#include "db.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DB_FILE "lightningd.sqlite3" #define NSEC_IN_SEC 1000000000 struct migration { const char *sql; void (*func)(struct lightningd *ld, struct db *db); }; void migrate_pr2342_feerate_per_channel(struct lightningd *ld, struct db *db); /* Do not reorder or remove elements from this array, it is used to * migrate existing databases from a previous state, based on the * string indices */ static struct migration dbmigrations[] = { {SQL("CREATE TABLE version (version INTEGER)"), NULL}, {SQL("INSERT INTO version VALUES (1)"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE outputs (" " prev_out_tx CHAR(64)" ", prev_out_index INTEGER" ", value INTEGER" ", type INTEGER" ", status INTEGER" ", keyindex INTEGER" ", PRIMARY KEY (prev_out_tx, prev_out_index));"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE vars (" " name VARCHAR(32)" ", val VARCHAR(255)" ", PRIMARY KEY (name)" ");"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE shachains (" " id INTEGER" ", min_index INTEGER" ", num_valid INTEGER" ", PRIMARY KEY (id)" ");"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE shachain_known (" " shachain_id INTEGER REFERENCES shachains(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" ", pos INTEGER" ", idx INTEGER" ", hash BLOB" ", PRIMARY KEY (shachain_id, pos)" ");"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE channels (" " id INTEGER," /* chan->id */ " peer_id INTEGER REFERENCES peers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE," " short_channel_id BLOB," " channel_config_local INTEGER," " channel_config_remote INTEGER," " state INTEGER," " funder INTEGER," " channel_flags INTEGER," " minimum_depth INTEGER," " next_index_local INTEGER," " next_index_remote INTEGER," " next_htlc_id INTEGER, " " funding_tx_id BLOB," " funding_tx_outnum INTEGER," " funding_satoshi INTEGER," " funding_locked_remote INTEGER," " push_msatoshi INTEGER," " msatoshi_local INTEGER," /* our_msatoshi */ /* START channel_info */ " fundingkey_remote BLOB," " revocation_basepoint_remote BLOB," " payment_basepoint_remote BLOB," " htlc_basepoint_remote BLOB," " delayed_payment_basepoint_remote BLOB," " per_commit_remote BLOB," " old_per_commit_remote BLOB," " local_feerate_per_kw INTEGER," " remote_feerate_per_kw INTEGER," /* END channel_info */ " shachain_remote_id INTEGER," " shutdown_scriptpubkey_remote BLOB," " shutdown_keyidx_local INTEGER," " last_sent_commit_state INTEGER," " last_sent_commit_id INTEGER," " last_tx BLOB," " last_sig BLOB," " closing_fee_received INTEGER," " closing_sig_received BLOB," " PRIMARY KEY (id)" ");"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE peers (" " id INTEGER" ", node_id BLOB UNIQUE" /* pubkey */ ", address TEXT" ", PRIMARY KEY (id)" ");"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE channel_configs (" " id INTEGER," " dust_limit_satoshis INTEGER," " max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat INTEGER," " channel_reserve_satoshis INTEGER," " htlc_minimum_msat INTEGER," " to_self_delay INTEGER," " max_accepted_htlcs INTEGER," " PRIMARY KEY (id)" ");"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE channel_htlcs (" " id INTEGER," " channel_id INTEGER REFERENCES channels(id) ON DELETE CASCADE," " channel_htlc_id INTEGER," " direction INTEGER," " origin_htlc INTEGER," " msatoshi INTEGER," " cltv_expiry INTEGER," " payment_hash BLOB," " payment_key BLOB," " routing_onion BLOB," " failuremsg BLOB," " malformed_onion INTEGER," " hstate INTEGER," " shared_secret BLOB," " PRIMARY KEY (id)," " UNIQUE (channel_id, channel_htlc_id, direction)" ");"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE invoices (" " id INTEGER," " state INTEGER," " msatoshi INTEGER," " payment_hash BLOB," " payment_key BLOB," " label TEXT," " PRIMARY KEY (id)," " UNIQUE (label)," " UNIQUE (payment_hash)" ");"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE payments (" " id INTEGER," " timestamp INTEGER," " status INTEGER," " payment_hash BLOB," " direction INTEGER," " destination BLOB," " msatoshi INTEGER," " PRIMARY KEY (id)," " UNIQUE (payment_hash)" ");"), NULL}, /* Add expiry field to invoices (effectively infinite). */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE invoices ADD expiry_time INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("UPDATE invoices SET expiry_time=9223372036854775807;"), NULL}, /* Add pay_index field to paid invoices (initially, same order as id). */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE invoices ADD pay_index INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX invoices_pay_index ON invoices(pay_index);"), NULL}, {SQL("UPDATE invoices SET pay_index=id WHERE state=1;"), NULL}, /* only paid invoice */ /* Create next_pay_index variable (highest pay_index). */ {SQL("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO vars(name, val)" " VALUES('next_pay_index', " " COALESCE((SELECT MAX(pay_index) FROM invoices WHERE state=1), 0) " "+ 1" " );"), NULL}, /* Create first_block field; initialize from channel id if any. * This fails for channels still awaiting lockin, but that only applies to * pre-release software, so it's forgivable. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD first_blocknum INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("UPDATE channels SET first_blocknum=CAST(short_channel_id AS INTEGER) " "WHERE short_channel_id IS NOT NULL;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN channel_id INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN peer_id BLOB;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN commitment_point BLOB;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE invoices ADD COLUMN msatoshi_received INTEGER;"), NULL}, /* Normally impossible, so at least we'll know if databases are ancient. */ {SQL("UPDATE invoices SET msatoshi_received=0 WHERE state=1;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD COLUMN last_was_revoke INTEGER;"), NULL}, /* We no longer record incoming payments: invoices cover that. * Without ALTER_TABLE DROP COLUMN support we need to do this by * rename & copy, which works because there are no triggers etc. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments RENAME TO temp_payments;"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE payments (" " id INTEGER," " timestamp INTEGER," " status INTEGER," " payment_hash BLOB," " destination BLOB," " msatoshi INTEGER," " PRIMARY KEY (id)," " UNIQUE (payment_hash)" ");"), NULL}, {SQL("INSERT INTO payments SELECT id, timestamp, status, payment_hash, " "destination, msatoshi FROM temp_payments WHERE direction=1;"), NULL}, {SQL("DROP TABLE temp_payments;"), NULL}, /* We need to keep the preimage in case they ask to pay again. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN payment_preimage BLOB;"), NULL}, /* We need to keep the shared secrets to decode error returns. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN path_secrets BLOB;"), NULL}, /* Create time-of-payment of invoice, default already-paid * invoices to current time. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE invoices ADD paid_timestamp INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("UPDATE invoices" " SET paid_timestamp = strftime('%s', 'now')" " WHERE state = 1;"), NULL}, /* We need to keep the route node pubkeys and short channel ids to * correctly mark routing failures. We separate short channel ids * because we cannot safely save them as blobs due to byteorder * concerns. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN route_nodes BLOB;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD COLUMN route_channels TEXT;"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE htlc_sigs (channelid INTEGER REFERENCES channels(id) ON " "DELETE CASCADE, signature BLOB);"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE INDEX channel_idx ON htlc_sigs (channelid)"), NULL}, /* Get rid of OPENINGD entries; we don't put them in db any more */ {SQL("DELETE FROM channels WHERE state=1"), NULL}, /* Keep track of db upgrades, for debugging */ {SQL("CREATE TABLE db_upgrades (upgrade_from INTEGER, lightning_version " "TEXT);"), NULL}, /* We used not to clean up peers when their channels were gone. */ {SQL("DELETE FROM peers WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT peer_id FROM channels);"), NULL}, /* The ONCHAIND_CHEATED/THEIR_UNILATERAL/OUR_UNILATERAL/MUTUAL are now one */ {SQL("UPDATE channels SET STATE = 8 WHERE state > 8;"), NULL}, /* Add bolt11 to invoices table*/ {SQL("ALTER TABLE invoices ADD bolt11 TEXT;"), NULL}, /* What do we think the head of the blockchain looks like? Used * primarily to track confirmations across restarts and making * sure we handle reorgs correctly. */ {SQL("CREATE TABLE blocks (height INT, hash BLOB, prev_hash BLOB, " "UNIQUE(height));"), NULL}, /* ON DELETE CASCADE would have been nice for confirmation_height, * so that we automatically delete outputs that fall off the * blockchain and then we rediscover them if they are included * again. However, we have the their_unilateral/to_us which we * can't simply recognize from the chain without additional * hints. So we just mark them as unconfirmed should the block * die. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN confirmation_height INTEGER " "REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE SET NULL;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE outputs ADD COLUMN spend_height INTEGER REFERENCES " "blocks(height) ON DELETE SET NULL;"), NULL}, /* Create a covering index that covers both fields */ {SQL("CREATE INDEX output_height_idx ON outputs (confirmation_height, " "spend_height);"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE TABLE utxoset (" " txid BLOB," " outnum INT," " blockheight INT REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE CASCADE," " spendheight INT REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE SET NULL," " txindex INT," " scriptpubkey BLOB," " satoshis BIGINT," " PRIMARY KEY(txid, outnum));"), NULL}, {SQL("CREATE INDEX short_channel_id ON utxoset (blockheight, txindex, " "outnum)"), NULL}, /* Necessary index for long rollbacks of the blockchain, otherwise we're * doing table scans for every block removed. */ {SQL("CREATE INDEX utxoset_spend ON utxoset (spendheight)"), NULL}, /* Assign key 0 to unassigned shutdown_keyidx_local. */ {SQL("UPDATE channels SET shutdown_keyidx_local=0 WHERE " "shutdown_keyidx_local = -1;"), NULL}, /* FIXME: We should rename shutdown_keyidx_local to final_key_index */ /* -- Payment routing failure information -- */ /* BLOB if failure was due to unparseable onion, NULL otherwise */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD failonionreply BLOB;"), NULL}, /* 0 if we could theoretically retry, 1 if PERM fail at payee */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD faildestperm INTEGER;"), NULL}, /* Contents of routing_failure (only if not unparseable onion) */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD failindex INTEGER;"), NULL}, /* erring_index */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD failcode INTEGER;"), NULL}, /* failcode */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD failnode BLOB;"), NULL}, /* erring_node */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD failchannel BLOB;"), NULL}, /* erring_channel */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD failupdate BLOB;"), NULL}, /* channel_update - can be NULL*/ /* -- Payment routing failure information ends -- */ /* Delete route data for already succeeded or failed payments */ {SQL("UPDATE payments" " SET path_secrets = NULL" " , route_nodes = NULL" " , route_channels = NULL" " WHERE status <> 0;"), NULL}, /* PAYMENT_PENDING */ /* -- Routing statistics -- */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD in_payments_offered INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD in_payments_fulfilled INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD in_msatoshi_offered INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD in_msatoshi_fulfilled INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD out_payments_offered INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD out_payments_fulfilled INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD out_msatoshi_offered INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD out_msatoshi_fulfilled INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("UPDATE channels" " SET in_payments_offered = 0, in_payments_fulfilled = 0" " , in_msatoshi_offered = 0, in_msatoshi_fulfilled = 0" " , out_payments_offered = 0, out_payments_fulfilled = 0" " , out_msatoshi_offered = 0, out_msatoshi_fulfilled = 0" " ;"), NULL}, /* -- Routing statistics ends --*/ /* Record the msatoshi actually sent in a payment. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD msatoshi_sent INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("UPDATE payments SET msatoshi_sent = msatoshi;"), NULL}, /* Delete dangling utxoset entries due to Issue #1280 */ {SQL("DELETE FROM utxoset WHERE blockheight IN (" " SELECT DISTINCT(blockheight)" " FROM utxoset LEFT OUTER JOIN blocks on (blockheight == " "blocks.height) " " WHERE blocks.hash IS NULL" ");"), NULL}, /* Record feerate range, to optimize onchaind grinding actual fees. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD min_possible_feerate INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD max_possible_feerate INTEGER;"), NULL}, /* https://bitcoinfees.github.io/#1d says Dec 17 peak was ~1M sat/kb * which is 250,000 sat/Sipa */ {SQL("UPDATE channels SET min_possible_feerate=0, " "max_possible_feerate=250000;"), NULL}, /* -- Min and max msatoshi_to_us -- */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD msatoshi_to_us_min INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD msatoshi_to_us_max INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("UPDATE channels" " SET msatoshi_to_us_min = msatoshi_local" " , msatoshi_to_us_max = msatoshi_local" " ;"), NULL}, /* -- Min and max msatoshi_to_us ends -- */ /* Transactions we are interested in. Either we sent them ourselves or we * are watching them. We don't cascade block height deletes so we don't * forget any of them by accident.*/ {SQL("CREATE TABLE transactions (" " id BLOB" ", blockheight INTEGER REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE SET NULL" ", txindex INTEGER" ", rawtx BLOB" ", PRIMARY KEY (id)" ");"), NULL}, /* -- Detailed payment failure -- */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD faildetail TEXT;"), NULL}, {SQL("UPDATE payments" " SET faildetail = 'unspecified payment failure reason'" " WHERE status = 2;"), NULL}, /* PAYMENT_FAILED */ /* -- Detailed payment faiure ends -- */ {SQL("CREATE TABLE channeltxs (" /* The id serves as insertion order and short ID */ " id INTEGER" ", channel_id INTEGER REFERENCES channels(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" ", type INTEGER" ", transaction_id BLOB REFERENCES transactions(id) ON DELETE CASCADE" /* The input_num is only used by the txo_watch, 0 if txwatch */ ", input_num INTEGER" /* The height at which we sent the depth notice */ ", blockheight INTEGER REFERENCES blocks(height) ON DELETE CASCADE" ", PRIMARY KEY(id)" ");"), NULL}, /* -- Set the correct rescan height for PR #1398 -- */ /* Delete blocks that are higher than our initial scan point, this is a * no-op if we don't have a channel. */ {SQL("DELETE FROM blocks WHERE height > (SELECT MIN(first_blocknum) FROM " "channels);"), NULL}, /* Now make sure we have the lower bound block with the first_blocknum * height. This may introduce a block with NULL height if we didn't have any * blocks, remove that in the next. */ {SQL("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO blocks (height) VALUES ((SELECT " "MIN(first_blocknum) FROM channels));"), NULL}, {SQL("DELETE FROM blocks WHERE height IS NULL;"), NULL}, /* -- End of PR #1398 -- */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE invoices ADD description TEXT;"), NULL}, /* FIXME: payments table 'description' is really a 'label' */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD description TEXT;"), NULL}, /* future_per_commitment_point if other side proves we're out of date -- */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD future_per_commitment_point BLOB;"), NULL}, /* last_sent_commit array fix */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD last_sent_commit BLOB;"), NULL}, /* Stats table to track forwarded HTLCs. The values in the HTLCs * and their states are replicated here and the entries are not * deleted when the HTLC entries or the channel entries are * deleted to avoid unexpected drops in statistics. */ {SQL("CREATE TABLE forwarded_payments (" " in_htlc_id INTEGER REFERENCES channel_htlcs(id) ON DELETE SET NULL" ", out_htlc_id INTEGER REFERENCES channel_htlcs(id) ON DELETE SET NULL" ", in_channel_scid INTEGER" ", out_channel_scid INTEGER" ", in_msatoshi INTEGER" ", out_msatoshi INTEGER" ", state INTEGER" ", UNIQUE(in_htlc_id, out_htlc_id)" ");"), NULL}, /* Add a direction for failed payments. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD faildirection INTEGER;"), NULL}, /* erring_direction */ /* Fix dangling peers with no channels. */ {SQL("DELETE FROM peers WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT peer_id FROM channels);"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE outputs ADD scriptpubkey BLOB;"), NULL}, /* Keep bolt11 string for payments. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE payments ADD bolt11 TEXT;"), NULL}, /* PR #2342 feerate per channel */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD feerate_base INTEGER;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD feerate_ppm INTEGER;"), NULL}, {NULL, migrate_pr2342_feerate_per_channel}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channel_htlcs ADD received_time INTEGER"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE forwarded_payments ADD received_time INTEGER"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE forwarded_payments ADD resolved_time INTEGER"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD remote_upfront_shutdown_script BLOB;"), NULL}, /* PR #2524: Add failcode into forward_payment */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE forwarded_payments ADD failcode INTEGER;"), NULL}, /* remote signatures for channel announcement */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD remote_ann_node_sig BLOB;"), NULL}, {SQL("ALTER TABLE channels ADD remote_ann_bitcoin_sig BLOB;"), NULL}, /* Additional information for transaction tracking and listing */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE transactions ADD type INTEGER;"), NULL}, /* Not a foreign key on purpose since we still delete channels from * the DB which would remove this. It is mainly used to group payments * in the list view anyway, e.g., show all close and htlc transactions * as a single bundle. */ {SQL("ALTER TABLE transactions ADD channel_id INTEGER;"), NULL}, }; /* Leak tracking. */ #if DEVELOPER static void db_assert_no_outstanding_statements(struct db *db) { struct db_stmt *stmt; stmt = list_top(&db->pending_statements, struct db_stmt, list); if (stmt) db_fatal("Unfinalized statement %s", stmt->location); } #else static void db_assert_no_outstanding_statements(struct db *db) { } #endif static void db_stmt_free(struct db_stmt *stmt) { if (stmt->inner_stmt) stmt->db->config->stmt_free_fn(stmt); assert(stmt->inner_stmt == NULL); } struct db_stmt *db_prepare_v2_(const char *location, struct db *db, const char *query_id) { struct db_stmt *stmt = tal(db, struct db_stmt); size_t num_slots; stmt->query = NULL; /* Normalize query_id paths, because unit tests are compiled with this * prefix. */ if (strncmp(query_id, "./", 2) == 0) query_id += 2; if (!db->in_transaction) db_fatal("Attempting to prepare a db_stmt outside of a " "transaction: %s", location); /* Look up the query by its ID */ for (size_t i = 0; i < db->config->num_queries; i++) { if (streq(query_id, db->config->queries[i].query)) { stmt->query = &db->config->queries[i]; break; } } if (stmt->query == NULL) fatal("Could not resolve query %s", query_id); num_slots = stmt->query->placeholders; /* Allocate the slots for placeholders/bindings, zeroed next since * that sets the type to DB_BINDING_UNINITIALIZED for later checks. */ stmt->bindings = tal_arr(stmt, struct db_binding, num_slots); for (size_t i=0; ibindings[i].type = DB_BINDING_UNINITIALIZED; stmt->location = location; stmt->error = NULL; stmt->db = db; stmt->executed = false; stmt->inner_stmt = NULL; tal_add_destructor(stmt, db_stmt_free); list_add(&db->pending_statements, &stmt->list); return stmt; } #define db_prepare_v2(db,query) \ db_prepare_v2_(__FILE__ ":" stringify(__LINE__), db, query) bool db_step(struct db_stmt *stmt) { assert(stmt->executed); return stmt->db->config->step_fn(stmt); } u64 db_column_u64(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { return stmt->db->config->column_u64_fn(stmt, col); } int db_column_int(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { return stmt->db->config->column_int_fn(stmt, col); } size_t db_column_bytes(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { return stmt->db->config->column_bytes_fn(stmt, col); } int db_column_is_null(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { return stmt->db->config->column_is_null_fn(stmt, col); } const void *db_column_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { return stmt->db->config->column_blob_fn(stmt, col); } const unsigned char *db_column_text(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { return stmt->db->config->column_blob_fn(stmt, col); } size_t db_count_changes(struct db_stmt *stmt) { return stmt->db->config->count_changes_fn(stmt); } u64 db_last_insert_id_v2(struct db_stmt *stmt TAKES) { u64 id; id = stmt->db->config->last_insert_id_fn(stmt); if (taken(stmt)) tal_free(stmt); return id; } static void destroy_db(struct db *db) { db_assert_no_outstanding_statements(db); if (db->config->teardown_fn) db->config->teardown_fn(db); } /* We expect min changes (ie. BEGIN TRANSACTION): report if more. * Optionally add "final" at the end (ie. COMMIT). */ static void db_report_changes(struct db *db, const char *final, size_t min) { assert(db->changes); assert(tal_count(db->changes) >= min); if (tal_count(db->changes) > min) plugin_hook_db_sync(db, db->changes, final); db->changes = tal_free(db->changes); } static void db_prepare_for_changes(struct db *db) { assert(!db->changes); db->changes = tal_arr(db, const char *, 0); } bool db_in_transaction(struct db *db) { return db->in_transaction; } void db_begin_transaction_(struct db *db, const char *location) { bool ok; if (db->in_transaction) db_fatal("Already in transaction from %s", db->in_transaction); db_prepare_for_changes(db); ok = db->config->begin_tx_fn(db); if (!ok) db_fatal("Failed to start DB transaction: %s", db->error); db->in_transaction = location; } void db_commit_transaction(struct db *db) { bool ok; assert(db->in_transaction); db_assert_no_outstanding_statements(db); ok = db->config->commit_tx_fn(db); if (!ok) db_fatal("Failed to commit DB transaction: %s", db->error); db_report_changes(db, NULL, 0); db->in_transaction = NULL; } static void setup_open_db(struct db *db) { /* This must be outside a transaction, so catch it */ assert(!db->in_transaction); db_prepare_for_changes(db); if (db->config->setup_fn) db->config->setup_fn(db); db_report_changes(db, NULL, 0); } /** * db_open - Open or create a sqlite3 database */ static struct db *db_open(const tal_t *ctx, char *filename) { int err; struct db *db; sqlite3 *sql; size_t num_configs; struct db_config **configs = autodata_get(db_backends, &num_configs); const char *driver_name = "sqlite3"; int flags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE; err = sqlite3_open_v2(filename, &sql, flags, NULL); if (err != SQLITE_OK) { db_fatal("failed to open database %s: %s", filename, sqlite3_errstr(err)); } db = tal(ctx, struct db); db->filename = tal_strdup(db, filename); db->sql = sql; list_head_init(&db->pending_statements); for (size_t i=0; iname)) { db->config = configs[i]; break; } if (!db->config) db_fatal("Unable to find DB driver for %s", driver_name); // FIXME(cdecker) Once we parse DB connection strings this needs to be // instantiated correctly. db->conn = sql; tal_add_destructor(db, destroy_db); db->in_transaction = NULL; db->changes = NULL; setup_open_db(db); return db; } /** * db_get_version - Determine the current DB schema version * * Will attempt to determine the current schema version of the * database @db by querying the `version` table. If the table does not * exist it'll return schema version -1, so that migration 0 is * applied, which should create the `version` table. */ static int db_get_version(struct db *db) { int res = -1; struct db_stmt *stmt = db_prepare_v2(db, SQL("SELECT version FROM version LIMIT 1")); if (!db_query_prepared(stmt)) { tal_free(stmt); return res; } if (db_step(stmt)) res = db_column_u64(stmt, 0); tal_free(stmt); return res; } /** * db_migrate - Apply all remaining migrations from the current version */ static void db_migrate(struct lightningd *ld, struct db *db, struct log *log) { /* Attempt to read the version from the database */ int current, orig, available; struct db_stmt *stmt; db_begin_transaction(db); orig = current = db_get_version(db); available = ARRAY_SIZE(dbmigrations) - 1; if (current == -1) log_info(log, "Creating database"); else if (available < current) db_fatal("Refusing to migrate down from version %u to %u", current, available); else if (current != available) log_info(log, "Updating database from version %u to %u", current, available); while (current < available) { current++; if (dbmigrations[current].sql) { struct db_stmt *stmt = db_prepare_v2(db, dbmigrations[current].sql); db_exec_prepared_v2(stmt); tal_free(stmt); } if (dbmigrations[current].func) dbmigrations[current].func(ld, db); } /* Finally update the version number in the version table */ stmt = db_prepare_v2(db, SQL("UPDATE version SET version=?;")); db_bind_u64(stmt, 0, available); db_exec_prepared_v2(stmt); tal_free(stmt); /* Annotate that we did upgrade, if any. */ if (current != orig) { stmt = db_prepare_v2( db, SQL("INSERT INTO db_upgrades VALUES (?, ?);")); db_bind_u64(stmt, 0, orig); db_bind_text(stmt, 1, version()); db_exec_prepared_v2(stmt); tal_free(stmt); } db_commit_transaction(db); } struct db *db_setup(const tal_t *ctx, struct lightningd *ld, struct log *log) { struct db *db = db_open(ctx, DB_FILE); db_migrate(ld, db, log); return db; } s64 db_get_intvar(struct db *db, char *varname, s64 defval) { s64 res = defval; struct db_stmt *stmt = db_prepare_v2( db, SQL("SELECT val FROM vars WHERE name= ? LIMIT 1")); db_bind_text(stmt, 0, varname); if (!db_query_prepared(stmt)) goto done; if (db_step(stmt)) res = atol((const char*)db_column_text(stmt, 0)); done: tal_free(stmt); return res; } void db_set_intvar(struct db *db, char *varname, s64 val) { char *v = tal_fmt(NULL, "%"PRIi64, val); size_t changes; struct db_stmt *stmt = db_prepare_v2(db, SQL("UPDATE vars SET val=? WHERE name=?;")); db_bind_text(stmt, 0, v); db_bind_text(stmt, 1, varname); if (!db_exec_prepared_v2(stmt)) db_fatal("Error executing update: %s", stmt->error); changes = db_count_changes(stmt); tal_free(stmt); if (changes == 0) { stmt = db_prepare_v2(db, SQL("INSERT INTO vars (name, val) VALUES (?, ?);")); db_bind_text(stmt, 0, varname); db_bind_text(stmt, 1, v); if (!db_exec_prepared_v2(stmt)) db_fatal("Error executing insert: %s", stmt->error); tal_free(stmt); } tal_free(v); } /* Will apply the current config fee settings to all channels */ void migrate_pr2342_feerate_per_channel(struct lightningd *ld, struct db *db) { struct db_stmt *stmt = db_prepare_v2( db, SQL("UPDATE channels SET feerate_base = ?, feerate_ppm = ?;")); db_bind_int(stmt, 0, ld->config.fee_base); db_bind_int(stmt, 1, ld->config.fee_per_satoshi); db_exec_prepared_v2(stmt); tal_free(stmt); } void db_bind_null(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos) { assert(pos < tal_count(stmt->bindings)); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_NULL; } void db_bind_int(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, int val) { assert(pos < tal_count(stmt->bindings)); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_INT; stmt->bindings[pos].v.i = val; } void db_bind_u64(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, u64 val) { assert(pos < tal_count(stmt->bindings)); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_UINT64; stmt->bindings[pos].v.u64 = val; } void db_bind_blob(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const u8 *val, size_t len) { assert(pos < tal_count(stmt->bindings)); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_BLOB; stmt->bindings[pos].v.blob = val; stmt->bindings[pos].len = len; } void db_bind_text(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const char *val) { assert(pos < tal_count(stmt->bindings)); stmt->bindings[pos].type = DB_BINDING_TEXT; stmt->bindings[pos].v.text = val; stmt->bindings[pos].len = strlen(val); } void db_bind_preimage(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct preimage *p) { db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, p->r, sizeof(struct preimage)); } void db_bind_sha256(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct sha256 *s) { db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, s->u.u8, sizeof(struct sha256)); } void db_bind_sha256d(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct sha256_double *s) { db_bind_sha256(stmt, pos, &s->sha); } void db_bind_secret(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct secret *s) { assert(sizeof(s->data) == 32); db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, s->data, sizeof(s->data)); } void db_bind_secret_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct secret *s) { size_t num = tal_count(s), elsize = sizeof(s->data); u8 *ser = tal_arr(stmt, u8, num * elsize); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) memcpy(ser + i * elsize, &s[i], elsize); db_bind_blob(stmt, col, ser, tal_count(ser)); } void db_bind_txid(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct bitcoin_txid *t) { db_bind_sha256d(stmt, pos, &t->shad); } void db_bind_node_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct node_id *id) { db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, id->k, sizeof(id->k)); } void db_bind_node_id_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct node_id *ids) { /* Copy into contiguous array: ARM will add padding to struct node_id! */ size_t n = tal_count(ids); u8 *arr = tal_arr(stmt, u8, n * sizeof(ids[0].k)); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { assert(node_id_valid(&ids[i])); memcpy(arr + sizeof(ids[i].k) * i, ids[i].k, sizeof(ids[i].k)); } db_bind_blob(stmt, col, arr, tal_count(arr)); } void db_bind_pubkey(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct pubkey *pk) { u8 *der = tal_arr(stmt, u8, PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN); pubkey_to_der(der, pk); db_bind_blob(stmt, pos, der, PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN); } void db_bind_short_channel_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct short_channel_id *id) { char *ser = short_channel_id_to_str(stmt, id); db_bind_text(stmt, col, ser); } void db_bind_short_channel_id_arr(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct short_channel_id *id) { u8 *ser = tal_arr(stmt, u8, 0); size_t num = tal_count(id); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) towire_short_channel_id(&ser, &id[i]); db_bind_blob(stmt, col, ser, tal_count(ser)); } void db_bind_signature(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig) { u8 *buf = tal_arr(stmt, u8, 64); int ret = secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_serialize_compact(secp256k1_ctx, buf, sig); assert(ret == 1); db_bind_blob(stmt, col, buf, 64); } void db_bind_timeabs(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct timeabs t) { u64 timestamp = t.ts.tv_nsec + (((u64) t.ts.tv_sec) * ((u64) NSEC_IN_SEC)); db_bind_u64(stmt, col, timestamp); } void db_bind_tx(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx) { u8 *ser = linearize_tx(stmt, tx); assert(ser); db_bind_blob(stmt, col, ser, tal_count(ser)); } void db_bind_amount_msat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct amount_msat *msat) { db_bind_u64(stmt, pos, msat->millisatoshis); /* Raw: low level function */ } void db_bind_amount_sat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct amount_sat *sat) { db_bind_u64(stmt, pos, sat->satoshis); /* Raw: low level function */ } void db_bind_json_escape(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, const struct json_escape *esc) { db_bind_text(stmt, pos, esc->s); } void db_column_preimage(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct preimage *preimage) { const u8 *raw; size_t size = sizeof(struct preimage); assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == size); raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col); memcpy(preimage, raw, size); } void db_column_node_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct node_id *dest) { assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == sizeof(dest->k)); memcpy(dest->k, db_column_blob(stmt, col), sizeof(dest->k)); assert(node_id_valid(dest)); } struct node_id *db_column_node_id_arr(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { struct node_id *ret; size_t n = db_column_bytes(stmt, col) / sizeof(ret->k); const u8 *arr = db_column_blob(stmt, col); assert(n * sizeof(ret->k) == (size_t)db_column_bytes(stmt, col)); ret = tal_arr(ctx, struct node_id, n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { memcpy(ret[i].k, arr + i * sizeof(ret[i].k), sizeof(ret[i].k)); if (!node_id_valid(&ret[i])) return tal_free(ret); } return ret; } void db_column_pubkey(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, struct pubkey *dest) { bool ok; assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, pos) == PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN); ok = pubkey_from_der(db_column_blob(stmt, pos), PUBKEY_CMPR_LEN, dest); assert(ok); } bool db_column_short_channel_id(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct short_channel_id *dest) { const char *source = db_column_blob(stmt, col); size_t sourcelen = db_column_bytes(stmt, col); return short_channel_id_from_str(source, sourcelen, dest, true); } struct short_channel_id * db_column_short_channel_id_arr(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { const u8 *ser; size_t len; struct short_channel_id *ret; ser = db_column_blob(stmt, col); len = db_column_bytes(stmt, col); ret = tal_arr(ctx, struct short_channel_id, 0); while (len != 0) { struct short_channel_id scid; fromwire_short_channel_id(&ser, &len, &scid); tal_arr_expand(&ret, scid); } return ret; } bool db_column_signature(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, secp256k1_ecdsa_signature *sig) { assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == 64); return secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_parse_compact( secp256k1_ctx, sig, db_column_blob(stmt, col)) == 1; } struct timeabs db_column_timeabs(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { struct timeabs t; u64 timestamp = db_column_u64(stmt, col); t.ts.tv_sec = timestamp / NSEC_IN_SEC; t.ts.tv_nsec = timestamp % NSEC_IN_SEC; return t; } struct bitcoin_tx *db_column_tx(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { const u8 *src = db_column_blob(stmt, col); size_t len = db_column_bytes(stmt, col); return pull_bitcoin_tx(ctx, &src, &len); } void *db_column_arr_(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, size_t bytes, const char *label, const char *caller) { size_t sourcelen = db_column_bytes(stmt, col); void *p; if (db_column_is_null(stmt, col)) return NULL; if (sourcelen % bytes != 0) db_fatal("%s: column size %zu not a multiple of %s (%zu)", caller, sourcelen, label, bytes); p = tal_arr_label(ctx, char, sourcelen, label); memcpy(p, db_column_blob(stmt, col), sourcelen); return p; } void db_column_amount_msat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct amount_msat *msat) { msat->millisatoshis = db_column_u64(stmt, col); /* Raw: low level function */ } void db_column_amount_sat(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct amount_sat *sat) { sat->satoshis = db_column_u64(stmt, col); /* Raw: low level function */ } struct json_escape *db_column_json_escape(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { return json_escape_string_(ctx, db_column_blob(stmt, col), db_column_bytes(stmt, col)); } void db_column_sha256(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct sha256 *sha) { const u8 *raw; size_t size = sizeof(struct sha256); assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == size); raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col); memcpy(sha, raw, size); } void db_column_sha256d(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct sha256_double *shad) { const u8 *raw; size_t size = sizeof(struct sha256_double); assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == size); raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col); memcpy(shad, raw, size); } void db_column_secret(struct db_stmt *stmt, int col, struct secret *s) { const u8 *raw; assert(db_column_bytes(stmt, col) == sizeof(struct secret)); raw = db_column_blob(stmt, col); memcpy(s, raw, sizeof(struct secret)); } struct secret *db_column_secret_arr(const tal_t *ctx, struct db_stmt *stmt, int col) { return db_column_arr(ctx, stmt, col, struct secret); } void db_column_txid(struct db_stmt *stmt, int pos, struct bitcoin_txid *t) { db_column_sha256d(stmt, pos, &t->shad); } bool db_exec_prepared_v2(struct db_stmt *stmt TAKES) { bool ret = stmt->db->config->exec_fn(stmt); stmt->executed = true; list_del_from(&stmt->db->pending_statements, &stmt->list); /* The driver itself doesn't call `fatal` since we want to override it * for testing. Instead we check here that the error message is set if * we report an error. */ if (!ret) { assert(stmt->error); db_fatal("Error executing statement: %s", stmt->error); } if (taken(stmt)) tal_free(stmt); return ret; } bool db_query_prepared(struct db_stmt *stmt) { /* Make sure we don't accidentally execute a modifying query using a * read-only path. */ bool ret; assert(stmt->query->readonly); ret = stmt->db->config->query_fn(stmt); stmt->executed = true; list_del_from(&stmt->db->pending_statements, &stmt->list); return ret; } void db_changes_add(struct db_stmt *stmt, const char * expanded) { struct db *db = stmt->db; if (stmt->query->readonly) { return; } /* We get a "COMMIT;" after we've sent our changes. */ if (!db->changes) { assert(streq(expanded, "COMMIT;")); return; } tal_arr_expand(&db->changes, tal_strdup(db->changes, expanded)); }