.TH "LIGHTNING-LISTCONFIGS" "7" "" "" "lightning-listconfigs" .SH NAME lightning-listconfigs - Command to list all configuration options\. .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlistconfigs\fR [config] .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBlistconfigs\fR teh RPC command to list all configuration options, or with \fIconfig\fR, just that one\. .SH EXAMPLE JSON REQUEST .nf .RS { "id": 82, "method": "listconfigs", "params": {} } .RE .fi .SH RETURN VALUE On success, an object with the following proprieties is returned: .RS .IP \[bu] \fI# version\fR: A string that rappresents the version of node\. .IP \[bu] \fIlightning-di\fR: A string that rappresents the work dir of the node\. .IP \[bu] \fInetwork\fR: A string that rappresents the network (e\.g: bitcoin)\. .IP \[bu] \fIallow-deprecated-apis\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the deprecated api are avaible on the node\. .IP \[bu] \fIrpc-file\fR: A string that rappresent the location of the rpc file\. .IP \[bu] \fIplugins\fR: A array that rappresent the no important plugin registered\. Each object contains the following proprieties:.RS .IP \[bu] \fIpath\fR: A string that rappresent the path of plugin\. .IP \[bu] \fIname\fR: A string that rappresent the name of plugin\. .IP \[bu] \fIoptions\fR: A object that contains all options accepted from comand line, if the plugin accepted parameters from command line\. .RE .IP \[bu] \fIimportant-plugins\fR: An array that rappresent all important pluging registered to the node\. Each object contains the same proprieties of \fIplugin\fR array\. .IP \[bu] \fIdisable-plugin\fR: An array of string that rappresent the name of plugin disabled\. .IP \[bu] \fIalways-use-proxy\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the node utilize always the proxy\. .IP \[bu] \fIdaemon\fR: A boolean value is the node have the daemon propriety enabled\. .IP \[bu] \fIwallet\fR: A string that rappresent the location of wallet with database url convention\. .IP \[bu] \fIwumbo\fR: A boolean value that rappresent the value of wumbo propriety\. .IP \[bu] \fIrgb\fR: A string that rappresent the color of the node\. .IP \[bu] \fIalias\fR: A string that rappresent the alias of the node\. .IP \[bu] \fIpid-file\fR: A string that rappresent the location of the pid file\. .IP \[bu] \fIignore-fee-limits\fR: A boolean value that rappresent is the node ignore the fee limit\. .IP \[bu] \fIwatchtime-blocks\fR: An integer that rappresent the watchtime of the blocks\. .IP \[bu] \fImax-locktime-blocks\fR: A integer that rappresent that max locktime for blocks\. .IP \[bu] \fIfunding-confirms\fR: An integer that rappresent the number of funding transaction confermation\. .IP \[bu] \fIcommit-fee-min\fR: A integer that rappresent the minimum commit fee\. .IP \[bu] \fIcommit-fee-max\fR: A integer that rappresent the maximum commit fee\. .IP \[bu] \fIcltv-delta\fR: An integer that rappresent the value of cltv delta\. .IP \[bu] \fIcltv-final\fR: An integer that rappresent the value of cltv final\. .IP \[bu] \fIcommit-time\fR: An integer that rappresent the value of commit time\. .IP \[bu] \fIfee-base\fR: A integer that rappresent the value of fee base\. .IP \[bu] \fIrescan\fR: A integer that rappresent the number of block that the node must rescan before to run\. .IP \[bu] \fIfee-per-satoshi\fR: An integer that rappresent the fee for satoshi\. .IP \[bu] \fImax-concurrent-htlcs\fR: A integer that rappresent the number of HTLCs one channel can handle concurrently in each direction\. .IP \[bu] \fImin-capacity-sat\fR: A integer that rappresent the minimal effective channel capacity in satoshi to accept for channel opening requests\. .IP \[bu] \fIaddr\fR: A string that rappresent the address where the node are listen\. .IP \[bu] \fIbind-addr\fR: A string that rappresent the address or UNIX domine socket where the node are listen\. .IP \[bu] \fIannounce-addr\fR: A string that rappresent the address where the node is annunced\. .IP \[bu] \fIoffline\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the node is offline\. .IP \[bu] \fIautolisten\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the autolisten is enabled\. .IP \[bu] \fIproxy\fR: A string that rappresent the proxy address\. .IP \[bu] \fIdisable-dns\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the dns is disabled\. .IP \[bu] \fIenable-autotor-v2-mode\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the Tor v2 is enabled\. .IP \[bu] \fIencrypted-hsm\fR: A boolean value that rappresent if the wallet is encrypted\. .IP \[bu] \fIrpc-file-mode\fR: A string that rappresent the value rpc-file-mode\. .IP \[bu] \fIlog-level\fR: A string that rappresent the level of log\. .IP \[bu] \fIlog-prefix\fR: A string that rappresent the log prefix\. On failure, one of the following error codes may be returned: .IP \[bu] -32602: Error in given parameters or field with \fIconfig\fR name doesn't exist\. .RE .SH EXAMPLE JSON RESPONSE .nf .RS { "# version": "v0.9.0-1", "lightning-dir": "/media/vincent/Maxtor/sanboxTestWrapperRPC/lightning_dir_dev", "network": "testnet", "allow-deprecated-apis": true, "rpc-file": "lightning-rpc", "plugins": [ { "path": "/home/vincent/Github/plugins/sauron/sauron.py", "name": "sauron.py", "options": { "sauron-api-endpoint": "http://blockstream.info/testnet/api/", "sauron-tor-proxy": "" } }, { "path": "/home/vincent/Github/reckless/reckless.py", "name": "reckless.py" } ], "important-plugins": [ { "path": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/autoclean", "name": "autoclean", "options": { "autocleaninvoice-cycle": null, "autocleaninvoice-expired-by": null } }, { "path": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/fundchannel", "name": "fundchannel" }, { "path": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/keysend", "name": "keysend" }, { "path": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/pay", "name": "pay", "options": { "disable-mpp": false } } ], "important-plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/autoclean", "important-plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/fundchannel", "important-plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/keysend", "important-plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/lightning/lightningd/../plugins/pay", "plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/plugins/sauron/sauron.py", "plugin": "/home/vincent/Github/reckless/reckless.py", "disable-plugin": [ "bcli" ], "always-use-proxy": false, "daemon": "false", "wallet": "sqlite3:///media/vincent/Maxtor/sanboxTestWrapperRPC/lightning_dir_dev/testnet/lightningd.sqlite3", "wumbo": false, "wumbo": false, "rgb": "03ad98", "alias": "BRUCEWAYN-TES-DEV", "pid-file": "/media/vincent/Maxtor/sanboxTestWrapperRPC/lightning_dir_dev/lightningd-testne...", "ignore-fee-limits": true, "watchtime-blocks": 6, "max-locktime-blocks": 2016, "funding-confirms": 1, "commit-fee-min": 0, "commit-fee-max": 0, "cltv-delta": 6, "cltv-final": 10, "commit-time": 10, "fee-base": 1, "rescan": 30, "fee-per-satoshi": 10, "max-concurrent-htlcs": 483, "min-capacity-sat": 10000, "addr": "autotor:", "bind-addr": "", "announce-addr": "fp463inc4w3lamhhduytrwdwq6q6uzugtaeapylqfc43agrdnnqsheyd.onion:9735", "offline": "false", "autolisten": true, "proxy": "", "disable-dns": "false", "enable-autotor-v2-mode": "false", "encrypted-hsm": false, "rpc-file-mode": "0600", "log-level": "DEBUG", "log-prefix": "lightningd", } .RE .fi .SH AUTHOR Vincenzo Palazzo \fI wrote the initial version of this man page, but many others did the hard work of actually implementing this rpc command\. .SH SEE ALSO \fBlightning-getinfo\fR(7) .SH RESOURCES Main web site: \fIhttps://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning\fR