lightning-fundpsbt -- Command to populate PSBT inputs from the wallet ================================================================ SYNOPSIS -------- **fundpsbt** *satoshi* *feerate* \[*minconf*\] \[*reserve*\] DESCRIPTION ----------- `fundpsbt` is a low-level RPC command which creates a PSBT using unreserved inputs in the wallet, optionally reserving them as well. *satoshi* is the minimum satoshi value of the output(s) needed (or the string "all" meaning use all unreserved inputs). If a value, it can be a whole number, a whole number ending in *sat*, a whole number ending in *000msat*, or a number with 1 to 8 decimal places ending in *btc*. You calculate the value by starting with the amount you want to pay and adding the fee which will be needed to pay for the base of the transaction plus that output, and any other outputs and inputs you will add to the final transaction. *feerate* is a number, with an optional suffix: *perkw* means the number is interpreted as satoshi-per-kilosipa (weight), and *perkb* means it is interpreted bitcoind-style as satoshi-per-kilobyte. Omitting the suffix is equivalent to *perkb*. *minconf* specifies the minimum number of confirmations that used outputs should have. Default is 1. *reserve* is a boolean: if true (the default), then *reserveinputs* is called (successfully, with *exclusive* true) on the returned PSBT. RETURN VALUE ------------ On success, returns the *psbt* containing the inputs, and *excess_msat* containing the amount above *satoshi* which is available. This could be zero, or dust. If *satoshi* was "all", then *excess_msat* is the entire amount once fees are subtracted for the weights of the inputs. If *reserve* was true, then a *reservations* array is returned, exactly like *reserveinputs*. On error the returned object will contain `code` and `message` properties, with `code` being one of the following: - -32602: If the given parameters are wrong. - -1: Catchall nonspecific error. - 301: Insufficient UTXOs to meet *satoshi* value. AUTHOR ------ Rusty Russell <> is mainly responsible. SEE ALSO -------- lightning-reserveinputs(7), lightning-unreserveinputs(7). RESOURCES --------- Main web site: