#include #include #include #include #include struct payment *payment_new(tal_t *ctx, struct command *cmd, struct payment *parent, struct payment_modifier **mods) { struct payment *p = tal(ctx, struct payment); p->children = tal_arr(p, struct payment *, 0); p->parent = parent; p->modifiers = mods; p->cmd = cmd; p->start_time = time_now(); p->partid = partid++; /* Copy over the relevant pieces of information. */ if (parent != NULL) { tal_arr_expand(&parent->children, p); p->destination = p->getroute_destination = parent->destination; p->amount = parent->amount; p->payment_hash = parent->payment_hash; } /* Initialize all modifier data so we can point to the fields when * wiring into the param() call in a JSON-RPC handler. The callback * can also just `memcpy` the parent if this outside access is not * required. */ p->modifier_data = tal_arr(p, void *, 0); for (size_t i=0; mods[i] != NULL; i++) { if (mods[i]->data_init != NULL) tal_arr_expand(&p->modifier_data, mods[i]->data_init(p)); else tal_arr_expand(&p->modifier_data, NULL); } return p; } /* Generic handler for RPC failures that should end up failing the payment. */ static struct command_result *payment_rpc_failure(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks, struct payment *p) { plugin_log(p->cmd->plugin, LOG_DBG, "Failing a partial payment due to a failed RPC call: %.*s", toks->end - toks->start, buffer + toks->start); p->step = PAYMENT_STEP_FAILED; payment_continue(p); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static struct command_result *payment_getinfo_success(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks, struct payment *p) { const jsmntok_t *blockheighttok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "blockheight"); json_to_number(buffer, blockheighttok, &p->start_block); payment_continue(p); return command_still_pending(cmd); } void payment_start(struct payment *p) { p->step = PAYMENT_STEP_INITIALIZED; p->current_modifier = -1; /* TODO If this is not the root, we can actually skip the getinfo call * and just reuse the parent's value. */ send_outreq(p->cmd->plugin, jsonrpc_request_start(p->cmd->plugin, NULL, "getinfo", payment_getinfo_success, payment_rpc_failure, p)); } static bool route_hop_from_json(struct route_hop *dst, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks) { const jsmntok_t *idtok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "id"); const jsmntok_t *channeltok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "channel"); const jsmntok_t *directiontok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "direction"); const jsmntok_t *amounttok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "amount_msat"); const jsmntok_t *delaytok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "delay"); const jsmntok_t *styletok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "style"); if (idtok == NULL || channeltok == NULL || directiontok == NULL || amounttok == NULL || delaytok == NULL || styletok == NULL) return false; json_to_node_id(buffer, idtok, &dst->nodeid); json_to_short_channel_id(buffer, channeltok, &dst->channel_id); json_to_int(buffer, directiontok, &dst->direction); json_to_msat(buffer, amounttok, &dst->amount); json_to_number(buffer, delaytok, &dst->delay); dst->style = json_tok_streq(buffer, styletok, "legacy") ? ROUTE_HOP_LEGACY : ROUTE_HOP_TLV; return true; } static struct route_hop * tal_route_from_json(const tal_t *ctx, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks) { size_t num = toks->size, i; struct route_hop *hops; const jsmntok_t *rtok; if (toks->type != JSMN_ARRAY) return NULL; hops = tal_arr(ctx, struct route_hop, num); json_for_each_arr(i, rtok, toks) { if (!route_hop_from_json(&hops[i], buffer, rtok)) return tal_free(hops); } return hops; } static struct command_result *payment_getroute_result(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks, struct payment *p) { const jsmntok_t *rtok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "route"); assert(rtok != NULL); p->route = tal_route_from_json(p, buffer, rtok); p->step = PAYMENT_STEP_GOT_ROUTE; /* Allow modifiers to modify the route, before * payment_compute_onion_payloads uses the route to generate the * onion_payloads */ payment_continue(p); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static struct command_result *payment_getroute_error(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks, struct payment *p) { p->step = PAYMENT_STEP_FAILED; payment_continue(p); /* Let payment_finished_ handle this, so we mark it as pending */ return command_still_pending(cmd); } static void payment_getroute(struct payment *p) { struct out_req *req; req = jsonrpc_request_start(p->cmd->plugin, NULL, "getroute", payment_getroute_result, payment_getroute_error, p); json_add_node_id(req->js, "id", p->getroute_destination); json_add_amount_msat_only(req->js, "msatoshi", p->amount); json_add_num(req->js, "riskfactor", 1); send_outreq(p->cmd->plugin, req); } static u8 *tal_towire_legacy_payload(const tal_t *ctx, const struct legacy_payload *payload) { const u8 padding[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; /* Prepend 0 byte for realm */ u8 *buf = tal_arrz(ctx, u8, 1); towire_short_channel_id(&buf, &payload->scid); towire_u64(&buf, payload->forward_amt.millisatoshis); /* Raw: low-level serializer */ towire_u32(&buf, payload->outgoing_cltv); towire(&buf, padding, ARRAY_SIZE(padding)); assert(tal_bytelen(buf) == 1 + 32); return buf; } static struct createonion_response * tal_createonion_response_from_json(const tal_t *ctx, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks) { size_t i; struct createonion_response *resp; const jsmntok_t *oniontok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "onion"); const jsmntok_t *secretstok = json_get_member(buffer, toks, "shared_secrets"); const jsmntok_t *cursectok; if (oniontok == NULL || secretstok == NULL) return NULL; resp = tal(ctx, struct createonion_response); if (oniontok->type != JSMN_STRING) goto fail; resp->onion = json_tok_bin_from_hex(resp, buffer, oniontok); resp->shared_secrets = tal_arr(resp, struct secret, secretstok->size); json_for_each_arr(i, cursectok, secretstok) { if (cursectok->type != JSMN_STRING) goto fail; json_to_secret(buffer, cursectok, &resp->shared_secrets[i]); } return resp; fail: return tal_free(resp); } static struct command_result *payment_sendonion_success(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks, struct payment *p) { p->step = PAYMENT_STEP_FAILED; payment_continue(p); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static struct command_result *payment_createonion_success(struct command *cmd, const char *buffer, const jsmntok_t *toks, struct payment *p) { struct out_req *req; struct route_hop *first = &p->route[0]; struct secret *secrets; p->createonion_response = tal_createonion_response_from_json(p, buffer, toks); req = jsonrpc_request_start(p->cmd->plugin, NULL, "sendonion", payment_sendonion_success, payment_rpc_failure, p); json_add_hex_talarr(req->js, "onion", p->createonion_response->onion); json_object_start(req->js, "first_hop"); json_add_short_channel_id(req->js, "channel", &first->channel_id); json_add_num(req->js, "direction", first->direction); json_add_amount_msat_only(req->js, "amount_msat", first->amount); json_add_num(req->js, "delay", first->delay); json_add_node_id(req->js, "id", &first->nodeid); json_object_end(req->js); json_add_sha256(req->js, "payment_hash", p->payment_hash); json_array_start(req->js, "shared_secrets"); secrets = p->createonion_response->shared_secrets; for(size_t i=0; ijs, NULL, &secrets[i]); json_array_end(req->js); json_add_num(req->js, "partid", p->partid); send_outreq(p->cmd->plugin, req); return command_still_pending(cmd); } static void payment_compute_onion_payloads(struct payment *p) { struct createonion_request *cr; size_t hopcount; static struct short_channel_id all_zero_scid; struct createonion_hop *cur; p->step = PAYMENT_STEP_ONION_PAYLOAD; hopcount = tal_count(p->route); /* Now compute the payload we're about to pass to `createonion` */ cr = p->createonion_request = tal(p, struct createonion_request); cr->assocdata = tal_arr(cr, u8, 0); towire_sha256(&cr->assocdata, p->payment_hash); cr->session_key = NULL; cr->hops = tal_arr(cr, struct createonion_hop, tal_count(p->route)); /* Non-final hops */ for (size_t i = 0; i < hopcount - 1; i++) { /* The message is destined for hop i, but contains fields for * i+1 */ cur = &cr->hops[i]; cur->style = p->route[i].style; cur->pubkey = p->route[i].nodeid; switch (cur->style) { case ROUTE_HOP_LEGACY: cur->legacy_payload = tal(cr->hops, struct legacy_payload); cur->legacy_payload->forward_amt = p->route[i + 1].amount; cur->legacy_payload->scid = p->route[i + 1].channel_id; cur->legacy_payload->outgoing_cltv = p->start_block + p->route[i + 1].delay; break; case ROUTE_HOP_TLV: /* TODO(cdecker) Implement */ abort(); } } /* Final hop */ cur = &cr->hops[hopcount - 1]; cur->style = p->route[hopcount - 1].style; cur->pubkey = p->route[hopcount - 1].nodeid; switch (cur->style) { case ROUTE_HOP_LEGACY: cur->legacy_payload = tal(cr->hops, struct legacy_payload); cur->legacy_payload->forward_amt = p->route[hopcount - 1].amount; cur->legacy_payload->scid = all_zero_scid; cur->legacy_payload->outgoing_cltv = p->start_block + p->route[hopcount - 1].delay; break; case ROUTE_HOP_TLV: /* TODO(cdecker) Implement */ abort(); } /* Now allow all the modifiers to mess with the payloads, before we * serialize via a call to createonion in the next step. */ payment_continue(p); } static void payment_sendonion(struct payment *p) { struct out_req *req; req = jsonrpc_request_start(p->cmd->plugin, NULL, "createonion", payment_createonion_success, payment_rpc_failure, p); json_array_start(req->js, "hops"); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(p->createonion_request->hops); i++) { json_object_start(req->js, NULL); struct createonion_hop *hop = &p->createonion_request->hops[i]; json_add_node_id(req->js, "pubkey", &hop->pubkey); json_add_hex_talarr( req->js, "payload", tal_towire_legacy_payload(tmpctx, hop->legacy_payload)); json_object_end(req->js); } json_array_end(req->js); json_add_hex_talarr(req->js, "assocdata", p->createonion_request->assocdata); if (p->createonion_request->session_key) json_add_secret(req->js, "sessionkey", p->createonion_request->session_key); send_outreq(p->cmd->plugin, req); } /* Mutual recursion. */ static void payment_finished(struct payment *p); /* A payment is finished if a) it is in a final state, of b) it's in a * child-spawning state and all of its children are in a final state. */ static bool payment_is_finished(const struct payment *p) { if (p->step == PAYMENT_STEP_FAILED || p->step == PAYMENT_STEP_SUCCESS) return true; else if (p->step == PAYMENT_STEP_SPLIT || p->step == PAYMENT_STEP_RETRY) { bool running_children = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(p->children); i++) running_children |= !payment_is_finished(p->children[i]); return !running_children; } else { return false; } } /* Function to bubble up completions to the root, which actually holds on to * the command that initiated the flow. */ static void payment_child_finished(struct payment *p, struct payment *child) { if (!payment_is_finished(p)) return; /* Should we continue bubbling up? */ payment_finished(p); } /* This function is called whenever a payment ends up in a final state, or all * leafs in the subtree rooted in the payment are all in a final state. It is * called only once, and it is guaranteed to be called in post-order * traversal, i.e., all children are finished before the parent is called. */ static void payment_finished(struct payment *p) { if (p->parent == NULL) return command_fail(p->cmd, JSONRPC2_INVALID_REQUEST, "Not functional yet"); else return payment_child_finished(p->parent, p); } void payment_continue(struct payment *p) { struct payment_modifier *mod; void *moddata; /* If we are in the middle of calling the modifiers, continue calling * them, otherwise we can continue with the payment state-machine. */ p->current_modifier++; mod = p->modifiers[p->current_modifier]; if (mod != NULL) { /* There is another modifier, so call it. */ moddata = p->modifier_data[p->current_modifier]; return mod->post_step_cb(moddata, p); } else { /* There are no more modifiers, so reset the call chain and * proceed to the next state. */ p->current_modifier = -1; switch (p->step) { case PAYMENT_STEP_INITIALIZED: payment_getroute(p); return; case PAYMENT_STEP_GOT_ROUTE: payment_compute_onion_payloads(p); return; case PAYMENT_STEP_ONION_PAYLOAD: payment_sendonion(p); return; case PAYMENT_STEP_SUCCESS: case PAYMENT_STEP_FAILED: payment_finished(p); return; case PAYMENT_STEP_RETRY: case PAYMENT_STEP_SPLIT: /* Do nothing, we'll get pinged by a child succeeding * or failing. */ return; } } /* We should never get here, it'd mean one of the state machine called * `payment_continue` after the final state. */ abort(); } void *payment_mod_get_data(const struct payment *p, const struct payment_modifier *mod) { for (size_t i = 0; p->modifiers[i] != NULL; i++) if (p->modifiers[i] == mod) return p->modifier_data[i]; /* If we ever get here it means that we asked for the data for a * non-existent modifier. This is a compile-time/wiring issue, so we * better check that modifiers match the data we ask for. */ abort(); } static inline struct dummy_data * dummy_data_init(struct payment *p) { return tal(p, struct dummy_data); } static inline void dummy_step_cb(struct dummy_data *dd, struct payment *p) { fprintf(stderr, "dummy_step_cb called for payment %p at step %d\n", p, p->step); payment_continue(p); } REGISTER_PAYMENT_MODIFIER(dummy, struct dummy_data *, dummy_data_init, dummy_step_cb); static struct retry_mod_data *retry_data_init(struct payment *p); static inline void retry_step_cb(struct retry_mod_data *rd, struct payment *p); REGISTER_PAYMENT_MODIFIER(retry, struct retry_mod_data *, retry_data_init, retry_step_cb); static struct retry_mod_data * retry_data_init(struct payment *p) { struct retry_mod_data *rdata = tal(p, struct retry_mod_data); struct retry_mod_data *parent_rdata; if (p->parent != NULL) { parent_rdata = payment_mod_retry_get_data(p->parent); rdata->retries = parent_rdata->retries - 1; } else { rdata->retries = 10; } return rdata; } static inline void retry_step_cb(struct retry_mod_data *rd, struct payment *p) { struct payment *subpayment; struct retry_mod_data *rdata = payment_mod_retry_get_data(p); if (p->step == PAYMENT_STEP_FAILED && rdata->retries > 0) { subpayment = payment_new(p, p->cmd, p, p->modifiers); payment_start(subpayment); p->step = PAYMENT_STEP_RETRY; } payment_continue(p); }