'\" t .\" Title: lightning-getroute .\" Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section] .\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.79.1 .\" Date: 02/18/2019 .\" Manual: \ \& .\" Source: \ \& .\" Language: English .\" .TH "LIGHTNING\-GETROUTE" "7" "02/18/2019" "\ \&" "\ \&" .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * Define some portability stuff .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * set default formatting .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE * .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "NAME" lightning-getroute \- Command for routing a payment (low\-level)\&. .SH "SYNOPSIS" .sp \fBgetroute\fR \fIid\fR \fImsatoshi\fR \fIriskfactor\fR [\fIcltv\fR] [\fIfromid\fR] [\fIfuzzpercent\fR] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .sp The \fBgetroute\fR RPC command attempts to find the best route for the payment of \fImsatoshi\fR to lightning node \fIid\fR, such that the payment will arrive at \fIid\fR with \fIcltv\fR\-blocks to spare (default 9)\&. .sp \fImsatoshi\fR is in millisatoshi precision; it can be a whole number, or a whole number ending in \fImsat\fR or \fIsat\fR, or a number with three decimal places ending in \fIsat\fR, or a number with 8 or 11 decimal places ending in \fIbtc\fR\&. .sp There are two considerations for how good a route is: how low the fees are, and how long your payment will get stuck in a delayed output if a node goes down during the process\&. The \fIriskfactor\fR floating\-point field controls this tradeoff; it is the annual cost of your funds being stuck (as a percentage)\&. .sp For example, if you thought the convenience of keeping your funds liquid (not stuck) was worth 20% per annum interest, \fIriskfactor\fR would be 20\&. .sp If you didn\(cqt care about risk, \fIriskfactor\fR would be zero\&. .sp \fIfromid\fR is the node to start the route from: default is this node\&. .sp The \fIfuzzpercent\fR is a positive floating\-point number, representing a percentage of the actual fee\&. The \fIfuzzpercent\fR is used to distort computed fees along each channel, to provide some randomization to the route generated\&. 0\&.0 means the exact fee of that channel is used, while 100\&.0 means the fee used might be from 0 to twice the actual fee\&. The default is 5\&.0, or up to 5% fee distortion\&. .SH "RISKFACTOR EFFECT ON ROUTING" .sp The risk factor is treated as if it were an additional fee on the route, for the purposes of comparing routes\&. .sp The formula used is the following approximation: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf risk\-fee = amount x blocks\-timeout x per\-block\-cost .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .sp We are given a \fIriskfactor\fR expressed as a percentage\&. There are 52596 blocks per year, thus \fIper\-block\-cost\fR is \fIriskfactor\fR divided by 5,259,600\&. .sp The final result is: .sp .if n \{\ .RS 4 .\} .nf risk\-fee = amount x blocks\-timeout x riskfactor / 5259600 .fi .if n \{\ .RE .\} .sp Here are the risk fees in millisatoshis, using various parameters\&. I assume a channel charges the default of 1000 millisatoshis plus 1 part\-per\-million\&. Common to_self_delay values on the network at 14 and 144 blocks\&. .TS allbox tab(:); ltB ltB ltB ltB ltB. T{ Amount (msat) T}:T{ Riskfactor T}:T{ Delay T}:T{ Risk Fee T}:T{ Route fee T} .T& lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt lt. T{ .sp 10,000 T}:T{ .sp 1 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 0 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 10,000 T}:T{ .sp 10 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 0 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 10,000 T}:T{ .sp 100 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 2 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 10,000 T}:T{ .sp 1000 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 26 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 1,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 1 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 2 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 1,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 10 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 26 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 1,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 100 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 266 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 1,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 1000 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 2661 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 100,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 1 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 266 T}:T{ .sp 1100 T} T{ .sp 100,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 10 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 2661 T}:T{ .sp 1100 T} T{ .sp 100,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 100 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 26617 T}:T{ .sp 1100 T} T{ .sp 100,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 1000 T}:T{ .sp 14 T}:T{ .sp 266179 T}:T{ .sp 1100 T} T{ .sp 10,000 T}:T{ .sp 1 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 0 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 10,000 T}:T{ .sp 10 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 2 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 10,000 T}:T{ .sp 100 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 27 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 10,000 T}:T{ .sp 1000 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 273 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 1,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 1 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 27 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 1,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 10 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 273 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 1,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 100 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 2737 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 1,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 1000 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 27378 T}:T{ .sp 1001 T} T{ .sp 100,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 1 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 2737 T}:T{ .sp 1100 T} T{ .sp 100,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 10 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 27378 T}:T{ .sp 1100 T} T{ .sp 100,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 100 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 273785 T}:T{ .sp 1100 T} T{ .sp 100,000,000 T}:T{ .sp 1000 T}:T{ .sp 144 T}:T{ .sp 2737850 T}:T{ .sp 1100 T} .TE .sp 1 .SH "RECOMMENDED RISKFACTOR VALUES" .sp The default \fIfuzz\fR factor is 5%, so as you can see from the table above, that tends to overwhelm the effect of \fIriskfactor\fR less than about 5\&. .sp 1 is a conservative value for a stable lightning network with very few failures\&. .sp 1000 is an aggressive value for trying to minimize timeouts at all costs\&. .sp The default for lightning\-pay(7) is 10, which starts to become a major factor for larger amounts, and is basically ignored for tiny ones\&. .SH "RETURN VALUE" .sp On success, a "route" array is returned\&. Each array element contains \fIid\fR (the node being routed through), \fImsatoshi\fR (the millisatoshis sent), \fIamount_msat\fR (the same, with \fImsat\fR appended), and \fIdelay\fR (the number of blocks to timeout at this node)\&. .sp The final \fIid\fR will be the destination \fIid\fR given in the input\&. The difference between the first \fImsatoshi\fR minus the \fImsatoshi\fR given in the input is the fee\&. The first \fIdelay\fR is the very worst case timeout for the payment failure, in blocks\&. .SH "AUTHOR" .sp Rusty Russell is mainly responsible\&. .SH "SEE ALSO" .sp lightning\-pay(7), lightning\-sendpay(7)\&. .SH "RESOURCES" .sp Main web site: https://github\&.com/ElementsProject/lightning