#include "../json.c" #include /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS START */ /* AUTOGENERATED MOCKS END */ // issue #577 static void do_json_tok_bitcoin_amount(const char* val, uint64_t expected) { uint64_t amount; jsmntok_t tok; tok.start = 0; tok.end = strlen(val); fprintf(stderr, "do_json_tok_bitcoin_amount(\"%s\", %"PRIu64"): ", val, expected); assert(json_tok_bitcoin_amount(val, &tok, &amount) == true); assert(amount == expected); fprintf(stderr, "ok\n"); } static int test_json_tok_bitcoin_amount(void) { do_json_tok_bitcoin_amount("0.00000001", 1); do_json_tok_bitcoin_amount("0.00000007", 7); do_json_tok_bitcoin_amount("0.00000008", 8); do_json_tok_bitcoin_amount("0.00000010", 10); do_json_tok_bitcoin_amount("0.12345678", 12345678); do_json_tok_bitcoin_amount("0.01234567", 1234567); do_json_tok_bitcoin_amount("123.45678900", 12345678900); return 0; } static int test_json_escape(void) { struct json_result *result = new_json_result(NULL); jsmntok_t *toks; const jsmntok_t *x; bool valid; int i; char *badstr = tal_arr(result, char, 256); const char *str; /* Fill with junk, and nul-terminate (256 -> 0) */ for (i = 1; i < 257; i++) badstr[i-1] = i; json_object_start(result, NULL); json_add_string(result, "x", badstr); json_object_end(result); /* Parse back in, make sure nothing crazy. */ str = json_result_string(result); toks = json_parse_input(str, strlen(str), &valid); assert(valid); assert(toks); assert(toks[0].type == JSMN_OBJECT); x = json_get_member(str, toks, "x"); assert(x); assert(x->type == JSMN_STRING); assert((x->end - x->start) == 255); for (i = x->start; i < x->end; i++) { assert(cisprint(str[i])); assert(str[i] != '\\'); assert(str[i] != '"'); assert(str[i] == '?' || str[i] == badstr[i - x->start]); } tal_free(result); return 0; } int main(void) { test_json_tok_bitcoin_amount(); test_json_escape(); }