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#include "config.h"
#include "bitcoin/locktime.h"
#include "bitcoin/privkey.h"
#include "bitcoin/pubkey.h"
#include "bitcoin/script.h"
#include "bitcoin/shadouble.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include "failure.h"
#include "feechange.h"
#include "htlc.h"
#include "lightning.pb-c.h"
#include "netaddr.h"
#include "protobuf_convert.h"
#include "state.h"
#include <ccan/crypto/sha256/sha256.h>
#include <ccan/crypto/shachain/shachain.h>
#include <ccan/list/list.h>
#include <ccan/time/time.h>
struct anchor_input {
struct sha256_double txid;
unsigned int index;
/* Amount of input (satoshis) */
u64 amount;
/* Wallet entry to use to spend. */
struct wallet *w;
/* Information we remember for their commitment txs which we signed.
* Given the commit_num, we can use shachain to derive the revocation preimage
* (if we've received it yet: we might have not, for the last).
struct their_commit {
struct list_node list;
struct sha256_double txid;
u64 commit_num;
struct commit_info {
/* Commit number (0 == from open) */
u64 commit_num;
/* Revocation hash. */
struct sha256 revocation_hash;
/* Commit tx & txid */
struct bitcoin_tx *tx;
struct sha256_double txid;
/* Channel state for this tx. */
struct channel_state *cstate;
/* Other side's signature for last commit tx (if known) */
struct bitcoin_signature *sig;
/* Order which commit was sent (theirs) / revocation was sent (ours) */
s64 order;
struct peer_visible_state {
enum state_input offer_anchor;
/* Key for commitment tx inputs, then key for commitment tx outputs */
struct pubkey commitkey, finalkey;
/* How long to they want the other's outputs locked (blocks) */
struct rel_locktime locktime;
/* Minimum depth of anchor before channel usable. */
unsigned int mindepth;
/* Commitment fee they're offering (satoshi). */
u64 commit_fee_rate;
/* Revocation hash for next commit tx. */
struct sha256 next_revocation_hash;
/* Commit txs: last one is current. */
struct commit_info *commit;
/* cstate to generate next commitment tx. */
struct channel_state *staging_cstate;
/* Off peer->outgoing_txs */
struct outgoing_tx {
struct list_node list;
const struct bitcoin_tx *tx;
struct sha256_double txid;
struct peer {
/* dstate->peers list */
struct list_node list;
/* State in state machine. */
enum state state;
/* Network connection. */
struct io_conn *conn;
/* Are we connected now? (Crypto handshake completed). */
bool connected;
/* If we're doing an open, this is the command which triggered it */
struct command *open_jsoncmd;
/* If we're doing a commit, this is the command which triggered it */
struct command *commit_jsoncmd;
/* Global state. */
struct lightningd_state *dstate;
/* Their ID. */
struct pubkey *id;
/* Order counter for transmission of revocations/commitments. */
s64 order_counter;
/* Current received packet. */
Pkt *inpkt;
/* Queue of output packets. */
Pkt **outpkt;
/* Their commitments we have signed (which could appear on chain). */
struct list_head their_commits;
/* Number of commitment signatures we've received. */
u64 their_commitsigs;
/* Anchor tx output */
struct {
struct sha256_double txid;
unsigned int index;
u64 satoshis;
u8 *witnessscript;
/* Minimum possible depth for anchor */
unsigned int min_depth;
/* If we're creating anchor, this tells us where to source it */
struct anchor_input *input;
/* If we created it, we keep entire tx. */
const struct bitcoin_tx *tx;
/* Depth to trigger anchor if still opening, or -1. */
int ok_depth;
/* Did we create anchor? */
bool ours;
} anchor;
struct {
/* Their signature for our current commit sig. */
struct bitcoin_signature theirsig;
/* The watch we have on a live commit tx. */
struct txwatch *watch;
} cur_commit;
/* Counter to make unique HTLC ids. */
u64 htlc_id_counter;
/* Mutual close info. */
struct {
/* Our last suggested closing fee. */
u64 our_fee;
/* If they've offered a signature, these are set: */
struct bitcoin_signature *their_sig;
/* If their_sig is non-NULL, this is the fee. */
u64 their_fee;
/* scriptPubKey we/they want for closing. */
u8 *our_script, *their_script;
/* Last sent (in case we need to retransmit) */
s64 shutdown_order, closing_order;
/* How many closing sigs have we receieved? */
u32 sigs_in;
} closing;
/* If we're closing on-chain */
struct {
/* Everything (watches, resolved[], etc) tal'ed off this:
* The commit which spends the anchor tx. */
const struct bitcoin_tx *tx;
struct sha256_double txid;
/* If >= 0, indicates which txout is to us and to them. */
int to_us_idx, to_them_idx;
/* Maps what txouts are HTLCs (NULL implies to_us/them_idx). */
struct htlc **htlcs;
/* Witness scripts for each output (where appropriate) */
const u8 **wscripts;
/* The tx which resolves each txout. */
const struct bitcoin_tx **resolved;
} onchain;
/* All HTLCs. */
struct htlc_map htlcs;
/* We only track one feechange per state: last one counts. */
struct feechange *feechanges[FEECHANGE_STATE_INVALID];
/* Current ongoing packetflow */
struct io_data *io_data;
/* What happened. */
struct log *log;
/* Things we're watching for (see watches.c) */
struct list_head watches;
/* Bitcoin transctions we're broadcasting (see chaintopology.c) */
struct list_head outgoing_txs;
/* Timeout for collecting changes before sending commit. */
struct oneshot *commit_timer;
/* Private keys for dealing with this peer. */
struct peer_secrets *secrets;
/* Our route connection to peer: NULL until we are in normal mode. */
struct node_connection *nc;
/* For testing. */
bool fake_close;
bool output_enabled;
/* Stuff we have in common. */
struct peer_visible_state local, remote;
/* If we have sent a new commit tx, but not received their revocation */
struct sha256 *their_prev_revocation_hash;
/* this is where we will store their revocation preimages*/
struct shachain their_preimages;
/* Mapping for id -> network address. */
struct peer_address {
struct list_node list;
struct pubkey id;
struct netaddr addr;
void setup_listeners(struct lightningd_state *dstate, unsigned int portnum);
struct peer *find_peer(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const struct pubkey *id);
struct peer *find_peer_by_pkhash(struct lightningd_state *dstate, const u8 *pkhash);
struct peer *new_peer(struct lightningd_state *dstate,
struct log *log,
enum state state,
enum state_input offer_anchor);
/* Populates very first peer->{local,remote}.commit->{tx,cstate} */
bool setup_first_commit(struct peer *peer);
/* Whenever we send a signature, remember the txid -> commit_num mapping */
void peer_add_their_commit(struct peer *peer,
const struct sha256_double *txid, u64 commit_num);
/* Allocate a new commit_info struct. */
struct commit_info *new_commit_info(const tal_t *ctx, u64 commit_num);
/* Freeing removes from map, too */
struct htlc *peer_new_htlc(struct peer *peer,
u64 id,
u64 msatoshi,
const struct sha256 *rhash,
u32 expiry,
const u8 *route,
size_t route_len,
struct htlc *src,
enum htlc_state state);
const char *command_htlc_add(struct peer *peer, u64 msatoshi,
unsigned int expiry,
const struct sha256 *rhash,
struct htlc *src,
const u8 *route,
enum fail_error *error_code,
struct htlc **htlc);
void peer_unexpected_pkt(struct peer *peer, const Pkt *pkt, const char *where);
/* Peer has an issue, breakdown and fail. */
void peer_fail(struct peer *peer, const char *caller);
/* Peer has completed open, or problem (if non-NULL). */
void peer_open_complete(struct peer *peer, const char *problem);
struct bitcoin_tx *peer_create_close_tx(struct peer *peer, u64 fee);
void debug_dump_peers(struct lightningd_state *dstate);
void reconnect_peers(struct lightningd_state *dstate);
void cleanup_peers(struct lightningd_state *dstate);