#ifndef LIGHTNING_STATE_TYPES_H #define LIGHTNING_STATE_TYPES_H /* FIXME: cdump is really dumb, so we put these in their own header. */ #include "lightning.pb-c.h" #define STATE_CLOSE_STEAL_BIT 1 #define STATE_CLOSE_SPENDTHEM_BIT 2 #define STATE_CLOSE_CLOSE_BIT 4 #define STATE_CLOSE_OURCOMMIT_BIT 8 #define STATE_CLOSE_SPENDOURS_BIT 16 enum state { STATE_INIT_NOANCHOR, STATE_INIT_WITHANCHOR, /* * Opening. */ STATE_OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_NOANCHOR, STATE_OPEN_WAIT_FOR_OPEN_WITHANCHOR, STATE_OPEN_WAIT_FOR_ANCHOR, STATE_OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMMIT_SIG, STATE_OPEN_WAITING_OURANCHOR, STATE_OPEN_WAITING_THEIRANCHOR, STATE_OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_OURANCHOR, STATE_OPEN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE_THEIRANCHOR, /* * Normal update loop. * * NOTE: High and low prios must alternate! */ STATE_NORMAL_LOWPRIO, STATE_NORMAL_HIGHPRIO, STATE_WAIT_FOR_HTLC_ACCEPT_LOWPRIO, STATE_WAIT_FOR_HTLC_ACCEPT_HIGHPRIO, STATE_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_ACCEPT_LOWPRIO, STATE_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_ACCEPT_HIGHPRIO, STATE_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_COMPLETE_LOWPRIO, STATE_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_COMPLETE_HIGHPRIO, STATE_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_SIG_LOWPRIO, STATE_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE_SIG_HIGHPRIO, /* * Closing. */ /* We told them to close, waiting for complete msg. */ STATE_WAIT_FOR_CLOSE_COMPLETE, /* They told us to close, waiting for ack msg. */ STATE_WAIT_FOR_CLOSE_ACK, /* * They can broadcast one or more revoked commit tx, or their latest * commit tx at any time. We respond to revoked commit txs by stealing * their funds (steal). We respond to their latest commit tx by * spending (spend_them). They can also (with our help) broadcast * a mutual close tx (mutual_close). * * We can also broadcast one of the following: * 1) Our latest commit tx (our_commit). * 2) After delay has passed, spend of our tx (spend_ours). * 3) Mutual close tx (mutual_close), already covered above. * * Thus, we could be waiting for the following combinations: * - steal * - spend_them * - steal + spend_them * - mutual_close * - steal + mutual_close * - spend_them + mutual_close * - steal + spend_them + mutual_close * * - our_commit * - steal + our_commit * - spend_them + our_commit * - steal + spend_them + our_commit * - mutual_close + our_commit * - steal + mutual_close + our_commit * - spend_them + mutual_close + our_commit * - steal + spend_them + mutual_close + our_commit * * - spend_ours * - steal + spend_ours * - spend_them + spend_ours * - steal + spend_them + spend_ours * - mutual_close + spend_ours * - steal + mutual_close + spend_ours * - spend_them + mutual_close + spend_ours * - steal + spend_them + mutual_close + spend_ours */ STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_SPENDTHEM, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_SPENDTHEM, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_CLOSE, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_CLOSE, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_SPENDTHEM_CLOSE, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_SPENDTHEM_CLOSE, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_OURCOMMIT, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_OURCOMMIT, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_SPENDTHEM_OURCOMMIT, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_SPENDTHEM_OURCOMMIT, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_CLOSE_OURCOMMIT, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_CLOSE_OURCOMMIT, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_SPENDTHEM_CLOSE_OURCOMMIT, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_SPENDTHEM_CLOSE_OURCOMMIT, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_SPENDOURS, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_SPENDOURS, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_SPENDTHEM_SPENDOURS, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_SPENDTHEM_SPENDOURS, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_CLOSE_SPENDOURS, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_CLOSE_SPENDOURS, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_SPENDTHEM_CLOSE_SPENDOURS, STATE_CLOSE_WAIT_STEAL_SPENDTHEM_CLOSE_SPENDOURS, /* All closed. */ STATE_CLOSED, /* * Where angels fear to tread. */ /* Their anchor didn't reach blockchain in reasonable time. */ STATE_ERR_ANCHOR_TIMEOUT, /* Anchor was double-spent, after both considered it sufficient depth. */ STATE_ERR_ANCHOR_LOST, /* A commitment tx we didn't recognise spent the anchor (impossible) */ STATE_ERR_INFORMATION_LEAK, /* We ended up in an unexpected state. */ STATE_ERR_INTERNAL, STATE_MAX }; enum state_input { /* Packet inputs. */ PKT_OPEN = PKT__PKT_OPEN, PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR = PKT__PKT_OPEN_ANCHOR, PKT_OPEN_COMMIT_SIG = PKT__PKT_OPEN_COMMIT_SIG, PKT_OPEN_COMPLETE = PKT__PKT_OPEN_COMPLETE, PKT_UPDATE = PKT__PKT_UPDATE, PKT_UPDATE_ADD_HTLC = PKT__PKT_UPDATE_ADD_HTLC, PKT_UPDATE_ACCEPT = PKT__PKT_UPDATE_ACCEPT, PKT_UPDATE_SIGNATURE = PKT__PKT_UPDATE_SIGNATURE, PKT_UPDATE_COMPLETE = PKT__PKT_UPDATE_COMPLETE, PKT_UPDATE_COMPLETE_HTLC = PKT__PKT_UPDATE_COMPLETE_HTLC, PKT_UPDATE_TIMEDOUT_HTLC = PKT__PKT_UPDATE_TIMEDOUT_HTLC, PKT_UPDATE_ROUTEFAIL_HTLC = PKT__PKT_UPDATE_ROUTEFAIL_HTLC, PKT_UPDATE_DECLINE_HTLC = PKT__PKT_UPDATE_DECLINE_HTLC, PKT_CLOSE = PKT__PKT_CLOSE, PKT_CLOSE_COMPLETE = PKT__PKT_CLOSE_COMPLETE, PKT_CLOSE_ACK = PKT__PKT_CLOSE_ACK, PKT_ERROR = PKT__PKT_ERROR, /* Non-packet inputs. */ INPUT_NONE, /* * Bitcoin events */ /* It reached the required depth. */ BITCOIN_ANCHOR_DEPTHOK, /* It didn't reach the required depth in time. */ BITCOIN_ANCHOR_TIMEOUT, /* It reached the required depth, then was forked off. */ BITCOIN_ANCHOR_UNSPENT, /* Anchor was spent by our commit, and we can now spend it. */ BITCOIN_ANCHOR_OURCOMMIT_DELAYPASSED, /* Anchor was spent by their commit tx. */ BITCOIN_ANCHOR_THEIRSPEND, /* Anchor was spent by another commit tx (eg. expired). */ BITCOIN_ANCHOR_OTHERSPEND, /* Our spend of their commit tx is completely buried. */ BITCOIN_SPEND_THEIRS_DONE, /* Our spend of our own tx is completely buried. */ BITCOIN_SPEND_OURS_DONE, /* Our spend of their revoked tx is completely buried. */ BITCOIN_STEAL_DONE, /* Bitcoin close transaction considered completely buried. */ BITCOIN_CLOSE_DONE, /* * Timeouts. */ INPUT_CLOSE_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT, /* Commands */ CMD_SEND_UPDATE, CMD_SEND_HTLC_UPDATE, CMD_SEND_HTLC_COMPLETE, CMD_SEND_HTLC_TIMEDOUT, CMD_SEND_HTLC_ROUTEFAIL, CMD_CLOSE, INPUT_MAX }; #endif /* LIGHTNING_STATE_TYPES_H */