspired by the Open vSwitch code see here: # dirname = os.path.dirname(self.path) basename = os.path.basename(self.path) # Open an fd to our home directory, that we can then find # through `/proc/self/fd` and access the contents. dirfd =, os.O_DIRECTORY | os.O_RDONLY) short_path = "/proc/self/fd/%d/%s" % (dirfd, basename) self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) return self.sock.connect(short_path) else: # There is no good way to recover from this. raise def close(self): if self.sock is not None: self.sock.close() self.sock = None def sendall(self, b): if self.sock is None: raise socket.error("not connected") self.sock.sendall(b) def recv(self, length): if self.sock is None: raise socket.error("not connected") return self.sock.recv(length) def __del__(self): self.close() class UnixDomainSocketRpc(object): def __init__(self, socket_path, executor=None, logger=logging, encoder_cls=json.JSONEncoder, decoder=json.JSONDecoder()): self.socket_path = socket_path self.encoder_cls = encoder_cls self.decoder = decoder self.executor = executor self.logger = logger self.next_id = 0 def _writeobj(self, sock, obj): s = json.dumps(obj, ensure_ascii=False, cls=self.encoder_cls) sock.sendall(bytearray(s, 'UTF-8')) def _readobj(self, sock, buff=b''): """Read a JSON object, starting with buff; returns object and any buffer left over.""" while True: parts = buff.split(b'\n\n', 1) if len(parts) == 1: # Didn't read enough. b = sock.recv(max(1024, len(buff))) buff += b if len(b) == 0: return {'error': 'Connection to RPC server lost.'}, buff else: buff = parts[1] obj, _ = self.decoder.raw_decode(parts[0].decode("UTF-8")) return obj, buff def __getattr__(self, name): """Intercept any call that is not explicitly defined and call @call. We might still want to define the actual methods in the subclasses for documentation purposes. """ name = name.replace('_', '-') def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) != 0 and len(kwargs) != 0: raise RpcError("Cannot mix positional and non-positional arguments") elif len(args) != 0: return, payload=args) else: return, payload=kwargs) return wrapper def call(self, method, payload=None): self.logger.debug("Calling %s with payload %r", method, payload) if payload is None: payload = {} # Filter out arguments that are None if isinstance(payload, dict): payload = {k: v for k, v in payload.items() if v is not None} # FIXME: we open a new socket for every readobj call... sock = UnixSocket(self.socket_path) self._writeobj(sock, { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": method, "params": payload, "id": self.next_id, }) self.next_id += 1 resp, _ = self._readobj(sock) sock.close() self.logger.debug("Received response for %s call: %r", method, resp) if not isinstance(resp, dict): raise ValueError("Malformed response, response is not a dictionary %s." % resp) elif "error" in resp: raise RpcError(method, payload, resp['error']) elif "result" not in resp: raise ValueError("Malformed response, \"result\" missing.") return resp["result"] class LightningRpc(UnixDomainSocketRpc): """ RPC client for the `lightningd` daemon. This RPC client connects to the `lightningd` daemon through a unix domain socket and passes calls through. Since some of the calls are blocking, the corresponding python methods include an `async` keyword argument. If `async` is set to true then the method returns a future immediately, instead of blocking indefinitely. This implementation is thread safe in that it locks the socket between calls, but it does not (yet) support concurrent calls. """ class LightningJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o): try: return o.to_json() except NameError: pass return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) class LightningJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): def __init__(self, *, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, strict=True, object_pairs_hook=None): self.object_hook_next = object_hook super().__init__(object_hook=self.millisatoshi_hook, parse_float=parse_float, parse_int=parse_int, parse_constant=parse_constant, strict=strict, object_pairs_hook=object_pairs_hook) @staticmethod def replace_amounts(obj): """ Recursively replace _msat fields with appropriate values with Millisatoshi. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): for k, v in obj.items(): if k.endswith('msat'): if isinstance(v, str) and v.endswith('msat'): obj[k] = Millisatoshi(v) # Special case for array of msat values elif isinstance(v, list) and all(isinstance(e, str) and e.endswith('msat') for e in v): obj[k] = [Millisatoshi(e) for e in v] else: obj[k] = LightningRpc.LightningJSONDecoder.replace_amounts(v) elif isinstance(obj, list): obj = [LightningRpc.LightningJSONDecoder.replace_amounts(e) for e in obj] return obj def millisatoshi_hook(self, obj): obj = LightningRpc.LightningJSONDecoder.replace_amounts(obj) if self.object_hook_next: obj = self.object_hook_next(obj) return obj def __init__(self, socket_path, executor=None, logger=logging): super().__init__(socket_path, executor, logger, self.LightningJSONEncoder, self.LightningJSONDecoder()) def autocleaninvoice(self, cycle_seconds=None, expired_by=None): """ Sets up automatic cleaning of expired invoices. {cycle_seconds} sets the cleaning frequency in seconds (defaults to 3600) and {expired_by} sets the minimum time an invoice should have been expired for to be cleaned in seconds (defaults to 86400). """ payload = { "cycle_seconds": cycle_seconds, "expired_by": expired_by } return"autocleaninvoice", payload) def check(self, command_to_check, **kwargs): """ Checks if a command is valid without running it. """ payload = {"command_to_check": command_to_check} payload.update({k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}) return"check", payload) def _deprecated_close(self, peer_id, force=None, timeout=None): warnings.warn("close now takes unilateraltimeout arg: expect removal" " in early 2020", DeprecationWarning) payload = { "id": peer_id, "force": force, "timeout": timeout } return"close", payload) def close(self, peer_id, *args, **kwargs): """ Close the channel with peer {id}, forcing a unilateral close after {unilateraltimeout} seconds if non-zero, and the to-local output will be sent to {destination}. Deprecated usage has {force} and {timeout} args. """ if 'force' in kwargs or 'timeout' in kwargs: return self._deprecated_close(peer_id, *args, **kwargs) # Single arg is ambigious. if len(args) >= 1: if isinstance(args[0], bool): return self._deprecated_close(peer_id, *args, **kwargs) if len(args) == 2: if args[0] is None and isinstance(args[1], int): return self._deprecated_close(peer_id, *args, **kwargs) def _close(peer_id, unilateraltimeout=None, destination=None, fee_negotiation_step=None): payload = { "id": peer_id, "unilateraltimeout": unilateraltimeout, "destination": destination, "fee_negotiation_step": fee_negotiation_step } return"close", payload) return _close(peer_id, *args, **kwargs) def connect(self, peer_id, host=None, port=None): """ Connect to {peer_id} at {host} and {port}. """ payload = { "id": peer_id, "host": host, "port": port } return"connect", payload) def decodepay(self, bolt11, description=None): """ Decode {bolt11}, using {description} if necessary. """ payload = { "bolt11": bolt11, "description": description } return"decodepay", payload) def delexpiredinvoice(self, maxexpirytime=None): """ Delete all invoices that have expired on or before the given {maxexpirytime}. """ payload = { "maxexpirytime": maxexpirytime } return"delexpiredinvoice", payload) def delinvoice(self, label, status): """ Delete unpaid invoice {label} with {status}. """ payload = { "label": label, "status": status } return"delinvoice", payload) def dev_crash(self): """ Crash lightningd by calling fatal(). """ payload = { "subcommand": "crash" } return"dev", payload) def dev_fail(self, peer_id): """ Fail with peer {peer_id}. """ payload = { "id": peer_id } return"dev-fail", payload) def dev_forget_channel(self, peerid, force=False): """ Forget the channel with id=peerid. """ return "dev-forget-channel", payload={"id": peerid, "force": force} ) def dev_memdump(self): """ Show memory objects currently in use. """ return"dev-memdump") def dev_memleak(self): """ Show unreferenced memory objects. """ return"dev-memleak") def dev_pay(self, bolt11, msatoshi=None, label=None, riskfactor=None, description=None, maxfeepercent=None, retry_for=None, maxdelay=None, exemptfee=None, use_shadow=True): """ A developer version of `pay`, with the possibility to deactivate shadow routing (used for testing). """ payload = { "bolt11": bolt11, "msatoshi": msatoshi, "label": label, "riskfactor": riskfactor, "maxfeepercent": maxfeepercent, "retry_for": retry_for, "maxdelay": maxdelay, "exemptfee": exemptfee, "use_shadow": use_shadow, # Deprecated. "description": description, } return"pay", payload) def dev_reenable_commit(self, peer_id): """ Re-enable the commit timer on peer {id}. """ payload = { "id": peer_id } return"dev-reenable-commit", payload) def dev_rescan_outputs(self): """ Synchronize the state of our funds with bitcoind. """ return"dev-rescan-outputs") def dev_rhash(self, secret): """ Show SHA256 of {secret} """ payload = { "subcommand": "rhash", "secret": secret } return"dev", payload) def dev_sign_last_tx(self, peer_id): """ Sign and show the last commitment transaction with peer {id}. """ payload = { "id": peer_id } return"dev-sign-last-tx", payload) def dev_slowcmd(self, msec=None): """ Torture test for slow commands, optional {msec}. """ payload = { "subcommand": "slowcmd", "msec": msec } return"dev", payload) def disconnect(self, peer_id, force=False): """ Disconnect from peer with {peer_id}, optional {force} even if has active channel. """ payload = { "id": peer_id, "force": force, } return"disconnect", payload) def feerates(self, style, urgent=None, normal=None, slow=None): """ Supply feerate estimates manually. """ payload = { "style": style, "urgent": urgent, "normal": normal, "slow": slow } return"feerates", payload) def _deprecated_fundchannel(self, node_id, satoshi, feerate=None, announce=True, minconf=None, utxos=None): warnings.warn("fundchannel: the 'satoshi' field is renamed 'amount' : expect removal" " in Mid-2020", DeprecationWarning) payload = { "id": node_id, "satoshi": satoshi, "feerate": feerate, "announce": announce, "minconf": minconf, "utxos": utxos } return"fundchannel", payload) def fundchannel(self, node_id, *args, **kwargs): """ Fund channel with {id} using {amount} satoshis with feerate of {feerate} (uses default feerate if unset). If {announce} is False, don't send channel announcements. Only select outputs with {minconf} confirmations. If {utxos} is specified (as a list of 'txid:vout' strings), fund a channel from these specifics utxos. """ if 'satoshi' in kwargs: return self._deprecated_fundchannel(node_id, *args, **kwargs) def _fundchannel(node_id, amount, feerate=None, announce=True, minconf=None, utxos=None, push_msat=None): payload = { "id": node_id, "amount": amount, "feerate": feerate, "announce": announce, "minconf": minconf, "utxos": utxos, "push_msat": push_msat } return"fundchannel", payload) return _fundchannel(node_id, *args, **kwargs) def _deprecated_fundchannel_start(self, node_id, satoshi, feerate=None, announce=True): warnings.warn("fundchannel_start: the 'satoshi' field is renamed 'amount' : expect removal" " in Mid-2020", DeprecationWarning) payload = { "id": node_id, "satoshi": satoshi, "feerate": feerate, "announce": announce, } return"fundchannel_start", payload) def fundchannel_start(self, node_id, *args, **kwargs): """ Start channel funding with {id} for {amount} satoshis with feerate of {feerate} (uses default feerate if unset). If {announce} is False, don't send channel announcements. Returns a Bech32 {funding_address} for an external wallet to create a funding transaction for. Requires a call to 'fundchannel_complete' to complete channel establishment with peer. """ if 'satoshi' in kwargs: return self._deprecated_fundchannel_start(node_id, *args, **kwargs) def _fundchannel_start(node_id, amount, feerate=None, announce=True, close_to=None): payload = { "id": node_id, "amount": amount, "feerate": feerate, "announce": announce, "close_to": close_to, } return"fundchannel_start", payload) return _fundchannel_start(node_id, *args, **kwargs) def fundchannel_cancel(self, node_id): """ Cancel a 'started' fundchannel with node {id}. """ payload = { "id": node_id, } return"fundchannel_cancel", payload) def fundchannel_complete(self, node_id, funding_txid, funding_txout): """ Complete channel establishment with {id}, using {funding_txid} at {funding_txout}. """ payload = { "id": node_id, "txid": funding_txid, "txout": funding_txout, } return"fundchannel_complete", payload) def getinfo(self): """ Show information about this node. """ return"getinfo") def getlog(self, level=None): """ Show logs, with optional log {level} (info|unusual|debug|io). """ payload = { "level": level } return"getlog", payload) def getpeer(self, peer_id, level=None): """ Show peer with {peer_id}, if {level} is set, include {log}s. """ payload = { "id": peer_id, "level": level } res ="listpeers", payload) return res.get("peers") and res["peers"][0] or None def getroute(self, node_id, msatoshi, riskfactor, cltv=9, fromid=None, fuzzpercent=None, exclude=[], maxhops=20): """ Show route to {id} for {msatoshi}, using {riskfactor} and optional {cltv} (default 9). If specified search from {fromid} otherwise use this node as source. Randomize the route with up to {fuzzpercent} (0.0 -> 100.0, default 5.0). {exclude} is an optional array of scid/direction or node-id to exclude. Limit the number of hops in the route to {maxhops}. """ payload = { "id": node_id, "msatoshi": msatoshi, "riskfactor": riskfactor, "cltv": cltv, "fromid": fromid, "fuzzpercent": fuzzpercent, "exclude": exclude, "maxhops": maxhops } return"getroute", payload) def help(self, command=None): """ Show available commands, or just {command} if supplied. """ payload = { "command": command, } return"help", payload) def invoice(self, msatoshi, label, description, expiry=None, fallbacks=None, preimage=None, exposeprivatechannels=None): """ Create an invoice for {msatoshi} with {label} and {description} with optional {expiry} seconds (default 1 week). """ payload = { "msatoshi": msatoshi, "label": label, "description": description, "expiry": expiry, "fallbacks": fallbacks, "preimage": preimage, "exposeprivatechannels": exposeprivatechannels } return"invoice", payload) def listchannels(self, short_channel_id=None, source=None): """ Show all known channels, accept optional {short_channel_id} or {source}. """ payload = { "short_channel_id": short_channel_id, "source": source } return"listchannels", payload) def listconfigs(self, config=None): """List this node's config. """ payload = { "config": config } return"listconfigs", payload) def listforwards(self): """List all forwarded payments and their information. """ return"listforwards") def listfunds(self): """ Show funds available for opening channels. """ return"listfunds") def listtransactions(self): """ Show wallet history. """ return"listtransactions") def listinvoices(self, label=None): """ Show invoice {label} (or all, if no {label)). """ payload = { "label": label } return"listinvoices", payload) def listnodes(self, node_id=None): """ Show all nodes in our local network view, filter on node {id} if provided. """ payload = { "id": node_id } return"listnodes", payload) def listpayments(self, bolt11=None, payment_hash=None): """ Show outgoing payments, regarding {bolt11} or {payment_hash} if set Can only specify one of {bolt11} or {payment_hash}. """ assert not (bolt11 and payment_hash) payload = { "bolt11": bolt11, "payment_hash": payment_hash } return"listpayments", payload) def listpeers(self, peerid=None, level=None): """ Show current peers, if {level} is set, include {log}s". """ payload = { "id": peerid, "level": level, } return"listpeers", payload) def listsendpays(self, bolt11=None, payment_hash=None): """Show all sendpays results, or only for `bolt11` or `payment_hash`.""" payload = { "bolt11": bolt11, "payment_hash": payment_hash } return"listsendpays", payload) def newaddr(self, addresstype=None): """Get a new address of type {addresstype} of the internal wallet. """ return"newaddr", {"addresstype": addresstype}) def pay(self, bolt11, msatoshi=None, label=None, riskfactor=None, description=None, maxfeepercent=None, retry_for=None, maxdelay=None, exemptfee=None): """ Send payment specified by {bolt11} with {msatoshi} (ignored if {bolt11} has an amount), optional {label} and {riskfactor} (default 1.0). """ payload = { "bolt11": bolt11, "msatoshi": msatoshi, "label": label, "riskfactor": riskfactor, "maxfeepercent": maxfeepercent, "retry_for": retry_for, "maxdelay": maxdelay, "exemptfee": exemptfee, # Deprecated. "description": description, } return"pay", payload) def paystatus(self, bolt11=None): """Detail status of attempts to pay {bolt11} or any.""" payload = { "bolt11": bolt11 } return"paystatus", payload) def ping(self, peer_id, length=128, pongbytes=128): """ Send {peer_id} a ping of length {len} asking for {pongbytes}. """ payload = { "id": peer_id, "len": length, "pongbytes": pongbytes } return"ping", payload) def plugin_start(self, plugin): """ Adds a plugin to lightningd. """ payload = { "subcommand": "start", "plugin": plugin } return"plugin", payload) def plugin_startdir(self, directory): """ Adds all plugins from a directory to lightningd. """ payload = { "subcommand": "startdir", "directory": directory } return"plugin", payload) def plugin_stop(self, plugin): """ Stops a lightningd plugin, will fail if plugin is not dynamic. """ payload = { "subcommand": "stop", "plugin": plugin } return"plugin", payload) def plugin_list(self): """ Lists all plugins lightningd knows about. """ payload = { "subcommand": "list" } return"plugin", payload) def plugin_rescan(self): payload = { "subcommand": "rescan" } return"plugin", payload) def _deprecated_sendpay(self, route, payment_hash, description, msatoshi=None): warnings.warn("sendpay: the 'description' field is renamed 'label' : expect removal" " in early-2020", DeprecationWarning) payload = { "route": route, "payment_hash": payment_hash, "label": description, "msatoshi": msatoshi, } return"sendpay", payload) def sendpay(self, route, payment_hash, *args, **kwargs): """ Send along {route} in return for preimage of {payment_hash}. """ if 'description' in kwargs: return self._deprecated_sendpay(route, payment_hash, *args, **kwargs) def _sendpay(route, payment_hash, label=None, msatoshi=None, bolt11=None, payment_secret=None, partid=None): payload = { "route": route, "payment_hash": payment_hash, "label": label, "msatoshi": msatoshi, "bolt11": bolt11, "payment_secret": payment_secret, "partid": partid, } return"sendpay", payload) return _sendpay(route, payment_hash, *args, **kwargs) def setchannelfee(self, id, base=None, ppm=None): """ Set routing fees for a channel/peer {id} (or 'all'). {base} is a value in millisatoshi that is added as base fee to any routed payment. {ppm} is a value added proportionally per-millionths to any routed payment volume in satoshi. """ payload = { "id": id, "base": base, "ppm": ppm } return"setchannelfee", payload) def stop(self): """ Shut down the lightningd process. """ return"stop") def waitanyinvoice(self, lastpay_index=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): """ Wait for the next invoice to be paid, after {lastpay_index} (if supplied). Fail after {timeout} seconds has passed without an invoice being paid. """ payload = { "lastpay_index": lastpay_index, "timeout": timeout } payload.update({k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}) return"waitanyinvoice", payload) def waitblockheight(self, blockheight, timeout=None): """ Wait for the blockchain to reach the specified block height. """ payload = { "blockheight": blockheight, "timeout": timeout } return"waitblockheight", payload) def waitinvoice(self, label): """ Wait for an incoming payment matching the invoice with {label}. """ payload = { "label": label } return"waitinvoice", payload) def waitsendpay(self, payment_hash, timeout=None, partid=None): """ Wait for payment for preimage of {payment_hash} to complete. """ payload = { "payment_hash": payment_hash, "timeout": timeout, "partid": partid, } return"waitsendpay", payload) def withdraw(self, destination, satoshi, feerate=None, minconf=None, utxos=None): """ Send to {destination} address {satoshi} (or "all") amount via Bitcoin transaction. Only select outputs with {minconf} confirmations. """ payload = { "destination": destination, "satoshi": satoshi, "feerate": feerate, "minconf": minconf, "utxos": utxos, } return"withdraw", payload) def _deprecated_txprepare(self, destination, satoshi, feerate=None, minconf=None): warnings.warn("txprepare now takes output arg: expect removal" " in Mid-2020", DeprecationWarning) payload = { "destination": destination, "satoshi": satoshi, "feerate": feerate, "minconf": minconf, } return"txprepare", payload) def txprepare(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare a Bitcoin transaction which sends to [outputs]. The format of output is like [{address1: amount1}, {address2: amount2}], or [{address: "all"}]). Only select outputs with {minconf} confirmations. Outputs will be reserved until you call txdiscard or txsend, or lightningd restarts. """ if 'destination' in kwargs or 'satoshi' in kwargs: return self._deprecated_txprepare(*args, **kwargs) if len(args) and not isinstance(args[0], list): return self._deprecated_txprepare(*args, **kwargs) def _txprepare(outputs, feerate=None, minconf=None, utxos=None): payload = { "outputs": outputs, "feerate": feerate, "minconf": minconf, "utxos": utxos, } return"txprepare", payload) return _txprepare(*args, **kwargs) def txdiscard(self, txid): """ Cancel a Bitcoin transaction returned from txprepare. The outputs it was spending are released for other use. """ payload = { "txid": txid } return"txdiscard", payload) def txsend(self, txid): """ Sign and broadcast a Bitcoin transaction returned from txprepare. """ payload = { "txid": txid } return"txsend", payload) def reserveinputs(self, psbt, exclusive=True): """ Reserve any inputs in this psbt. """ payload = { "psbt": psbt, "exclusive": exclusive, } return"reserveinputs", payload) def unreserveinputs(self, psbt): """ Unreserve (or reduce reservation) on any UTXOs in this psbt were previously reserved. """ payload = { "psbt": psbt, } return"unreserveinputs", payload) def fundpsbt(self, satoshi, feerate, startweight, minconf=None, reserve=True): """ Create a PSBT with inputs sufficient to give an output of satoshi. """ payload = { "satoshi": satoshi, "feerate": feerate, "startweight": startweight, "minconf": minconf, "reserve": reserve, } return"fundpsbt", payload) def signpsbt(self, psbt): """ Add internal wallet's signatures to PSBT """ payload = { "psbt": psbt, } return"signpsbt", payload) def sendpsbt(self, psbt): """ Finalize extract and broadcast a PSBT """ payload = { "psbt": psbt, } return"sendpsbt", payload) def signmessage(self, message): """ Sign a message with this node's secret key. """ payload = { "message": message } return"signmessage", payload) def checkmessage(self, message, zbase, pubkey=None): """ Check if a message was signed (with a specific key). Use returned field ['verified'] to get result. """ payload = { "message": message, "zbase": zbase, "pubkey": pubkey, } return"checkmessage", payload) def getsharedsecret(self, point, **kwargs): """ Compute the hash of the Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman shared secret point from this node private key and an input {point}. """ payload = { "point": point } payload.update({k: v for k, v in kwargs.items()}) return"getsharedsecret", payload)