/* This file was generated by generate-wire.py */ /* Do not modify this file! Modify the .csv file it was generated from. */ /* Original template can be found at tools/gen/impl_template */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef SUPERVERBOSE #define SUPERVERBOSE(...) #endif /* SUBTYPE: BLINDED_PATH */ void towire_blinded_path(u8 **p, const struct blinded_path *blinded_path) { u16 num_hops = tal_count(blinded_path->path); towire_pubkey(p, &blinded_path->blinding); towire_u16(p, num_hops); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_hops; i++) towire_onionmsg_path(p, blinded_path->path[i]); } struct blinded_path * fromwire_blinded_path(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen) { struct blinded_path *blinded_path = tal(ctx, struct blinded_path); u16 num_hops; fromwire_pubkey(cursor, plen, &blinded_path->blinding); num_hops = fromwire_u16(cursor, plen); blinded_path->path = num_hops ? tal_arr(blinded_path, struct onionmsg_path *, 0) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_hops; i++) { struct onionmsg_path * tmp; tmp = fromwire_onionmsg_path(blinded_path, cursor, plen); tal_arr_expand(&blinded_path->path, tmp); } return blinded_path; } /* SUBTYPE: BLINDED_PAYINFO */ void towire_blinded_payinfo(u8 **p, const struct blinded_payinfo *blinded_payinfo) { u16 flen = tal_count(blinded_payinfo->features); towire_u32(p, blinded_payinfo->fee_base_msat); towire_u32(p, blinded_payinfo->fee_proportional_millionths); towire_u16(p, blinded_payinfo->cltv_expiry_delta); towire_u16(p, flen); towire_u8_array(p, blinded_payinfo->features, flen); } struct blinded_payinfo * fromwire_blinded_payinfo(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen) { struct blinded_payinfo *blinded_payinfo = tal(ctx, struct blinded_payinfo); u16 flen; blinded_payinfo->fee_base_msat = fromwire_u32(cursor, plen); blinded_payinfo->fee_proportional_millionths = fromwire_u32(cursor, plen); blinded_payinfo->cltv_expiry_delta = fromwire_u16(cursor, plen); flen = fromwire_u16(cursor, plen); blinded_payinfo->features = flen ? tal_arr(blinded_payinfo, u8, flen) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(cursor, plen, blinded_payinfo->features, flen); return blinded_payinfo; } /* SUBTYPE: FALLBACK_ADDRESS */ void towire_fallback_address(u8 **p, const struct fallback_address *fallback_address) { u16 len = tal_count(fallback_address->address); towire_u8(p, fallback_address->version); towire_u16(p, len); towire_u8_array(p, fallback_address->address, len); } struct fallback_address * fromwire_fallback_address(const tal_t *ctx, const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen) { struct fallback_address *fallback_address = tal(ctx, struct fallback_address); u16 len; fallback_address->version = fromwire_u8(cursor, plen); len = fromwire_u16(cursor, plen); fallback_address->address = len ? tal_arr(fallback_address, u8, len) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(cursor, plen, fallback_address->address, len); return fallback_address; } struct tlv_offer *tlv_offer_new(const tal_t *ctx) { /* Initialize everything to NULL. (Quiet, C pedants!) */ struct tlv_offer *inst = talz(ctx, struct tlv_offer); /* Initialized the fields to an empty array. */ inst->fields = tal_arr(inst, struct tlv_field, 0); return inst; } /* OFFER MSG: chains */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_chains(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->chains) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(r->chains); i++) towire_bitcoin_blkid(&ptr, r->chains + i); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_chains(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->chains = *plen ? tal_arr(r, struct bitcoin_blkid, 0) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; *plen != 0; i++) { struct bitcoin_blkid tmp; fromwire_bitcoin_blkid(cursor, plen, &tmp); tal_arr_expand(&r->chains, tmp); } } /* OFFER MSG: currency */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_currency(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->currency) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_utf8_array(&ptr, r->currency, tal_count(r->currency)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_currency(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->currency = *plen ? tal_arr(r, utf8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_utf8_array(cursor, plen, r->currency, *plen); } /* OFFER MSG: amount */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_amount(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->amount) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->amount); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_amount(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->amount = tal(r, u64); *r->amount = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* OFFER MSG: description */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_description(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->description) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_utf8_array(&ptr, r->description, tal_count(r->description)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_description(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->description = *plen ? tal_arr(r, utf8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_utf8_array(cursor, plen, r->description, *plen); } /* OFFER MSG: features */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_features(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->features) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u8_array(&ptr, r->features, tal_count(r->features)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_features(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->features = *plen ? tal_arr(r, u8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(cursor, plen, r->features, *plen); } /* OFFER MSG: absolute_expiry */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_absolute_expiry(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->absolute_expiry) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->absolute_expiry); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_absolute_expiry(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->absolute_expiry = tal(r, u64); *r->absolute_expiry = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* OFFER MSG: paths */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_paths(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->paths) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(r->paths); i++) towire_blinded_path(&ptr, r->paths[i]); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_paths(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->paths = *plen ? tal_arr(r, struct blinded_path *, 0) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; *plen != 0; i++) { struct blinded_path * tmp; tmp = fromwire_blinded_path(r, cursor, plen); tal_arr_expand(&r->paths, tmp); } } /* OFFER MSG: vendor */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_vendor(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->vendor) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_utf8_array(&ptr, r->vendor, tal_count(r->vendor)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_vendor(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->vendor = *plen ? tal_arr(r, utf8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_utf8_array(cursor, plen, r->vendor, *plen); } /* OFFER MSG: quantity_min */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_quantity_min(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->quantity_min) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->quantity_min); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_quantity_min(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->quantity_min = tal(r, u64); *r->quantity_min = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* OFFER MSG: quantity_max */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_quantity_max(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->quantity_max) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->quantity_max); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_quantity_max(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->quantity_max = tal(r, u64); *r->quantity_max = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* OFFER MSG: recurrence */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_recurrence(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u8(&ptr, r->recurrence->time_unit); towire_tu32(&ptr, r->recurrence->period); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_recurrence(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->recurrence = tal(r, struct tlv_offer_recurrence); r->recurrence->time_unit = fromwire_u8(cursor, plen); r->recurrence->period = fromwire_tu32(cursor, plen); } /* OFFER MSG: recurrence_paywindow */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_recurrence_paywindow(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence_paywindow) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u32(&ptr, r->recurrence_paywindow->seconds_before); towire_u8(&ptr, r->recurrence_paywindow->proportional_amount); towire_tu32(&ptr, r->recurrence_paywindow->seconds_after); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_recurrence_paywindow(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->recurrence_paywindow = tal(r, struct tlv_offer_recurrence_paywindow); r->recurrence_paywindow->seconds_before = fromwire_u32(cursor, plen); r->recurrence_paywindow->proportional_amount = fromwire_u8(cursor, plen); r->recurrence_paywindow->seconds_after = fromwire_tu32(cursor, plen); } /* OFFER MSG: recurrence_limit */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_recurrence_limit(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence_limit) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu32(&ptr, *r->recurrence_limit); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_recurrence_limit(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->recurrence_limit = tal(r, u32); *r->recurrence_limit = fromwire_tu32(cursor, plen); } /* OFFER MSG: recurrence_base */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_recurrence_base(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence_base) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u8(&ptr, r->recurrence_base->start_any_period); towire_tu64(&ptr, r->recurrence_base->basetime); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_recurrence_base(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->recurrence_base = tal(r, struct tlv_offer_recurrence_base); r->recurrence_base->start_any_period = fromwire_u8(cursor, plen); r->recurrence_base->basetime = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* OFFER MSG: node_id */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_node_id(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->node_id) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_pubkey32(&ptr, r->node_id); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_node_id(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->node_id = tal(r, struct pubkey32); fromwire_pubkey32(cursor, plen, &*r->node_id); } /* OFFER MSG: send_invoice */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_send_invoice(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->send_invoice) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_send_invoice(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->send_invoice = tal(r, struct tlv_offer_send_invoice); } /* OFFER MSG: refund_for */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_refund_for(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->refund_for) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_sha256(&ptr, r->refund_for); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_refund_for(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->refund_for = tal(r, struct sha256); fromwire_sha256(cursor, plen, &*r->refund_for); } /* OFFER MSG: signature */ static u8 *towire_tlv_offer_signature(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->signature) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_bip340sig(&ptr, r->signature); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_offer_signature(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_offer *r = vrecord; r->signature = tal(r, struct bip340sig); fromwire_bip340sig(cursor, plen, &*r->signature); } static const struct tlv_record_type tlvs_offer[] = { { 2, towire_tlv_offer_chains, fromwire_tlv_offer_chains }, { 6, towire_tlv_offer_currency, fromwire_tlv_offer_currency }, { 8, towire_tlv_offer_amount, fromwire_tlv_offer_amount }, { 10, towire_tlv_offer_description, fromwire_tlv_offer_description }, { 12, towire_tlv_offer_features, fromwire_tlv_offer_features }, { 14, towire_tlv_offer_absolute_expiry, fromwire_tlv_offer_absolute_expiry }, { 16, towire_tlv_offer_paths, fromwire_tlv_offer_paths }, { 20, towire_tlv_offer_vendor, fromwire_tlv_offer_vendor }, { 22, towire_tlv_offer_quantity_min, fromwire_tlv_offer_quantity_min }, { 24, towire_tlv_offer_quantity_max, fromwire_tlv_offer_quantity_max }, { 26, towire_tlv_offer_recurrence, fromwire_tlv_offer_recurrence }, { 28, towire_tlv_offer_recurrence_base, fromwire_tlv_offer_recurrence_base }, { 30, towire_tlv_offer_node_id, fromwire_tlv_offer_node_id }, { 34, towire_tlv_offer_refund_for, fromwire_tlv_offer_refund_for }, { 54, towire_tlv_offer_send_invoice, fromwire_tlv_offer_send_invoice }, { 64, towire_tlv_offer_recurrence_paywindow, fromwire_tlv_offer_recurrence_paywindow }, { 66, towire_tlv_offer_recurrence_limit, fromwire_tlv_offer_recurrence_limit }, { 240, towire_tlv_offer_signature, fromwire_tlv_offer_signature }, }; void towire_offer(u8 **pptr, const struct tlv_offer *record) { towire_tlv(pptr, tlvs_offer, 18, record); } bool fromwire_offer(const u8 **cursor, size_t *max, struct tlv_offer *record) { return fromwire_tlv(cursor, max, tlvs_offer, 18, record, &record->fields); } bool offer_is_valid(const struct tlv_offer *record, size_t *err_index) { return tlv_fields_valid(record->fields, err_index); } struct tlv_invoice_request *tlv_invoice_request_new(const tal_t *ctx) { /* Initialize everything to NULL. (Quiet, C pedants!) */ struct tlv_invoice_request *inst = talz(ctx, struct tlv_invoice_request); /* Initialized the fields to an empty array. */ inst->fields = tal_arr(inst, struct tlv_field, 0); return inst; } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: chains */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_chains(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->chains) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(r->chains); i++) towire_bitcoin_blkid(&ptr, r->chains + i); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_chains(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->chains = *plen ? tal_arr(r, struct bitcoin_blkid, 0) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; *plen != 0; i++) { struct bitcoin_blkid tmp; fromwire_bitcoin_blkid(cursor, plen, &tmp); tal_arr_expand(&r->chains, tmp); } } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: offer_id */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_offer_id(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->offer_id) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_sha256(&ptr, r->offer_id); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_offer_id(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->offer_id = tal(r, struct sha256); fromwire_sha256(cursor, plen, &*r->offer_id); } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: amount */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_amount(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->amount) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->amount); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_amount(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->amount = tal(r, u64); *r->amount = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: features */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_features(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->features) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u8_array(&ptr, r->features, tal_count(r->features)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_features(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->features = *plen ? tal_arr(r, u8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(cursor, plen, r->features, *plen); } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: quantity */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_quantity(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->quantity) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->quantity); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_quantity(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->quantity = tal(r, u64); *r->quantity = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: recurrence_counter */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_counter(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence_counter) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu32(&ptr, *r->recurrence_counter); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_counter(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->recurrence_counter = tal(r, u32); *r->recurrence_counter = fromwire_tu32(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: recurrence_start */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_start(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence_start) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu32(&ptr, *r->recurrence_start); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_start(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->recurrence_start = tal(r, u32); *r->recurrence_start = fromwire_tu32(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: payer_key */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_payer_key(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->payer_key) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_pubkey32(&ptr, r->payer_key); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_payer_key(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->payer_key = tal(r, struct pubkey32); fromwire_pubkey32(cursor, plen, &*r->payer_key); } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: payer_info */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_payer_info(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->payer_info) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u8_array(&ptr, r->payer_info, tal_count(r->payer_info)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_payer_info(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->payer_info = *plen ? tal_arr(r, u8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(cursor, plen, r->payer_info, *plen); } /* INVOICE_REQUEST MSG: recurrence_signature */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_signature(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence_signature) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_bip340sig(&ptr, r->recurrence_signature); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_signature(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_request *r = vrecord; r->recurrence_signature = tal(r, struct bip340sig); fromwire_bip340sig(cursor, plen, &*r->recurrence_signature); } const struct tlv_record_type tlvs_invoice_request[] = { { 2, towire_tlv_invoice_request_chains, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_chains }, { 4, towire_tlv_invoice_request_offer_id, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_offer_id }, { 8, towire_tlv_invoice_request_amount, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_amount }, { 12, towire_tlv_invoice_request_features, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_features }, { 32, towire_tlv_invoice_request_quantity, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_quantity }, { 36, towire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_counter, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_counter }, { 38, towire_tlv_invoice_request_payer_key, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_payer_key }, { 50, towire_tlv_invoice_request_payer_info, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_payer_info }, { 68, towire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_start, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_start }, { 242, towire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_signature, fromwire_tlv_invoice_request_recurrence_signature }, }; void towire_invoice_request(u8 **pptr, const struct tlv_invoice_request *record) { towire_tlv(pptr, tlvs_invoice_request, 10, record); } bool fromwire_invoice_request(const u8 **cursor, size_t *max, struct tlv_invoice_request *record) { return fromwire_tlv(cursor, max, tlvs_invoice_request, 10, record, &record->fields); } bool invoice_request_is_valid(const struct tlv_invoice_request *record, size_t *err_index) { return tlv_fields_valid(record->fields, err_index); } struct tlv_invoice *tlv_invoice_new(const tal_t *ctx) { /* Initialize everything to NULL. (Quiet, C pedants!) */ struct tlv_invoice *inst = talz(ctx, struct tlv_invoice); /* Initialized the fields to an empty array. */ inst->fields = tal_arr(inst, struct tlv_field, 0); return inst; } /* INVOICE MSG: chains */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_chains(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->chains) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(r->chains); i++) towire_bitcoin_blkid(&ptr, r->chains + i); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_chains(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->chains = *plen ? tal_arr(r, struct bitcoin_blkid, 0) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; *plen != 0; i++) { struct bitcoin_blkid tmp; fromwire_bitcoin_blkid(cursor, plen, &tmp); tal_arr_expand(&r->chains, tmp); } } /* INVOICE MSG: offer_id */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_offer_id(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->offer_id) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_sha256(&ptr, r->offer_id); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_offer_id(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->offer_id = tal(r, struct sha256); fromwire_sha256(cursor, plen, &*r->offer_id); } /* INVOICE MSG: amount */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_amount(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->amount) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->amount); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_amount(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->amount = tal(r, u64); *r->amount = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: description */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_description(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->description) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_utf8_array(&ptr, r->description, tal_count(r->description)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_description(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->description = *plen ? tal_arr(r, utf8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_utf8_array(cursor, plen, r->description, *plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: features */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_features(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->features) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u8_array(&ptr, r->features, tal_count(r->features)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_features(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->features = *plen ? tal_arr(r, u8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(cursor, plen, r->features, *plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: paths */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_paths(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->paths) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(r->paths); i++) towire_blinded_path(&ptr, r->paths[i]); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_paths(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->paths = *plen ? tal_arr(r, struct blinded_path *, 0) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; *plen != 0; i++) { struct blinded_path * tmp; tmp = fromwire_blinded_path(r, cursor, plen); tal_arr_expand(&r->paths, tmp); } } /* INVOICE MSG: blindedpay */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_blindedpay(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->blindedpay) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < tal_count(r->blindedpay); i++) towire_blinded_payinfo(&ptr, r->blindedpay[i]); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_blindedpay(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->blindedpay = *plen ? tal_arr(r, struct blinded_payinfo *, 0) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; *plen != 0; i++) { struct blinded_payinfo * tmp; tmp = fromwire_blinded_payinfo(r, cursor, plen); tal_arr_expand(&r->blindedpay, tmp); } } /* INVOICE MSG: vendor */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_vendor(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->vendor) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_utf8_array(&ptr, r->vendor, tal_count(r->vendor)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_vendor(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->vendor = *plen ? tal_arr(r, utf8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_utf8_array(cursor, plen, r->vendor, *plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: node_id */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_node_id(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->node_id) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_pubkey32(&ptr, r->node_id); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_node_id(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->node_id = tal(r, struct pubkey32); fromwire_pubkey32(cursor, plen, &*r->node_id); } /* INVOICE MSG: quantity */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_quantity(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->quantity) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->quantity); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_quantity(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->quantity = tal(r, u64); *r->quantity = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: refund_for */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_refund_for(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->refund_for) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_sha256(&ptr, r->refund_for); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_refund_for(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->refund_for = tal(r, struct sha256); fromwire_sha256(cursor, plen, &*r->refund_for); } /* INVOICE MSG: recurrence_counter */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_counter(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence_counter) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu32(&ptr, *r->recurrence_counter); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_counter(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->recurrence_counter = tal(r, u32); *r->recurrence_counter = fromwire_tu32(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: send_invoice */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_send_invoice(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->send_invoice) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_send_invoice(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->send_invoice = tal(r, struct tlv_invoice_send_invoice); } /* INVOICE MSG: recurrence_start */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_start(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence_start) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu32(&ptr, *r->recurrence_start); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_start(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->recurrence_start = tal(r, u32); *r->recurrence_start = fromwire_tu32(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: recurrence_basetime */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_basetime(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->recurrence_basetime) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->recurrence_basetime); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_basetime(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->recurrence_basetime = tal(r, u64); *r->recurrence_basetime = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: payer_key */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_payer_key(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->payer_key) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_pubkey32(&ptr, r->payer_key); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_payer_key(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->payer_key = tal(r, struct pubkey32); fromwire_pubkey32(cursor, plen, &*r->payer_key); } /* INVOICE MSG: payer_info */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_payer_info(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->payer_info) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u8_array(&ptr, r->payer_info, tal_count(r->payer_info)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_payer_info(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->payer_info = *plen ? tal_arr(r, u8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(cursor, plen, r->payer_info, *plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: timestamp */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_timestamp(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->timestamp) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->timestamp); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_timestamp(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->timestamp = tal(r, u64); *r->timestamp = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: payment_hash */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_payment_hash(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->payment_hash) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_sha256(&ptr, r->payment_hash); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_payment_hash(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->payment_hash = tal(r, struct sha256); fromwire_sha256(cursor, plen, &*r->payment_hash); } /* INVOICE MSG: relative_expiry */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_relative_expiry(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->relative_expiry) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu32(&ptr, *r->relative_expiry); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_relative_expiry(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->relative_expiry = tal(r, u32); *r->relative_expiry = fromwire_tu32(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: cltv */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_cltv(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->cltv) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu32(&ptr, *r->cltv); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_cltv(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->cltv = tal(r, u32); *r->cltv = fromwire_tu32(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE MSG: fallbacks */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_fallbacks(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->fallbacks) return NULL; u8 num = tal_count(r->fallbacks->fallbacks); ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u8(&ptr, num); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) towire_fallback_address(&ptr, r->fallbacks->fallbacks[i]); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_fallbacks(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 num; r->fallbacks = tal(r, struct tlv_invoice_fallbacks); num = fromwire_u8(cursor, plen); r->fallbacks->fallbacks = num ? tal_arr(r->fallbacks, struct fallback_address *, 0) : NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { struct fallback_address * tmp; tmp = fromwire_fallback_address(r->fallbacks, cursor, plen); tal_arr_expand(&r->fallbacks->fallbacks, tmp); } } /* INVOICE MSG: refund_signature */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_refund_signature(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->refund_signature) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_bip340sig(&ptr, r->refund_signature); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_refund_signature(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->refund_signature = tal(r, struct bip340sig); fromwire_bip340sig(cursor, plen, &*r->refund_signature); } /* INVOICE MSG: signature */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_signature(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->signature) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_bip340sig(&ptr, r->signature); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_signature(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice *r = vrecord; r->signature = tal(r, struct bip340sig); fromwire_bip340sig(cursor, plen, &*r->signature); } static const struct tlv_record_type tlvs_invoice[] = { { 2, towire_tlv_invoice_chains, fromwire_tlv_invoice_chains }, { 4, towire_tlv_invoice_offer_id, fromwire_tlv_invoice_offer_id }, { 8, towire_tlv_invoice_amount, fromwire_tlv_invoice_amount }, { 10, towire_tlv_invoice_description, fromwire_tlv_invoice_description }, { 12, towire_tlv_invoice_features, fromwire_tlv_invoice_features }, { 16, towire_tlv_invoice_paths, fromwire_tlv_invoice_paths }, { 18, towire_tlv_invoice_blindedpay, fromwire_tlv_invoice_blindedpay }, { 20, towire_tlv_invoice_vendor, fromwire_tlv_invoice_vendor }, { 30, towire_tlv_invoice_node_id, fromwire_tlv_invoice_node_id }, { 32, towire_tlv_invoice_quantity, fromwire_tlv_invoice_quantity }, { 34, towire_tlv_invoice_refund_for, fromwire_tlv_invoice_refund_for }, { 36, towire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_counter, fromwire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_counter }, { 38, towire_tlv_invoice_payer_key, fromwire_tlv_invoice_payer_key }, { 40, towire_tlv_invoice_timestamp, fromwire_tlv_invoice_timestamp }, { 42, towire_tlv_invoice_payment_hash, fromwire_tlv_invoice_payment_hash }, { 44, towire_tlv_invoice_relative_expiry, fromwire_tlv_invoice_relative_expiry }, { 46, towire_tlv_invoice_cltv, fromwire_tlv_invoice_cltv }, { 48, towire_tlv_invoice_fallbacks, fromwire_tlv_invoice_fallbacks }, { 50, towire_tlv_invoice_payer_info, fromwire_tlv_invoice_payer_info }, { 52, towire_tlv_invoice_refund_signature, fromwire_tlv_invoice_refund_signature }, { 54, towire_tlv_invoice_send_invoice, fromwire_tlv_invoice_send_invoice }, { 64, towire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_basetime, fromwire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_basetime }, { 68, towire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_start, fromwire_tlv_invoice_recurrence_start }, { 240, towire_tlv_invoice_signature, fromwire_tlv_invoice_signature }, }; void towire_invoice(u8 **pptr, const struct tlv_invoice *record) { towire_tlv(pptr, tlvs_invoice, 24, record); } bool fromwire_invoice(const u8 **cursor, size_t *max, struct tlv_invoice *record) { return fromwire_tlv(cursor, max, tlvs_invoice, 24, record, &record->fields); } bool invoice_is_valid(const struct tlv_invoice *record, size_t *err_index) { return tlv_fields_valid(record->fields, err_index); } struct tlv_invoice_error *tlv_invoice_error_new(const tal_t *ctx) { /* Initialize everything to NULL. (Quiet, C pedants!) */ struct tlv_invoice_error *inst = talz(ctx, struct tlv_invoice_error); /* Initialized the fields to an empty array. */ inst->fields = tal_arr(inst, struct tlv_field, 0); return inst; } /* INVOICE_ERROR MSG: erroneous_field */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_error_erroneous_field(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_error *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->erroneous_field) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_tu64(&ptr, *r->erroneous_field); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_error_erroneous_field(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_error *r = vrecord; r->erroneous_field = tal(r, u64); *r->erroneous_field = fromwire_tu64(cursor, plen); } /* INVOICE_ERROR MSG: suggested_value */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_error_suggested_value(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_error *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->suggested_value) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_u8_array(&ptr, r->suggested_value, tal_count(r->suggested_value)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_error_suggested_value(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_error *r = vrecord; r->suggested_value = *plen ? tal_arr(r, u8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_u8_array(cursor, plen, r->suggested_value, *plen); } /* INVOICE_ERROR MSG: error */ static u8 *towire_tlv_invoice_error_error(const tal_t *ctx, const void *vrecord) { const struct tlv_invoice_error *r = vrecord; u8 *ptr; if (!r->error) return NULL; ptr = tal_arr(ctx, u8, 0); towire_utf8_array(&ptr, r->error, tal_count(r->error)); return ptr; } static void fromwire_tlv_invoice_error_error(const u8 **cursor, size_t *plen, void *vrecord) { struct tlv_invoice_error *r = vrecord; r->error = *plen ? tal_arr(r, utf8, *plen) : NULL; fromwire_utf8_array(cursor, plen, r->error, *plen); } static const struct tlv_record_type tlvs_invoice_error[] = { { 1, towire_tlv_invoice_error_erroneous_field, fromwire_tlv_invoice_error_erroneous_field }, { 3, towire_tlv_invoice_error_suggested_value, fromwire_tlv_invoice_error_suggested_value }, { 5, towire_tlv_invoice_error_error, fromwire_tlv_invoice_error_error }, }; void towire_invoice_error(u8 **pptr, const struct tlv_invoice_error *record) { towire_tlv(pptr, tlvs_invoice_error, 3, record); } bool fromwire_invoice_error(const u8 **cursor, size_t *max, struct tlv_invoice_error *record) { return fromwire_tlv(cursor, max, tlvs_invoice_error, 3, record, &record->fields); } bool invoice_error_is_valid(const struct tlv_invoice_error *record, size_t *err_index) { return tlv_fields_valid(record->fields, err_index); } // SHA256STAMP:b09ebf868d0b5b9792d0054bee17d763c1243d18c419847c554c63aefb7a8548