#include "bitcoin/script.h" #include "bitcoin/tx.h" #include "find_p2sh_out.h" #include "lightningd.h" #include "log.h" #include "names.h" #include "peer.h" #include "protobuf_convert.h" #include "secrets.h" #include "state.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define FIXME_STUB(peer) do { log_broken((peer)->dstate->base_log, "%s:%u: Implement %s!", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__); abort(); } while(0) static char *hex_of(const tal_t *ctx, const void *p, size_t n) { char *hex = tal_arr(ctx, char, hex_str_size(n)); hex_encode(p, n, hex, hex_str_size(n)); return hex; } static void dump_tx(const char *str, const struct bitcoin_tx *tx) { u8 *linear = linearize_tx(NULL, tx); printf("%s:%s\n", str, hex_of(linear, linear, tal_count(linear))); tal_free(linear); } static void dump_key(const char *str, const struct pubkey *key) { printf("%s:%s\n", str, hex_of(NULL, key->der, pubkey_derlen(key))); } /* Wrap (and own!) member inside Pkt */ static Pkt *make_pkt(const tal_t *ctx, Pkt__PktCase type, const void *msg) { Pkt *pkt = tal(ctx, Pkt); pkt__init(pkt); pkt->pkt_case = type; /* This is a union, so doesn't matter which we assign. */ pkt->error = (Error *)tal_steal(ctx, msg); /* This makes sure all packets are valid. */ #ifndef NDEBUG { size_t len; u8 *packed; Pkt *cpy; len = pkt__get_packed_size(pkt); packed = tal_arr(pkt, u8, len); pkt__pack(pkt, packed); cpy = pkt__unpack(NULL, len, memcheck(packed, len)); assert(cpy); pkt__free_unpacked(cpy, NULL); tal_free(packed); } #endif return pkt; } Pkt *pkt_open(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer, OpenChannel__AnchorOffer anchor) { OpenChannel *o = tal(ctx, OpenChannel); open_channel__init(o); o->revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(ctx, &peer->us.revocation_hash); o->commit_key = pubkey_to_proto(o, &peer->us.commitkey); o->final_key = pubkey_to_proto(o, &peer->us.finalkey); o->delay = tal(o, Locktime); locktime__init(o->delay); o->delay->locktime_case = LOCKTIME__LOCKTIME_SECONDS; o->delay->seconds = rel_locktime_to_seconds(&peer->us.locktime); o->commitment_fee = peer->us.commit_fee; if (anchor == OPEN_CHANNEL__ANCHOR_OFFER__WILL_CREATE_ANCHOR) assert(peer->us.offer_anchor == CMD_OPEN_WITH_ANCHOR); else { assert(anchor == OPEN_CHANNEL__ANCHOR_OFFER__WONT_CREATE_ANCHOR); assert(peer->us.offer_anchor == CMD_OPEN_WITHOUT_ANCHOR); } o->anch = anchor; o->min_depth = peer->us.mindepth; return make_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_OPEN, o); } Pkt *pkt_anchor(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer) { struct signature sig; OpenAnchor *a = tal(ctx, OpenAnchor); open_anchor__init(a); a->txid = sha256_to_proto(a, &peer->anchor.txid.sha); a->output_index = peer->anchor.index; a->amount = peer->anchor.satoshis; /* Sign their commit sig */ peer_sign_theircommit(peer, peer->them.commit, &sig); a->commit_sig = signature_to_proto(a, &sig); return make_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR, a); } Pkt *pkt_open_commit_sig(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer) { struct signature sig; OpenCommitSig *s = tal(ctx, OpenCommitSig); open_commit_sig__init(s); dump_tx("Creating sig for:", peer->them.commit); dump_key("Using key:", &peer->us.commitkey); peer_sign_theircommit(peer, peer->them.commit, &sig); s->sig = signature_to_proto(s, &sig); return make_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_OPEN_COMMIT_SIG, s); } Pkt *pkt_open_complete(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer) { OpenComplete *o = tal(ctx, OpenComplete); open_complete__init(o); return make_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_OPEN_COMPLETE, o); } Pkt *pkt_htlc_update(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer, const struct htlc_progress *htlc_prog) { UpdateAddHtlc *u = tal(ctx, UpdateAddHtlc); update_add_htlc__init(u); u->revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(u, &htlc_prog->our_revocation_hash); u->amount_msat = htlc_prog->htlc->msatoshis; u->r_hash = sha256_to_proto(u, &htlc_prog->htlc->rhash); u->expiry = abs_locktime_to_proto(u, &htlc_prog->htlc->expiry); return make_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_ADD_HTLC, u); } Pkt *pkt_htlc_fulfill(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer, const struct htlc_progress *htlc_prog) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *pkt_htlc_timedout(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer, const struct htlc_progress *htlc_prog) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *pkt_htlc_routefail(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer, const struct htlc_progress *htlc_prog) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *pkt_update_accept(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer) { UpdateAccept *u = tal(ctx, UpdateAccept); const struct htlc_progress *cur = peer->current_htlc; struct signature sig; update_accept__init(u); dump_tx("Signing tx", cur->their_commit); peer_sign_theircommit(peer, cur->their_commit, &sig); u->sig = signature_to_proto(u, &sig); u->revocation_hash = sha256_to_proto(u, &cur->our_revocation_hash); return make_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_ACCEPT, u); } Pkt *pkt_update_signature(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer) { UpdateSignature *u = tal(ctx, UpdateSignature); const struct htlc_progress *cur = peer->current_htlc; struct signature sig; struct sha256 preimage; update_signature__init(u); peer_sign_theircommit(peer, cur->their_commit, &sig); u->sig = signature_to_proto(u, &sig); assert(peer->num_htlcs > 0); peer_get_revocation_preimage(peer, peer->num_htlcs-1, &preimage); u->revocation_preimage = sha256_to_proto(u, &preimage); return make_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_SIGNATURE, u); } Pkt *pkt_update_complete(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer) { UpdateComplete *u = tal(ctx, UpdateComplete); struct sha256 preimage; update_complete__init(u); peer_get_revocation_preimage(peer, peer->num_htlcs-1, &preimage); u->revocation_preimage = sha256_to_proto(u, &preimage); return make_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_UPDATE_COMPLETE, u); } Pkt *pkt_err(const tal_t *ctx, const char *msg, ...) { abort(); } Pkt *pkt_close(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer) { CloseChannel *c = tal(ctx, CloseChannel); struct signature sig; close_channel__init(c); /* FIXME: If we're not connected, we don't create close tx. */ if (!peer->close_tx) { c->close_fee = 0; memset(&sig, 0, sizeof(sig)); c->sig = signature_to_proto(c, &sig); } else { c->close_fee = peer->close_tx->fee; peer_sign_mutual_close(peer, peer->close_tx, &sig); c->sig = signature_to_proto(c, &sig); } return make_pkt(ctx, PKT__PKT_CLOSE, c); } Pkt *pkt_close_complete(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *pkt_close_ack(const tal_t *ctx, const struct peer *peer) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *pkt_err_unexpected(const tal_t *ctx, const Pkt *pkt) { return pkt_err(ctx, "Unexpected packet %s", state_name(pkt->pkt_case)); } /* Process various packets: return an error packet on failure. */ Pkt *accept_pkt_open(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { struct rel_locktime locktime; const OpenChannel *o = pkt->open; if (!proto_to_rel_locktime(o->delay, &locktime)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Invalid delay"); /* FIXME: handle blocks in locktime */ if (o->delay->locktime_case != LOCKTIME__LOCKTIME_SECONDS) return pkt_err(ctx, "Delay in blocks not accepted"); if (o->delay->seconds > peer->dstate->config.rel_locktime_max) return pkt_err(ctx, "Delay too great"); if (o->min_depth > peer->dstate->config.anchor_confirms_max) return pkt_err(ctx, "min_depth too great"); if (o->commitment_fee < peer->dstate->config.commitment_fee_min) return pkt_err(ctx, "Commitment fee too low"); if (o->anch == OPEN_CHANNEL__ANCHOR_OFFER__WILL_CREATE_ANCHOR) peer->them.offer_anchor = CMD_OPEN_WITH_ANCHOR; else if (o->anch == OPEN_CHANNEL__ANCHOR_OFFER__WONT_CREATE_ANCHOR) peer->them.offer_anchor = CMD_OPEN_WITHOUT_ANCHOR; else return pkt_err(ctx, "Unknown offer anchor value"); if (peer->them.offer_anchor == peer->us.offer_anchor) return pkt_err(ctx, "Only one side can offer anchor"); if (!proto_to_rel_locktime(o->delay, &peer->them.locktime)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Malformed locktime"); peer->them.mindepth = o->min_depth; peer->them.commit_fee = o->commitment_fee; if (!proto_to_pubkey(peer->dstate->secpctx, o->commit_key, &peer->them.commitkey)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Bad commitkey"); if (!proto_to_pubkey(peer->dstate->secpctx, o->final_key, &peer->them.finalkey)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Bad finalkey"); proto_to_sha256(o->revocation_hash, &peer->them.revocation_hash); /* Redeemscript for anchor. */ peer->anchor.redeemscript = bitcoin_redeem_2of2(peer, &peer->us.commitkey, &peer->them.commitkey); return NULL; } Pkt *accept_pkt_anchor(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { const OpenAnchor *a = pkt->open_anchor; u64 commitfee; /* They must be offering anchor for us to try accepting */ assert(peer->us.offer_anchor == CMD_OPEN_WITHOUT_ANCHOR); assert(peer->them.offer_anchor == CMD_OPEN_WITH_ANCHOR); proto_to_sha256(a->txid, &peer->anchor.txid.sha); peer->anchor.index = a->output_index; peer->anchor.satoshis = a->amount; /* Create funder's cstate, invert to get ours. */ commitfee = commit_fee(peer->them.commit_fee, peer->us.commit_fee); peer->cstate = initial_funding(peer, peer->us.offer_anchor, peer->anchor.satoshis, commitfee); if (!peer->cstate) return pkt_err(ctx, "Insufficient funds for fee"); invert_cstate(peer->cstate); /* Now we can make initial (unsigned!) commit txs. */ make_commit_txs(peer, peer, &peer->us.revocation_hash, &peer->them.revocation_hash, peer->cstate, &peer->us.commit, &peer->them.commit); peer->cur_commit_theirsig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; if (!proto_to_signature(a->commit_sig, &peer->cur_commit_theirsig.sig)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Malformed signature"); /* Their sig should sign our commit tx. */ if (!check_tx_sig(peer->dstate->secpctx, peer->us.commit, 0, peer->anchor.redeemscript, tal_count(peer->anchor.redeemscript), &peer->them.commitkey, &peer->cur_commit_theirsig)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Bad signature"); return NULL; } Pkt *accept_pkt_open_commit_sig(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { const OpenCommitSig *s = pkt->open_commit_sig; peer->cur_commit_theirsig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; if (!proto_to_signature(s->sig, &peer->cur_commit_theirsig.sig)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Malformed signature"); dump_tx("Checking sig for:", peer->us.commit); dump_key("Using key:", &peer->them.commitkey); /* Their sig should sign our commit tx. */ if (!check_tx_sig(peer->dstate->secpctx, peer->us.commit, 0, peer->anchor.redeemscript, tal_count(peer->anchor.redeemscript), &peer->them.commitkey, &peer->cur_commit_theirsig)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Bad signature"); return NULL; } Pkt *accept_pkt_htlc_update(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt, Pkt **decline) { const UpdateAddHtlc *u = pkt->update_add_htlc; struct htlc_progress *cur = tal(peer, struct htlc_progress); Pkt *err; cur->htlc = tal(cur, struct channel_htlc); cur->htlc->msatoshis = u->amount_msat; proto_to_sha256(u->r_hash, &cur->htlc->rhash); proto_to_sha256(u->revocation_hash, &cur->their_revocation_hash); if (!proto_to_abs_locktime(u->expiry, &cur->htlc->expiry)) { err = pkt_err(ctx, "Invalid HTLC expiry"); goto fail; } cur->cstate = copy_funding(cur, peer->cstate); if (!funding_delta(peer->them.offer_anchor == CMD_OPEN_WITH_ANCHOR, peer->anchor.satoshis, 0, cur->htlc->msatoshis, &cur->cstate->b, &cur->cstate->a)) { err = pkt_err(ctx, "Cannot afford %"PRIu64" milli-satoshis", cur->htlc->msatoshis); goto fail; } /* Add the htlc to their side of channel. */ funding_add_htlc(&cur->cstate->b, cur->htlc->msatoshis, &cur->htlc->expiry, &cur->htlc->rhash); peer_get_revocation_hash(peer, peer->num_htlcs+1, &cur->our_revocation_hash); /* Now we create the commit tx pair. */ make_commit_txs(cur, peer, &cur->our_revocation_hash, &cur->their_revocation_hash, cur->cstate, &cur->our_commit, &cur->their_commit); /* FIXME: Fees must be sufficient. */ *decline = NULL; assert(!peer->current_htlc); peer->current_htlc = cur; return NULL; fail: tal_free(cur); return err; }; Pkt *accept_pkt_htlc_routefail(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *accept_pkt_htlc_timedout(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *accept_pkt_htlc_fulfill(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } static u64 total_funds(const struct channel_oneside *c) { u64 total = (u64)c->pay_msat + c->fee_msat; size_t i, n = tal_count(c->htlcs); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) total += c->htlcs[i].msatoshis; return total; } static void update_to_new_htlcs(struct peer *peer) { struct htlc_progress *cur = peer->current_htlc; /* FIXME: Add to shachain too. */ /* HTLCs can't change total balance in channel! */ if (total_funds(&peer->cstate->a) + total_funds(&peer->cstate->b) != total_funds(&cur->cstate->a) + total_funds(&cur->cstate->b)) fatal("Illegal funding transition from %u/%u (total %"PRIu64")" " to %u/%u (total %"PRIu64")", peer->cstate->a.pay_msat, peer->cstate->a.fee_msat, total_funds(&peer->cstate->a), peer->cstate->b.pay_msat, peer->cstate->b.fee_msat, total_funds(&peer->cstate->b)); /* Now, we consider this channel_state current one. */ tal_free(peer->cstate); peer->cstate = tal_steal(peer, cur->cstate); tal_free(peer->us.commit); peer->us.commit = tal_steal(peer, cur->our_commit); /* FIXME: Save their old commit details, to steal funds. */ tal_free(peer->them.commit); peer->them.commit = tal_steal(peer, cur->their_commit); peer->us.revocation_hash = cur->our_revocation_hash; peer->them.revocation_hash = cur->their_revocation_hash; peer->num_htlcs++; } Pkt *accept_pkt_update_accept(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { const UpdateAccept *a = pkt->update_accept; struct htlc_progress *cur = peer->current_htlc; proto_to_sha256(a->revocation_hash, &cur->their_revocation_hash); cur->their_sig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; if (!proto_to_signature(a->sig, &cur->their_sig.sig)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Malformed signature"); /* Now we can make commit tx pair. */ make_commit_txs(cur, peer, &cur->our_revocation_hash, &cur->their_revocation_hash, cur->cstate, &cur->our_commit, &cur->their_commit); /* Their sig should sign our new commit tx. */ if (!check_tx_sig(peer->dstate->secpctx, cur->our_commit, 0, peer->anchor.redeemscript, tal_count(peer->anchor.redeemscript), &peer->them.commitkey, &cur->their_sig)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Bad signature"); /* Our next step will be to send the revocation preimage, so * update to new HTLC now so we never use the old one. */ update_to_new_htlcs(peer); return NULL; } static bool check_preimage(const Sha256Hash *preimage, const struct sha256 *hash) { struct sha256 h; proto_to_sha256(preimage, &h); sha256(&h, &h, sizeof(h)); return structeq(&h, hash); } Pkt *accept_pkt_update_complete(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { /* FIXME: Check preimage against old tx! */ return NULL; } Pkt *accept_pkt_update_signature(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { const UpdateSignature *s = pkt->update_signature; struct htlc_progress *cur = peer->current_htlc; cur->their_sig.stype = SIGHASH_ALL; if (!proto_to_signature(s->sig, &cur->their_sig.sig)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Malformed signature"); /* Their sig should sign our new commit tx. */ if (!check_tx_sig(peer->dstate->secpctx, cur->our_commit, 0, peer->anchor.redeemscript, tal_count(peer->anchor.redeemscript), &peer->them.commitkey, &cur->their_sig)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Bad signature"); /* Check their revocation preimage. */ if (!check_preimage(s->revocation_preimage, &peer->them.revocation_hash)) return pkt_err(ctx, "Bad revocation preimage"); /* Our next step will be to send the revocation preimage, so * update to new HTLC now so we never use the old one. */ update_to_new_htlcs(peer); return NULL; } Pkt *accept_pkt_close(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *accept_pkt_close_complete(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *accept_pkt_simultaneous_close(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { FIXME_STUB(peer); } Pkt *accept_pkt_close_ack(const tal_t *ctx, struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt) { FIXME_STUB(peer); }