#include <ccan/err/err.h> #include <ccan/opt/opt.h> #include <ccan/tal/grab_file/grab_file.h> #include <common/decode_array.h> #include <common/utils.h> #include <devtools/gen_print_onion_wire.h> #include <devtools/gen_print_wire.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const u8 *m; bool onion = false; char *tlv_name = NULL; setup_locale(); opt_register_noarg("--onion", opt_set_bool, &onion, "Decode an error message instead of a peer message"); opt_register_arg("--tlv", opt_set_charp, opt_show_charp, &tlv_name, "Deocde a TLV of this type instead of a peer message"); opt_register_noarg("--help|-h", opt_usage_and_exit, "[<hexmsg>]" "Decode a lightning spec wire message from hex, or a series of messages from stdin", "Print this message."); opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit); if (argc > 2) opt_usage_and_exit("Too many arguments"); if (argc == 2) { /* Arg is hex string */ m = tal_hexdata(NULL, argv[1], strlen(argv[1])); if (!m) errx(1, "'%s' is not valid hex", argv[1]); if (onion) if (tlv_name) printonion_type_tlv_message(tlv_name, m); else printonion_type_message(m); else if (tlv_name) printwire_type_tlv_message(tlv_name, m); else printwire_type_message(m); } else { u8 *f = grab_fd(NULL, STDIN_FILENO); size_t off = 0; while (off != tal_count(f)) { be16 len; if (off + sizeof(len) > tal_count(f)) { warnx("Truncated file"); break; } memcpy(&len, f + off, sizeof(len)); off += sizeof(len); if (off + be16_to_cpu(len) > tal_count(f)) { warnx("Truncated file"); break; } m = tal_dup_arr(f, u8, f + off, be16_to_cpu(len), 0); if (onion) if (tlv_name) printonion_type_tlv_message(tlv_name, m); else printonion_type_message(m); else if (tlv_name) printwire_type_tlv_message(tlv_name, m); else printwire_type_message(m); off += be16_to_cpu(len); tal_free(m); } } return 0; }