#include "pay.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Outstanding "pay" commands. */ struct pay_command { struct list_node list; struct sha256 rhash; u64 msatoshi; const struct pubkey *ids; /* Set if this is in progress. */ struct htlc_end *out; /* Preimage if this succeeded. */ const struct preimage *rval; struct command *cmd; }; static void json_pay_success(struct command *cmd, const struct preimage *rval) { struct json_result *response; /* Can be NULL if JSON RPC goes away. */ if (!cmd) return; response = new_json_result(cmd); json_object_start(response, NULL); json_add_hex(response, "preimage", rval, sizeof(*rval)); json_object_end(response); command_success(cmd, response); } static void json_pay_failed(struct pay_command *pc, const struct pubkey *sender, enum onion_type failure_code, const char *details) { /* Can be NULL if JSON RPC goes away. */ if (!pc->cmd) return; /* FIXME: Report sender! */ command_fail(pc->cmd, "failed: %s (%s)", onion_type_name(failure_code), details); pc->out = NULL; } void payment_succeeded(struct lightningd *ld, struct htlc_end *dst, const struct preimage *rval) { /* FIXME: dev_htlc will do this! */ if (!dst->pay_command) { log_debug(ld->log, "Payment succeeded on HTLC %"PRIu64, dst->htlc_id); return; } assert(!dst->pay_command->rval); dst->pay_command->rval = tal_dup(dst->pay_command, struct preimage, rval); json_pay_success(dst->pay_command->cmd, rval); dst->pay_command->out = NULL; } /* FIXME: sender is NULL for now: need crypto! */ void payment_failed(struct lightningd *ld, struct htlc_end *dst, const struct pubkey *sender, enum onion_type failure_code) { /* FIXME: dev_htlc will do this! */ if (!dst->pay_command) return; /* FIXME: check for routing failure / perm fail. */ /* check_for_routing_failure(i, sender, failure_code); */ json_pay_failed(dst->pay_command, sender, failure_code, "reply from remote"); } static bool rcvd_htlc_reply(struct subd *subd, const u8 *msg, const int *fds, struct pay_command *pc) { u16 failcode; u8 *failstr; if (!fromwire_channel_offer_htlc_reply(msg, msg, NULL, &pc->out->htlc_id, &failcode, &failstr)) { json_pay_failed(pc, &subd->ld->dstate.id, -1, "daemon bad response"); return false; } if (failcode != 0) { /* Make sure we have a nul-terminated string. */ char *str = (char *)tal_dup_arr(msg, u8, failstr, tal_len(failstr), 1); str[tal_len(failstr)] = 0; json_pay_failed(pc, &subd->ld->dstate.id, failcode, str); return true; } /* HTLC endpoint now owned by lightningd. */ tal_steal(subd->ld, pc->out); connect_htlc_end(&subd->ld->htlc_ends, pc->out); return true; } /* When JSON RPC goes away, cmd is freed: detach from any running paycommand */ static void remove_cmd_from_pc(struct command *cmd, struct pay_command *pc) { /* This can be false, in the case where another pay command * re-uses the pc->cmd before we get around to cleaning up. */ if (pc->cmd == cmd) pc->cmd = NULL; } static struct pay_command *find_pay_command(struct lightningd *ld, const struct sha256 *rhash) { struct pay_command *pc; list_for_each(&ld->dstate.pay_commands, pc, list) { if (structeq(rhash, &pc->rhash)) return pc; } return NULL; } static void pay_command_destroyed(struct pay_command *pc) { list_del(&pc->list); } static void json_sendpay(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *params) { struct lightningd *ld = ld_from_dstate(cmd->dstate); struct pubkey *ids; jsmntok_t *routetok, *rhashtok; const jsmntok_t *t, *end; unsigned int delay, first_delay, base_expiry; size_t n_hops; struct sha256 rhash; struct peer *peer; struct pay_command *pc; const u8 *onion; u8 sessionkey[32]; struct hoppayload *hoppayloads; u64 amount, lastamount; struct onionpacket *packet; u8 *msg; if (!json_get_params(buffer, params, "route", &routetok, "rhash", &rhashtok, NULL)) { command_fail(cmd, "Need route and rhash"); return; } if (!hex_decode(buffer + rhashtok->start, rhashtok->end - rhashtok->start, &rhash, sizeof(rhash))) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not a valid sha256 hash", (int)(rhashtok->end - rhashtok->start), buffer + rhashtok->start); return; } if (routetok->type != JSMN_ARRAY) { command_fail(cmd, "'%.*s' is not an array", (int)(routetok->end - routetok->start), buffer + routetok->start); return; } /* Expiry for HTLCs is absolute. And add one to give some margin. */ base_expiry = get_block_height(cmd->dstate->topology) + 1; end = json_next(routetok); n_hops = 0; ids = tal_arr(cmd, struct pubkey, n_hops); hoppayloads = tal_arr(cmd, struct hoppayload, 0); for (t = routetok + 1; t < end; t = json_next(t)) { const jsmntok_t *amttok, *idtok, *delaytok; if (t->type != JSMN_OBJECT) { command_fail(cmd, "route %zu '%.*s' is not an object", n_hops, (int)(t->end - t->start), buffer + t->start); return; } amttok = json_get_member(buffer, t, "msatoshi"); idtok = json_get_member(buffer, t, "id"); delaytok = json_get_member(buffer, t, "delay"); if (!amttok || !idtok || !delaytok) { command_fail(cmd, "route %zu needs msatoshi/id/delay", n_hops); return; } if (n_hops == 0) { /* What we will send */ if (!json_tok_u64(buffer, amttok, &amount)) { command_fail(cmd, "route %zu invalid msatoshi", n_hops); return; } lastamount = amount; } else{ /* What that hop will forward */ tal_resize(&hoppayloads, n_hops); memset(&hoppayloads[n_hops-1], 0, sizeof(struct hoppayload)); if (!json_tok_u64(buffer, amttok, &hoppayloads[n_hops-1].amt_to_forward)) { command_fail(cmd, "route %zu invalid msatoshi", n_hops); return; } lastamount = hoppayloads[n_hops-1].amt_to_forward; } tal_resize(&ids, n_hops+1); memset(&ids[n_hops], 0, sizeof(ids[n_hops])); if (!pubkey_from_hexstr(buffer + idtok->start, idtok->end - idtok->start, &ids[n_hops])) { command_fail(cmd, "route %zu invalid id", n_hops); return; } if (!json_tok_number(buffer, delaytok, &delay)) { command_fail(cmd, "route %zu invalid delay", n_hops); return; } if (n_hops == 0) first_delay = delay; else hoppayloads[n_hops-1].outgoing_cltv_value = base_expiry + delay; n_hops++; } if (n_hops == 0) { command_fail(cmd, "Empty route"); return; } /* Add payload for final hop */ tal_resize(&hoppayloads, n_hops); memset(&hoppayloads[n_hops-1], 0, sizeof(struct hoppayload)); hoppayloads[n_hops-1].outgoing_cltv_value = base_expiry + delay; pc = find_pay_command(ld, &rhash); if (pc) { log_debug(ld->log, "json_sendpay: found previous"); if (pc->out) { log_add(ld->log, "... still in progress"); command_fail(cmd, "still in progress"); return; } if (pc->rval) { size_t old_nhops = tal_count(pc->ids); log_add(ld->log, "... succeeded"); /* Must match successful payment parameters. */ if (pc->msatoshi != lastamount) { command_fail(cmd, "already succeeded with amount %" PRIu64, pc->msatoshi); return; } if (!structeq(&pc->ids[old_nhops-1], &ids[n_hops-1])) { char *previd; previd = pubkey_to_hexstr(cmd, &pc->ids[old_nhops-1]); command_fail(cmd, "already succeeded to %s", previd); return; } json_pay_success(cmd, pc->rval); return; } /* FIXME: We can free failed ones... */ log_add(ld->log, "... retrying"); } peer = peer_by_id(ld, &ids[0]); if (!peer) { command_fail(cmd, "no connection to first peer found"); return; } if (!peer->locked) { command_fail(cmd, "first peer channel not locked"); return; } if (!peer->owner || !streq(peer->owner->name, "lightningd_channel")) { command_fail(cmd, "first peer in %s", peer->owner ? "limbo" : peer->owner->name); return; } randombytes_buf(&sessionkey, sizeof(sessionkey)); /* Onion will carry us from first peer onwards. */ packet = create_onionpacket(cmd, ids, hoppayloads, sessionkey, rhash.u.u8, sizeof(struct sha256)); onion = serialize_onionpacket(cmd, packet); if (pc) pc->ids = tal_free(pc->ids); else { pc = tal(ld, struct pay_command); list_add_tail(&cmd->dstate->pay_commands, &pc->list); tal_add_destructor(pc, pay_command_destroyed); } pc->cmd = cmd; pc->rhash = rhash; pc->rval = NULL; pc->ids = tal_steal(pc, ids); pc->msatoshi = lastamount; pc->out = tal(pc, struct htlc_end); pc->out->which_end = HTLC_DST; pc->out->peer = peer; pc->out->msatoshis = amount; pc->out->other_end = NULL; pc->out->pay_command = pc; log_info(ld->log, "Sending %"PRIu64" over %zu hops to deliver %"PRIu64, amount, n_hops, lastamount); msg = towire_channel_offer_htlc(pc, amount, base_expiry + first_delay, &pc->rhash, onion); subd_req(pc, peer->owner, take(msg), -1, 0, rcvd_htlc_reply, pc); /* Wait until we get response. */ tal_add_destructor2(cmd, remove_cmd_from_pc, pc); } static const struct json_command sendpay_command = { "sendpay", json_sendpay, "Send along {route} in return for preimage of {rhash}", "Returns the {preimage} on success" }; AUTODATA(json_command, &sendpay_command);