You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

21 lines
668 B

#!/usr/bin/env bash
: "${EXPOSE_TCP:=false}"
if [ "$EXPOSE_TCP" == "true" ]; then
set -m
lightningd "$@" &
echo "C-Lightning starting"
while read -r i; do if [ "$i" = "lightning-rpc" ]; then break; fi; done \
< <(inotifywait -e create,open --format '%f' --quiet "${networkdatadir}" --monitor)
echo "C-Lightning started"
echo "C-Lightning started, RPC available on port $LIGHTNINGD_RPC_PORT"
socat "TCP4-listen:$LIGHTNINGD_RPC_PORT,fork,reuseaddr" "UNIX-CONNECT:${networkdatadir}/lightning-rpc" &
fg %-
exec lightningd --network="${LIGHTNINGD_NETWORK}" "$@"