#include <bitcoin/feerate.h> #include <bitcoin/script.h> #include <closingd/gen_closing_wire.h> #include <common/close_tx.h> #include <common/initial_commit_tx.h> #include <common/utils.h> #include <errno.h> #include <gossipd/gen_gossip_wire.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <lightningd/chaintopology.h> #include <lightningd/channel.h> #include <lightningd/closing_control.h> #include <lightningd/hsm_control.h> #include <lightningd/lightningd.h> #include <lightningd/log.h> #include <lightningd/options.h> #include <lightningd/peer_control.h> #include <lightningd/subd.h> static struct amount_sat calc_tx_fee(struct amount_sat sat_in, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx) { struct amount_sat amt, fee = sat_in; for (size_t i = 0; i < tx->wtx->num_outputs; i++) { amt = bitcoin_tx_output_get_amount(tx, i); if (!amount_sat_sub(&fee, fee, amt)) fatal("Tx spends more than input %s? %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &sat_in), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct bitcoin_tx, tx)); } return fee; } /* Is this better than the last tx we were holding? This can happen * even without closingd misbehaving, if we have multiple, * interrupted, rounds of negotiation. */ static bool better_closing_fee(struct lightningd *ld, struct channel *channel, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx) { struct amount_sat fee, last_fee, min_fee; u64 weight; u32 min_feerate; bool feerate_unknown; /* Calculate actual fee (adds in eliminated outputs) */ fee = calc_tx_fee(channel->funding, tx); last_fee = calc_tx_fee(channel->funding, channel->last_tx); log_debug(channel->log, "Their actual closing tx fee is %s" " vs previous %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &last_fee)); /* Weight once we add in sigs. */ weight = measure_tx_weight(tx) + 74 * 2; /* If we don't have a feerate estimate, this gives feerate_floor */ min_feerate = feerate_min(ld, &feerate_unknown); min_fee = amount_tx_fee(min_feerate, weight); if (amount_sat_less(fee, min_fee)) { log_debug(channel->log, "... That's below our min %s" " for weight %"PRIu64" at feerate %u", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &fee), weight, min_feerate); return false; } /* In case of a tie, prefer new over old: this covers the preference * for a mutual close over a unilateral one. */ /* If we don't know the feerate, prefer higher fee. */ if (feerate_unknown) return amount_sat_greater_eq(fee, last_fee); /* Otherwise prefer lower fee. */ return amount_sat_less_eq(fee, last_fee); } static void peer_received_closing_signature(struct channel *channel, const u8 *msg) { struct bitcoin_signature sig; struct bitcoin_tx *tx; struct lightningd *ld = channel->peer->ld; if (!fromwire_closing_received_signature(msg, msg, &sig, &tx)) { channel_internal_error(channel, "Bad closing_received_signature %s", tal_hex(msg, msg)); return; } /* FIXME: Make sure signature is correct! */ if (better_closing_fee(ld, channel, tx)) { channel_set_last_tx(channel, tx, &sig); /* TODO(cdecker) Selectively save updated fields to DB */ wallet_channel_save(ld->wallet, channel); } /* OK, you can continue now. */ subd_send_msg(channel->owner, take(towire_closing_received_signature_reply(channel))); } static void peer_closing_complete(struct channel *channel, const u8 *msg) { if (!fromwire_closing_complete(msg)) { channel_internal_error(channel, "Bad closing_complete %s", tal_hex(msg, msg)); return; } /* Don't report spurious failure when closingd exits. */ channel_set_owner(channel, NULL, false); /* Clear any transient negotiation messages */ channel_set_billboard(channel, false, NULL); /* Retransmission only, ignore closing. */ if (channel->state == CLOSINGD_COMPLETE) return; /* Channel gets dropped to chain cooperatively. */ drop_to_chain(channel->peer->ld, channel, true); channel_set_state(channel, CLOSINGD_SIGEXCHANGE, CLOSINGD_COMPLETE); } static unsigned closing_msg(struct subd *sd, const u8 *msg, const int *fds UNUSED) { enum closing_wire_type t = fromwire_peektype(msg); switch (t) { case WIRE_CLOSING_RECEIVED_SIGNATURE: peer_received_closing_signature(sd->channel, msg); break; case WIRE_CLOSING_COMPLETE: peer_closing_complete(sd->channel, msg); break; /* We send these, not receive them */ case WIRE_CLOSING_INIT: case WIRE_CLOSING_RECEIVED_SIGNATURE_REPLY: break; } return 0; } void peer_start_closingd(struct channel *channel, const struct crypto_state *cs, int peer_fd, int gossip_fd, bool reconnected, const u8 *channel_reestablish) { u8 *initmsg; u32 feerate; struct amount_sat minfee, startfee, feelimit; u64 num_revocations; struct amount_msat their_msat; int hsmfd; struct lightningd *ld = channel->peer->ld; if (!channel->remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey) { channel_internal_error(channel, "Can't start closing: no remote info"); return; } hsmfd = hsm_get_client_fd(ld, &channel->peer->id, channel->dbid, HSM_CAP_SIGN_CLOSING_TX); channel_set_owner(channel, new_channel_subd(ld, "lightning_closingd", channel, channel->log, true, closing_wire_type_name, closing_msg, channel_errmsg, channel_set_billboard, take(&peer_fd), take(&gossip_fd), take(&hsmfd), NULL), false); if (!channel->owner) { log_unusual(channel->log, "Could not subdaemon closing: %s", strerror(errno)); channel_fail_transient(channel, "Failed to subdaemon closing"); return; } /* BOLT #2: * * The sending node: * - MUST set `fee_satoshis` less than or equal to the base * fee of the final commitment transaction, as calculated in * [BOLT #3](03-transactions.md#fee-calculation). */ feelimit = commit_tx_base_fee(channel->channel_info.feerate_per_kw[LOCAL], 0); /* Pick some value above slow feerate (or min possible if unknown) */ minfee = commit_tx_base_fee(feerate_min(ld, NULL), 0); /* If we can't determine feerate, start at half unilateral feerate. */ feerate = mutual_close_feerate(ld->topology); if (!feerate) { feerate = channel->channel_info.feerate_per_kw[LOCAL] / 2; if (feerate < feerate_floor()) feerate = feerate_floor(); } startfee = commit_tx_base_fee(feerate, 0); if (amount_sat_greater(startfee, feelimit)) startfee = feelimit; if (amount_sat_greater(minfee, feelimit)) minfee = feelimit; num_revocations = revocations_received(&channel->their_shachain.chain); /* BOLT #3: * * Each node offering a signature: * - MUST round each output down to whole satoshis. */ /* What is not ours is theirs */ if (!amount_sat_sub_msat(&their_msat, channel->funding, channel->our_msat)) { log_broken(channel->log, "our_msat overflow funding %s minus %s", type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_sat, &channel->funding), type_to_string(tmpctx, struct amount_msat, &channel->our_msat)); channel_fail_permanent(channel, "our_msat overflow on closing"); return; } initmsg = towire_closing_init(tmpctx, cs, &channel->funding_txid, channel->funding_outnum, channel->funding, &channel->local_funding_pubkey, &channel->channel_info.remote_fundingkey, channel->funder, amount_msat_to_sat_round_down(channel->our_msat), amount_msat_to_sat_round_down(their_msat), channel->our_config.dust_limit, minfee, feelimit, startfee, p2wpkh_for_keyidx(tmpctx, ld, channel->final_key_idx), channel->remote_shutdown_scriptpubkey, reconnected, channel->next_index[LOCAL], channel->next_index[REMOTE], num_revocations, channel_reestablish, p2wpkh_for_keyidx(tmpctx, ld, channel->final_key_idx)); /* We don't expect a response: it will give us feedback on * signatures sent and received, then closing_complete. */ subd_send_msg(channel->owner, take(initmsg)); /* Now tell gossipd that we're closing and that neither direction should * be used. */ if (channel->scid) subd_send_msg(channel->peer->ld->gossip, take(towire_gossip_local_channel_close( tmpctx, channel->scid))); }