.TH "LIGHTNING-TXPREPARE" "7" "" "" "lightning-txprepare" .SH NAME .SH SYNOPSIS \fBtxprepare\fR \fIoutputs\fR [\fIfeerate\fR] [\fIminconf\fR] [\fIutxos\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBtxprepare\fR RPC command creates an unsigned transaction which spends funds from c-lightning’s internal wallet to the outputs specified in \fIoutputs\fR\. The \fIoutputs\fR is the array of output that include \fIdestination\fR and \fIamount\fR({\fIdestination\fR: \fIamount\fR})\. Its format is like: [{address1: amount1}, {address2: amount2}] or [{address: \fIall\fR}]\. It supports the any number of outputs\. The \fIdestination\fR of output is the address which can be of any Bitcoin accepted type, including bech32\. The \fIamount\fR of output is the amount to be sent from the internal wallet (expressed, as name suggests, in amount)\. The string \fIall\fR can be used to specify all available funds\. Otherwise, it is in amount precision; it can be a whole number, a whole number ending in \fIsat\fR, a whole number ending in \fI000msat\fR, or a number with 1 to 8 decimal places ending in \fIbtc\fR\. \fBtxprepare\fR is similar to the first part of a \fBwithdraw\fR command, but supports multiple outputs and uses \fIoutputs\fR as parameter\. The second part is provided by \fBtxsend\fR\. \fIutxos\fR specifies the utxos to be used to fund the transaction, as an array of "txid:vout"\. These must be drawn from the node's available UTXO set\. .SH RETURN VALUE On success, an object with attributes \fIunsigned_tx\fR and \fItxid\fR will be returned\. You need to hand \fItxid\fR to \fBtxsend\fR or \fBtxdiscard\fR, as the inputs of this transaction are reserved until then, or until the daemon restarts\. \fIunsigned_tx\fR represents the raw bitcoin transaction (not yet signed) and \fItxid\fR represent the bitcoin transaction id\. On failure, an error is reported and the transaction is not created\. The following error codes may occur: .RS .IP \[bu] -1: Catchall nonspecific error\. .IP \[bu] 301: There are not enough funds in the internal wallet (including fees) to create the transaction\. .IP \[bu] 302: The dust limit is not met\. .RE .SH AUTHOR Rusty Russell \fBNone\fR (\fI<rusty@rustcorp.com.au\fR)> is mainly responsible\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-withdraw\fR(7), \fBlightning-txsend\fR(7), \fBlightning-txdiscard\fR(7) .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fBNone\fR (\fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR)