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.\" Title: lightning-connect
.\" Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.79.1 <>
.\" Date: 04/26/2018
.\" Manual: \ \&
.\" Source: \ \&
.\" Language: English
.TH "LIGHTNING\-CONNECT" "7" "04/26/2018" "\ \&" "\ \&"
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lightning-connect \- Command for connecting to another lightning node\&.
\fBconnect\fR \fInode_id\fR[@(\fIip_addr\fR|\fIhostname\fR)[:\*(Aqport\*(Aq]]
\fBconnect\fR \fInode_id\fR[ (\fIip_addr\fR|\fIhostname\fR)[:\*(Aqport\*(Aq]]
The \fBconnect\fR RPC command establishes a new connection with another node in the Lightning Network\&.
\fInode_id\fR represents the target node\(cqs public key and \fIip_addr\fR can be either IPv4 or IPv6\&.
If not specified the \fIport\fR is assumed to be 9375 (default lightning port)\&.
If neither \fIip_addr\fR or \fIhostname\fR is specified, connection will be attempted to an IP belonging to \fInode_id\fR learned through gossip with other already connected peers
Connecting to a node is just the first step in opening a channel with another node, once the peer is connected a channel can be opened with lightning\-fundchannel(7)
On success the response will include just the peer id (peer\(cqs public key)
If \fInode_id\fR or \fIip_addr\fR are invalid or if \fIhostname\fR can\(cqt be resolved to a valid IP address an error message will be returned\&. An error will also be returned if the simplified version (only \fInode_id\fR) is used and there\(cqs no published IP for the peer\&. \fBconnect\fR will make up to 10(?) attempts to connect to the peer before giving up
Felix <fixone@gmail\&.com> is mainly responsible\&.
lightning\-fundchannel(7), lightning\-listpeers(7), lightning\-listchannels(7), lightning\-disconnect(7)
Main web site: https://github\&.com/ElementsProject/lightning