.TH "LIGHTNING-HSMTOOL" "8" "" "" "lightning-hsmtool" .SH NAME lightning-hsmtool - Tool for working with software HSM secrets of lightningd .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .RS lightning-hsmtool method [ARGUMENTS]... .RE .fi .SH DESCRIPTION \fBlightning-hsmtool\fR performs various operations on the \fBhsm_secret\fR file used by the software HSM component of \fBlightningd\fR\. This can be used to encrypt and decrypt the \fBhsm_secret\fR file, as well as derive secrets used in channel commitments\. .SH METHODS \fBencrypt\fR \fIhsm_secret\fR \fIpassword\fR Encrypt the \fBhsm_secret\fR file so that it can only be decrypted at \fBlightningd\fR startup\. You must give the option \fB--encrypted-hsm\fR to \fBlightningd\fR\. The password of the \fBhsm_secret\fR file will be asked whenever you start \fBlightningd\fR\. \fBdecrypt\fR \fIhsm_secret\fR \fIpassword\fR Decrypt the \fBhsm_secret\fR file that was encrypted with the \fBencrypt\fR method\. \fBdumpcommitments\fR \fInode_id\fR \fIchannel_dbid\fR \fIdepth\fR \fIhsm_secret\fR [\fIpassword\fR] Show the per-commitment secret and point of up to \fIdepth\fR commitments, of the specified channel with the specified peer, identified by the channel database index\. Specify \fIpassword\fR if the \fBhsm_secret\fR is encrypted\. \fBguesstoremote\fR \fIp2wpkh\fR \fInode_id\fR \fImax_channel_dbid\fR \fIhsm_secret\fR [\fIpassword\fR] Brute-force the private key to our funds from a remote unilateral close of a channel, in a case where we have lost all database data except for our \fBhsm_secret\fR\. The peer must be the one to close the channel (and the funds will remain unrecoverable until the channel is closed)\. \fImax_channel_dbid\fR is your own guess on what the \fIchannel_dbid\fR was, or at least the maximum possible value, and is usually no greater than the number of channels that the node has ever had\. Specify \fIpassword\fR if the \fBhsm_secret\fR is encrypted\. .SH BUGS You should report bugs on our github issues page, and maybe submit a fix to gain our eternal gratitude! .SH AUTHOR ZmnSCPxj < \fIZmnSCPxj@protonmail.com\fR > wrote the initial version of this man page, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing \fBlightning-hsmtool\fR\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightningd\fR(8), \fBlightningd-config\fR(5) .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR .SH COPYING Note: the modules in the ccan/ directory have their own licenses, but the rest of the code is covered by the BSD-style MIT license\. Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR \" SHA256STAMP:11b3e6c050eb31e7faac10e8b75c3f7b7d57269f7f8c47c67f6d115b7a479c09